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Board: /an/

"/an/ - Animals & Nature" is 4chan's imageboard for posting pictures of animals, pets, and nature.

No title
This is an anomalocaris. Say something nice about him.
37 media | 101 replies
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Behold, the perfect organism
0 media | 0 replies
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the raccoon
64 media | 104 replies
/herp/ - Reptile & Amphibian General
Diploglossus monotropis
Rainbow Galliwasp Edition

previous: >>4929845

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the Reptilia and Amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal
>Enclosure dimensions
>Humidity and temperature
>Type of substrate
>The decor you use
>How often you feed
>The type of food you use
>If your animal is wild caught or captive bred
>How often you handle
>Who you bought the animal from

Other Helpful Resources
25 media | 179 replies
/plant/ - Patchouli Edition
Welcome to /plant/, the happy green place on this blue board, where growers, gardeners and horticulturists share their love for things that grow.

Newbies and amateurs are very welcome, and we’ll always try to answer your questions.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

>Pests and Diseases

>Thousands of Botanical Illustrations

>Cacti and Succulents

>Carnivorous plants

>Alpine plants


>How to Make a Terrarium

Previously on /plant/
60 media | 201 replies
Best Monke Thread
Americas Monkes mog the rest of the world.
>"B-but muh hecking le-sciencerino's doesn't recognize it officially!"
You have to go back. Also, there's enough eyewitness accounts and logical arguments for its existence to not be considered paranormal. Also, they probably have a higher cortical neuron count as their brains are massive.
5 media | 23 replies
No title
What kind of mouse is this? I see it has a long nose and its squeak is completely different from other mice, it has very loud screech
0 media | 2 replies
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This is the most harmless creature on Earth.
0 media | 6 replies
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What's the deal with cyanobacterias?

Why wont they simply die?
0 media | 0 replies
burnt out
my dog is in her late teens, and at least for now looks like she will live until 20+

i dont want pets anymore, im really burned out

but ive had her for nearly 20 years now so i cant just give her away

im so burned out from picking up dog shit, having to know where she is, whats she doing, etc

i miss the dog free lifestyle, i pretty much cucked my 20s and 30s because of me getting this dog when i moved out at 18

tfw i cant rewind time to my 20s and be dog free

I really dont understand what people get out of owing dogs or any pets for that matter

its a gigantic waste of time, energy, resources....all of which could be spent better in other ways
0 media | 2 replies
/jg/ - Jefrey General #8 - Murder Weapon Edition
Previously on /jg/ >>4932619

Who is Jefrey (with one F) and why should you care?
He was found abandoned in some bushes late one night, filthy and covered in fleas back in mid-July 2024. He’s growing up fast, and enjoys car rides, climbing trees, fetching his ball, playgrounds, and capybaras. Some believe him to be a goblin or gremlin. He was named after the Pixies song “Space (I Believe In)”.

Jefrey suffers from severe ear-ectile dysfunction.

Originally posted him here back in July 2024 seeking advice for potential health problems due to his folded ears, some /an/ons wanted more of him, and so now you’re stuck with him.
29 media | 46 replies
No title
Horse General

Winter of our Hopelessness

Thread that got made to lie down for a German show - >>4911995
107 media | 233 replies
No title
This shit kills 4 billion birds annually and nobody cares
21 media | 250 replies
Ape thread
Discuss the apes of Africa and Asia.
49 media | 92 replies
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ITT: Logos containing animals
11 media | 16 replies
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Whatever you think of him or his content, he's really living all of our childhood dream.
0 media | 9 replies
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>The Devils Hole pupfish (Cyprinodon diabolis) is a critically endangered species of the family Cyprinodontidae (pupfishes) found only in Devils Hole, a water-filled cavern in the US state of Nevada.
>Nearby agricultural irrigation in the 1960s and 1970s caused the water to drop in Devils Hole, resulting in less and less of the shelf remaining submerged.
>The Cappaert family's attorney decried that the Supreme Court had chosen the interests of a fish over people, and a newspaper editor from nearby Pahrump threatened to dump a pesticide into Devils Hole to kill them all.[55] In response to bumper stickers that read "Save the Pupfish" distributed by the Desert Fishes Council, Nye County Commissioner Robert Rudd produced bumper stickers that said "Kill the Pupfish".[56] The Cappaert family sold the ranch in the late 1970s.[55]
>Yeah kill'em! Kill them all!
Why are they like this?
6 media | 70 replies
No title
>Are you a truffle?
9 media | 28 replies
Wolf thread
Everyone always asks "Where wolf"
Nobody ever asks "Why wolf?"
130 media | 188 replies
No title
>"The world is cruel and unjust, everything and everyone is out killing or being killed, there is no concern outside for mates and offspring"
>Leopard Seal tries to feed photographer penguins, despite it having no benefit whatsoever
What the fuck
26 media | 198 replies
Human Thread
Let's have a thread for the greatest animal on Earth.
0 media | 7 replies
No title
>buying dogs from a breeder is bad!!!! Adopt!!!!!
So what if I wanted a loyal golden retriever instead of some fucking hapsburg monstrosity of a pit bull mix that will die if I don't tend to him 24/7 and trained to bite anything it sees?
0 media | 3 replies
Coyote Hunt Organizer Says She's Getting Death Threats Over Upcoming Event
Sorry losers, but your cats WILL be eaten.

