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Board: /o/

"/o/ - Auto" is 4chan's imageboard for discussing cars and motorcycles.

No title
18 media | 88 replies
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Lexus is350 f sport rwd
alright /o/ how'd I do.
2016 IS350 F-Sport RWD
68K mi
My goal was a reliable & comfy daily for my 6ft6in ass.
1 media | 4 replies
No title
Why are EVfags delusional about the fundamental issues with the technology?

> batteries are never good enough and manufacturers constantly lie about the estimated range (which is not true if youre going uphill, in winter, or going fast on a highway)
> working on EVs will NEVER be safe owning to the fact that 400+V wiring is everywhere, and a wrong touch can kill a mechanic or a first responder
> battery packs are inherently unsafe - even if you somehow magically managed to construct one that doesn't catch fire, shorting it will make it turn into a furnace from the heat output, meaning something in the car or its environment will catch fire and burn for 24+ hours
> battery packs are wired in series, meaning even if you have 20 cells, which could be redundant, even if ONE fails (or just goes out of sync with the others), the whole battery is scrap
> fast 100+kW chargers draw so much fucking power that for a 20+ unit charger draws as much power as a small town - to make all cars EVs, you'd need to build giant charger parks in the middle of nowhere
>Even firstie countries are going broke installing fast chargers
>Everything in the car is factory sealed and unserviceable
>Due to how heavy these fucks are, suspension overall will be less reliable and there will be more road and tire wear
>Modern ICE car engines last the lifetime of the car for normal people with just oil changes
>Shit quality power electronics in inverters can die to age, exposure and usage, just like mechanical parts can

EVs will NEVER be safe and reliable due to these factors, they will consistently be more expensive than ICE cars and die earlier and permanently

There's NO silver bullet
9 media | 41 replies
No title
>Trump says he might cut emissions standards by 25%

Are we getting V6 sedans back or no? 2023 was the last year any V6 Sedan outside of Lexus was made
6 media | 53 replies
/dbt/ - Daily Bike Thread
FZR edition

>Motorcycle tips & tricks
>Motorcycle pics, webms, and streamables
>Motorcycle adventure greentexts
>Motorcycle faggot cartoons
>don't buy chinese motorcycles
>Motorcycle ice riding techniques
>don't buy EV motorcycles
>milkcrate mounting solutions
>put the stickers on your bike
>class, (ear) plug(s)


STICKY: >>23526953


>Twist Of The Wrist II (TOTWII)

>How to Save A Speed Wobble


Previous Thread: >>28210845
108 media | 275 replies
Any truckers here? Need trucker tips.
maxresdefault (3)
I'm gonna be starting soon, working 8 weeks with 3 off and got some questions:
>Where do you shit?
>Where do you cum?
>What are the essential things you should pack with you to work?
24 media | 49 replies
91 octane gas?
I have a Fiat that recommends 91 octane gas. But I can’t find that anywhere in New Jersey(Burgerland) besides Wawa.

Is there any other gas station thar has 91 octane in my area so I can Jew and not pay for 93 octane?
4 media | 36 replies
No title
>cars usually sit in the sun all day
>car batteries, even for ICEs, can be recharged using direct current
why dont cars have solar power? even if just to supplement their existing fuel
10 media | 49 replies
Nissan R32 EV
Screen Shot 2025-01-16 at 9.11.42 AM

>Nissan has no plans to commercialise the R32 EV

Proof Nissan can make an attractive EV, but refuses to do so.
1 media | 24 replies
Cybercuck Tesloids keep losing.
>All right, I'm showing you my broken Cybertruck rims. I don't know what kind of steel they are made of or if it's some kind of special metal alloy or something."

>But it's almost like cider block; it crumbles, he says as he walks to the back of his Cybertruck. He reveals the rear wheel is also broken off at the studs.

>"This one broke off with the lugs and part of the wheel still attached. It almost broke off in a perfect circle. They aren't supposed to break off in a perfect circle like that.”

>It's so weird, it's concerning. Is there a defect with the Cybertruck? He says that even in a crash, the Cybertruck rims shouldn't crumble.

