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Board: /vmg/

"/vmg/ - Video Games/Mobile" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of video games on mobile devices.

Welcome to /vmg/ - Vidya/Mobile Games
/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!
0 media | 0 replies
Azur Lane
February UR event is almost here, try not to get caught by your botes again this year SKK.

Previous: >>1642282
87 media | 204 replies
Lost Sword Tales of Britania
Korean 2D autobattler about the Arthurian mythos but with Konosuba-style writing, a partial EN translation, and clothing damage on KO.
>Card List
>Official channel (in korean)
42 media | 238 replies
Revived Witch
Revived Witch shut down 7th May 2023. This thread is made in it's memory. What were your favourite parts? Who were your favourite characters? What do you think of the fan projects aiming to bring the game back
124 media | 303 replies
Fire Emblem Heroes
griss has a prf brave tome with warp and canto which is nice
Did you summon for Yunaka or either of the dragon units?
Or are you saving for any upcoming banners (A Hero Rises, a new Emblem Hero, or whoever else)?
38 media | 218 replies
Monster girls and tower defense.

Feel free to talk about other tangentially related DMM games.
17 media | 107 replies
No title
Mobile gaming peaked here
0 media | 1 replies
Last Origin
Nipples forever, global never.
66 media | 206 replies
Black Clover Mobile
New thread just in time for the 1st anniversary! Let's pray this game survives another year filled with great units and improvements!

Old thread >>1347722
3 media | 14 replies
Shin Megami Tensei Dx2
The "Hall of the Serpent-Haired Queen" event is live until Wednesday, February 19th, 2025 - 20:59 PST (Thursday, February 20th, 2025 - 04:59 GMT) and so is this useless snake's banner. That's not an excuse for you not to spend every single last gem on her banner though.

You ARE going to buy gems and keep pulling until you get P3 Medussy, right? You're not poor, RIGHT?
11 media | 36 replies
Goddess of Victory: Nikke
red shoes

Current November event
>Cinderella and Grave banner (2nd anniversary banners)

Upcoming November event
>Flora banner

Upcoming December event
>Christmas Limited banners
>New Years Eve banners
49 media | 142 replies
Battle Cats
The new upcoming Uberfest unit powercrept Tokyo Miku so I am skipping her. I wish everyone else luck for the next Superfest.
91 media | 312 replies
Blue Archive GL
Thread for discussion of the global server of Blue Archive
75 media | 348 replies
Tokyo 7TH Sisters

10 Years until 2034

As of today:
New Collectibles in game
New Haru Jika Event with a New HaruJika (Chiisana) Song
Still no news on Project 06
61 media | 142 replies
AFK Journey
Season 3 is upon us.
Previous thread
59 media | 289 replies
Duet Night Abyss
Anyone get in the beta for this?
Closed beta test invites went out with preload on February 17, 2025, 12:00 (UTC+8) and Beta test from February 20, 2025 10:00 to February 28, 2025 12:00
30 media | 149 replies
Tribe Nine
3D ARPG with baseball "mini-game" from the trio that created Danganronpa (Kodaka/Komatsuzaki/Takada) and Uchikoshi (Zero Escape creator). Launches in a few hours for iOS, Android, and PC (Steam). Anyone trying this out? <- also check the site for 1.0 update notes
11 media | 51 replies
enigma of sepia
Enigma of sepia is a CN auto battler that is focused on gender bent shōnen characters with designs just barely unique enough to claim the parody defense in court.
The game comes out in about 10 days, and supposedly has 1.5 million pre-registers
7 media | 43 replies
Cookie Run Games: It's Dough Joke!
Flush with Dough
2025 is here with new Cookies and running! Here's the latest:

>New magic candy rework! More buffs, better tracking! More grind!
>Event -Survive in the Government Office- Very topical!
>Get your fortune told and sue Devsis when it doesn't come true!
>We return to Yagwa Village! Yaay...
>Meet Yugwa Cookie in Yagwa Village, the Temu copy! Clear Vagabond's name!
>New treasure - Chapssal Bundle - Coin focused!
>New costumes and jelly shapes!
>Meet Yeot Cookie later and Nintendo Switch It Up later!
>Meet Shadow Milk Cookie (Mr. Beast Rarity) and Candy Apple Cookie (Epic) it would be deceiving to say they're bad, in their own words!
>Beast Raid - Damage The Boss and get Deceitful Coins to obtain true rewards! You can even make your MyCookie look like Shadow Milk Cookie to traumatize Pure Vanilla Cookie!
>Boss Rush - Battle Bosses you've already beaten in various modes to get the glory! And Cookie Cutters!
>Game of Cards with Royal Margarine Cookie - Reach Ante 8 with this newest Black Joker! A 1 in 5 chance to Double your Chips, +Mult. and x Mult.!
>Might of the Ancients, Light of Deceit, Path of Deceit and Anniversary Login rewards to obtain Shadow Milk Cookie and resources!
Witch's Castle
>Meet First Choco Cookie (First Rarity) - Dangerously sweet and edgy!
>First Choco Cookie's Puzzle Challenge, Sub-Skill and Story Added! - Good for her!
>Added Training Dummies! They will become smarter! Or else!
>New Mini-Games - Save GingerDozer and Jellymelon! - You watched the ads, they technically are in the game now!
>Offline Mode - You can now play main and various gameplay levels without expensive internet!
Tower Of Adventures
>Meet Ice Mint Cookie - With a comically large sword that's also a gun, chainsaw AND ice skating board!
>Halfiversary Winter Festival Events! - Play the Lunchbox Bonanza, Present Delivery race and Extreme Boss Rush events for rewards!
>Mystical Laboratory, Bingo Flipping and Special Login Halfiversary Event Rewards! Play daily!
169 media | 496 replies
No title
Are you playing One Piece Treasure Cruise or One Piece Bounty Rush on your phone?
59 media | 214 replies
Another Eden
Happy New Year Another Eden!

Newest chapter of the Mythos is out. What did people think? Did you enjoy seeing Necoco?
22 media | 232 replies
Roco Kingdom: World
Roco Kingdom - World
Testing recruitment begins on 20th.
Coming to PC, iOS, Android. No details about consoles yet.
10 media | 22 replies
Girl’s Frontline series
Yuzhong should be jailed for turning the cutest and sexiest GFL1 character into this nonbinary they/them…thing. Worst character redesign in the history of gaming.
>I love UMP45 no matter what!
Fuck you simp not a single person asked for this shit.
76 media | 231 replies
FGO - Fate/ Grand Order
Don't forget to level your FPoolers for LB7. Especially those with defensive skills like evade/invinc, guts.
67 media | 323 replies
No title
Anyone ever played the JP or CN version?
Or maybe if you have an experience with the devs?
0 media | 2 replies
World Dai Star
Gingaza Main Story Chapter 2 came out.
Full versions of the songs were released, links here:
Livestream featuring Hatsumi and Xue's seiyuus on November 29th:
Current event is a Towa/Shigure/Yae event.
31 media | 92 replies
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp Complete

One more month and a special event before EoS. I stopped playing a long time ago but this got me interested to play again. Anyone else thinking of pre-ordering?
22 media | 172 replies
No title
When are we getting a high-budget gacha (think Genshin, WuWa, Azur Promilia) that ISN'T a mixed toilet?
What company would be based enough to do that?
0 media | 8 replies
33 media | 152 replies
Haze Reverb
Giantess Gacha which nobody could bother to make another thread for several days. Let's see if anybody's even still around checking.

There's lewd skins at least.
16 media | 106 replies
Guardian tales
Come in, guardians, Frieren collab soon
Have a guide for the current tetis season
76 media | 321 replies
Granblue Fantasy
Anyone play this game? I'm probably going to roll for Setsuna once they've finished giving us free rolls.
4 media | 40 replies
Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent
Week 7 of this 8-Week update.