The Song Dog Shootout is about local predator control and nothing more, Busselle said.

As they have in years past, residents organized the hunt because the area’s coyote population has boomed, and coyotes are killing pets, livestock and poultry, Busselle said.

“The coyotes have gotten really bad here,” she said. “It (the hunting contest) is nothing more than predator management.”

Busselle said that one person in particular, Austin, Texas-based social media influencer Jonas Black, has been spreading misinformation about the Song Dog Shootout.

Because of backlash over the coyote hunt, Busselle said that she and some people close to her have been flooded with angry, and sometimes threatening, phone calls and messages as a result.
2 media | 67 replies
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Get fucked!
10 media | 249 replies
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we are losing the battle...
12 media | 64 replies
How do I stop my cat's cooming addction?
Almost every day my male cat masturbates by humping the air and cums while laying on my bed. I've literally petted him and accidentally got coom on my hands. I worry that it's become an addiction for him, there's no other cats around so maybe he's just lonely but I'm worried for his mental health.
>inb4 troll post
I'm not, I would post a vid but blue board n all
0 media | 17 replies
Dogs improve ecosystems. Cats ruin them.
This dingo is removing an invasive pest. By preying on cats, dingoes are rescuing the Night Parrot, one of the rarest species in the world, from extinction.

>Having identified the night parrots by sound, the team moved on to studying threats to the endangered species using camera traps. They found that dingoes were the most present predators in the area—but the large, wild dogs were busy eating feral cats, which the team suspects are the real key predators of night parrots. So dingoes, they suggest, are actually protecting the night parrot population.

Other canids like coyotes and huskies also help keep the outdoor cat population in check.
19 media | 162 replies
Bird Talons
You know what time it is?
59 media | 75 replies
No title
Do you like cocks, /an/?
2 media | 8 replies
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Our retarded orange worthless faggot stopped using the litterbox for no reason. We did move home but he used it as always like normal for about a month here. Pissing and shitting on the floor. Did not change litter or wash box with anything but water. What are some reasons this is happening, aside from the obvious answer that hes a braindead turd? I want to get rid of him but hes my moms cat.
2 media | 13 replies
We're back.
And we're taking your ice cream!
82 media | 153 replies
Imagine being a man and owning a CAT
Men who own cats are objectively beta manlets and suffer from higher rates of depression and mental illness. This is the face of the median male cat owner.
9 media | 53 replies
No title
>Look tiger in the eye
>Tiger perceives this as an aggression and attacks
>Turn your back on the tiger
>Tiger perceives this as an opening to attack you
What a retarded species. Is this why they always look to their side?
10 media | 75 replies
Moo Deng LITERALLY eats shit.
Yes, that's really Moo Deng:

Elephants, koalas, and pandas also do this.
15 media | 200 replies
Pussy Squad
>*sips vegan caramel mocha latte with 10 pumps of sugar-free vanilla*
>"Anyone thinks dolphins are the cutest fish ever?!"
>"They're so smooth looking and they speak in squeaks!"
>*turns to (You)*
>"What's your favorite fish, Anon?"
100 media | 163 replies
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Why did humans have to massacre so many whales?
14 media | 130 replies
10 media | 51 replies
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Leave Earhart to me.
16 media | 115 replies
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If you could take one species of animal, and establish a new population of them somewhere else on the globe, what would be your choice? (it can be for good or for evil)

I want cheetahs in Australia
5 media | 38 replies
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what's your favorite sea animal? i like shrimps, they look like they could become hyperintelligent if they learned how to use all those extra-hands for something useful
4 media | 6 replies
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Baby Monkey Lives Matter
9 media | 117 replies
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Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 07-00-05 Big Bear Bald Eagle Live Nest - Cam 1 - YouTube
it's that time of year folks. eagle cam in the Big Bear Valley in CA
18 media | 96 replies
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put this guy in a situation
71 media | 148 replies
A thread for all birdbros to commiserate and unite against their common enemy.

