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Board: /wsr/

"/wsr/ - Worksafe Requests" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to fulfilling non-NSFW requests.

Welcome to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests
This board is for:
  • Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
  • Asking for photoshop requests.
  • Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
  • Asking for tech support or help with your homework.
  • Any other kind of work-safe request.
Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice.
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Looking for a rare doujinshi
really damn rare book about aliens
Hey /wsr/, I'm currently looking for scans of this Tamagotchi doujin called Tamatomo Friends, and I'm going to need your help.

So, here's the problem, there seems to be no full scans for this doujin anywhere on the internet that I can find. The only pages that got scans were for the first few pages on an online store, and all listings for the doujin have been sold out. Still isn't stopping me from searching for this doujin, though!

I really hope this doujin can be fully scanned and posted online so that it can never be lost to the sands of time, because it looks promising from the few pages I have seen.
Anyways, care to help me on my quest?
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video of an edgy school kid
looking for a cringe video of an edgy kid, who thinks he's a main character
it was captioned "messing with normies" or "fucking with these normies", as he passes by a schoolmate and growls at his face
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No title
... its a webm, a few mins in duration. It is of a CRT screen for a mainframe computer. On the screen is displayed text, graphs being drawn, mathematical calculations and shapes and other stuff, all with some sort of 8 bit computer music playing.
Does anyone know the vid? Does anyone have it?
(why the fuck am I having to wait 6 minutes to post?)
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Screenshot 2024-05-01 204856

What movie is this clip taken from, /wsr/? Thank you
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No title
I just saw this and can no longer access my picture collection. What is this and is there anyway I can fix it? Please I can't lose this folder, it has all the pepes I've collected over the years.
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Best College Degree for Working from Home at Own Leisure
Laptop Man Comfy Outside Sun Day
I have insomnia that I've had since I was in middle school. It got so bad, I had to drop out of high school and get into online high school (which was based, since I was able to go through junior and senior year in just 6 months). I could kinda do college between 17 to 18, but I still depended on my Dad to drive me to school, and he wasn't able to take me to all my free tutoring sessions, and I missed some of my classes due to insomnia. (Whoops.)

I will turn 24 in June, and a lot of years have passed since I was in college. I have not wasted all these years, spending them learning all sorts of based shit in various different fields, but most of these fields aren't really STEM related. I did, however, teach myself algebra through calc 2 in just a couple months back when I was 21, so I strongly feel that I could teach myself all of undergrad mathematics in just a year if I just persisted with it and made sure I worked on it for a few hours each day. This wouldn't be unheard of, and I already have all the textbooks. The thing is, it's not like I would immediately get a high-paying job upon learning all this shit. If I do end up going with some non-math related college degree, could all this math knowledge come to help me out? I am also aware of the fact that you forget the things you learn with time. If I go back to math, I will have to quickly review everything from algebra to calc 2 before I move forward again, but my knowledge would be more solidified.

What should I get a degree in if I want to get a high-paying job working from home without any time constraints? Deadlines are fine. My issue is having to be at work from A time to B time. Bonus if this would benefit from lots of math knowledge.
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Source on niche Youtube channel focused on societies future and AI

about 10k or less subscribers. Youtuber is a bald, white man, sometimes he records in nature, always has a left side list naming the general topics of what's discussed in the video. His videos contain almost no editing and their lengths are roughly between 30 and 50 minutes of him talking, he uploads a new video once or twice a week. I remember he cited
Whatifalthist in one of his videos as his source on how societies function for each culture. He always goes very deep into his topics and talks in length about the future. He mostly tries predicting what will happen in the future with AI.
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Low Cost Dentist
How do you get low cost dentistry in 2024? I'm in the US. Do people really travel to Mexico to get a tooth pulled?
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Old 4Chan
Post images/screenshots of the glorious days of ancient 4chan
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What was the red translucent plastic's purpose on old Samsung TVs? I had one for like 15 years and I still have yet to find out why it's there
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Screenshot 2024-05-01 014832
All I am doing is browsing the internet and have steam open. Tower is barely dusty. Thermal paste was redone a few months ago.
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Why is this webm file size so big despite it's small length and resolution? I'd like someone to try and keep it under 4 MB. Thank you.

