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Board: /wsr/

"/wsr/ - Worksafe Requests" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to fulfilling non-NSFW requests.

Welcome to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests
This board is for:
  • Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
  • Asking for photoshop requests.
  • Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
  • Asking for tech support or help with your homework.
  • Any other kind of work-safe request.
Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice.
0 media | 1 replies
How do i add text above videos?
Something like this.
Is there a tool to easily do this? I don't think FFMPEG can.
It feels like a drag to use adobe premiere or after effects for something that looks so simple, yet i can't find a way to do so.
Help is appreciated!
0 media | 6 replies
No title
What is the "DJ spinning, etc." sample used in this song from? pic unrel
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Where do I download audiobooks and podcasts?
I know libgen is good for books, but where do I get audiobooks from plz?
Also looking for where to download audiodramas and stuff if anyone can help.

Side question, does anyone have any good recommendations for easy listening in the background?

A lot of times I like to have something playing, but because I don't know what to listen to I just put on some fairly dull sports stuff. I want to start listening to other things instead that are perhaps more productive but any recs are fine for this. Thanks
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I would be ever so grateful if you could remove the anime girls and the text from this image or just crop the chopper gunner and have the rest transparent, whatever works.
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I want to become a good artist within a year otherwise I'm offing myself. What do I follow first?
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Hey Anons, I'm looking for a good scan of this painting by David Mattingly because I want to print myself a poster, but everything I find is compressed low-res crap. Can anyone help me find a file? Thanks, by the way.
Also there is an uncropped version of this same painting (,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/, if anyone can find a scan of this, it would be even better :DD.
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No title
Are there any other anime or cartoons like Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry where the focus is on an officially hooked-up couple being fluffy with each other despite challenges and romantic competition?
1 media | 16 replies
how to block images on catalog
How to block images on a catalog with ublock or 4ch x ?
I just want to block images on a specific catalog but not images in the threads.
I tried reading through dynamic filtering or making my own filters but nothing works how I want it.
I'm not a programmer so this is just too much for me and asking chatgpt didn't help.
0 media | 1 replies
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cool boat
take my survey you beautiful fucks. no personal information being saved. help me not fail a class
1 media | 5 replies
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Looking for this video on HQ, since is old I doubt I found it in HD. Also, there was a version where a japanese woman voice is heard at the beginning and a boy walking to hold an sphere at a technological place, if can give that video regardless of quality please.
0 media | 9 replies
Looking for a rare doujinshi
really damn rare book about aliens
Hey /wsr/, I'm currently looking for scans of this Tamagotchi doujin called Tamatomo Friends, and I'm going to need your help.

So, here's the problem, there seems to be no full scans for this doujin anywhere on the internet that I can find. The only pages that got scans were for the first few pages on an online store, and all listings for the doujin have been sold out. Still isn't stopping me from searching for this doujin, though!

I really hope this doujin can be fully scanned and posted online so that it can never be lost to the sands of time, because it looks promising from the few pages I have seen.
Anyways, care to help me on my quest?
3 media | 28 replies
No title
I got a new laptop with windows 11 and it’s not letting me post on 4chan. I can’t access the main page at all, it just says “checking if the site connection is secure” and never goes through. I can go to specific boards if I type there address in, but I can’t post because the captcha never loads.
0 media | 7 replies
Where to buy Bombyx mori
So I found all these various websites and articles for raising silk moths but I can't find anywhere that sells their larvae. Am I just looking in the wrong places?
2 media | 3 replies
Requesting coloring for her and make her stand straight, please. reference:
1 media | 2 replies
recommendations of chunky shoes
i really don't have many pairs of sneakers but i saw the shoes in the pic and i really liked them, so i'm wondering if someone may have recommendations on similar sneakers but cheaper cause i don't want to pay that much for some shoes
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IMDB page
Is there any way to view an imdb list in per page instead of expanding the list?
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No title
Any other films like this?
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Female characters with face you can't see / no face / no head
I don't know why , but whenever I see in games / artwork / anime / whatever else , female characters that have their face entirely covered or concealed (no eyes visible), or instead of a human head they have an object (think like Pyramidhead but female ) , it does things for me.... I can't quite recall any more characters like that in present , but I know about 5 of such anyway . I am requesting more characters that fit this description . So please help me out. Could be someone's OC. Bonus points if the character has fighting ability . No masks with facial features .
3 media | 6 replies
Why cant I UPDATE database with a variable?

