Board: /int/
"/int/ - International" is 4chan's international board, for the exchange of foreign language and culture.
Songs From The Big Chair edition if you are scandinavian or swiss, people will praise you for no reason
if you are indian, arab or african, any third world person will laugh at you
why do people do this? piątek stópiątek
edycja powietrzo-zginacza I wish i was american/australian/canadian so i could live in endless wilderness...
Brev(ar) = Post, upplägg i tråden
Brevare = Trådens användare
Namnbög = Någon som fyller i namnfältet innan man brevar
Snubbel = Man kan använda en kod i namnfältet för att identifiera sig genom att skriva ## och sedan en valfri kod med siffror eller bokstäver.
Asg = Asgarv
Dds = D*da dig själv (gör det inte!)
Pojkrummet = Någon som är fast i rummet där man växte upp
Pisshoran = Skällsord för brevare som ogillar sin mor, oftast ironiskt om hon inte precis glömt att köpa godis
Suedi = Rasistiskt ord för svenskar
Blatte = Rasistiskt ord för människor av ursprung i mellanöstern
Babbe = Rasistisk ord för människor med afrikanskt ursprung
Mongomats = Ett funkofobiskt skällsnamn baserat på lång historia
Jonte = En gamertonåring
Sv ho = Sexistiskt ord för svenska kvinnor baserat på myter om deras sexuella erfarenheter
Fv = Flickvän
Gymcel = Tänk vegan fast på högern
Säpostrålar = Försök till mind control som olika mörkerregeringar använder, fungerar endast på folk som onanerar
Krabbhinkus = En person som laddar upp posts som drar ner andra användare, försöker stoppa alla chanser på självförbättring
Kino = En bra film
Barnmat = Mat som småbarn äter, tänk mycket ketchup
Bwc = Big white cock
BBC = Big Black cock
Ghettobooty = Kvinnor som har stora rövar, främst afrikanska och persiska brudar i tråden.
BNWO = Black New World Order, rasistisk porrkategori
Blekt = Icke-vita kvinnor som endast knullar vita män
Risad = Kvinna som börjat knulla eller gift sig med asiatisk man
Squid game = Asiatisk man från östern
mbv = Man bara vet, det är någonting som ska vara självklart för brevare som skadat sin hjärna genom åratal av internetanvändning. Till exempel att kvinnor tydligen har sex med djur
Goon = Längre runksession
Utbränd = Kvinna som inte orkar med samhället längre så hon är svag
Fatigue = Någon i tråden som är utbränd men inte vill associeras med do dutch girls not like foreigners?
I'm romanian in the nederlands and I only attract chinks and niggers and some ugly dutch bitches. do you like gay people in your cunt? HOCH DIE HÄNDE
Die Ausgabe! if they do this in foreign country they would be stab or kidnap vrijdagavondeditie.
draadthema: what is modern spanisher culture?
Don't do anything edition
>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!
Read the wiki:
Useful links:
>Free language-learning book archive:
>Books on linguistics and language courses:!Ad8DkLoI!jj_mdUDX_ay-8D9l3-DbnQ
>Assorted language resources and some nice visual guides:
>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>List of trackers for most language-learning packs:
>Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from
>Russianon’s list of comprehensible input resources:
>Massive collection of textbooks on various languages, sorted by family
>/lang/ inpoot torrents
>Refold Anki decks
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>>207930542 I have never been in Moscow Are Reese's popular in your country? >Article 173 of the Turkish Penal Code
>(1) Any person who causes an explosion by releasing atomic energy and thus causes a significant danger to the life, health or property of another person, is punished with imprisonment for not less than five years. You don't know suffering unless you live in a remote no future island shithole like me Sleep paralysis edition
Visited by the Hatman: >>208040318 Wypipo travelling abroad be like
>A HECKING DOGGO! I'm going to go pet it
Do wypipo lack survival instincts in your country? Buddhist Middle East edition what kind of headphones do you have in your country Starting next friday all women here in Brazil will be wearing clothes like this until the next thursday to enjoy the Holy Carnavral.