The link since I couldn't post it on /wsr/
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Quick question regarding the original LoTGH. Is it true you should skip the narrator intros for your first watch? I heard that some are spoilery and I was skipping them, but I watched the intro on episodes 8 and 9 and it seemed like they were giving important lore on the Kaiser and Empire. Now I'm conflicted. What should I do?
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Clip Studio Paint 3.0
Anyone know if Clip Studio Paint 3.0 is cracked anywhere? Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask.
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How do you bookmark boards like in this image?
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Simple Collage Software
Screenshot 2024-04-27 170902
best program to make quick, simple pic collage like this? I've been using paint classic since I'm not booting up photoshop just for this
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Steam Game Blackscreen Fix
Someone help me idk how...
I wanted to play edna and harvey game and the logo started but the game is blackscreen all i can hear is birds chirping. Someone said I need media feature pack but im on windows 11 and I don't have one and idk where am I gonna do this?
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What's the best anime for a super normie teenage girl that was raised on shit like Riverdale and South American dramas and mostly consumes Netflix slop and bland youtube animated stories?
She liked Death Note btw
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Color photographs of WWII era Germany, please. The rarer, the better.

A working dl link to Hugo Jäger's full photo collection would be much appreciated too.

Also where should I request for related nsfl photos?
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For those that speak Japanese, what does this say?
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who's the artist of this short comic?
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Name of this character?
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Kids and lgbt
I'm looking for images and webms of kids interacting with lgbt individuals for a project of mine. I'd especially appreciate it if someone could post that webm of the guys barking at a kid.
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List me some important and must know words from the english language, ok thanks
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Any other examples like this with people being charged differently based on sexuality/gender/race? modern era obviously
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Does anyone know how to stop lag in VX Ace RPGMaker games? I was playing pic rel and it starts lagging after a few minutes.
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Actually Good Traditional/Orchestra VSTs
My Neighbor Hankero
I'm looking for some good music VSTs for traditional instruments that don't sound like dated midi tracks.
Without ranting too much, so much orchestra VSTs sound fake. If you youtube search orchestra vsts you'll get popular music production youtubers promoting inorganic/very fake sounding orchestra instrument packs

Surprising enough, I found a vst called Bohemian Violin that actually flows like they should, but they're only violins/viola/cellos.
I'm looking for like brass instruments & anything orchestra adjacent that don't sound like a 90s midi pack or a low budget video game
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Are there any Fallout 4 mods that make the gameplay more like 3 and New Vegas?
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lust provoking image
Hello /wsr/, I have 2 unrelated questions:
1. Where did "t. knower" come from?
2. Why do internet lefties keep referencing goblins? Did I miss a meme or something? No I'm not talking about that one streamer.
Thank you.
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What song is being used in the first half of this video?
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What are some other series with an actual villain protagonist rather than an edgelord with a heart of gold?

To set the standard, our hero in pic related rapes a girl just to get her boyfriend to accept a fight.
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adobe after effects
Movies & TV 9_11_2022 9_42_53 PM
im trying to make a sigma edit of an autist at my school saying the n word. Any one have an after effects torrent or any thing similar.
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Looking for a manga where MCs mom reverts back to her teens and goes to school with him. His dad is happy to partake his wife's youthful looks

Another manga where MCs mom in a mangaka and his dad was the truck driver who drover to Tokyo.
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Image clean
Can someone clean this image?
I mean, someone made this image, but it has a lot of white dots in between, I want it to look cleaner (like some svg, maybe) and not having those white spots between the lines.
I'm not sure if I explained myself correctly (I want a better quality image).
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looking for recommendations on something to read.

books, manga, or comics are okay.

I would like something post apocalyptic, kinda like fallout but doesnt have to be exactly the same.
stuff like some wasteland exploring, interesting characters, living underground, weird creatures, etc...

thanks in advance, anons.
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Looking for a city builder with a full blown governmental system that has things like riots and a functioning military.
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Internet Cards Hunt
I am looking here for images with text in a card format, like picrel and the following posts. They should preferably use Yu-Gi-Oh's card templates but any other media also works, really. Post everything that you got, anon!
Thanks in advance.
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"Not My Problem" Pixar AI art parody
Does anyone have the AI-generated image of a guy pouring oil down the sink and shrugging? It was made to look like a Pixar film poster.
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Help finding an old Youtube Poop
Hi anons,
I am hoping someone has a lead on this extremely obscure old Youtube Poop video that I cannot find anymore. My friends group all distinctly remember it existing and laughing our asses off at it, but it has been years since we've seen it.

