Board: /f/
"/f/ - Flash" is 4chan's upload board for sharing Adobe Flash files (SWFs).
Found out my girlfriend cheated on me yesterday and had to cut things off. I know if I confronted her, it wouldn't go very well, so I wrote a letter and delivered it to her door for her to get when she came home from work.
She has a kid who trusts me deeply and tells me she was quiet at first but then was pissed off. Guess cheaters don't like getting caught, huh?
Thanks /f/ for being there always. I look forward to lurking this week to cheer me up. She might not have been the one, but at least flash is forever. <3
>3 year relationship btw I enjoy squeezing her through the spheres. Haven't seen this on here in a long time If we do not destroy ourselves I guess i forgot i had a slave
fucking SLAVE
like master shake your dick
i got the cum of the artist, dancing through the gay party I hope this dude got that set of pics. HOW TO FLASH. HOW DO I MAKE FLASH IN LINUX, WHAT? DO I USE WINE?
I recently got me Linux Mint and I wanted to know if there is anything similar to FLASH,