>UPDATE users SET avatar = "$userchosen"

This doesnt work because apparently avatar needs to be a discrete string, not a variable.
But I need it to be a variable.
Weird, this should be the first thing anyone needs to know but there are zero tutorials online. They all assume I will update the row with a pre-determined value.
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bobobo anime streaming?
I have been getting some youtube recommendations of bobobo, and I wonder if there's any site where I can watch it online, in japanese dub with english subs (and decent quality). None of the anime sites I know of has it, and I don't feel like searching for torrents to download every one of those chapters from wherever they might be.
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No title
Any of you anons got the orginal image?
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I'm looking for doraemon movies to download but there was only about 5 titles available on nyaa with english sub.
anyone know where else to find them? or maybe if you have some big collection maybe make a thread on /t/?
0 media | 56 replies
pic dump online where?
i wanna dump 69 pics to later use on 4chin without the hassle of uploading 1 by 1.
any ideas?
0 media | 1 replies
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What is the best FOSS software to make a map of a house?
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Games similar to Sim Life? Looking for near-clones
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I want to sleep a bit during the day so I can sleep a complete sleep at night. how long should I sleep for in the day? it's gonna be 10am and I want to do the complete sleep at 11pm. I want to "nap" at around 11am and I think a sleep less than a hour would be good to make me stay awake for 11pm and sleepy enough to sleep deeply at that time. Google says a 20 min nap is good to help you stay alert, also a 30 min nap, while a 120 min nap can help if you're sleep deprived. will I be good with a 2 hour nap or...?
1 media | 6 replies
Identify flowers
What type of flower is in this persons tattoo?
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"Cortisol" blackpill screencap
Looking for a screencap where an anon goes into detail on how it's over for anyone that has been lonely due to the hormone cortisol. He mentions a science student not remembering anything after a year from graduating college.
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No title
I need the screencap of that kid that hacksawed (told to do so buy his friend) a very expensive gpu to fit in his pc only for it to not work
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Games with dream worlds.
Games with dream worlds, dreamlike worlds or mental worlds. That's my request. Games like Klonoa, Dreams to Reality or Nights. Can be entire game or a segment or level.
5 media | 26 replies
No title
what game is this?
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Self-help manga?
Satoru Gojo Gyatt
I can't stand reading books, but I'm addicted to manga. Does anyone know any good manga alternatives to popular self-help books? It can be related to anything. Just share any manga that has helped you or that you'd find useful.
1 media | 1 replies
Free Book download plz..
norton anthology of english literature 6th ed
I need to download the 6th edition of 'The Norton Anthology of English Literature' by WH Abrams, volumes 1 and 2. Anna's archive did have links, but they either didn't work or were insanely slow and absolutely undownloadable when I tried them in Tor. Plz help
0 media | 7 replies
No title
Need some help finding a specific music track. In FF7 Rebirth, every big region has two "versions" of its theme. When you first enter the region, it will play the first version of the theme. After your do so many overworld quests (not sure but I think maybe the Towers quests will drive it), the theme will change to a different version. Usually more instruments added, more vocals, more bombastic, etc.

The Corel region has this happen. No matter what "Corel theme" music I find, I can only find the second version of its theme. Even the official OST that I found seems to only have the second version. I found several YouTube videos of the Corel theme, but they've all been the second version. I can find the first version of so many others, like the Grasslands and Junon, but not the first version of the Corel theme.

Can anyone help? You'll know the first version by comparing it to the second version. The first version is more low key, has less instruments and key notes, etc. Please, someone help me track this particular track down.
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Anthony Po furry piece of shit
repressed furry
Anthony Po filmed himself getting in bed with a bunch of furries. He quietly removed and re-uploaded the video without the offending section.

Do any of you maniacs have the original video?