Here is what I can remember about it:
"You cannot grasp the true form of squidward attack"
>approximate year
Probably around 2008 or so but could have been closer to 2011.
On Youtube, I don't know anywhere else it was.
It's an extremely fast and ear-rapey youtube poop with tons of cuts and editing. Probably Sony Vegas

I believe it mostly featured clips from Spongebob Squarepants episode "House Fancy", specifically the scene where spongebob and squidward are moving a couch and it ends up getting dropped on squidward's toe. I think this scene is notorious for the grossout factor.

I remember the video beginning with picrel typical YouTube Poop intro animation, but it was sped up and it was just some audio of some guy saying "DILDO"

I remember there being a part where Spongebob is saying "Squidward Help" and the audio is all fucked up and clipped.

And another with Spongebob screaming and it cuts the same clip like 5 times, with the last one being longer, like AAA AAA AAA AAA AAAAAAAAA

Then it ends with the Giygas music as per the meme it was attempting to go for.

It was mostly a psycho ass youtube poop though.

Thanks in advance any anons who can help.
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best books about eugenics that prove why it should or should not be implemented. no jewish authors
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Looking for action adventure anime.
-Has a lot of badass fighting with swords/martial arts/magic (not guns gunfights in anime are always dogshit)
-Looks good
-Gender balanced cast with cool guys and cute hot girls
-Full adaptation or original
-No "I'll let the murderer go and kill more people because killing is wrong" bullshit
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Playing no man's sky on ultra with 3060 rtx 12gb yet my game looks like this. I switched from 1050ti. Already reinstalled drivers but before that when I had 1050 I did something in somewhere to change graphic in pc to raise fps. Now I'm clueless how to fix this. Reinstall Windows?
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cutting hair with knife
kabar dozier d2 knife folder
How do you cut your hair with a knife?
What haircuts can you do using only a knife?
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I work at a factory as a forklift driver, but I don't like it. I want to change my job, and I have no other skills, but don't know which skill to learn. Help me decide what to learn, please?
Pic unrelated.
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image viewer for win 10
What'd be a good alternative to the windows image viewer for windows 10?
I liked the one for win 7, but the win 10 one is really bad, you can't easily go from one image to another, and for whatever reason the zoom seems to be messed up, and shows the image strangely pixelated (while you can see it clearly in whatever browser of your choice), which would be your recommended image viewer software?
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Please share this chudjak meme about a jew who is holding a board saying "6 billion must cry" and theres jews praying at the western wall in the background.
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3x3 (3)
What are some anime with genuinely good storytelling and creative/impactful plotlines?
Lesser known anime preferred
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Does anyone have already ripped Godzilla minus one? It's on Amazon prime
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what is the meaning of these strange symbols?
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who is this semen goblin
please bros, i cannot find this with reverse image search unfortunately

all the sources i found there's always another coomer trying to find out her name and no one does :'(
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I used OpenAI's Whisper to transcribe a very long class to text

but the text

is like this

from start

to end

How can I group everything into paragraphs? It's too big for ChatGPT.
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dark saber
Does anyone have the full version of this picture?
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The Irresponsible Captain Tylor - 1x03 - The Ship Sets Sail, but Misgivings Remain._(00.04.33)_[06.38.39_30-04-2024]
What is this kind of jacket called and where could I buy it? Is it a military jacket or just future anime clothing?
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Hi /wsg/. I'm looking for a gif that was posted regularly in /pol/ that displays an scene from a movie in which there's a brawl in a restaurant/bar, with everyone fighting amongst themselves while, standing on a table, there's a guy dressed as Hitler giving Nazi salutes.

Anyone has it saved and cares to post it?

Thanks in advance.

(Posting some random, old gifs).
10 media | 11 replies
No title
Does anyone have scans of the books for the tabletop Cyberpunk games. I’m not interested in playing them, I just wanna read all the lore directly from the source, and all I’ve been able to find was gameplay stuff online. I wanna see all the story these cover from the 2013 version up until RED so I can get into the video game after
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No title
Looking for a Japanese/Korean(?) mobile game from before 2015 based around Alice in Wonderland.
The game might have came out before smartphones were a thing.
The game itself is a 2d platformer with pixelated graphics(similar to pic related) starring Alice as the protagonist, and was based on combat throughout the setting of the book.
A scene I specifically remember is one scene where Alice mows down a line of card soldiers with a melee attack.
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No title
Looking for an old picture that used to float around the internet.

It was of an old-timey diner menu board sort of like picrel, but it was all funny vulgar menu entries like shit and roadkill; I specifically remember one of the entries was just "I KILL YOU".