>Jordan finishes, "I seriously think the Cybertruck Rims need a recall! Have y'all ever seen a rim snap off in a perfect circle?"
1 media | 4 replies
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There is no such thing as a perfect car, but I have never seen anyone say that this car sucks.
5 media | 39 replies
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Fucking cocksucker. PB Blaster works, boys.
8 media | 30 replies
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Car scene is getting more boring each year
0 media | 7 replies
/ovg/ - AssEvo Edition
— Official early access car ratings are in — Fun Wheel Drive strikes again — RWD on suicide watch —

With that said, welcome to the Auto Vidya General, the thread for discussion of racing and driving games.

Previous thread >>28191452

Port: 64738
Password: 4ch
>Equipment Guide

>Check the doc for the latest league info
11 media | 73 replies
No title
The white man's Subaru
16 media | 66 replies
Is Doug on drugs?
Screenshot 2025-01-18 at 9.03.19
Dude looks wigged out, wtf happened all of a sudden?
0 media | 5 replies
No title
Why does this plastic slop produced by drunk ham planets in the middle of fucking KENTUCKY strike so much fear in the hearts and minds of Eurofags and jap incels? Is the thought of a sports car purchasable by a semi-successful plumber that frightening?
13 media | 35 replies
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Top kek, pajeets ripped off Duel.
The movie is uploaded to youtube in 10 parts (because of course it fucking is), you only need to watch from the end of part 4 (timestamped below), and really only need to sort of skip through it, I mean you can watch the whole thing if you want to listen to that awful language for 50+ minutes. It's pretty shameless.
6 media | 11 replies
No title
What the fuck is a brabus and why do I always see rappers buying them
The name sounds stupid as well holy shit
2 media | 20 replies
Jeep hate
I haven't seen any Jeep hate threads recently, so post your contributions.

I don't understand how these overpriced piles of shit are even allowed on highways in the US, let alone allowed to be sold. The only positive I can think of is that when they wreck, the drivers have a far higher chance of dying from roll over or being flung through the sunbrella roof.

They do offer manual transmission and body on frame, which is cool, but the suspension is built in the 2020s yet designed in the 1920s.

Can't fit shit in them, can't tow anything, rides like a dog crate on wheels.

>im barbie!
>death wobble
>no power
>useless off-road without mods

I just don't get it, why would anyone buy one of these? The new bronco seems ass too, but way better. What am I missing br/o/s?
9 media | 25 replies
R.Q. Riley Appreciation Thread
Action pics from Mechanix Illustrated of 1975-1985 electric vehicles particularly welcome. Also any other kit/plan cars with a similar vibe. Or his submarine thingy. Have any of you madmen built anything like this from plans?
35 media | 39 replies
No title
Is there another car from the past 25 years that is as loathed as this?
7 media | 19 replies
Is this a bad deal?
2018 Ford Mustang GT FN with 78,000km on the clock for 49k dollarydoos?
I want a new car but if it is going to replace my v8 ute it must have a v8 and be as easy to work on.
Seems reasonable, An SS Commonwhore or Ford Falcon v8 with double the kilometers on it is 10k+ more dollarydoos.
Are these good cars?
Never paid any attention to Mustangs before now.
3 media | 26 replies
No title
If you are getting tailgated, you probably are slow af and should get over.
10 media | 79 replies
/TBG/ Tool Box - General
Post your toolbox
Discuss toolboxes
Post your overpriced Strap-ons
Post future purchases

pic related is mine. Im growing out of it, I need something bigger, but not too big.
Taking recommendations
2 media | 5 replies
The state of "enthusiast" car market in 2025
>s-chassis, s2000, mr2 or any other rwd japanese sport car
everything below 20k is riced the fuck out and trashed to shit
>turd gens and foxbodies
everything below 10k is trashed to shit, and even 10k only buys you a 90hp automatic base model
>c5 and c6 corvette
you get a lot for the price but typically these dont sell under 20k, plus these cars are getting old and soem parts are hard to find
>c4 corvette
15k minimum and even worse parts availability than newer gens
everything below 10k is riced the fuck out and trashed to shit, and that 10k buys you a clean base model at best
newish and overhyped, so 25k minimum
20k minimum or settle for a base model
>american classics
a fucking meme at this point, even a trashed unfinished project is 25k minimum
Is there anything that hasnt been memed into "mih collector classic" at this point? Are 150hp fwd hatchbacks all we can hope for now?
8 media | 74 replies
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Turned too tight in a parking garage. Should I even pay to fix this? Camry with 161k miles
3 media | 47 replies
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Im a male office worker in the city. What car should I get to distinguish myself from manual labor workers , service workers, and retail workers? And also to show females my status
9 media | 66 replies
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>to poor for any car despite working full time
>only have 50cc scooter thats falling apart
hate being poor
2 media | 12 replies
50cc moped buying advice
I am looking for a cheap 50cc moped to buy for about 20 miles of commute and back twice-thrice a week.