Official Thread Video:
22 media | 117 replies
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Deer thread

If you do not deer ITT your mother will die in her sleep tonight edition

>>4935686 - old thread
40 media | 99 replies
You're obliged to bring back 10 extinct species
Populations of 1k each picked specimens will be immediately delivered to chosen bioms.

I won't be original or diverse in my choice. Mostly various moderate-sized Carnosaurs (with a couple exceptions) to give them another chance.
- Allosaurus (all three known species)
- Sinraptor
- Neovenator
- Concavenator
- Metriacantosaurus
- Carcharodonthosaurus
- Saurophaganax (if it exists, if not - than Megalosaurus)
- Yutyrannus (HONORARY "Carnosaur" for the cold climate)
26 media | 141 replies
/bun/ General
/bun/ General

VideoGaems Edition
29 media | 43 replies
No title
unnamed (22)
>Google if animal is a good pet
>Results say soem shit like "No it's a wild animal and does not make a good." And so on and so on
>Videos I see online with people keekping the animals as pets say otherwise
I'm convinced theirs just some kind of scheme going on here. I get that the average person probably can't keep most animals as pets but if you put in the effort there's no reason it shouldn't be possible.
Of course excluding money and ludicrous animals like Gorillas, Chimps and lions.
18 media | 213 replies
/aq/ Aquarium general
aq you lazy bones edition
Bunch of links nobody needs or cares about it reads

How do you guys like my new Betta? I named him Liu Feng, he's the biggest betta I have ever seen in my life.
38 media | 194 replies
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Could a T. Rex die of bird flu if it existed back then?
0 media | 7 replies
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crying apu
Are the Beta Fish in those little plastic tupperware’s at Pet Stores ok?
1 media | 7 replies
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Is it safe to pet a bear if it seems friendly?
4 media | 14 replies
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What if orcas are actually smarter than us but they simply lack the environment and biology to develop civilization?
13 media | 142 replies
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>"the charges,officer?"
4 media | 18 replies
Toadline /bread/
Idk alot but man theese threads usually make laugh like hyena so lets get one going iv had a really terrible day :(
8 media | 18 replies
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Microraptor is the source of ALL claims of feathers in non-birds and is fruit of the poison tree. It can never be a valid taxon because it's based on a hoax.

13 media | 103 replies
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Screenshot 2024-09-29 at 8.02.35 PM
Check out my cat
3 media | 8 replies
(RIP) my dog Otis died from his own farts
Screenshot 2025-02-20 104714
Otis, my beloved white poodle, passed away unexpectedly due to complications following colon surgery. Despite the procedure's initial success, his recovery was complicated by excessive gas buildup, which led to severe discomfort and, ultimately, his tragic passing. Otis had always been a source of joy and companionship, with his playful nature and affectionate demeanor leaving a lasting imprint on everyone who knew him. His sudden loss serves as a heartbreaking reminder of how fragile our furry friends can be, even after what seems like a routine medical procedure. Though he's no longer by my side, the memories of his warm cuddles, curious antics, and unwavering loyalty will forever hold a special place in my heart. should I sue? I'm not sure what to do.
0 media | 4 replies
Apartment pet
I live in a small studio apartment by myself and I have a busy schedule that usually has me out of the apartment for 12+ hours in a day but not all the time. I get lonely and want a pet. I think my apartment is too small for a cat or dog to not get insanely bored or claustrophobic in. What would be a good small apartment-sized pet that doesn't require constant attention and can bear long periods of solitude?
>inb4 fish or lizard
I don't want something that will require me to get a big ass habitat tank for it
0 media | 2 replies
No title
do fish make bubbles when they breathe? or is it only in videogames?
0 media | 4 replies
why is it considered gay to like certain animals?
I have a few fox stickers on my phone and I took it out in front of my coworker and he laughed in my face and asked me if it was my girlfriend's phone. I said no and he started calling me gay and even implied I was a furry, why is it gay to like foxes? I doubt he'd have the same reaction if I had gorilla or lion stickers. I just really like foxes and find them cute
10 media | 59 replies
No title
How can anyone go swimming far offshore in shark waters?
18 media | 203 replies
green iguana lovers
Is it more cheap to keep a green iguana free roaming indoor while still having a bunch of basking/heat areas?
0 media | 8 replies
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1 media | 27 replies
How come there are no marine or aquatic primates?
There are marine ungulates (cetaceans), marine/aquatic carnivores and mustelids (pinnipeds, otters), aquatic rodents (beavers), but no primate species that can be considered marine or even semi-aquatic in its lifestyle.
4 media | 26 replies
No title
I do not care for the nematode. It encysts upon itself.
1 media | 5 replies
First thread was a success. Let's do it again with more species.