Any help appreciated, etc.
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No title
I request this video I once saw in youtube:
I think (but am not sure) it was called something like "Please, don't turn me into the letter G". In the video, a camel is transformed into the letter G; and the GameCube intro song plays during the transformation. It was released by one of those "short meme" channels like kmlkmljkl (I am not sure it was him tho).
I tried to search it, but youtube's search engine has been dumbed down to a point where writing the searched string between double quotes does not get literal results anymore. Everything I get is children videos singing the alphabet and other youtube kids shit.
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No title
what's a good fun show that's come out in the recent years that I can watch to enjoy myself and forget about irl things
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biarticular legs
New Project(4)
Okay, so this is a long one but I'll put a TL;DR for the people who just want to follow through with this or whatever.

I am a very newbie type of guy to designing things like this, I am designing a bi-articular leg, like a cat's, my original plan was to use a pneumatic actuator to act like a sort of muscle to contract and control the leg sort of like how the muscle would in a cats leg, but here's the issue, I can't use air controlled mechanics in the robot because literally, everything else on the robot will be electrically powered, along with the fact that I need this robot to be somewhat cat-sized, so, obvious answer to that would use a solenoid actuator, but the issue with that is that I can't have the back of the solenoid actuator coming out because it will be obstructed by the femur (the plan was to have the solenoid actuator connected to the bottom of the femur and then connect to the fibula). I have also thought about using a servo but I need the cat to have a outer metal shell that looks realistic and not some deformed cat Any ideas for this? Will I need to design my own thing for it to replicate the muscle of the cat's leg? (i WILL have more questions so, stay tuned) PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME IF MY DIAGRAM IS WRONG I LITERALLY HAVE NO CLUE HOW THIS STUFF WORKS.
TL;DR: Designing a bi-articular leg like a cat's, but can't use pneumatic actuators due to electrical constraints. Considering solenoid actuators, but they're obstructed by the femur. Need a solution for realistic movement without obstructing the leg's structure.
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Who is this Asian model (Korean?) girl with a tattoo on her thigh?
Someone posting her pics on twitter pretending to be them so i wanted to find out who she is.

Reverse search was no help to me, so perhaps someone knows or know how to use other apps like kakao to find out. Supposedly she is korean.

There is a small chance the tattoo is photoshopped too.
12 media | 17 replies
Hey anons, does anyone remember that one stl kickstarter that started a couple years back for an AI necro machine army? It was called harbingers of something and had names for models like Emissary unit 05 or combat unit 02. The Kickstarter had its own lore for each set of models about how the machines sanitize planets but before they do they send down Emissary units to tell the planet they were fucked. Made a big deal about being harbingers of doom, being Eldritch and maybe HR Giger inspired. The minis looked very 30k automata style with some combat units looking like those mantis vorax in proportions. I know that he had some tenuous rules for the miniatures and they are similar to bluARTs but completely mechanical. I don't think it was associated with one page rules either. Seemed like an independent project that was on Kickstarter 2-3 years ago. Any help is appreciated anons. Pic for general style reference
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Trying to find reference images for a glass shard weapon
Working on a D&D character who is meant to be an expy of Daniella from Haunting Grounds, complete with a giant shard of glass being their primary weapon. In my autism, I've become obsessed with finding the perfect reference image of just this weapon on its own, not in the character's hand, but turns out images of jagged shards of glass in a vague sword shape are surprisingly hard to find. Making this post hoping other people will have more luck than me in finding images that could pass as a giant weaponized glass shard.
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T-Shirt, CM-5 Super Comp, or the Girl
Recommend me a new phone that isn't a slabshit phallus-sized headphonejack-less piece of shit that I need to hold with two hands to use. I've tried asking /spg/ on /g/, but there are too many shills there. I'm looking either for a regular smartphone, or a flip phone--any type of flip phone; I'm okay with dumbphones, but I'd rather not use KaiOS shit or creaseshit. The last phone I really liked was my Samsung J3 Prime from 2017. That lil' nigga is still going strong; it has longer battery life than my new slabshit samshit phone that tickles my autism when I put it in my pocket.