At first I wanted to get the Chinese ones on Amazon, but after reading about them apparently not being reliable/lasting long, I decided to get a used moped from a more reputable brand. Since I don't have any experience with mechanics and is quite lacking in funds, buying something that might break easily is not a good idea.

I went on FB marketplace and found some good deals. There is :
>2016 Vespa 50cc for $350
>2020 Genuine Scooter Buddy 50cc for $799
>2007 Genuine Scooter Buddy 50cc for $500

The Vespa is the cheapest but also the most broken(see webm). Parts of it are cracked and the owner admits in the description "broken key but start up good and is in good condition".
The 2020 Buddy is a little expensive in comparison, but almost like new.
The 2007 Buddy is the perfect balance of affordable, from reputable company for reliable scooters, and does not appear cracked at all(the owner even says he had it repaired at a shop before listing).
The problem is that the 2007 Buddy is located 73 miles away from me in a different city. The other ones are at least in the area and I could pick it up by transit.
The hill from both cities is steep, so trying to go in bus and go back on the scooter might not be a good idea. I considered uShip but the lowest estimated quote is around 121 (average 211, highest 272).

What would you recommend?
0 media | 8 replies
/hg/ 本田 - Honda General
Last one

Looking at buying a Honda? Post here and we'll tell you our elitist asshole opinions!
Need help identifying a chassis?
73 media | 277 replies
Replacing a reliable beater car
Screenshot 2025-01-17 113213
My daily driver is being officially retired. Pic related. Its a 2001 Nissan Altima that my dad bought new and passed it on to me when I turned 18. Im now 33. Its the only car ive ever driven and it was always pretty reliable as far as getting me where i need to go. Its got a long of stuff "wrong" with it, but it drives great. I always worked on it myself when it needed fixing but its been giving me issues lately and left me on the side of the road last week and now its up for its SMOG check and its having catalytic converter issues that ive known about for a while. Its not going to pass and its just not worth putting anymore money into it.

My girlfriend and I have been saving up our money and were hoping to buy a house sometime this year, so the fact that I need a new car kinda throws a wrench in our plans. We live in SoCal in the LA area.

Long story short, I need a car. Financing a new car doesnt seem like a good idea since like i said, were planning on buying a home this year. So im looking at buying a used car. Preferably less that $15k. Nothing fancy, just something that will hopefully be as reliable as my 2001 Nissan Altima was. Im by no means a "car guy", so im not really sure what kind of cars i should be looking for.

Any tips on what cars i should be looking at? What i should be looking for when inspecting a used car?
4 media | 31 replies
No title
>be me
>be 24yo
>own a fucking badass 1998 Fiat Panda
>be you
>be idfc yo
>not owning a fucking badass 1998 Fiat Panda

how do you even cope with this?
pic rel
17 media | 62 replies
No title
Which state has the shittiest self entitled drivers?
10 media | 79 replies
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let me guess
you "need" more
18 media | 47 replies
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bmw xm
A truck bed would have saved it.
2 media | 9 replies
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Why does the EU and insurance everything from car and engine sizes, emissions, safety and yearly inspections but completely ignore that someone can buy a range rover svo or a x5m and put the cheapest set of Chinese tires and have no legal issue?
3 media | 35 replies
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I have fallen for pajeet aryan
Im very close to buy this motherfucker
please give me alternatives but it has to be that weight and size , ground clearance and seat height
21 media | 200 replies
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if my car burns oil do i have to change the oil or can i just keep filling it up with new oil?
0 media | 9 replies
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>Read about how my direct injection engine needs to be carbon cleaned every hundread thousand miles
> Call up all the garages in the area
>Some do the carbon clean with a machine but nobody does it manually as recommended

3 media | 17 replies
1991 1.6
1 media | 14 replies
Hey guys I'm back and I need your expert help
Its me. The guy with the sweet gifted red 92 Camaro from my wife's dad. The one with that flat tire and low profile and all that. Well guess what? I DID make it. I hired a mobile tire guy and her figured it out for me, really nice guy.

