Board: /lgbt/
"/lgbt/ - LGBT" is 4chan's imageboard for Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Queer and sexuality discussion.
may it live or die but it's really friday this time they were making fun of pre-op faketrans even in the roman empire previous >>38981952
qott: whats your ideal physique, gigi? will she mog when she eventually reveals her deschamps-braly results? i'm only attracted to shotas (literally only shotas, even older bishonen make me feel nothing) but i'm not an irl pedo at all, what is my sexuality?
i'm also asexual so it's only a romantic attraction
super autistic afab btw why do people assume in nondysphoric when i tell them im considering detransing? its like they cant fathom that some people are too ugly for this sort of thing
anyway are there any spaces for detrans mtfs or repressing ones that arent too malebrained or anything
i dont really identify with femboys or twinks because im not feminine and gay sexuality is a bit too porn addicty for me The rat on the righthand side is a flamboyant gay rat. Pie edition
Last Thread: >>38951987
QOTT: Are you happy with the pie war results?
What to do if I am questioning my gender?
What is Gender Dysphoria?
HRT Information:
For additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgen
Fashion Guides (Videos):
Basic Skincare and Makeup:
I'm tall! Where can I find clothes that fit?:
Voice Videos/Training:
Trans women have woman brains (Video):
MTF Timelines:
Streaming Room: with hunters passport getting changed after having an f on all id's since she applied im really scared.
I thought they were checking a history of change but that doesn't seem to be the case? is it based on birth certificate? Will my pasport get changed to male if ive never had a history of change and i don't have a US birth certificate? Remember not to show your calves in public. That’s something done by WHORES It should be illegal to be over 25 and gay >Qoot1 : Would you leave everything behind to join a travelling circus given the opportunity?
>Qoot2 : What would your circus job be ? (Troupe master/clown/acrobat/trapezist/magician/strongwoman ect..)
Previous thread:
I choose to believe things are looking up edition
>QOTT: If you're in a relationship, how long have you been in it? If not, how long have you been single?
>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?
If you stop cheating on me with discord then yeah i guess so
>What's the difference between bisexual and pansexual?
Only difference is that our flag is prettier.
>Am I bi if I have periods where I feel only attracted to women and others where I feel only attracted to men?
This is known as the bi-cycle and many bisexuals experience it.
>Am I bi or am I 'prison gay' or porn addicted?
'Prison gay' is not a real thing and porn addiction does not alter your sexual orientation. You are bi.
>Am I bi or pan if I like trans people?
Both are able to be attracted to trans people.
>I think I might be bi but I can't tell. How can I be certain?
Just make a point to check out members of the sex you think you might be attracted to and see if anyone grabs your attention.
>Should I be harsh on myself?
You should be kind on yourself. Few people will do it for you
Resource for Bisexuals:
>Previous thread: >>38875818 /lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis women and trans women to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.
>QOTT: should all trans girls be entitled to cis Japanese mommy gfs with big booba, fat ass and small waistline, so that their rights to pampering and milk can be met?
>Am I lesbian or bisexual?
Lesbians are women exclusively attracted to women. Bi women are welcome to post here about being wlw as well.
>Are genital preferences valid?
Sexual orientation is innate and we can’t choose what sex characteristics we’re attracted to. However, discussing how much you dislike a certain set of genitals can be rude and disrespectful. In the same vein, shaming others for their attraction or lack thereof is also disrespectful. Bee kind.
previously: >>38960695 Why is Cis Lesbians Ultimate power fantasy just to cuck a straight man by stealing his girlfriend? Seems really male brained if you ask me. Why am I jerking off to makeup haul videos? >If you're mtf, would you rather be ftm?
>If you're ftm, would you rather be mtf?
Why or why not? how do you avoid feeling disgusted with yourself when you bottom for a man? is this normal?
Why the fuck didnt you make another one edition
Question of the day: What do you get on your burgers?
>What is a femboy?