Orca - 21,000,000,000
Human - 16,340,000,000
Pilot whale - 13,966,000,000
Bottlenose dolphin - 12,700,000,000
Beluga - 10,000,000,000
Sea otter - 10,000,000,000
Western gorilla - 9,100,000,000
Orangutan - 8,900,000,000
Chimpanzee - 7,400,000,000
Asian elephant - 6,775,000,000
Bonobo - 6,250,000,000
Blue whale - 5,000,000,000
Elephant seal - 3,994,000,000
Walrus - 3,929,000,000
Mandrill - 3,102,000,000
Hyacinth macaw - 2,944,000,000
Giraffe - 1,731,000,000
Rhesus macaque - 1,710,000,000
Kea - 1,281,000,000
Snowy owl - 1,270,000,000
Raven - 1,204,000,000
Horse - 1,200,000,000
Harp seal - 1,168,000,000
Sulphur-crested cockatoo - 1,135,000,000
German Shepherd - 885,460,000
Grey parrot - 850,000,000
Beagle - 844,410,000
Greater kudu - 762,570,000
Golden retriever - 627,000,000
Yorkshire Terrier - 572,140,000
Blesbok - 570,670,000
Lion - 545,240,000
Chihuahua - 513,330,000
Striped hyena - 495,280,000
Raccoon - 453,000,000
Emu - 439,000,000
Barn owl - 437,000,000
Domestic pig - 425,000,000
Red fox - 355,010,000
Capybara - 306,500,000
Brown bear - 250,970,000
House cat - 249,830,000
Wild turkey - 105,654,000
Rabbit - 71,450,000
Guinea pig - 43,510,000
Hedgehog - 24,000,000
Mouse - 14,000,000
Honey bee - 170,000
30 media | 300 replies
Enough about dogs vs cats. What about Caniformia vs. Feliformia?
- Ailuridae (red pandas)
- Canidae (dogs)
- Mephitidae (skunks)
- Mustelidae (otters, badgers, wolverines, ferrets, weasels, minks)
- Odobenidae (walruses)
- Otariidae (eared seals, sea lions)
- Phocidae (earless seals)
- Procyonidae (raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos)
- Ursidae (bears)

- Eupleridae (Malagasy mongooses, fossas)
- Felidae (cats)
- Herpestidae (most mongooses)
- Hyaenidae (hyenas, aardwolves)
- Nandiniidae (African palm civets)
- Prionodontidae (linsangs)
- Viverridae (civets, genets, binturongs, oyans)

This looks like a lopsided victory for TEAM CANIFORMIA on every metric: intelligence, predatory ability, strength, variety, cuteness, etc.
12 media | 70 replies
No title
We're having one of the fastest extinctions events in history and all people care about are egg prices.

Half of all animals face won't exist 75 years from now and yet we're not making serious changes to society.
4 media | 22 replies
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13 media | 130 replies
Wild elephant kills tourist trying to save his grandchildren in Kruger National Park
Why are they like this?

>The tourist's identity has not been released, but according to the South African news outlet IOL, the victim protected his grandchildren when they got out of the vehicle.