Here are the rest of my demands:
>preferably Android, not some KaiOS spin-off
>Less than 141mm x 71mm x 8.7mm, or within a few mm of error
>3.5mm headphone jack
>USB-C is a plus

Recommend me a smart phone phone with dimensions similar to 141mm x 71mm x 8.7mm, or a flip phone--preferably from the Asian market that can be made to work (reliably) in the states. I know of the Nokia flip phones, but I've heard that they're unreliable pieces of shit.
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No title
Looking for the acappella vocal track for Meat City by John Lennon. I've tried using AI vocal isolaters, but none of them sound good. They mix up instrumentals with vocals and cut out way too much. If anyone has it from a bootleg (or maybe is good at mixing music and can make it), then please share
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Pixiv source
This is a pack of colored pics of Getsuyoubi no Tawawa (sfw):
As you can see, its' called:
>[pixiv] 比村奇石 - 月曜日のたわわ パートIV [カラー化]
>[pixiv] Himura Kiseki - Getsuyoubi no Tawawa Part IV [Colorized]

So there must be other packs by the same colorizer. But I can't find these "Part III", etc. by reverse search and I get lost on pixiv.
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I've searched far and wide for the hood version of andypeach.swf but I can't find it, please help.
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Hi, is there an onionsite where I can pay to find someone's driver's license .. of any country?
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I’m looking for the origin of this popular image I was wondering if someone here remembers seeing this image in 4chans early days any help is greatly appreciated
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Reccomend a good Aesthetic diary app for Windows 10
I hope You're having a good day anon(s)
I'm looking for a diary app for Windows 10 (and possibly Android too if possible, it'd be great if I could sync in between) that feels and looks like I'm writing on old worn out parchment paper because I really dislike the blinding white or black backrgound of the usual note taking app.

Or just a diary app that lets me change the background color would do. But I'd like one where its themed like an actual diary
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No title
Can someone give me a list of good slice of life anime?
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Home network for retards
Friend asked me to fix his fucked lan at home. Can someone network magician check if the cabling situation in pic rel is how it's supposed to go? I haven't messed around with ethernet cables in forever.
1 media | 8 replies
No title
Looking for webms of Houthi/Ansar Allah music videos of their songs with combat music playing in the background. They've been wiped from the internet through censorship. They used to be posted on /wsg/ quite often a few years ago. The one I want the most is Yemeni Ababil
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Phone Browse Software?
This is a bit of a weird one. Does anyone know of a software or something else that can transfer or allow browsing of photos on a phone over to pc? The Phone is OLD. A Samsung Gusto 1 2012. Got some important photos I want to get off there. According to some searches I need a 3rd party software to get them transferred to PC. Because I can't send them via the phone. I have access to Bluetooth if that helps, but no internet or WiFi.
1 media | 16 replies
No title
are there any games like Recettear that are centered around communism rather than capitalism?
this has nothing to do with my own political leanings or suspecting the game would even be fun, I'm just curious if such a thing exists
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is there a site like spook tube? I'm not asking for a site where people get hurt but I am asking for a site where there's scary stuff oooooo. also how's/b/ like lately?
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Horse racing betting model
Capture d'écran 2024-04-28 174701
im working on a horse betting model but i was wondering something. I focus on quinella betting and on races with at least 12 horses running and so far i use data from 2021 to 2023 for a total of 1920 races.
The attached image gives the final bankroll based on edge and kelly for each year (starting at 5K), the number of tries (a try being a combination where the model predict a return superior to the bet + edge, based on the average return for similar odds), and finally the number of winning combinations.
Do you think i have sufficient data at this point ? i considered the number of tried combinations enough but the fact that the winning combinations are so low concerns me. Should i had more data or is this enough to prove that the model is working ?
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What are some songs where at least half of the lyrics are swear words?
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Does anyone have the meme of the hand holding up a microphone for a person with a shitting butt as their head? You know the one
6 media | 10 replies
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I'm looking for doraemon movies to download but there was only about 5 titles available on nyaa with english sub.
anyone know where else to find them? or maybe if you have some big collection maybe make a thread on /t/?
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Can someone remove the background for me?
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Asphalt City Jacket
This is a jacket worm often in the movie Asphalt City by Tye Sheridan's character Ollie Cross.

I need this jacket, or a color variant of it. Been googling for about 3 hours no, but no luck.