I found it extremely funny how unaware he is that he has a furry fetish.
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Anyone know what song this is? I like the bassline.
Partial lyrics found from "Andy Ashley - Hope You Understand" which sampled this song:
"But here I am anyways
You see...
You were digging in my case so bad
That I just had to split
But when I got out there
I found out
That I really love you"
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Hey /wsr/, looking for a scan of the Touhou circle Akatsuki Records' "Unimportant information about Akatsuki records no. 2" leaflet from Reitaisai 21. I was too stupid to realise how BOOTH works till orders got capped.

Thanks a lot in advance!
0 media | 4 replies
Scanlator group didn't translate this part and id like to know what it says
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No title
I'm searching for a youtube channel that existed around 2014-2016 (I don't know if it's still exists) about a blonde girl talking mostly about sex. She may have talked about other stuff health related but mostly about sex.
She was in her 30's, probably middle 30's, pretty. Her videos were often on a beach somewhere with a lot of light and she had a light dark (black) boyfriend sometimes appearing in the videos.
She had lots of coombait videos, at least one of them was something like "my pussy/vagina".
I remember the pharse "my little secrets" or something. Don't know if it was part of the channel name or description, or maybe her website or something else.

Any idea who she was and what was the channel name?
pic not rel
1 media | 12 replies
Fallout 4 console commands
Was the code that shows you all everything. Stages, weapons, weapons mods ect… I had the code but I can’t find it anywhere!!!!
0 media | 1 replies
No title
been trying to find who this is but no luck on any reverse image search engines i'm aware of
2 media | 17 replies
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Requesting videos or stories of moms being mean to/humiliating their sons. (or other boys)

Obviously not in a illegal or sexual way
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Transparent background + Color request
Could someone please make the background of pic related transparent, so it's just the duergar ojou-sama and the speech bubble?
Could you, or someone else, also please color that transparent background image using the cover art I'll post below?
1 media | 3 replies
Name of band
I found on YouTube with similar art style to Pic related. Modern band, 2010s maybe earlier. Jazzy crisp pop sound. Videos were minimalist paintings with slight animation. One was of a motel. Name was short one word, 4 or 5 letters. I recall the name sounding like a quick movement, like "jet" "zap" or"split". Thank you.
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Oniichan wa Oshimai
What is this a reference of? I feel like I've seen it before... but I just can't get my finger on it
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Vampire Hunter D novels in Japanese
I've been looking everywhere and all I can find are those shitty manga and even worse English editions. The usual Japanese book download sites don't have this extremely well sold book series and it's really frustrating. Do they even exist digitally? Please help, I'm at my wits end.
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does anyone know what movie this is from?
1 media | 1 replies
Mullet Mad Jack artbook
Basically what the subject says, looking for a PDF download of the artbook for the Mullet Mad Jack game
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Looking for parts 2 and 3 of the REFORM! docuseries
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I need help with one photo
Can someone edit it please
I don't wanna waste your time, so I have to say I only need a really good edit

What to edit

Left hand, the one less shown needs editing. The two fingers there look like they need a little touch. Also the nails on those 2 fingers are really bad looking compared to the nails on the other hand. (the only nail that I like is the first nail on the right hand, next two are close to being good but I think they miss a little something, especially on the sides it looks like they have little missing parts, due to poor quality probably)
The knuckles on the left hand looks little bit deformed aswell

I mentioned what I need for the right hand tho it's not as important as left hand is. But if you understood what I want there would be nice too

Also I want different nail polish color, will add photo of it

Other little thing is the ending of the left eyebrow
It looks blurred and not same like the other one
Also on the other side there's no space between the eyebrow and the glasses and it doesn't look good and simetric aswell, need it fixed to look like the right one

For the color of the lips I'm not sure
I think they look good but if you think they can look better with a bit more reddish shade let me see

And one last thing that I'm also not sure of is to add oversized hoops (earrings)
I'm not sure if it will look better with them or not
Also I'm not sure if they should be gold or silver color
But thats least important and don't really focus on it but the other things

Thanks alot
3 media | 42 replies
Guitar Transcription
Hey guys, I'm learning guitar and really want to play the exact chords she's playing here