A femboy is a male that pursues a feminine appearance for himself whilst still identifying as male
>Are femboys trans?
The majority of femboys are cisgendered. Femboy is not a 'stepping stone' to trans, it is a stand alone identity.
>Can trans post here?
Trans people are welcome to post in /fbg/ and identify as femboy if they want, but this is not a trans thread. Posts should not be about 'transitioning'
>Why dont I ever see femboys irl?
Femboys are often lumped in with trans people and are also subject to transphobia. For this reason, many do not present feminine in public, even if they would prefer to.
>Im in my 30s, is it too late for me to be a femboy?
No, recent advances in the sciences of lifestyle and self care have made it possible to maintain a youthful appearance much longer than was possible in previous generations
>Do femboys have to be thin?
Thin is the most popular body type, but there is a very dedicated fanbase for chubby femboys as well.
>Do you 'age out' of being a femboy?
No, older femboys simply become femguys. You can continue the lifestyle as long as you wish.
>But I heard that 'femininity doesnt last'?
Masculinity doesnt last either. Old people dont look masculine, they look like bulldogs. The simple fact is that beauty itself doesnt last, and this applies to both men and women equally. It is on all of us to maintain our appearances as long as we can. How clocky is your style? To whoever posted this yesterday. I fucking hate you.
Now I can only think about my poor inner girl and how much I've suffocated her through repping instead of letting her peacefully integrate. She's barely breathing and starving and it's all my fault.
I am overwhelmed with feelings, sobbing and blackpilled. I could've transitioned earlier, but now I have a duty to the people around me to be the best man I can be. I don't think I'd like looking at the hon in the mirror post-transition. I'm too tall and broad-shouldered and malebrained to ever make it.
How do I stop suffocating the beautiful lady inside of me without transitioning or otherwise making permanent changes to my body? What are some therapeutic alternatives to repping I can try? >be agp fetished crossdresser repressor
>get all dolled up
>masturbate / sleep with random guys even trans or women / sleep with partner (which I had before)
>coom hard
>felt like dying inside every time post nut clarity sinks in
>wash rinse repeat
>have zero motivation in anything in life other than to look and act like a female, get fucked hard, treated like a toy and coom.
I'm 37 now and would transitioning early have saved me before? Repressing never gets better over time. Its all over now. What would you do if you saw a boymoder with her boobs visibly on show? I went outside today with no makeup on and a vest that shows my boobs and and nipples and men keep looking at me but I'm pretty sure I still look like a boy facially so I don't really know if they think I look weird or not. I have long blonde hair as well and I blowdry it, so I don't know if that helps. Let's try this again, hopefully without any *bitter* people sperging out.
>What is this?
This is a thread created for LGBT to show off their fits and fashion sense! the softness and roundness of a woman's beauty just can't be replicated, even the most gorgeous passoids have sharp features and a subtle squareness in their face even after ffs
All homos will now have a personal federal agent to check up on them, how do you feel about this /lgbt/? I am pleased with the build, and it was fun to make. It will be going on display somewhere in an acrylic case soon :) who's your favorite twitter tranny?
Lunch Edition
previous: >>38733575
Goal of the thread: Food and cooking is a core pillar of self care. It is self expression, sustenance, social interaction. Enjoy a homecooked meal from fresh ingredients, with others, if you can.
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!
>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice
Generic advice won't necessarily help you in particular, but for those it does it is an essential foundation to build future progress on, not a miracle cure. Do not underestimate the effects subtle changes to your lifestyle can have. Try first, keep us posted on your progress, build from there.
We are *always* short on self help resources, so if anything was useful to you, let us know!
Since the OP is getting too long I moved all resources into their own post, see below!
Resource link paste:
General advice from Anons:
Posts from other sites (markdown format): is self bondage fembrained?
or is being tied up by a male partner more fembrained? I'll never pass and be stealth because I'm a 6'2 abomination Why is saying women won't wheesht so controversial in the UK that the police feel the need to censor it and encourage others to do so?