Can any anon help, please?
1 media | 4 replies
How do I get better at drawing?
I'm autistic, with ADHD. I can't focus on trying to get better at all or even come up with anything to draw without just giving up and going back to looking at my phone and doing something else.
I've legitimately never been able to commit myself to any serious hobby and have gotten lazy over the years with my only actual one which is writing and the only reason I'm good at writing is because I wanted people to be able to understand what the fuck I was saying and I wanted to write good stories because I thought I'd never be able to make them in a visual medium, but that's it. I've never been able to commit to a serious routine, schedule, or anything. I just sit in my room online doing basically nothing.
Everything I try doing looks so daunting and impossible. I tried learning Source Filmmaker as a teen and I gave up immediately because it looked too complicated. I tried learning how to make my own games in game maker, gave up immediately and never touched it. Even something like drawing just looks so complex and impossible. This is what it's like for everything I try doing.
3 media | 30 replies
Internet acces issue
Hey, pardon the intrusion I got a Rog strix laptop for like 1 or 2 y now and recently I've been having an issue where the internet disables itself out of fucking nowhere and I can't turn it back on so I need to restart the laptop, it's been happening frequently but it only started like last month or so, I've updated the drivers and it hasn't fixed it, does anyone have a good solution to fix this? Appreciate any help thanks.
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Can anyone identify this character/show?
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Looking for a reasonably priced HDMI cable that can output 120hz, HDR at 4k and is sold at a 20ft length. I have a PC with a RTX 3080 and 5900X CPU. TV im trying to connect my PC supports ARC.

This cable I purchased was a dud. It can only support up to 60hz, HDR at 4k.

Trying to output at 120hz causes random black screens that last a few seconds.
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can somebody make the background transparent and just leave the guy wiggling?
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Sin título
My TV can be fixed?
How much it will cost more less?
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What is this genre of short video called and where can I find more?
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Anyone knows which anime this is? I just saw it here
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Enable saucenao on 4chan X extension?
4chanX is pretty good, but i hate that there is no saucenao when i want to search for an image, only yandex, google, iqdb, and trace.
The last 2 ones are a meme most of the time, they can't a source correctly even when they confidently claim have a match.
As crappy as saucenao can be with cropped images, it can get a manga most of the time as long as you have an uncropped image.

So, how to i add saucenao to 4chanX image source options?
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I am in possession of a component off of a Russian spacecraft, most likely a satellite. It is not dangerous in any regard and is not part of a weapons system. It is in good shape and in my opinion quite neat. I would like to keep it in my possession, not interested in selling it. I would however like to make some money off of it. I am in the PNW area and driving is no object.
Is there any sort of museum I could lease this object to, or some other way to make money off of this while still retaining ownership?
Secondly, while this component would not have any data on it (not an electronic component) it is still Russian aerospace tech, could the fedfags conceivably come in and confiscate it from me?
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Does anyone have any sort of "screams of the damned" type ambience track? Looking for smth to fall asleep to and that seems perfect.
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No title
I hope it's worksafe, not porn or nudity. My first post on this board also!

I lost them webms, can good folk here please post funny webm of Black woman mogging white girl with her big Black ass on the beach

Also bonus round.
webm where Black woman in blue bikini is in the kitchen smiling!
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artists rendition
I remember seeing this one video a while ago but I forgot to save it. It was on youtube shorts of this guy playing Fantaisie-Impromptu by Chopin on one of those public pianos in a park, but as he was playing there was this one little girl who wanted to be a nuisance to him who started pressing the keys at the top of the piano but in kindof a shy way. If someone knows of this vid and could send it over that would be epic
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Gokigen Ferret Plush Collection
Any slim possibility that anyone here knows where to find these exact plushies online that are either a.) still in stock *or* b.) available secondhand?

as in: any possible *unindexed* places or some shit? I'm having tough luck finding them on either google/their shopping tab, amazon or ebay.

(the product in question:
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No title
Does any of you have one specific gif of kuro chan shooting his gun? its one that looks like it was made in ms paint. Its probably very popular but i can't find it .
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Clothing search
Does anyone know where I can find this jacket but with notched lapels? I want to cosplay the Legendary Commander from NIKKE and this is the closest thing I can find.
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Source or Artist name
Can someone help me find the artist or even the original source of this image please? I had a much smaller, cut version of it before and eventually got to this using imgops (yandex, saucenao, iqdb, etc), but I can't find a higher quality version nor the name of the artist.
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No title
Could anyone rip the texture of this magic circle from the Pokemon Let's Go games for me?
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Help with writing
To summarize, I want to make a story (to say in some way), maybe a manga, book or anything that talks about multiple things, such as real life conspiracies as the general main plot, with also some SCI-FI elements and magic, (such as rituals, not things like Harry Potter, etc.) I don't know where to exactly start, I was thinking into making a thread in /x/ to ask for help about making a good story and gather information about a good quantity of conspiracies. But, to clarify, I really want to make an interesting story, not something like X files or the classic ones that people already know, I want to make a whole new thing. So, please have mercy on me, can someone come and I can explain further?
4 media | 41 replies
Manga name
Looking for the name of this manga that I read only the first 2(?) chapters awhile ago. It goes something like this
>MC was sent to prison for killing the person who raped his sister, eventually leading to her killing herself later
>when he's out of prison, he came to live with his mom, who is now somekind of caretaker for orphans
>the feMC is the kid that's living with his mother. she turned out to be the child of the person whom MC killed, and she was there to witness everything
>MC feeling guilty, and is now left wondering if the girl is planning on taking revenge
There was some details about visiting the grave of MC's sister and her rapist but I don't remember it very well.
Thanks in advance!
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Windows 11 Night Light
Is there any way to make this thing actually turn on when it's scheduled to? I've got it set to turn on at sunset, but at least half the time it fails to do so and I have to go in and turn it on manually.