Currently on Cyrus/EX H’aanit this week. Next week is Nina-Lanna/EX Tressa.

From there…it’s up in the air. Wait until 11/27 to find out what’s in store for us next.

Happy Thanksgiving!
82 media | 463 replies
No title
From the twisted mind of Jun Maeda who brought you Angel Beats!, Clannad, and AIR.

>What is it
A visual novel with jrpg style combat

>Is it on PC?
Yes, it's on PC and mobile.

>Trailers [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]




>Current event
3000 bonus gems
24 media | 131 replies
So now that Pubraseer finally gotten the rarity he always deserved and i know some anons were saving for since his Welfare was added, what is the next "big" anticipated alt? Super Ryekie?
69 media | 197 replies
LETS TRY THIS AGAIN Disgaea RPG, A new Event is out, Etna Summer Resort Defense Battle Season 10, Part 3 Global maybe dead, but JP LIVES ON
109 media | 313 replies
8th Anniversary just started, plenty of freebies and two of the most important characters in the story available as limiteds now
220 media | 515 replies
What are some good mobile games?
>No always online
>No ads
>No pay to win
>No premium currencies
>No Gacha and gambling with real money
>No over reliance of oversexualized female characters
>No FOMO lifeservice event bullcrap
>One time purchase to own the game
>Just plain, good old fun, zero bullshit
Preferrable Beat Em Up, Hack and Slash, ARPGs or Turn Based RPGs but with actual strategy involved. I also like character creation and exploration.
6 media | 55 replies
Love and deep space
where’s the BL ∕ Yaoi?
This has sexualized men to the core. I feel disgusted that I, as a fat man, am not being portrayed in this game properly.
I should be able to be who I am and be as fat as I like, and be capable of character customizing even the non playable characters to my liking.
This is pure fat shaming, and heavily sexualizing men to absurd levels of disgrace.
There are no real men that look anything like this. And I need my female protagonists to also be a lesbian.
Men can also be strong and independent.
This is pure bigotry.
10 media | 109 replies
Monster Hunter Now
Monster Hunter Now - HBG 9 star Nightshade Paolumu Urgent Quest #mhnow-854p30[]
Season 4 is coming up with new map and monsters!

New weapon and skill info already on
101 media | 506 replies
No title
Is /vmg/ high IQ?
0 media | 1 replies
Trickcal Re:vive
So why aren't you playing this game. You don't need translations. It's autochess with priconne leveling.
212 media | 478 replies
the 'sex
>no essex thread
what gives
146 media | 230 replies
General Recommend-a-game thread
Ask for and recommend mobile games ITT

I'll start by recommending Seedship as a great text-based game.
I can't find anything else like it.
0 media | 6 replies
Bleach Brave Souls
RIP Brave Battles, you were a pain in the ass from beginning to end.
53 media | 294 replies
My no.1 game
It's one of my favourite oc this year, total game awards worthy desu
0 media | 0 replies
No title
endless nut
DMC: "peak" of combat
So when are we getting a new devil may cry mobile game? Don't you own phones?
30 media | 186 replies
No title
There's an eternal thread for Pikmin but no teppen threads? Is the game dead or something?
101 media | 227 replies
remember shadoba? i remember shadoba
131 media | 408 replies
Anyone know any fun balatro flush seed using checkered deck gamemode? The closest i can get was:

I dont exactly remember what's the joker card name but after u finished the 1st small bind there's a joker card that gives u a 10+ mult when u hit flush, afterwards i completely forget what's in the next shop but i do remember it was the smoothest and easiest run ive ever played because all u do was focus on flush.
0 media | 2 replies
MKT - Mario Kart Tour
It's the Autumn Tour. New York, Vancouver, and Los Angeles are back.
147 media | 311 replies
Brave Nine / Brown Dust
Still alive edition.

New update, new waifus, more anime tiddies.