In the United Kingdom, it's fully legal to deny homosexuals cakes according to their highest court:
In 2014 Gareth Lee, a gay rights activist, placed an order with Ashers Baking Company, a Belfast bakery,[5] for a cake decorated with the slogan "support gay marriage" as same-sex marriage was illegal in Northern Ireland at the time.[6][7] The McArthurs, who are Christians, declined the order and refunded Lee's money, saying they could not make a cake that supported something they found offensive to their religious beliefs. Lee complained to the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland that he had been directly discriminated against on the grounds of his sexual orientation, and the Equality Commission supported him in filing a discrimination lawsuit against Ashers and the McArthurs. The county court found in Lee's favour and fined Ashers £500 in damages.
The court ruled that as the Northern Ireland Act was statute law, that would take priority. They also noted that the Attorney General for Northern Ireland's request to refer the case to the Supreme Court when the Court of Appeal denied it was legally valid, and that the Court of Appeal had made an error. It was held that based on the errors of the Court of Appeal and the judgments of the Supreme Court judges, the appeal was allowed and judgment was made in favour of Ashers.[2] They held that no-one could be forced to promote a belief or opinion they did not believe in or profoundly disagreed with.
Mind you, in the U.S., the Supreme Court has never explicitly ruled on whether freedom of speech or religion entitle someone to discriminate against gays outright. How many of us are still virgins even post transition
I really thought finally after trooning out I would experience love and a relationship and sex (this isnt my main goal but was a thing I hoped would happen sometime at least) but instead Im still just like my past self except with boobs now
A lonely incel
Life is cruel What have you done to make the life of cis people as unpleasant as possible? who occasionally dresses up as a dominatrix and punishes me for being a bad boy boymoder general
boymoder general
boymoder general
mid day drinking edition
prev >>38858587
qott1 what are ur plans for the weekend
qott2 whats the earliest in the day u drink
qott3whats ur pilosophy on life? how dfo u keep going?
qott4 whats the best meal u ever eaten
>wife is cheating and behaving cunty
>thinks she is allowed to fuck around secretly with her co-workers and he should just tolerate it
I feel endless sympathy with men who get pushed into violence against women. You just know that there's mountains of hostility by the woman that will go ignored because the second a man gets physically violent, the woman is believed to be totally innocent. I just feel bad for him.
In an interview with detectives, Taylor allegedly confessed to killing his wife. He explained that their marriage had been strained since January, after he claims he saw a photo of her holding hands with another man who he referred to as her "co-worker."
Taylor allegedly said she was gone for approximately 20 minutes before she returned home. While his wife was in the bathroom, he then purportedly tried to read her text messages on her smart watch, before demanding to see her cellphone.
After she refused to hand her phone over, a physical confrontation between the pair allegedly ensued.
According to Taylor, his wife kept asking him, "What are you going to do, kill me? You're going to hurt me and leave our kids with no parents?"
Taylor said he then pinned his wife to the ground and went through her phone, before placing a call to the man he believed to be her "boyfriend," who he reportedly told, "It's your f--king fault. You want to ruin my marriage and tear my family apart," as he wife screamed in the background.
We are ALWAYS supposed to side with the woman, and never with the man who got violent. Are trans people only common and accepted in english speaking countries and a few other?
I'm from Italy and I can assume you I've never meet any tranny irl (I live in the southern countryside) and even in the italian internet they seem very very fucking rare even in nerd spaces, doesn't help that nerd culture and videogames themselves are still niche compared to other developed countries.