I'm using up-to-date AMD graphics drivers for my laptop and all that jazz.
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No title
i have trouble with some coworkers.
I dont know why but i get weird looks from them, there's like 10 of them.

We were all in orientation and joined the workplace together, and they're all guys.
Like i notice that they ignore me when other people don't, or give me a look like they dont want to be around me, some avoid me all together and walk home different ways when it was all fine before.

I'm really friendly too, and say please and thank you, I try not to talk over others or show off, I greet people with a smile and say it's nice to see them again.
Other people treat me fine, but it's just them.

What's more is that I was getting along with some of them just fine before, but it's like something happened, and they kinda treat me coldly. Even one person who was really friendly to me and we talked about anime a lot just doesn't want to be around me and seems to ignore me. Or another person where we talked about games before just doesn't talk to me at all now.

Other people who weren't with me at orientation treat me fine and like a person.
I dont know what I did.
I'm not rude, I dont swear or anything. I can't really even find a time to ask what I did wrong if anything.

Should I just let it go?
I feel like something started in that group and it spread to others in that group, and they just avoid me.
I just feel isolated at work.
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Never-finished Nazi War Movie
I'm looking for the name of a full-length Nazi propaganda movie about the Eastern front. Supposedly, it was somber war drama, meant to depict a warrior's sacrifice, and was likened to The Dark Tower. It was never finished, nor released, but I've seen B-roll of it, and heard of it, in a YouTube video somewhere. I think it was a Perun, or LazerPig video. Any help would be appreciated, I want to add the footage to my war archive.
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Help me read a block diagram and fix my TV
Hello /wsr/, I have a broken old rear-projection TV lying in my room. These old TVs work by, as the name says, projecting an image through a set of LCD lenses and mirrors with the help of a bright lamp. My TV has a set of safety switches around the lamp plug, but one of these micro switches is physically broken so the TV refuses to turn on as the mainboard detects it as 'not in place'. the led indicator sequence matches that error. I looked up the service manual and came up with this
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No title
where can I start a thread where we post things that are retarded. I also wanna see that video of the guy spinning his arm around for the kids prize
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No title
Does anybody know the artist source for this? Thanks in advance.
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No title
Has anyone else been having problems lately with Pixiv not loading images? It doesn't matter if I use the app or the browser version on PC. Images often just won't load. Is there anything I can do that can fix this issue? Or is the site just broken?
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Need help find a picture
I search for a 2 frames pictures. in the first frame a guy is struggling with bad thoughts and in the other the guy is calm with only "her" in her mind. i know the pictures was posted already on 4chan but i can't my hands on it (here or elsewhere)
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No title
Rei's smile
Please give me all of your Evangelion related webms, I want as many as I can.

Please and thank you.
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/AAD/ - Archiving And Donating computer resources general
Useful archiving efforts and other projects to help out with:

HIGH priority (If you don't help archive these automatically, the data will probably be lost forever):

1. Help out automatically archive things being shut down right now by running ArchiveTeam Warrior program (or specific containers) in the background:
Requirements: Few GB of space, some bandwidth and small amount of CPU power, more info:

If you learn that a site or any online data is in danger of shutting down, read through this page and contact ArchiveTeam on their IRC if required in order to have it archived:

2. Help out automatically forward URLs you browse that are not archived on to them for archival with a browser extension:
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Overlay a pic over Windows?
Is there a simple program or a simple method to overlay a picture on your Windows 10 screen, and leave it there on top of everything else while you're still able to use the rest of the programs?