I looked up guitar tabs for this song but nothing sounds right. What are they?
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unknown song
whats this music called?
0 media | 5 replies
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how do i download geo restricted youtube videos without a vpn? i want to watch clone high (2002) in my language, but half of the season 1 episodes are blocked in my country
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Would anyone happen to have the image where Lammy is ordering from a fast food restaurant but she's too nervous to talk to the cashier because she doesn't have her guitar?
0 media | 1 replies
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Looking for an older "meme" but it's not so much a meme, but a single comic book cell illustration depicting Superman and Lois Lane in bed together after having sex, Superman's outfit draped over a chair clearly depicting the iconic S and a dialogue bubble with Lois thinking something to herself "Can I do better?" The implication of this scene is that she is unsatisfied with being with Superman and wants someone more impressive.
1 media | 8 replies
No title
does anyone know where to find the webnovel translation of karate survivor in another world or yajin tensei? I've tried to look everywhere for it and even on but its not even on there.

I think I saw someone translated a couple of the novels buts it seems like it was removed.
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No title
Whenever I extract something the text always ends up like this, how do I fix it?
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Movies or Animes with this feel/aesthetic
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What boards have wikis or wikias? Post any that you know of.
0 media | 10 replies
No title
Anyone have more of these comics They'd be willing to share? I have around 35.
22 media | 29 replies
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Would Someone post that BANNED FROM 4CHAN image where the guy sees that He's banned then turns into a skeleton?
6 media | 16 replies
One Piece Merchandise
Searching for this One Piece banner, can't find it anywhere online. Very very important to me, thanks.
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No title
Can someone help recognize these people? I recognise Chris Ray Gun and Lacu Green, but who are the others?
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anyone have that reaction image of sakura cardcaptor looking disgusted? it's not this one
1 media | 2 replies
Orc Female in SSeth video
picco orc fem
Subject explains it all, looking for a Sseth video that has an orc lady. Alternatively the image itself is fine, but I prefer to find the video. I tried going through his videos myself, but I have a distinct feeling it may have been removed so I might have to settle for the image. com/@SsethTzeentach
In case people don't know who Sseth is. There's also his website with some deleted videos.

https://www.ssethtzeentach com
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Aquarion Evol Manga
Does anyone have the scans of the official English release of the Aquarion Evol manga since it's OOP?
0 media | 0 replies
What is the best online available guide to the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram?
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No title
Switched from the shitty free internet at my apartment to Verizon, but now Catbox is blocked. What do I do to fix it?
6 media | 17 replies
Looking For Downloads Of Specific Hypnosis Courses & Materials
Optical Illusion
Does anyone have downloads (torrent, mega, google drive, etc) for:
1. The Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy (MMHA) course (I can only find one dead torrent online with only 17% of the files available)

2. All the video & written content that personally involves Milton Erickson (like a collection archive, or anything separately). I'm not talking about NLP stuff by other randoms, I'm talking about specifically his writings, seminar videos, etc that he was involved in.

If you don't want to post the download publicly to risk losing your account or the files getting DMCA, etc, please send me a private message on discord (my username is "uunknownuunknown")

Thank you in advance.
0 media | 0 replies
No title
any place where I can download/torrent/watch this movie online?
I can't find it anywhere, and I only find some netflix shit with a similar names instead.
If possible with the original spanish audio, please.
0 media | 17 replies
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Where can I watch the Jujutsu Kaisen stage play? Plays are fucking impossible to find online. Anyone know a good site for watching plays and musicals?
0 media | 1 replies
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Please post similar outfits. Looking for more examples. Not sure what to call it. Sort of a 1920s female archeologist vibe?
0 media | 0 replies
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looking for a ytp style video that starts with two dudes finding a box full of protein powder, and then a large black man jumps into the box and the ytp editing starts. from there it's just a bunch of chaotic edits including "unexpected item in baggage area -- unexpected NIGGER"

i've been looking for this forever and just can't seem to find it. it was posted on /gif/ when i saw it the first time, so I don't even know where to look.

pic unrel
0 media | 1 replies
No title
Need regular expression please. So I can add it to an ignore list.