The whole country will be having sex. You are allowed to:
>hit on any girls you want
>grind your dick in someone else's arses in the public transport
>have sex in public
>put tesão-de-vaca in someone else's drinks
>have free pass in your relationship
The goverment will provide free condoms and tadalafila in bus/subway stations. >cute beaver: exists
>American: YEAH EAT THEM
why are Americans like this? and they make fun if Chinese eating dogs there are, on this very earth we inhabit, human beings who hate garlic >mister international 2024 Spain
>looks like a nafroid jeet what the fuck bros, why are japanese people so xenophobic? I was just relentlessly bullied and kicked for being a JSL and learning the language, why did nobody tell me this? they have the same visceral disgust as a german or frenchman hearing someone else try and speak their language. I don't even know if I want to continue learning their language at this point?
I'm soon 30 and I have not worked a single day in my life. I get around 1400€ a month that I spend on books, games and food. I have never talked to someone privately outside of my family, the teachers from the schools I've gone to or my visits to the hospitals. I have never voted, driven a car, danced, sung a song, eaten at a restaurant, held someone's hand, been hugged by anyone except my mother. I have never bought clothes myself, I do not know how to tie my shoes and cannot understand how to wash clothes, I do not understand to turn the blindfolds the correct way, I have never been outside of Sweden, I do not know where most counties and regions of my own country are, I cannot locate any city except the 3 largest ones. I cannot remember what happened more than a week or so ago, I forget to eat food most days so soon weigh under 60 kg despite being 185 cm, I have 13 physical illnesses (non-mental health) and I am unable to speak normally due to being silent for most months of the year.
Despite this my government gave me a 66 square meter apartment, send people to clean my place for me and arrange private meetings with professors that help me with my STEM degree. Would this be possible in other countries? When did you realize the most beautiful women in the world are from Italy? What size do you prefer as a countryman in your cunt? Why are Mexican people so ugly? kurwa kurwie łba nie urwie edish Post paraphernalia from your childhood in your country. EHG Mongol + ANF Arap edishn Do you want to end it all in your country? Who is your country's best friend? In the USA, our best friend is Arhentina. >Declare crypto sale in Sweden to get the clean money
>All tax agency documents are public
>Criminal arabs scan all tax agency documents for crypto mentions
>Your personal info is also public documents (the state doxxes you to any criminal that asks for your info)
>They go to your house and torture you for your keys
>Several instances of this
This is such a fucking joke country. Unironical actual insane retardation to import criminal shitskins and have all personal info public in tandem. Do you make high energy music in your country? avg iq of turkey is 80. what about your country? thoughts on Czech cuisine? Do you prefer the Polish side of Tatras with nice roads, cute Zakopane-style architecture and rich góral culture or the Slovak side where there's nothing interesting to see? hijabis are HOT
I wish I was Muslim, I find girls with them extremely hot and fuckable what is louisianan culture like? Can any Spanish speaking anon translate and explain this meme? post landscape paintings from your country Here's your Asian girlfriend bro. What should this emerging international hegemon be called? "Despite all my rage I am still just a goy cattle chud in a cage..." Is Russia the Brazil of Asia? Why is McDonald's such low quality in the USA but decent quality in Europe? how is your flag collection coming along /int/
here is mine In Romania we have gypsies on TikTok calling Indian workers subhumans and saying they need to go back to their country. >europeans every single day
>europeans when america does a single thing they dont like
>"NOOO AMERICA WE'RE ALLIES WE'RE BEST FRIENDS WHY ARE YOU GOING AGAINST OUR WISHES WHEN THEY ACTIVELY HURT YOU??? ETERNAL AMERICAN-EUROPEAN ALLIANCE DON'T YOU REMEMBER???" germans are going extinct as we speak This is one of the most legendary singers in Türkiye. She is transexual. And the interesting part is even the most pisslamist people liked her and listened her musics because she looked feminine enough. Life is weird sometimes. I HAVE SPENT 17 YEARS ON THIS WEBSITE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
>tfw in your country I have accumulated around $500,000 in savings as a 36 year old man.