Anyways now I have a new problem. A few days ago my 2012 Hyundai Veloester started making the "time to change the brakes" noise on the back passenger side tire, and I've been using it sparingly. But I was visiting my elderly mother and moving some furniture for her, and when I left to head home I hit a small patch of ice, and the ABS triggered the light that usually shuts off almost immediately, and suddenly I realized that something was wrong. I pulled over and messed around a bit and figured out that the abs light was stuck on along with the "slippery road' light, AND that same back passenger tire was locked up. I made it back the half mile to my moms house, and I'm going back in the morning with my MAN TOOLS but I'm wondering if disconnecting the battery will be enough to reset it, or if taking the fuse out until I cam drive it to the shop? I already planned to take to the shop on tuesday for the rear brakes. Anyways, any help would be appreciated! Thanks auto anons.
1 media | 6 replies
Summoning all brits in a quest for knowledge
Say you are about to cross the country South to North (Plymouth-Inverness) in 250 mile per day stretches. Where would you spend those two nights without getting your bike stolen or being mugged/stabbed by cultural enrichers. Camping is preferred but a small B&B in a peaceful town will do as well
2 media | 11 replies
No title
How would you punish her for driving like this?
2 media | 14 replies
Sidewall cut
Guise, today I had to drive on some really shitty roads and got a cut in my sidewall. The cut was pretty small (the tire shop guys had to look for it for a couple of minutes even), but enough to make the tire lose all air in 20 or so minutes. I had to inflate it and drive to the nearest tire shop to have it mended as I have no spare on me. I know the common sense is that you shouldnt repair sidewall damage, but is it really as bad as they say they are? Can I drive on it for say half a year or will it just suddenly explode one day?
0 media | 12 replies
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This is what a 50k toyoda yaris interior looks like.
50 thousand. toyoda yaris.
0 media | 7 replies
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Celta flip
Post /o/ webm.
15 media | 17 replies
Ruf SCR green
Ruf, the history of Ruf
2 media | 11 replies
No title
did this roastie get blind spotted by her A pillar?
13 media | 74 replies
dashcam hardwiring
>hardwiring lets your dashcam record when the car isn't running
>it has a voltage cutoff setting so it doesn't drain the battery
how long does it last generally if you use this cutoff setting at say 12v?

And how the fuck do I use a multimeter? I'm retarded, obviously.
1 media | 19 replies
No title
When and why did cars become boring and uncool?
Nowadays pretty much only boomers still care about cars.
5 media | 17 replies
/CCG/ Classic Car General: FUCK NIGGERS II Edition
>For Classics made from 1979 or older, with few exceptions.
>Everybody has their own taste, but some tastes are wrong. If you aren't sure if your car is classic or not, it's not.
>Your Honda Miata doesn't belong here.
>US, Euro, Jap, or whatever.
>Post your classic, your work on it, your hackery, and get advice.
>Any and all discussion about classics welcome, but may not necessarily generate responses; don't get butthurt.
>Period correct performance > cosmetics.
>Metal > plastic.
>Classic shitbox > modern shitbox.
>JBweld and RTV can fix anything
>If you see rust there is more.
>Rust and bodywork are the most difficult thing to repair.
>Electrical work is difficult until you stop reading forum posts and buy a multimeter.
>Low oil pressure? Worn mains and rod bearings. Use lucas and 15W40 until you afford a rebuild.
>Do NOT buy a classic and plan to pay someone to work on it. You need to be able to do 90% or more of the work or you will go broke.
>s10fag fellates feline penises and posts about it regularly
>You will spend twice your budget, unless you have years of experience. If the salty old hands agree, it's true.
>No one cares about your MPG
>If you can't tune a carb you might literally be retarded
>Nothing is as easy as it seems

