Board: /gif/
"/gif/ - Adult GIF" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to animated adult GIFs and WEBMs.
/gif/ is dedicated to NSFW gifs &webm files. Please review the following rules to ensure your posts contribute to the overall board.
1. Do not request. All requests belong in >>>/r/
2. Contribute 2 or more additional related images when starting a thread (in addition to the OP).
3. Report rule-breaking posts and threads. Use the inline extension for easier access to this feature (Settings>Recommended>Report Button>Save)
4. If you know the source of a given image, please provide it directly. Do not respond to sauce beggars.
The Global Rules apply as well. Provide good content and report infringing posts. You can hide this thread by clicking the "[-]" icon to the left. Pussies continue to rapidly evolved. Modern pussies are bigger, juicier and more swollen than ever before. New characteristic are observed everyday.
Please post modern beautiful vaginas/vulvas Russia reached 700,000 lost last week. Let's celebrate ZOOMER FUCKING HATE THREAD So something has changed over the past year or so and it is getting stronger. I am betting anons here have experienced this so looking for what to expect and maybe why I am like this.
My problem is I literally don't give a shit anymore. I don't know why. I see people worried about stupid shit on TV like having some deep conversation with their spouse about their kid or something and I'm like why are these people worried about this? In social situations, everyone talks about really dumb shit like work or school or where they went on vacation or a new TV they bought or some other stupid thing that makes me think they are retarded and not want to be around them.
I used to care if my wife was going somewhere or doing something and now I literally don't care at all. She could go fuck someone and I'd be like meh... The wife hasn't noticed any changes in me but she herself has become very distant and unpersonal, behaves like a laptop loaded with Windows 95, something I blame on early dementia which runs in her family and has been getting worse for her for the last decade or so. I certainly understand it may be me being unpersonal and not her.
Anyway, I've been here, on gif, for almost 20 years consuming plenty of porn and other debauchery. I initially thought maybe it was that but why the change in my personality now after all this time?
I started doing weed maybe five years ago. I discovered distillates which ramped up my usage about a year ago but I stopped completely about six months ago because it isn't legal in the state I am in now.
I'm also late 40's so maybe it is just age and I'm just becoming another old guy who doesn't give a shit about anything?
WTF is going on??? I know at least some of you anons know what I am talking about.
Posting vids related to porn, weed and milfs/old dudes, etc Silly rekt thread
ylyl rekt is fine too
don't be a faggot and screech about posting 3, my internet has autism Thinking this should be a recurring thread on /gif/. We have enough trans and BBC threads anyway may as well have a persistent AI thread, there's always going to be new stuff being made. Side note Pixverse seemingly changed SD and HD into Turbo and Quality, but now makes you spend 30 credits for both options, so there's really no reason to pick Turbo/SD anymore unless you can't wait an extra minute for your gen. They're probably catching on to us with the credits hike and the lower starting amount, enjoy this while you can. Lets see those latinas getting bleached Noticed no Anal threads.
Anything anal goes. Sexy anal sluts / Femboy / Extreme / All Buttstuffs
Show me those beautiful holes. Big Breasts, Huge Honkers, Massive Mammaries
Only the biggest, fattest, real(ish) titties. Monsters/aliens having sex with human women. Doing anything, getting fucked, being cute, twerking doesn't matter, as long as they're hot. The more she looks like a plastic airheaded fucktoy the better webms of blacked kino, lets go anything goes, armpits pref. Girls with ears and a tail, plug tails, BDSM pet play, Leather Masks Leash and Collar, Puppy Girls, Cat Girls, Cow Girls, Bunny Girl, ect. ect. Streamers broken and defeated Eternal trap/femboy/tranny/twink thread. post trannies getting fucked by men and sucking dick. dont post them topping or getting their dick sucked or solo vids Anything goes as long as they're drinking pee. heck the new thread limit that forces us to get overly generic with our threads. Alex Jones webm thread to commemorate InfoWars. His broadcast show which has been on radio/internet for 25 years has been auctioned off to the Onion. Jones will continue broadcasting, but no longer under the original brand.
Rest in peace: InfoWars March 6, 1999 - November 14, 2024. Fingering/handjob/mutual/sex hidden in plain sight, under the clothes, under a blanket, with other people around, etc
No public nudity/voyeurism. No solo stuff There must always be a Creep Thread Big booty, huge badonkadonk, giant butts
anything with fat biological female asses the bigger the better
any race but white preferred Bonus for begging to cum inside Bonus for hardcore, no balcks Walked in on masturbating, Sex, etc. Bonus Points for women. Let's have a thread for big and small cocks being compared in different ways.
Can be judged by a woman, can be two dudes frotting, side by side sex comparison, bbc with small white dicks, bwc with small black dicks, small dick cuckold big dick bull, etc. Can even be dicks of pretty equal size. Can be SPH or just two dudes having fun. Gay porn thread. No troons, CDs, sissies, etc. There are enough threads for that shit. Biological male on biological male exclusively. Why do people do anal if it is painful? cute ladies are cute, post'em. preferably no dicks if you can help it /Gif/ has slowed down lately. let get the party started! No tr*nnies. No n*ggers. No one wants to see that shit in Donald Trump's America. Kamala can eat my ass with a spoon Shaved, stubble, hairy; all are welcome. Since there is no thread on this topic, I am creating one. Let’s continue celebrating this perfect pairing. I am specifically searching for a webm featuring a married couple. In the video, the wife is leaning against the kitchen sink, and she is blonde. The husband is not visible in the frame, but he is holding both of her arms behind her. She is wearing a blue dress, if I recall correctly. If anyone has this archived, I would greatly appreciate it if you could share it with me. It will take me some time to upload the remaining two videos, as I have captcha issues. Feel free to contribute, enjoy, or simply chill. Fighting within the thread is rather cringe. (First video). human males fucking anything nonhuman
no furry shit Black Men with Non-Black Women. Amateur and Homemade content only, no studio porn. Looking to expand my collection Holy fuck sex is overrated asf nigga. just jerk off and sleep Desi chicks goin glurk glurk on massive white cock. If they're at an uni bar, they're so easy to bring home for the night... This fetish sucks 50% of the time, but it can be good sometimes. Post that good stuff. Political/extreme vids appreciated. anyone got some gifs? or knows actresses who do this? i know of veronica avluv and ashley adams. amateur works too ofc Make me fail NNN.
Post only the cutest and most petite JAV actresses. Post sexy (and preferrably busty) chicks captured by broadcast cameras at sporting events; fans, ring girls, IDGAF. Been making webms of this broad all night since the Tyson Paul card Some of these are "common" webms; others I haven't seen here in a while. I hope everyone can find something worth saving.
>inb4 post three
My (((spectrum))) internet has been shitty this week. Please be patient. 3D, 2D or cosplay, post any gifs/webms of 2B from NieR. post ahegaos and kissies <3