Discuss Brave Nine and the spin-off games, BraveNine Story & Magic Stone Knights here.
91 media | 204 replies
No title
>have Netflix
>have access to a bunch of cool games on mobile for "free"
>no IAP, no ads, etc
What the hell I didn't know about this. There is some actual kino here. Whatcha playing?
3 media | 16 replies
Kirara Fantasia
Cute girls, cute outfits and cute floorhands
What else do you even need for a game?
58 media | 86 replies
No title
cock base
>no Clash thread
I am confuse. Is this really only a gachashit board?
How are you lot doing? I made it into TH10 and now infernos are bodying me.
54 media | 291 replies
Limbus Company
Don Quixote just dropped. Still not half bad, only two pages of text for her skills
11 media | 27 replies
No title
Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Mei ending services on February 27th:
The game already had signs of ending as they released the final chapter of the main story during December and on the latest event you had the entire cast giving the player a Thank You for supporting the game.
6 media | 7 replies
No title
Soccer Champs
Have you ever played a mobile sports game before?
44 media | 127 replies
Gacha Drama #15
Previous : >>1676222

Your source of the juiciest dramas about gacha games. Anything goes---your sentiment about the gacha industry, schizo takes, conspiracy theories, MTL screenshots from obscure Chinese forums, or just random gacha related topics that don't fit in a specific general.
286 media | 1239 replies
You playing the new HxH collab?
1 media | 7 replies
Master Duel
anniversary edition: are you ready for fiendsmith, azamina, millenium slop everywhere?
1 media | 5 replies
Azur Promilia
New leaks
>23GB predownload
>Game launcher asks if you're 16+ before starting (Weird considering game is currently 12+)
>No weapons banner right now
>You craft weapons with materials similar to how you enhance ToF gear
>Too many collectibles
>Stole wallrunning from Wuwa
>Stole outfit buffs (given to Kibos) and minigames from Infinity Nikki
>You can tame Kibos after beating them to low hp
>You can breed Kibos (disabled in test)
>Game is already fully translated in English
>Combat is like a slightly slower tof
This is from a self-proclaimed former Ubisoft tester leaking stuff in Gateoo's D*scord, an echo chamber for ToF paid shills
>There's too much shit to do and he doesn't know what to do.
>This dude seems to have a history of talking a lot about testing games over a period of longer than a year since 2023. He has tested other games like Enfield and Mecha Break
54 media | 340 replies
Mobile Legends
Natalia's free collector is imminent.
13 media | 71 replies
Anyone remember the game?
I'm trying to remember a top-down, asymmetrical tower defense mobile game where you used scenery objects (like tables and chairs) to build barricades before each wave of zombies. The goal was to slow zombies by redirecting or blocking their paths. You played with four characters (including an old man in a green shirt and a woman the rest i don't remember), shooting zombies from behind your barricades. One of the levels was set in a church with "no more rooms in hell" written in blood on a plate in front of the church. The game is no longer on the Play Store. So anyone know the name of the game?
2 media | 3 replies
Pikmin Bloom
Not sure what happened to the other thread, but at least we can update the OP with the most recent decor they've added to the game.

Speaking of new things, the missions they've recently added were an interesting change of pace, especially as someone that has exhausted his local area of all seedlings. Also, they are apparently adding new mushrooms, according to a recent datamine (presumably during Halloween, since they're orange and purple).

Regardless, how do you guys feel about the game now that we're approaching the 1-year anniversary?
215 media | 493 replies
Alice Gear Aegis
6 Years strong and going! Anniversary still going right now.

musume shooting action game in which you take on the role of commander and assemble a team of up to three "actresses" to take out artificial-looking alien enemies called Vice.

Available on mobile and on PC through DMMGamePlayer.