I only know of a repping femboy I play Smash Bros with and some transvestite prostitutes from south america in the streets when I go to the main city of my province. >trans person tries hitting on me and says she likes me do fat tranners deserve love? >best friend sent me a pic of his erect penis and asked me if he has a good penis
is it normal for guys to ask their girl friends about their pps?! Is it normal 4 days after your first E shot to have no energy and be wanting to cry all day Admiration Edition
Previous thread:
Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno:
I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn:
Feel free to recommend new webcomics that are not in the lists, but don't be lazy, please include:
>Name of comic
>Link to it
>Short description
>Whether or not it's NSFW
>Days it updates
>Relevant tags
If you're not sure if a comic belongs here because maybe it's not LGBT enough, post updates anyway. We won't know about it if no one posts it!
If you see something wrong in the lists, please follow the following instructions to edit them:
( Why are zoomer tranners interested in us 30+ trans women again?
Do we even have that much in common? What are you looking for? Help me understand. Old Web Edition
What sites were you spending time on as a kid?
After all those innocent years, what brought you to 4chan?
Previous thread >>38954535 >a/s/l
>looking for
>notlooking for
>discord how do i know if my digit ratio is high or low? Why are cats the best?
>Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.
Old thread >>38819199
>OG Discord:
>New Discord: Why do female brained people love iPhones and hate Androids? passgen is dumb. It’s just preaching to the choir. “Oh wow anonette I totally couldn’t tell you’re trans with your fridge body, big circle glasses and messy shoulder length hair. You totally look like a cis woman not just an alt dude” get real REPentance Edition
Qott: How do you plan a life for progressive gender dysphoria?
Prev: >>38914290 what is /lgbt/ listening to?
guess letters to keep thread alive i guess but say something about the music cmon itll be fun
>my weekly horny, energetic zoomer chaser and the hag tranny he tries to impregnate is a bond forged like damascus steel Are dykey cishons better off transitioning? I haven't had any friends since I was 11 cause I was sent to a school for troubled children since 6th grade and everyone there was as much anxious and depressed as I was so we barely socialized apart from ice breaking games
I feel like I am socially underdeveloped, I do have autism but I genuinely feel like I've lost the skill of making friends and while I do want some I also feel conflicted about making them
I just feel like a failure outcast, I doesn't help that I'm gay either cause for some reason people can always tell there's something off about me If you are gay or gender non conforming, you are not a risk to the sanctity of the family.
Your inclusion in society matters more than the petty tyrannical intentions of those in control.
You may struggle to accept a gender non conforming gay child, sure, but the tribe is more important than the individual. The tribe benefits more from including people who are different, than blindly pursuing conformity as a goal in its own right.
Caring about the thoughts and feelings of gay people as much as wealthy landowners makes for a stronger society. Landowners are the real cancer, not gays! How I imagined lgbt dating apps:
>twinks, femboys, cute trannies and early-t ftms
How LGBT dating apps look in reality:
>hundreds of disgusting expired faggots chasing after a few twinks
I hate life. IRL things look even worse. nigga that's kawaii edition
old >>38957328
QOTT: Will you age gracefully? i hate myself so much for having tranny thoughts that ive started becoming transphobic and every time i see one my brain immediately starts trying to look for clocky features to justify my hatred and tell myself its all a mental illness >only attracted to trans women
>adds them to collection
>values sex above all
>no commitment
>fetish they don't disclose for months
>no self esteem
Why exactly are t4t trooners considered better than chasers again? Did being a sissy make it better somehow? Can you make a good living as a male escort and if yes how ? why did I have to be born into the ugly race >be me, a decently attractive slim 25yo man
>go on dating apps to seek twinks and femboys
>they have hundreds of chuds who spam them, just like women
Geez, why do I even live? I don't like roasties, and I'm not going to settle for some expired balding faggot. >T shaped frame from incredibly broad ass shoulders
I can fix my face, slim down and take hormones, dress well, style my hair and voice train but HOLY FUCK my frame.. Is there any way to deal with incredibly broad shoulders? any trannies hopping on the new fortnite season bottom chasers should just stop bothering trans women who low key hate them and start dating theyfabs who'll gladly make the bottom chasers hole gape should i detrans? id be pretty miserable but im clearly fake and agp or whatever meta attracted this that
basically just malebrained and a hon i guess so id never be treated as anything other than a man anyway you are not a woman but most importantly, you are NOT COOL QOTT: did playing as a girl in rpgs make you trans? Be honest
Prev: >>38970263 huni emotes? can someone link disc with huni emotes? huni
emotes Chicken that cannot lay eggs is worthless qott: tell us about your professional career! you aren't a NEET, right?
more fun qott: favorite 3 movies?
ignore trolls! Are there relationships between having PCOS and being a trans man and what are they? Women are angels.
