Board: /gif/
"/gif/ - Adult GIF" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to animated adult GIFs and WEBMs.
/gif/ is dedicated to NSFW gifs &webm files. Please review the following rules to ensure your posts contribute to the overall board.
1. Do not request. All requests belong in >>>/r/
2. Contribute 2 or more additional related images when starting a thread (in addition to the OP).
3. Report rule-breaking posts and threads. Use the inline extension for easier access to this feature (Settings>Recommended>Report Button>Save)
4. If you know the source of a given image, please provide it directly. Do not respond to sauce beggars.
The Global Rules apply as well. Provide good content and report infringing posts. You can hide this thread by clicking the "[-]" icon to the left. Last thread was pretty good, so trying to get it active again. Women cumming from any kind of stimulation, like clitoral, vaginal, even nipple if you can find it. Bonus if squirting. Also, go somewhere else if you wanna start an argument instead. Fair Fights.. or semi fair.
Street fights, school fights, arranged fights. Not pro fights or amateur sport fight.
If you know you got them post them. obscured sucking, slurping, gagging on cock Shoe your best amateur oc content. Girls hypnotized into being complete sluts or being humiliated. No gay / sissy shit Post streamers getting trolled and fucked over by chat or in a game Gentle Femdom, every webm must contain a bio woman, cages are okay
No single dudes or men dressed up as women The straightest thread on /gif/
Swimwear, sleepwear, tape, or anything else Post girls at rave or festivals that are showing a lot, skimpy clothings are welcom eternal trap/femboy/trans/twink thread Splitscreens, Beatdowns, Snowbunnies. I want it all last one died for some reason poast weird stuff :3, the cringier and kinkier the better Post em'
Also if anyone has sauce on this big booty brown bitch please share Straight only. No trannies, no faggots. Whites only. and other brown-skinned baddies (but mostly latinas) ITT: great big booba, huge honkers, ginormous jubblies, titanic tatas, etc. Post women enjoying the totality of BWC
Any race welcome WMXF
White men fucking women of any race
Amateur and homemade preferred
oc encouraged Thug edition. No women, or white men. Just big, gay, muscular, black cocks & black dudes having a good time. /gif/ mods are Japanophobic because they kept deleting current and archived JAV threads. Cigars, cigarettes, joints, blunts, bongs, hookahs, pipes... post 'em if ya got 'em all the hotties eager to show off their tight & flat stomachs go in here, makes this thread a neverending stream of beautiful tight perfection christcucks getting btfo thread all sizes of fake tits/booties welcome >it's nice to make your acquaintance. I have to admit that I had not been doing very well. I thought I had things under control, I thought I knew, I thought everything was just fine with me. No troons
Athletic, smooth body + cute face preferred AI fakes are ok and so are voice fakes
new stuff encouraged The other cum thread is so bad we need a new one, let's make it good amateur girls having fun, No onlyfans In this thread we will find natures original form of entertainment: animals getting rekt, fighting, feeding, doing funny or confusing things, and really, anything to do with animals being weird and amusing.
Animals getting rekt by other animals or themselves, or animals attacking people are acceptable, but people on animal violence is for another thread. hot sexy solo asian bitches, no men, no dicks, but lesbians are allowed. Post everything about this great country. The asian girl shook her ass this time. and what an ass! bonus points for fat asses for BBLS
bonus points for bareback and creampies
bonus points for doggy style No men. No faggotry. No gay nigger bullshit. Reversals are funnier than the HaHa threads at this point. Hopefully we can have a few laughs. Any content where the condom comes off, preferably leading to unprotected sex. Stealthing and used condom play also welcome.
Straight only, no black cocks please. as always, amateur preferred Yeah I wish she was my teacher, too. Black woman as black as they come. Solo or with white cock only. Coloured bois being subservient to Alpha Male White Massas in any way. >USAID gets nuked
>/gif/ quality drastically improves
I get a chuckle thinking about it