>PC Download

>Official Website

>Official Twitter

>Japanese Wiki

>AliceGearP's Channel

>AGA Helper & EN Fan Patch

Previous: >>1227392
79 media | 198 replies
don't know how many people play this one because it's not in english and even i can't understand 99% of the shit in it

but it's fun to play for a turn-based game, if a bit grindy for materials needed to boost your character, and some character skills aren't clear to me yet like this アミー break skill
70 media | 148 replies
Stella Sora
New Yostar game
69 media | 463 replies
Dynasty Rush - The Wannebe Mobile game
Hello everyone. Things are getting rough IRL so, I am trying to make videogames for a living, imagine that. This is Dynasty Rush, a mobile game in its early stages. Bring all your furry friends, they might like it.

You can play it here (APK):

Learn more or Support the cause here:

God bless 4chan
0 media | 0 replies
do not fuck your mentally ill brother
Discuss joseimuke games and those with similar appeal to the same audience
165 media | 635 replies
No title
Mobile games where like the center of screen is just visual and you don't have to press anything. My phone has a deadspot.
0 media | 4 replies
anyone using it?
for people who don't know it's basically a wine and box86/64 based windows emulator.
1 media | 6 replies
Crave Saga
Chapter 8 Banner came out today for English servers
16 media | 44 replies
Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade
Anyone playing? I like the turn based combat but the resources/rewards are greedy as fuck. They're turboing out content so I don't expect this game to last much further than an anniversary.
20 media | 75 replies
Premium EOS Gachas
I need your help, are there any interesting gacha games that have EOS'd and have been rebuilt as premium games? Besides that Megaman and Final Fantasy game... Recently I've been checking the games on this site: but most are just memory viewers, the few that actually seem promising (like Himegami Kagura) are only available in japanese.
Thank you
1 media | 6 replies
Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY
EoS has been announced! The game shuts down on Dec 18, a week before Christmas, but there's still time to take on challenges, read some stories or save pics of your favorite gals. There are also four final events out now with the last farewell side stories.
Anons are working on backing up story cutscenes and art, it'll be posted here when (if) it's done.
9 media | 28 replies
No title
are there any good ARPG type of mobile games? like maybe something like Diablo 2 or something...
0 media | 2 replies
google play pc launcher
images (10)
so i've discovered recently google made an official pc launcher, currently in beta.
well, it's essentially an emulator, it got glitchy at one point with picrel but otherwise looks fine. however the only controls are with the mouse, hope they get to implement some keyboard functions later on. lacking selection on the apps thought, many gachas like blue archive and feh are not there for example.
overall looks like a neat example beaten by the fact that, well, it's mobile gaming on pc, so who the fuck cares. also i want to see how accessible will hacks and mods be on pc, despite being all behind a launcher.
just wanted to make a thread here since nobody talked about it here (or in 4chan in general) yet
1 media | 4 replies
No title
I have 17 google play dollars, what (one time payment) game should I buy?
I current own Slay the Spire and Luck be a Landlord.
2 media | 9 replies
Call of Duty Mobile
Christmas events, draws, and 2x CP are currently live. Warzone is coming soon™
119 media | 481 replies
Arknights TRtLS Event
Last day of the Zillingstürme im Herbst event. Remember to do any stages in the event if you haven't already. Il Siracusano rerun up next, then Degen event afterwards.
How are your pulls plans forward, got anyone in particular you're planning on pulling or get up to a certain pot?
38 media | 216 replies
No title
What are the best free, open-source games available ONLY for mobile phones?
0 media | 4 replies
No title
Gachabros......our response?
1 media | 6 replies
Screenshot_20250214_134612_Geometry Dash
Anyone playing geometry dash? I started today
I played a couple years ago but i was sheit.
0 media | 1 replies
Langrisser Mobile
>6th Anniversary coming soon!
>Langrisser x Captain Commando crossover in November!