Previous thread: >>28157393
58 media | 228 replies
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2 media | 6 replies
No title
It's kinda demoralizing when you have a fast old car and then some karen in her esuv is pulling past you completely effortlessly while she's staring at her phone
3 media | 26 replies
Shit you like
Post vehicles you like. Bikes, cars, vans, trucks, doesn't matter.
34 media | 56 replies
No title
How the fuck do people afford new cars? With the exception of fuckyou rich countries like the US, or China, where manufacturers still make affordable good cars, it's insane how expensive they are. I make about 2500 euro after taxes (which is kinda average for a lot of West Euros), but even a poverty spec new Golf costs 30k, which is a yearly salary if I don't spend a dime on anything, so realistically 2 years. Fuck you I'm not paying that much for a shitbox. And thats the bottom of the palette, you can easily pay twice as much if you want something decent.
5 media | 31 replies
I miss these geezers so much
7 media | 25 replies
SUV shopping in 2025
What is the go-to SUV nowadays?
I'm helping my mom who's in the market for one but I don't know much about them.
1 media | 18 replies
No title
which way?
4 media | 30 replies
First motorcycle
Torn between a mt03 with 1k miles for $3200 and a grom for 2-2.5k which would you recommend?
14 media | 88 replies
/CTG/ - Classic Toyota General
hey all
wonder why I haven't seen /CTG/ for a while here. Miss seeing those gorgeous celica RA65s and that mk2 supra. Been working on a classic Toyota for a while so I figure we should bring it back, a JDM AE95. Check out these LED dash cluster bulbs. brilliant!
Anyone else working on a rusty 80s/90s Yota?
60 media | 246 replies
No title
If I just want a shitty econobox to allow me to save for the car I ACTUALLY want, what is the best one I can get for under 6-7k that won't break down on me trying to get to my job at the asbestos factory I'm bumfuck pennsylvania
6 media | 62 replies
No title
I miss tollbooth baskets
1 media | 13 replies
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Why do you need backpressure again?

My dad still insists that larger pipe is higher power. Then he
7 media | 73 replies
No title
The worst vehicle that ever existed in the history of automobiles
30 media | 132 replies
No title
Are single cab trucks a big inconvenience?
17 media | 73 replies
Used red kia fortes
What do I need to know about this automobile? I want to become an expert on my new car.

Any year or specialization
1 media | 13 replies
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1 media | 24 replies
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>More than 3 million Commodores where sold in Australia
How did Opel manage to sell so many shitty Opels to Australians?
5 media | 25 replies
No title
What is the most reliable vw golf generation?
11 media | 75 replies
No title
Me: Hey auto companies, I want to sell you an idea.
Auto companies: Uh, Ok.
Me: Start with a truck. Any truck you have.
Auto Companies: Ok.
Me: Now enclose the whole top like the pop top from a Wrangler or an old Ford Bronco. Follow me?
Auto companies: We think so. Ok.
Me: Now here's the kicker. Lower the whole profile by 30% and make it a car. You get the best of all worlds by improving the aerodynamics for overall CAFE mpg, tires are cheaper, you can have either an old school wagon OR open truck bed car like an El Camino or Ranchero and haul either people or supplies. What do you say? Huh?

Car companies: It'll never sell. It's a car.
12 media | 37 replies
No title
Are electric/hybrid cars worth it in the year of our Lord 2025, and how do they compare to gas powered?
2 media | 78 replies
No title
Would it be pants-on-head retarded to buy an old ford ranger for commuting 80 miles a day, 3 days a week?

I could just as easily buy a prius and use it like a disposable car, but I like the idea of having a small truck because I'm a special snowflake and I want to have a solid reliable small truck. Also looking at hardbodies, but they all seem molested in some way.
1 media | 12 replies
No title
Near in mind, hypercars are sold even before they are announced
8 media | 51 replies
No title
images (7)
What is the best tire brand? Iron Man?
2 media | 12 replies
How Come /o/ Doesn't Have Ids and Flags
like /pol/ does? It's cool being able to see which country and person you're talking to in a thread. It also makes keeping track of conversations easier because you can see their Ids. It's still relatively anon, as you don't need a name, but just easier to follow convos.

Any chance that 4chan could update the board? Where does one go to make such requests?
9 media | 69 replies
Couldn't find anything in the catalog, general rules apply I guess?
Clearly ask questions in English (or something resembling it)
Don't be a flaming turd goblin when answering said questions.

My question, if it is one, is should I get a hoist for my shop?
Just got my first home loan, although it took twenty years.
A big attraction to the property was a three car shed freshly built behind the house.
Do I go whole hog and stuff a hoist in it?
If yes then questions remain, will I die if I don't know what I'm doing? Are they actually not cool as all fuck in reality?