Males are rape demons. >HRTfemboy friend comes off HRT because they feel like a boy
>a couple weeks later changes their pfp and banner to the most girly looking photos ive ever seen of them
>visibly trans in photos
>keeps bringing up to me how much they liked their breasts on E but dont wanna keep them because boy i transitioned to male because i actually believed the "men cant hit women" bullshit and i wanted to be actually beat up if i annoyed someone Yes I am obsessed with trans men, why do you ask? https://unsee cc/album#I3yGblK5IxUA
just bored >almost year hrt
>still no chance of passing
yeah I'm thinking I'll just go back to femboy on hrt coping and go by my deadname and he/him n all that again Boomersissies are more valid than transwomen. SHE GOT BACK TOGETHER WITH HIM >240 lbs at 5'11
I'm fat.. how do I stop this upward trend? I'm always very hungry, keep going om nom nom on junk food. If anyone here has lost 50+ lbs pls share advice (even if unethical)
picveryrel why do trannies act like estrogen is some cure all miracle drug when it doesn't really do anything? Being born biologically male makes you inherently evil, but if you transition your soul gets a second chance >want to wear a skirt to school
>Only seen 3 people where skirts
>This cute other trans girl literally wearing the Amazon skirt
>This special needs guy who left a miasma of bad smells behind when he walked past in the hallway
>And a girl who self admitted to being a drug addict during the day 1 icebteaker in my Englishcomp class
Rip wearing a skirt is like a 2/3 chance of being trans and I. Probably male brained for even considering wearing one.
Pic unrel My bf keeps groping my penis. getting HPV and some hepatitis vaccines. also PrEP
should i get monkeypox vaccine too ?
i have had "sex" only few times in my life. maybe after protection i'll do it bit more often. dunno why but being degraded by gross men seems more appealing to me than some romantic thing. but i'm not irrational enough to jeopardise my health for it i was raped by my ex bf two years ago & in the time since it's gone from something i tried to never think of to the only thing that works on me sexually anymore. You should wear tights to work this week. Would Lara Croft be hotter if they just canonically made her trans? “The Snapchat girl filter was the final straw in dropping a decade’s worth of repression,” says Josie, a trans woman in her early 30s from Cincinnati. “[I] saw something that looked more ‘me’ than anything in a mirror, and I couldn’t go back.”
Is being able to see yourself as the other gender the ultimate weapon against repression? I wonder if I should try it.
revious: >> 38927474
• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion
See following post for a pharmacy list.
▶ Survey data:!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis:!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets:!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID:
▶ DrugBank:
▶ Basic HRT:
▶ HRT ranges:
▶ Powers Method:
▶ Endocrine Society Guidelines:
▶ Transline Guidelines (with bicalutamide):
▶ TransDIY:
▶ Blood tests (US):,
▶ Blood tests (UK, Ireland):
▶ Blood tests (Canada Only):
▶ Blood tests (Sweden):
▶ Blood tests by mail: DIY capillary blood samples. Expensive.