I want it to match anything with th_ . I tried th_* and apparently no dice. I don't know why I can't get this fucking shit.
0 media | 9 replies
Tight waist top
Where to cop this type of top. Ample room but tie waist.
0 media | 4 replies
No title
What is the song playing in this video?
0 media | 2 replies
/r/ing the bach flying plane autism meme
Goes smth like this
"bach y u r flying plain"
"cuz am have autism"

will dump cool tattoos and edgy tumblr yandere-core until my request is done
15 media | 18 replies
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anyone have an invite to the prettyuglylittleliars discord?
0 media | 0 replies
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Larry David is in My midst i must todd
What's a good Korean word, insult for Someone who's a not Korean?
3 media | 9 replies
No title
Requesting the astrological art illustrations ripping from this software, please. I-I'm not a zodiac girl btw, I just fascinated by the 88 modern (anime) rendition of the 88 constellations and wondering. I'm not a g-girl, baka.
0 media | 3 replies
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urban_dict-4264898841 alternatives?
0 media | 8 replies
No title
Anyone knows the original source to this picture? Or have with a higher resolution?
0 media | 0 replies
Whose jumpsuit is this?
A friend of mine recently visited the Hard Rock Café on Ibiza and took a picture of this jumpsuit, but didn't have time to photograph the sign next to it.

I tried google and yandex image search to no avail (even after adjusting the contrast and light levels and cropping the picture).

My other friend's guess was Mike D of the Beastie Boys, but the jumpsuits they wore on stage in the past did not have patches like that on the back.

I also reached out to the Hard Rock Café Ibiza account on Instagram but they did not answer me.

Any ideas who this suit belongs to?
3 media | 4 replies
How does one navigate around youtube's shadowban systems?
I'm seeing my comments completely autodelete even while looking from the account I posted from, which I'm not sure if it's a ban from the channel owner, because youtube shadowbans at least allow my shit to stay readable from the origin account while shadowbanned.
I tried posting on the other videos from the same channel and it's the same thing, comments just get sneakily autodeleted the second they are posted, but they do seem to stay on other channels. There are just so many moving parts here I wanna make sure I undersrand them properly, which is an automatic youtube ban and which is manual from the channel owner.
2 media | 16 replies
No title
What are some of the best examples of a simplistic and cutesy arts style being used in a dark and serious story?
1 media | 9 replies
Help Finding a song
I've been trying to find this song, I remember the name was "burnout" by some guy whose name I can't remember
I also remember one of the lyrics was "momma are you proud?", it was an indie song with some country music vibes
the cover looked like pic related but as a real photo(excuse the poor quality) in both spotify and yt music.
Im prob just not looking hard enough but I only get wrong results and would be very glad if any of you know the artists name.
0 media | 0 replies
guys i hate acidgvrl, but i think she could be pretty cool if she like actually knew what breakcore was. can someone help me find how to contact her.

also i fucking hate how smug her oc looks. pic related
0 media | 14 replies
DC Redesign Art lost source
DC_Trinity_Redesign-DC Trinity Redesign
Posting here, SauceNao, Yandex, TinyEye, and Google reverse has failed finding the original artist
Can't find the original anywhere
0 media | 3 replies
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Screenshot 2024-05-10 130700
does anyone have a torrent or download link for this?
0 media | 8 replies
How to download easily from YT
Hi everyone. Lately I've been enjoying how much music there is in YT, complete cds, complete works from a lot of artists. I know many ways to download this music to my pc, I uses atubecatcher for music and jdownloader for videos, anyways, as I'm a complete ignorant in everyhing about informatics, I wanted to ask here if anybody knows a better way to download. For example there's this collection, 7 cds of Tchaikovsky's complete piano music, 151 videos, and as it is only music I have to use atubecatcher, one by one, renaming it and all the stuff. Does exist any way to simply download it at once in mp3 format or wma without having to copy paste copy paste until desesperation? Thanks /wsr/ in advance.
0 media | 3 replies
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recent fav tv
Rec me some good shows based on these, please
3 media | 12 replies
Help me find the original account!
After scouring through Facebook, instagram and tiktok I still cant find the Facebook account that posted this. Anyone know?
0 media | 3 replies
/AAD/ - Archiving And Donating computer resources general
Useful archiving efforts and other projects to help out with:

HIGH priority (If you don't help archive these automatically, the data will probably be lost forever):

Help out automatically archive things being shut down right now by running ArchiveTeam Warrior program (or specific containers) in the background:
Requirements: Few GB of space, some bandwidth and small amount of CPU power, more info:

If you learn that a site or any online data is in danger of shutting down, read through this page and contact ArchiveTeam on their IRC if required in order to have it archived:

2. Help out automatically forward URLs you browse that are not archived on to them for archival with a browser extension:
0 media | 7 replies
No title
Screen Shot 2024-05-16 at 04.09.29
I'm looking for a Chinese action movie. The protagonist is a bomb expert and he fails to defuse a bomb in the past and people died.