>New Heroes Banner:
Virelia / Seraphina

Upcoming Heroes Banner:
>LLR Brightsummoner
>Tiana / Shion (Langrisser Millennium)

Latest update introduced the new game mode called Epochal Odyssey where you can unlock Einherjars.
23 media | 173 replies
Game News thread
> Name changes:
> Project Mugen -> Ananta

> Talk anything about upcoming gacha game/Open-world, trademark updates from game studios (Hoyoverse or any kind of game studio related to open-world)
> You can link upcoming game trailer
> Something you caught like new game information? link it here and we can talk about about it.
78 media | 514 replies
Ash Echoes
ash echo
Ash Echoes came out a day or two ago

Also on google/apple store
126 media | 561 replies
Persona 5: The Phantom X
Just a few more days until Persona gacha! Are you gonna play?

81 media | 259 replies
No title
Why nobody likes Jean?
10 media | 22 replies
racing games recommendations
im dying for a racing games like grant turismo or similar to that anyone got anything in mind?
0 media | 3 replies
Cat Fantasy
Sylviette (4)
It’s been a good while since we had a thread, how is your pussy harem coming along?
22 media | 45 replies
Patch 3.4.0 -
Log in for free Yun Chuan and his Divinate.
But why Jin Qiu? His update made his r2 broken. Can even solo Andras.
128 media | 489 replies
No title
Thread for the discussion of the Japanese server of Blue Archive

Xmas and the Anniversary are nearby, what are your hopes for the upcoming celebrations?
104 media | 511 replies
Help find the game
Hello, everybody! I need some help finding an old android game. It's about single-player 1v1 space battles kinda like FTL but with better graphics, no drones or boarding and expanded defenses. You and your enemies have up to 3 colors of defence: red, yellow and green (lasers, missiles and EMP) and variety of shells to bypass each of them. After the battle there are some repairs and upgrading. Can't remember the name of it, maybe it had like "Galactic something" in it, was available in play store around 2010-2014 and then just disappeared. Would really appreciate your help because the game is kinda great, recreation of the UI on picture
0 media | 1 replies
No title
What iToddler game has women with the biggest breasts?
0 media | 6 replies
Tell me why
I am an Android user and it bothers me that they don't bring excellent games to Android like Rayman mini which is only for
0 media | 1 replies
Java/Retro Mobile Games thread
Diamond Twister 1
Thread made to share and discuss any old mobile game.

>What is java games?
Early 2000 mobile games made with the java programming language or mostly known as J2ME

>How do i play them?
For PC
For Android

>Where can i find games?
Collection of Java Games

>More resources about J2ME emulation"J2ME"

I'm thinking of doing a list of /vmg/ approved java games list so please share your favorites in this thread as well
58 media | 163 replies
Are we ever getting another Usagi?
1 media | 1 replies
No title
What is/was the most powerful EOS?
What EOS caused the highest per-whale seethe ever recorded?
I love reading meltdown posts
0 media | 0 replies
No title
What’s the situation with handheld emulators and no ninentdo content? I’d literally only buy one for the mostly ninentdo content but I’ve seen reviews recently saying some new emulators are being shipped without it.


Am I just better off purchasing an older used one?
0 media | 11 replies
Sim City Build It sucks ass
SimCity build it screenshot off some review website
I used to play this a lot when I was 12 and didn't have a computer that could run The Sims 4, so I used to play Sim City Build It a lot to fill in the void.

First of all: this is a mobile game and in typical EA fashion: is about playing consistently and wasting money on making things go faster because they decided to make the time to make a hammer 14 minutes.

Alright so the appeal of Sim City is building your own little city and doing whatever you feel like. Want to add 15 parks and make the landfill right in the middle? Sure why not! I really like Sim City 4 as not only is it not live service (cough cough, Sim City 2013), but it's the first of the series to be in 3D and has decent gameplay and you can import sims from The Sims 1 and it's overall very well made. Not sure about the 3 before it as I've never played them and I have no intention of playing 2013 any time soon as I dread to think what EA did to it.

Build it throws all that out the window and goes: "you want to add 15 parks around a landfill site? too bad! you need to be a specific level to do that so get grinding!" Everything is based around factories making stuff that you use to upgrade housing which gives you money to buy stuff. The factories are in real time and the good materials take all eternity to produce so you'll probably spent most of your time trying to sell materials to other players but they're also trying to sell the same materials and it feels less like a sandbox game and more like hand holding you through the process while also trying to squeeze you of your money. Also you can't chuck meteors onto your city when you're bored with it. In fact, you can only make 1 city.