▶ Lab test guide: >she has to tuck
tiny penis girls stay winning how do people repress into their 30s without killing themselves? >be ugly autistic male
>suffer from being undesirable and sexually frustrated
>to cope with it I imagine myself as someone desirable, I am attracted to women, so I self insert as a hot woman
>according to transgender theory this makes me a woman in man's body at least partially
>according to MEF theory I am getting off on my own degradation or emasculation even though I feel nothing of this sort
>AGP theory says I am just an autosexual attracted to myself
I just want to be hot and desired, just like the poor person wants to be wealthy. And women are hot and desired, so why do people complicate it? Why do trans women always try to convince everyone that they're actual women and have all the benefits that come with that? Why can't they be happy with surgery and crossdressing whilst staying connected to reality? Support your local 24/7 adult stores anon. Come out to tip me too. I'm broke af need money for vapes everytime I feel like pooping I also feel like cooming, is this normal? I think its because of the stool up my butt >got srs 8 months ago partially so I wouldn't have to do anal anymore
>bf asked me if we can do anal because "he prefers it"
I'm going to kms >British cavalry in the 1850s consisted entirely of twinks who used UwU-speak
>*runs you down and cripples you for life with their horse*
>"sowwy tee hee~!" Should I lose my anal virginity (while crossdressing)? Reasons for me not to do it include: a) im a husband and father, b) im 6’1” 200 lbs nonpass, c) im not even sure if i like things in my butt, d) STD concerns, and e) the one time i had a grindr date with a guy while CD’ing, I panicked and had to leave after just sitting on his lap and kissing while clothed…
Reasons to do it: a) im kind of curious /it would be kinda hot, in theory at least and b) i do like sucking dick
Pic related i'm kinda but not really a boy but one guy wants to have sex with me. he claims he is straight tho. what do i do? >25 mtf
>be in a seminar with mostly male attendance
>get put in a group with 3 guys
>one cute guy i've talked to complements my hair
>immediately one other guy gets defensive and tells him "you shouldnt just be saying that" etc etc
>other guy looks dejected and apologizes
>Im caught off guard by the situation and only manage to say "I, uhm"
>just kinda sit in silence while the other 2 guys continue working on the assigned task until the end of the seminar
idk what i should do, he's the first to show interest in me the whole year and i don't have his number
should i approach him the next time and bring it up again? Or should i just leave it alone >5'10 ftm repper
>halfassed enbycoping, embarrassed about it because it feels stupid
>hitting the gym every day
>wouldn't pass because of DDDs
>pooner at my college offers me his extra t
>just bought needles
hmm... can i just be a pet boymoder? im a virgin but im so horny how can i get a trans gf??
I think a lot of you know what it's like to be trans but not what it's like to be a woman.
I'm constantly talked over and questioned in my authority. No one takes what I say seriously. I've had several of my arguments stopped by someone literally saying "silence, foid" or "shut up woman". In real life. The men laugh.
Whenever I get slightly upset or raise my voice I'm ridiculed and not taken seriously. When men are mad people listen. When women are mad they make jokes and call you a stuck up bitch.
When I was sexually assaulted and posted online I was met with a chorus of people picking apart my story by the seams and calling me a liar.
When I post a photo I feel confident in people act like I'm advertising an onlyfans and make fun of me for having interests as a woman. Cosplay? "Just drop the onlyfans already whore"
I constantly hide the fact I'm a woman online and never mention it.
When people assume you're a man you get treated normally. Invisible.
People freak out over you and act like your existence is either infallible or like you existing is a problem that's ruining the entire social bubble you're in when they know you're a woman.
There is no way to be a woman on the internet without existing in a weird dichotomy between idolization and hatred.
Being a woman is hard enough but adding being trans on top of it is exhausting. I always wanted to be a girl and Im wondering is it even worth the effort to transition if all I ever do is just be a neet in my apartment, never going out and probably also gonna kill myself due to boredom in the upcoming years i can be fixed if someone tried hard enough What do you think of this petite Colombian prince? Honestly, how do I cope with the fact that I'll never cuddle with pic rel? It's my only wish. Such a simple thing, but beyond my reach. >anal sex feels like shitting
What the fuck? I just want a cute virgin boymoder gf to live my life with and boyremove
Is that too much to ask for? why do i see so many trannies at my college wearing skirts? like do they not know that cis girls rarely wear skirts? and they always get the 1700 cottage core down to the shins skirts
like its so clocky girls pls stop My family knows I’m trans, but we never had a conversation about names or pronouns.