Thank you.
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help finding a show
hello friend. can anyone help me find what show this screenshot is from?
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No title
Looking for a bigger version of this image
No luck with yandex or google image search
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Better video player than VLC
Why did /a/nons mock my >vlcsnap screenshots? I took it because there is a better video player? Checked out MPC-HC and it was discontinued since 2017
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Ren and stimpy icon
What video where it has john k on the phone call saying that he would rather have someone skip school or something as an advice?
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Does anyone have an idea what this is?
I have this for 2 month now but appointment at the doctor is in October and I would like to know what this is and maybe what I could do in before.
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No title
Who is this woman and what is this from?
I'm not really sure why but this image is so creepy...
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Kinematics problem help
Screenshot from 2024-04-25 15-48-13
You don't have to solve it completely but give me some hints. Keep in mind I have almost no knowledge of physics at all, and please don't be surprised if the problem looks too simple to you. I have required level of math however.

>φ = 45°, ∠BAO = 90°, vA (velocity A) = 14m/s, AB = 70 cm. Find vB.

I don't really understand what vB is let alone how to find it. It means "velocity B" in some sense but I'm not sure which.
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can't remember series
I'm trying to find a chapter of some series I can't remember, here's what I can recall that happened:
>group of people are in a spaceship
>reach a planet
>the planet "seems alive"
>it boils fishes in a river
>one of the astronauts says the fish is bad
>other seems to be "falling in love" with the planet
>the guy who said the fish was bad, later is seen drilling the planet, while the planets screams of pain, and the dude laughs like a maniac
>the other dude seems to kill him(?) (can't remember this part happening)
>planet starts to make volcano eruptions
>everyone leaves except the dude in love
>he sees a female face form into the dirt/water (can't remember this part clearly).
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I have a fondness for the PS2 and I like JRPGs. Can you please recommend me some PS2 JRPGs you enjoyed? I've only played the ones in the image.
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new tablet OS for old tablet
i have an old tablet from 2017 with android 7, i rooted it years ago and forgot about it. now i want to update to a custom OS so it can stay rooted and i can use modern apps. whats the best OS i can put on it while still having control over it?
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Dollchan - restoring replies position
Hello, I just installed Dollchan, but the replies seem to have changed their position from being in the upper right part of reply box to the middle of the box.
As I am quite unfamiliar with CSS (but at least managed to get the underline back), I will gratefully appreciate any help in order to set those changes back.
link to Dollchan:
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No title
what film is this from
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Anime Rec
Any more goofy fantasy anime like Konosuba?
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3.3V Rail outputting insane Voltage
My mobo is telling me that my 3.3V rail is outputting 4.0V instead. Not even 3.4V, outright 4.0V
I have not seen any problems with my computer at all except that my LAN connector doesn't seem to be working.
Should I be concerned? Time to replace the PSU? Mobo issue?
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Looking for this obscure, alternate version of this song
Ep. 14 Alt. ver. of Borderline Case and Do you Love me
This is from episode 14 of NGE
This is an alternate version of the song, "Borderline Case" which is an alt version of "Do You Love Me?"

The song heard here is different from both, I trimmed it down to this part because it's the best part and shows the difference, especially where she says, "Blood." This part of the song a smoother, less abrasive high note that is sung instead of using and instrument like in the two other versions.

Can't find this version everywhere, looked through all the other known versions, and the whole ost. It's so damn good, please help
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No title
Looking for a meme of a dog with glasses looking at the camera captioned with
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Bell curve meme
Greetings everyone,

I'm looking for a meme I saw a long time ago.

>Bell curve meme like pic related
>Low IQ wojak saying something like: I only trust in what I see
>Mid IQ wojak saying something like: sciences studies are truth and personal experience means nothing
>High IQ wojak (most likedly replaced with the picture of a scientist): Peer studies are published in a corrupt system, thus making personal experience as valuable as published studies papers

My precisions are very vagues sorry, I'll take any pictures that's close to the description I did hehe

Thank you in advance
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can someone complete this gifs cycle
so it looks like it loops infinitely
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No title
I'm looking for an old piece of art with an anime girl, a big dog (I think it was a St. Bernard with the little neck mug, but not sure), and a bunch of little doggirl kids, with the obvious implication being that they're the girl and dog's puppies. I haven't seen it in a while and I don't remember it clearly enough to narrow down the tags. Can an anon help me out?
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Sites to watch movies for free
I don't know too much of the topic, but I want a good page with a good quantity of movies that isn't too underground to end up downloading for me a virus.
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