>The animal "charged and trampled" the victim on Saturday, according to a news release. Park officials responded to the area to help the tourist's family.
4 media | 50 replies
Bird thread
Phylloscopus inornatus
Post birds, appreciate birds
62 media | 101 replies
No title
Animal camouflage
2 media | 2 replies
We should not use chinese names for classification
I understand that China is far removed from Europe and our culture, and I think if I were Chinese I would fully support naming everything in Mandarin. That's not the problem. The problem is we "westerners" have a long standing tradition of giving things their scientific name in ancient Greek and Latin and that tradition should remain. We should not be uttering "lingbingwulinglong" or what ever the fuck, but instead we should accept that as the Chinese name and give the species a greek/latin name as we always have. And no, we should not be naming new discoveries in Scottish Gaelic either and i'm an ulster Irish man saying this. I wouldn't expect a chinese or asian person to speak in greek or latin, and don't expect any westerner to even attempt a Chinese pronunciation, however any Euro or New Worlder can be comfortable enough with the latin greek names with only a little bit of education. There should be a standard, we should not be adding all the languages of the world into scientific naming. Asia can do what ever they want, they should probably make their own standard, I don't really care
33 media | 263 replies
There's been a new rex femur discovered. Real or Gay?
6 media | 45 replies
Mouse issue
I recently moved to an old house, which I will be significantly renovating, so it's currently totally cluttered with building materials and my stuff I brought. It's been completely overrun by mice.
It started weeks ago with just a few mice, I kept catching and throwing them out, but the were coming back, or new ones kept coming. I didn't want to use poison, because when one died it took me days to find while I couldn't stand the smell and I also watched a mouse who ate too little poison dying for hours. they unsurprisingly reproduced and now there's a shitload of small mice running around and droppings everywhere, I suspect that now there's probably almost 20 of mice total and I'm losing my mind. I now finally managed to find and close up the probable openings they used and I'm wondering what to do with them. I'd like to avoid killing them if possible, because the small ones are very trusting and even try to huddle up to me if I sit still (I know they're just vermin and I'm being retarded, but still), but throwing them out at this point is probably a bad death sentence anyway.
I wonder if it's feasible to keep them in a huge cage throughout the winter, but I suspect they'll suffer in captivity and it'd be more humane to kill them. if so, what's the best way to do it to ensure they won't decompose in various nooks?
46 media | 274 replies
No title
RIP that one anon's petrel thread from 2023

I'll make you this new one.
62 media | 80 replies
No title
>nature is... le good!
6 media | 74 replies
No title
>hey anon, did you know that secretary bird eggs are more than 2 inches wide?
14 media | 23 replies
This animal is whimsically awesome I think
7 media | 18 replies
Herpetological Meccas
The best places to see a wide variety of rare and interesting reptiles and/or amphibians. I only know America well so other anons will have to tell us if Europe/Australia has locations of this caliber.

REPTILANDIA in Johnson City, Texas.

National Amphibian Conservation Center at the Detroit Zoo:

Museum of Living Art at the Fort Worth Zoo:

Promedica Museum of Natural History + Reptile House at the Toledo Zoo:

LAIR at the Los Angeles Zoo:

Charles H. Hoessle Herpetarium at the Saint Louis Zoo:

Scaly, Slimy, Spectacular at Zoo Atlanta:
0 media | 11 replies
What's your favorite bird of prey?
Mine is the mighty MARTIAL EAGLE.

You can read more about their interesting predatory habits here:
24 media | 73 replies
No title
aria lee sucking her teachers cock
Billions of creatures exist on this planet. Sentient beings, each one of them. Look up at the moon, do you wonder what animal is looking up at it as you are? We're all animals.
0 media | 3 replies
No title
Animals aren't people, don't forget that.
41 media | 266 replies
/se/ - Speculative Evolution General
Speculative evolution is the exploration and imagining of how life might evolve in the future or could have evolved in alternate pasts. It's a multimedia sci-fi genre that harnesses scientific principles to create detailed and plausible hypothetical creatures, ecosystems, and evolutionary histories.

>One-stop shop for relevant background information for starting a project
>Fantastic blog covering all sorts of spec evo topics in-depth
>The Speculative Evolution forums, full of resources and ongoing projects

>Link to a PDF of Wayne Barlowe’s “Expedition”, a seminal work of speculative evolution full of incredible paintings and illustrations [Embed]
>”The Future is Wild”, a CGI documentary following the evolution of life on Earth in the far future
>Dougal Dixon, arguably the father of speculative evolution. These are links to PDF’s of his books “After Man”, “The New Dinosaurs”, and “Man After Man” [Embed]
26 media | 86 replies
No title
Are you a cat person or a dog person?
39 media | 199 replies
No title
>Walk near random crow
>Flies away faster than any bird at a distance
>Proceeds to stalk me from power lines and trees my entire walk around the block like they think I can't see them
>Follows me
0 media | 5 replies
No title
Breed of peace does it again
2 media | 6 replies
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Wels Catfish Seine
Could we release these Wels catfish in the US to decimate the Asian carps?
4 media | 17 replies
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i made wojaks of my favorite goobers
32 media | 113 replies
No title
Fat tree lol
2 media | 5 replies
No title
Stop eating chicken
9 media | 176 replies
Feb special
Take the turtle bridge to page 10 for FREE!