At the climax of the film he is expected to defuse the same bomb by the same bomber. He is expected to cut the other wire, but then he reveals that he has figured out the secret, there is a secret, smaller wire behind the wire he cut last time.

I suspect that the movie is High Risk (1995), but I can't find a clip of that specific scene. Can someone confirm?
0 media | 3 replies
No title
Please identify the artist who made this image please.
0 media | 3 replies
No title
Is there a way to only watch the Juvia parts of the anime I don't care about anything else.
1 media | 1 replies
I'm trying to find this babe's socials - twitter or instagram.

She was on 4chan for a while but she hasn't posted here since last year. Not sure if she is male crossdressor or female.
0 media | 6 replies
No title
What should I name my website? You can vote and add choices in this poll site link without an account.
2 media | 3 replies
Sakamata Chloe GIF
Hi All, Does anyone know the source of this gif of Sakamata Chloe?
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No title
Version with audio, TIA,
No need for the zoom zoom editing
0 media | 4 replies
Archangel Nemesis Download
By any small chance, does any one have the files for these two games?

Bonus for 1+2 Extras
0 media | 2 replies
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Looking for her Youtube channel.
0 media | 3 replies
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What are some good siscon anime/vns?
0 media | 3 replies
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Her name in the russian alphabet please.
1 media | 7 replies
Looking for an image
It came out between 10-20 years ago.
It was a web strip like comic.
It had a girl in it. She was a snow elf. She said something like “snow elves are pretty, and dark elves are nasty looking” while explaining it to someone else in the meme/comic. she looked like a dark skinned elf with I think white hair. I’m almost positive it was either a meme, a single strip comic, or a publication but I’m almost positive it wasn’t the latter.
0 media | 0 replies
Logo removal
Minecraft Bliss
Can anybody remove the logo from this?
2 media | 6 replies
No title
who's this?
0 media | 7 replies
genuinely good self help books?
I'm at my lowest point right now, always denied myself on reading self help books, all I've ever read is fiction. Need something that can help with life in general plus maybe some money advice. Self help books that I've had access to owned by people around me were always stuff that comes off as those for people going through a mid life crisis, and I'm still in my 20s.

Wanted to ask on /adv/ at first but saw a lot of unserious replies and troll threads.
2 media | 10 replies
"I haz a kitty"
There used to be a meme which looked like this pic, but it was people holding their cats out at arms length with the caption "I haz a kitty" or similar. Can anyone find one of these memes and what was the exact caption? Doesn't show up on search engines, is the internet dead or what?
0 media | 0 replies
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lady yaga
Can somebody provide the highest quality image of this baba yaga rendition please
2 media | 2 replies
What are her socials... Names Pepsi
1 media | 7 replies
No title
Looking for a short video, probably from tiktok, where a girl was listing all her previous boyfriends and the reasons why it didn't work out with them and then in the end she says something like "now I date emotionally unavailable old men"
3 media | 8 replies
No title
does anyone know the name of the song?
0 media | 0 replies
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anyone gotta a higher quality version of this image?
also looking from that page of some edgelord comic, where some Alien Cyborg was saying .
>"I get pleasure when I kill people, this is all I have"
1 media | 5 replies
Akward Russian Tranny
I have seen some clips with this akward russian or ukrainian tranny, where she streams her daily encounters. where does she stream and how do I get a piece of the action like papa here?
0 media | 7 replies
No title
Is there a trick that makes it easier to read handwritten characters besides studying stroke order? I've been learning Japanese for a good two years but this calligraphy type writing style still trips me up everytime. Do natives have a problem reading this sort of stuff?
0 media | 3 replies
Learning electronics
I'm trying to learn electronics right now and I have learned alot of the theory, but I'm not sure where to begin with getting practical experience. I looked up some projects that naturally interested me but all of them are so advanced that I don't even know where to begin & I don't even trust myself to be able to complete that. Probably I would be better off building some easier circuits and work my way up to advanced things I think. And getting skills along the way like getting good at designing things, soldering, etc.

