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Board: /f/

"/f/ - Flash" is 4chan's upload board for sharing Adobe Flash files (SWFs).

OC... 10 years later
I tested locally on the Ruffle nightly release /f/ uses, so short of lamely uploading an asset-less "test" version and bumbling through trying to "Delete Post," all for the sake of identifying issues I'd never even begin to understand or at least immediately know how to fix, why not just role the dice and upload it?
If it's completely broken, that's what the "v1" at the end is for, silly.
It should go without saying, but sorry I left so unceremoniously 10 years ago—The only remedy is to just as unceremoniously reappear.

On the event the flash is playable/interactable: If you come across any breaky problems I'd be glad to know about them; any flash-functional questions, I'd be even more glad to attempt an answer.
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How flash Palemoon
How do i get flash to run in Pale Moon browser?
Is there an extension/plug-in ?
I appreciate you if you have a solution, currently switching to Chrome to get this board to function
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imperishable friday night
Looks like it's going to be a fun night.
Looks like it's going to be a long night.
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Fact Seagull
Since that other faggot wouldn't post it
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Cactus McCoy
I think this one is on par with Burrito Bison
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>Starting February 1st, 4chan Passes are increasing in price.
>One year: $30, Three years: $60
anyone here paying the extortion money, and have all your activity logged to an account tied to you payment information even if you switch IP and clear cookies?
you don't want to wait 15 minutes to post, do you? giving up on anonymity is such a small price to pay to not wait and not having to deal with those black and white captchas for 24 hrs. what about if they make it 60 minutes, will you pay up then?
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Let's all love Lain!
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does someone has that spring door stopper simulator?
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