Tolls are waived for the rest of the month.
2 media | 6 replies
No title
Is this something we can talk about?
0 media | 11 replies
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Post baby animals that almost look like different species from their adult forms.
15 media | 26 replies
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TIL there are scorpions that live in Europe.
2 media | 9 replies
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Shoebill thread
64 media | 81 replies
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maxresdefault (5)
My cousin has a giant shitbull in her house that has attacked and badly injured another one of their dogs, is aggressive to strangers, refuses to listen to them and occasionally even growls AT THEM. But they insist he's just a silly goofball and it was the other dog's fault for provoking him and he wouldn't hurt a fly normally. She went to two dog trainers after the incident and both told her the dog is out of control and dangerous which caused her to get mad at them and is now "training" the dog herself. She had multiple other relatives also telling her this is dangerous etc. but she also refuses to listen to them. They have a 0 year old baby in the house btw.
1 media | 26 replies
No title
Are dolphins evil?
11 media | 117 replies
No title
Cats could never do this work in a million years. Dogs won.
11 media | 130 replies
No title
Would pests be more accepted in a home if they found a way to make you cum as consolation for what they do to your home?
2 media | 21 replies
Cormorants and Shags
New thread to replace the one that was lost in the great delete.
Anhingas welcome also.
Promoting Cormorant awareness and appreciation, one post at a time.
75 media | 84 replies
/fox/ - Fox General
It's Cold - Let Them Inside Edition

Love Foxes, Pawst Foxes

Previously on /fox/:
150 media | 244 replies
Are isopods good beginner invertebrates?
dairy cow
I'm looking into setting up a terrarium for dairy cow isopods as my first terrestrial invertebrate set up.
Are they beginner friendly or should I consider something else like an ant colony?
My goal is something that is low maintenance and I plan on making a bioactive set up.
Also will I need an anti-vibration pad or will an aquarium leveling mat work?
4 media | 12 replies
How to control inlaws' dog?
My inlaws have a ~15lb Yorkie mix that barks constantly, will nip at people, and tries to bite kids. Considering my wife insists on bringing our 4 y/o son over there, this is becoming a problem. The inlaws have tried training programs, but only one of them isn't actively working against training when at home, and they don't really know WTF they're doing.

What can I do to make the dog fuck off while we're there? I want to avoid actually harming him, but fuck me he's the worst little shit I've ever dealt with. Never thought I'd meet a dog I didn't like until they decided to buy his retarded ass from a puppy mill.
0 media | 6 replies
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1 media | 10 replies
Boletus Satanas.
How come a mushroom be so ominous? How does it look so threatening? Why does it look so evil and their vibe is so wrong its beyond human language comprehension? This mushrooms looks like it could and would unleash the hell when you look at it wrong.
Answer me /an/ons
3 media | 8 replies
No title
>makes /an/ seethe
0 media | 1 replies
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it's as shrimple as that
I crave violence
1 media | 8 replies
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Look at this stupid little thing. Isn't it ridiculous?
0 media | 3 replies
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Screenshot 2024-09-20 164152
Fucking pigs.
13 media | 295 replies
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who is really ''man's best friend''?
1 media | 10 replies
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post real animals
13 media | 21 replies
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>hyraxes are creatures of little power, yet they make their home in the crags; ...
- Proverbs 30:26
1 media | 9 replies
/jg/ - Jefrey General #7 - Ball Edition
previously on /jg/ >>4913581

Who is Jefrey (with one F) and why should you care?
He was found abandoned in some bushes late one night, filthy and covered in fleas back in mid-July 2024. He’s growing up fast, and enjoys car rides, climbing trees, fetching his ball, playgrounds, and capybaras. Some believe him to be a goblin or gremlin. He was named after the Pixies song “Space (I Believe In)”.

Jefrey suffers from severe ear-ectile dysfunction.

Originally posted him here back in July 2024 seeking advice for potential health problems due to his folded ears, some /an/ons wanted more of him, and so now you’re stuck with him.
143 media | 313 replies
bear thread
bare are known to appreciate beautiful views, they have been observed to return to places with great vistas

post bears
8 media | 14 replies
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>he doesn't have a blanket dog
0 media | 0 replies
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post a more regal looking crane
1 media | 3 replies
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Why are dogs associated with the afterlife in so many unrelated cultures?
5 media | 15 replies
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Seal thread
post seals being goofy
7 media | 13 replies