Where can I move in the world that will allow me to live nicely off this amount until I'm about ~80 or so. Are Jews closer to White people or Arabs? Can someone give me an argument for not calling people from this oblast Russians indefinitely until they fix their language situation? Culturally speaking, not politically >play stategy game
>Portugal is fucking atrocious in that game so I can't LARP as muh ancestors
Feitorias take up way too much pop space and give meagre resources, fuck that
does this also happen to you in games where your country is playable? how can I uniranian my self?
>inb4 ropemaxxing Does your country have big bombs? Is your country's literature jingoistic? England yes >The French pretend to suffer in their cunt...
"La connerie" >asians and euros have amerimutt military bases Undoubtedly the best haplogroup Inferior to North America with am extremely easily brainwashed population with extreme belief in centralized authorities and worst place geographically in the developed world with zero mobility for people especially the young Is this true? It Italy like America? why did japan stop looking like this Why are East Asians so selfhaters and want to be white so hard????
Indian animation and Chinese animation. There are ZERO excuses for this bullshit. What's your favourite dog breed? which of these two phenotypes is more common in your country? Geez, no wonder why the femettes go after British men. It is like livkng surrounded by gallic cybele eunuchs....
Just got this information from a reputable source. Bros, is this really what awaits Russia in the future???
>The year is 2045. The Russian Federation lives under NATO RULE. All russian males are sissified. Russian girls live to serve NATO KINGS in vast reproduction facilities. Welcome to Russia's NATO FUTURE.
>Sasha Petrov remembers life before the invasion – before the government-issued vodka estrogen and hormones, the sissy wigs, frilly lingerie, and mandatory castration. He lives on the war-torn outskirts of New Brussels (Previously Moscow), where he hides his beautiful blonde and almond eyed step-sister Elena from the clutches of the brutal New Atlantic army.
>As musclebound NATO soldiers prowl the countryside searching for fertile russian girls, will stop at nothing to protect sweet Elena's purity. With his natural cute hair, flirty sissy skirt, harem face veil only showing his feminine eyes and fishnet stockings, Sasha gives his tender slavic body to a gang of pitiless NATO alpha soldiers: the ultimate act of courage and sacrifice. But is sissy Sasha prepared for the overwhelming demonstration of power and domination? The encounter brings him face-to-face with his worst fears... and his most unspeakable sissy fantasies. What are you eating today? It's Friday!
How do you celebrate Friday in your country? which countries benefit from a generation of women being turned into shrekophiles Africa looks like THAT??? What would they need to do for you to forgive them? Winter ist vorbei, endlich wieder Klarer Sonnenschein! I find it difficult to make conversation with American people but easy to talk to migrants and international students from non-Western countries. Why like this?
It is easier to have a normal conversation with Ethiopian immigrant taxi driver who can barely speak English than the average American zoomer in my school
Also, oddly enough it is easier to talk to American girls than American guys. I thought it would be the opposite. I can have a normal real conversation with American girls in my school. But with the guys (especially younger generation), they are either full soyboy virtue signalling type, or full passive aggressive. Are they afraid of the Indian man? what causes mexophobia among other latinx? How would you call this person in your country? They're always so smug, and they actually have the right to. Despite living in the center of Western Europe and a strategical focal point, they managed to hold their own for centuries and were the dominating power from the start of their history to the unfortunate defeat of Napoleon. As such, they invented many things that advanced and served humanity, while we just terrorised everyone on Earth. Their only mistake was inventing England during the Norman conquest. I bet everyone sees them as the good guys of history, and us the bad guys.
For example, during the Napoleonic Wars, they fought against several coalitions and actually kicked our ass five times while we were just standing on sidelines, giving free money to those willing to fight in our place. We really are perfidious.
I wish we were white, classical liberals, and Catholics like them.
the edition nobody asked for
Previously on /flag/: >>207240755
>do (You) like going to places, taking photos and blogposting about it?
Welcome to /flag/ + /extraflags/, a lovely general for Extraflags users to post about our trips, other autistic activities and overall funposting.
>What is Extraflags?