So anyone know of good books / websites / resources with lots of electronics projects that go from beginner to advanced? Or any other advice to help me get started?? I appreciate anything.
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No title
Need help identifying the name of one of the songs that plays during the credits of Batman: Arkham Origins, specifically the one at 9:45

Songs that are confirmed to not be it:
Night Patrol
Winter Comes to Gotham
Carol of The Bell
Arkham Origins Suite
Arkham Origins End Titles
Arkham Origins Main Titles
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Recommend shoujo manga where the nice guy wins over the mean/rapey one.
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Sauce or an edit
of this box art without the 1-2 Player Box covering Knuckles shoe, please and thank you.
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Can someone please find me a torrent for Maxima (2024)

The last episode of S01 is just out
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Anyone have DVDs of Whitest Kids U Know?
I'm talking disc image or VIDEO_TS folder. Complete uncompressed MakeMKV rips would work, too.

I'm listening to the commentary tracks on youtube and they're mixed horribly. I think I could fix them if I had a decent source. Thanks
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Hello /wsr/,

I am looking for a quality torrent of PBS' old 1995 show, Wishbone. In particular, I am trying to find S1.EP5, "Homer Sweet Homer," so I can show the newest generation.

It's on youtube and internet archive, but the video\audio quality is horrible. I don't think the episode in question was ever sold on DVD either. Btdig has 2 torrents, but neither are seeded.

Can anyone help me out? Thanks!
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Does anyone have the video of a kid running up and kicking a pigeon? He’s on some steps outside of a building. The video used to be titled “punt” and was uploaded to a channel called “Mr. Greens Mean Green Bean Machines before most of his vids were purged. The clip is abt 8 seconds long.
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Can somebody draw this?
Ranpha Sriracha Hoodie
Ranpha Franboise (From Galaxy Angel) wearing a Sriracha hoodie with the top of the hood looking like a cap. Thanks!
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I'm looking for a webm or video of a man in a public park or perhaps university grounds shouting
>If I were a racist, I would call all x y
Where x is a race of people and y is a derogatory term commonly used for that race, e.g mexicans and spics.
At the end of the video he ends with
>I would call all black people n-
Before getting cut off by everyone yelling dont you dare despite not reacting to anything else he said
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California Subject Examinations for Teachers. (cset math)

I am looking for an ebook or pdf of a California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET) math subjects. I have found a couple older versions (one from 2011 and one from 2013) which will probably suffice, but I was hoping to get my hands on a newer version and I'm too broke to afford anything right now. Thank you for reading.
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Does anyone have this pic without the caption?
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I'm looking for the thread where they try to make the perfect childhood friend tomboy waifu, and end up with "Childhood friend tan elf tomboy in a summer dress". Anyone remember that?
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Trying to remember the name of a comic about a girl who can control her bandages
Every detail I can recall comes with the caveat that "I may be completely misremembering". Unless I'm mistaken, it was a pixel webcomic, but there was an effort later to reproduce it in 2D art. It takes place in a hospital. I think there was a line about the main character specifically only being able to control bandages stained with her blood. There may have been monsters from a sabotaged flesh printer, but I may be confusing this with another comic.

Is this ringing any bells for anyone?
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How can I watch BBC iPlayer while not in the UK? I tried using TunnelBear but it didn't work.
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Classical music source
Source of this music piece?

Sounds like a movie soundtrack honestly, or mid-late 19th early 20th century classical piece. Heard it on the radio a decade ago, but cannot remember the name.

Got it off a screen record where there's no mention of the music name anywhere. Shazam couldn't find it and apparently it and all the usual audio recognition apps cannot search for stuff that isn't modern slop.
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How 2 burn iso file onto usb stick
Trying to get windows 10 on new pc
I already did burn it with rufus but it says I have to choose partitioning scheme MBR and target system BIOS, whatever that means
When I try it shows error
Help plz
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