I’m back home and they are gonna meet my bf and I feel like I should send a text addressing it because he is gonna use different ones then them, but I’m too embarrassed My toxic agp trait is laying in bed, telling myself I’m a girl while pretending to hug my breasts for the imaginary man I’m having sex with. Everything I do to better my life is purely for the cause of getting a trans girlfriend I feel so isolated as a straight tranny.
I have nothing in common with any alphabet person except dysphoria. As an AFAB, I think trans girls are the truest girls of them all. Trans girls work for everything they have, we were born into it. A rags to riches story vs. being born with a silver spoon in your mouth. I didn't need to have surgery, I didn't need to train my voice, and in order to have balloons all I needed to do was wait 13 years. You're all amazing and I hope you all become passers. >be me
>bifag 23m
>dating gay bf 25m for about 2 months
>bf goes away for a few weeks
>ALL i can think about is pussy, girls, and eating girls pussies
>screwed a girl once in my life (it was awesome) before I met bf
tf do I do??? i want to eat pussy so bad Why is sucking dick so hot? What are the deeper psychological implications of cock sucking? LMFAO terfs are finding out that their Christian-right allies also want to exclude cid women from men's spaces and men's hobbies, not just mtfs from women's spaces and they are NOT liking it one bit.
Previous 38927474
• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion
See following post for a pharmacy list.
▶ Survey data:!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis:!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets:!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID:
▶ DrugBank:
▶ Basic HRT:
▶ HRT ranges:
▶ Powers Method:
▶ Endocrine Society Guidelines:
▶ Transline Guidelines (with bicalutamide):
▶ TransDIY:
▶ Blood tests (US):,
▶ Blood tests (UK, Ireland):
▶ Blood tests (Canada Only):
▶ Blood tests (Sweden):
▶ Blood tests by mail: DIY capillary blood samples. Expensive.
▶ Lab test guide: Do straight black guys like trans women? I always found them more attractive than white men, personally. Where do I meet some handsome black guys? My mother has stud jowls and she has a face shaped like a tomcat. I started estrogen a few years ago, even at a normal weight my cheeks have gotten extremely thick, abnormally so.
It appears, the stud jowls and tomcat face is heavily genetic... Am I still going to pass anons? My face looks very similar to most male house cats because of how big my cheeks are. I've been told I am lucky to have a round face, but am I so round faced it makes me look male??
My cheeks are much more sensitive to estrogen than most mtfs, so much so its made me like a tomcat. Am I gonna make it?? Why did estrogen give me a face shaped like a tomcat? How do I groom a tranny into loving me What a bottom brained nigga supposed to do at 5'11"? I feel gross. Meh idk I live in München Congrats in being the domino that sends us back to the Stone Age, but hey at least the science was settled as a pooner my biggest fantasy has always been to get into a place that is strictly "men only/no women allowed" and they find out and they all beat me up and gang rape me to hell and back You can look feminine and what ever as a tall tranny but the thing is that ALL tall trannies are made in the same factory. They all have autism, they all have personality disorders, they all have hyper flexible joints, they all have IBS and just so much similar mental and physical problems which makes it really hard to be a passing when you have to deal with all of that too. They will be too awkward to talk to, have wayy too much anxiety to fit in with a group of girls, have really low self esteem and the list goes on and on. You'll look like a women and be hot and have guys jerking off to you but in a social environment, you can never be an actual women. yesh hello i am foul, perfidious Holländer.
Question: do sex havers actually do the blumpkin? Or was that just a rumor at school? men without houses are the sexiest Why do "bi" guys cheat on their GF's/wives 99% of the time with other guys and not girls? Very suspicious if you ask me.