Extraflags is an open-source userscript that lets you choose regional flags, like states and provinces, to add the already existing national flags on /int/, /pol/, /sp/, and /bant/.
Turns out, it's very well suited for travel posting because you can flex with the ultrarare flags you're travelling to.
Instructions and video guides for installing Extraflags can be found here:
Requests to add or change flags can be made here:
>Collecting flags? Filling maps?
World template:
Extraflags templates:
Labelled Extra Flag templates:
>Flag Informations
About 4chan flags:
Flag creation guide:
Flag Fixer:
Extraflag Lister:
Maps and .kmls for dumping:
More tools: Where did your life go wrong in your country? would those be considered mountains in your country? 1. Bharat Ratna 'Jewel of India' - Highest civilian award.
2. Padma Vibhushan 'Lotus Grandeur'
3. Padma Bhushan 'Lotus Decoration'
4. Padma Shri 'Noble Lotus' Does anyone else feel like the USA is unironically collapsing? It definitely feels like a civilization in decay. Latin American countries have a chance of surpassing it in the future. Do other countries outside of America and Canada have stroads??
Kill pedophiles. Behead pedophiles. Roundhouse kick a pedophile into the concrete. Slam dunk a pedophile baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy pedos. Defecate in a pedophiles food. Launch pedophiles into the sun. Stir fry pedophiles in a wok. Toss pedophiles into active volcanoes. Urinate into a pedophiles gas tank. Judo throw pedophiles into a wood chipper. Twist pedophiles heads off. Report pedophiles to the IRS. Karate chop pedophiles in half. Curb stomp pregnant pedophiles. Trap pedophiles in quicksand. Crush pedophiles in the trash compactor. Liquefy pedophiles in a vat of acid. Eat pedophiles. Dissect pedophiles. Exterminate pedophiles in the gas chamber. Stomp pedophile skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate pedophiles in the oven. Lobotomize pedophiles. Mandatory abortions for pedophiles. Grind pedophile fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown pedophiles in fried chicken grease. Vaporize pedophiles with a ray gun. Kick old pedophiles down the stairs. Feed pedophiles to alligators. Slice pedophiles with a katana. >[Fred Trump] became a prominent promoter of home ownership in New York [and] he occasionally took awkward stabs at humor. After one of his new buyers welcomed a baby, Fred told a reporter for the New York Daily News that “even the stork endorses and approves of home ownership these days.” Imagine if japan actually discovered the carboniferous period. Do Turks have more in common with Europeans or Arabs? Chinese public saves suicidal man. Does this level of empathy exist in your country? >Je must submisively dick-suckette le Anglosaxontte dickette in order to be their number une rivalettes, hon hon hon hon!!!. DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.
Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.
Read the guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:
Grammar references:
Archive of older threads:
sister thread: >>>/jp/djt
Previous Thread: >>208056215 Do you like this artwork created by a young Czechoslovakian woman? Does McDonald's offer big tasty with mushrooms in your country? Notice what point you start with? Is it your country, what continent?
Tell what is your starting point, add the doodle if you like If you HAD to kill a Finnish person, how you do it in your country?
I would imprison the finn in a glass tank with just enough water that, only when standing on the very tips of its toes with its neck outstretched, the finn is able to breathe. How's your work life balance in your country? did this happen in your country? >ÄTA?
>LÄSA (lol nörd)?
>KNULLA? This thread is for discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan.
Let's talk at least in Japanese and English. Take it easy.
Previous Thread:>>207996956
learn Japanese Thread:>>>/int/djt
Please declare before making a new thread. and put the next link. Do you think the NHS is a good healthcare system? What about the healthcare system in your country?
Cause ive heard euros complain about long wait times but that is nothing compared to having to pay 20,000 dollars out of pocket. I just ate some chicken shawrma, hummus with meat and bread, small mix pizza, appetizer with coleslaw nachos and pasta, diet coke and a water for $12 I’m tired of getting mogged. Happens iyc? I wish I was a latinx favelado living in Latinx American and not giving a fuck about anything. Brazilians have it fucking easy.