In conclusion: fuck EA.

Random video game/tech fact #4: Half Life 1 almost released on Dreamcast.
1 media | 4 replies
Gacha Drama #14
Your source of the juiciest dramas about gacha games. Anything goes---your sentiment about the gacha industry, schizo takes, conspiracy theories, MTL screenshots from obscure Chinese forums, or just random gacha related topics that don't fit in a specific general.
300 media | 1424 replies
what are your thoughts on a mobile hero arena shooter?
what's your opinion on a mobile hero arena shooter? im interested in getting into mobile game development and really liked the idea of a mobile arena shooter and felt inspired by the unreal tournament secret level scenes. do you think an arena shooter would be fun on mobile?
1 media | 5 replies
No title
>peek in corner
>die in .00000000009 attoseconds

How the fuck are you even supposed to react?
0 media | 2 replies
Goodbye,"OUTERPLANE". Goodbye,...Forever.
First of all,please let me make some things very clear.
I am a man,an American(currently),and also a xenogender
by choice along with being a Modern Satanist by choice.
Second of all,even though "OUTERPLANE" may be a fun
game to play and all,I no longer see myself as a player of
that game. I am 100% done with the game"OUTERPLANE",
and this(!) time,I truly do mean it.
I'm really sorry,"OUTERPLANE".
"I don't want to play with you anymore."
And I don't want to play you anymore,either.
I quit. I'm out. And I'm retiring.
And last,but not least,please don't tell me
to go put an end to my own life,for I will not
heed your illogical,hateful,and toxic choice of words,
for I am in no mood for them. If you don't have anything
nice to say,then perhaps,you would say it best,...
And to quote of Mister Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
with all due respect,and I dare to quote,and in my own way!,...
Know your damned roles,and shut your damned mouths,jabronis!
And while all of you are it,then all of you can simply go,...
(I am most definitely not going to lie,but those damned things are HUGE!)
0 media | 0 replies
Wild Rift
I like it...
12 media | 60 replies
Dokkan Battle
pictures that wont age well
10 Anniversary
Part 2 reveal in 2 days:
300 media | 1499 replies
Graphic Design is my passion
Has anyone who playing Arknights?

So they change the new operator layout and the fandom are not like it on new format.
0 media | 3 replies
Horizon Walker
Do not knot the kots
Previous : >>1641285
140 media | 686 replies
No title
Thoughts on
Tsuki's Odyssey
0 media | 0 replies
No title
I'm 200 levels in, and I've yet to grasp why HE runs...
0 media | 2 replies
No title
Gunpla going mainstream was a mistake
0 media | 0 replies
Fire Emblem Heroes
this year&#039;s brave units ig
What do you think of this year's CYL winners? Who did you vote for?
Which units do you want to see in A Hero Rises? Which units do you expect (if it isn't just oops all Emblems)?
All of this and more was revealed in the last FEH Channel:
253 media | 1286 replies
discrepancy between ios and android
i’m playing trials of mana+ for over 45 hours on file now since it came out on apple arcade. it’s a fun game available on ios/ipados/android but 1:1 console ports like resident evil, death stranding, and assassin’s creed aren’t on android despite the hardware being powerful enough to run it at 1440p60fps. for example, i want the s25 ultra has caught my interest but a lot of games(games paid upfront with no in app purchases) aren’t ported to android. my current device is the iphone 12 pro max 512gb and i need an upgrade
0 media | 4 replies
No title
I wanna buy the Switch Lite but I heard the Switch 2 is coming out in a few months. Is the savings worth it for the Switch Lite
1 media | 3 replies
mech arena referral link
I'll just leave this here.
Mech Arena

I don't know what else to do with it.
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>Epic is now giving out free mobile games every week
Will you please install Tim's store?
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