38 media | 222 replies
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Diesels are more fun to drive
4 media | 27 replies
No title
slippy roads
how the fuck does something like this even happen?
20 media | 142 replies
Best Year For An F-150 XL?
Looking to buy an f-150 xl soon. For sure I am going to get one with the 5.0. From 2011, to 2023, what year is the best year for these 5.0 f-150 xl's?
2 media | 14 replies
No title
post early-mid 00s car magazine stuff
advertisement, coverages, anything goes
it's for an... art project
72 media | 120 replies
No title
In a couple weeks I need to jack up my car and do a bunch of work to it. I need to replace brake pads/rotors at all four corners, I need to replace transmission fluid, and I need to replace the coolant. Is there anything else I should do while I have the car in the air?
1 media | 13 replies
No title
Which has more torque?
5 media | 25 replies
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post you are vidya cars
16 media | 21 replies
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Screenshot 2025-01-15 at 14-38-55 Holden Commodore Manual 8 cylinder cars for sale in Australia -
this sucks
0 media | 12 replies
No title
Hammond is getting a divorce :-/
27 media | 193 replies
No title
>It kill ya to buy American? Jesus.
11 media | 44 replies
No title
Image 5
>finally "make it" in the UK
>able to afford almost any car
>no matter how much you spend, you can't beat the Tesla model 3 performance as a daily driver

Straight up, why can't any other manufacturer come close no matter how much you spend?

Like let's compare it to the Bentley flying spur. The Bentley wins on ride quality, noise, interior materials but it's so big driving it is very difficult, it's dated inside/technology wise, it's far less capable at carrying stuff, it's slower and it's hard to see out of.
1 media | 24 replies
E46 vs E39
I'm a broke college student looking for a car that is cheap and kinda fun to drive. I've been thinking about getting a E46 or a E39 with M47 engine since they don't use that much fuel and are reliable.Is this a bad idea?
13 media | 90 replies
No title
>Take car to car wash
>Its spotless, awesomely clean
>Lets not mention all the scratches you get
>A couple of hours/days pass
>There is now some kind of ugly sticky/glue-y patches all over it.

This happens everytime. Wtf is it? What am I doing wrong?
1 media | 5 replies
No title
do you ever goon while driving /tv/?
2 media | 16 replies
No title
>easy and cheap to maintain
>you get a lot for your money
>makes /o/ seethe for no reason
is there anything they can't do?
7 media | 43 replies
No title
e90 issues solved
>E90 can't be impro-
7 media | 26 replies
No title
What is the best all season performance tire? Something you can bring into the snow and hot asphalt with adequate grip in each.
2 media | 31 replies
No title
>Hey anon, you do know how to wrench right?
So /o/? How would you respond?
14 media | 52 replies
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is350 RWD
How are these 5-7yr old IS350 in such demand?
I keep trying to test drive a RWD and they sell before the dealer even puts up pics.
0 media | 8 replies
No title
honest question, are all youtubers working for China or did chinks actually start to make serious bikes?
not a single one to say anything bad about this chikbike
4 media | 58 replies
No title
I’m selling my truck soon, and buying a Mustang.
Never had a sports car, but always wanted one since I was a child.
Finally doing it, anons.
On the used market, what should I look for?
Any years I should avoid?
What are some red flags to look for?
8 media | 59 replies
Why you guys think that driving manual is entertaining? It's not.
32 media | 171 replies
No title
Why are people in the car community so bitter?
0 media | 38 replies
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What does /o/ think about my new maverick?
7 media | 67 replies
No title
/o/bd2 threat!

What scan tools do you guys use, and how is it?

I have, vcds (cracked), odis (cracked), bmw ista (cracked), torque for Android, and this nexpeak tablet.

Its good to check for codes etc but for changing settings or to find faults i prefer the "oem" software.
7 media | 46 replies
Are they ever worth it?
0 media | 1 replies
Shank Wheel Nuts
Who invented this system of wheel nuts and where do I have to travel to desecrate their grave?
2 media | 7 replies
No title
WayneTech hybrid system with 8.0L turbocharged engine and jet turbine
Horsepower: 1200 bhp
Top speed 209 mph without afterburner; 0-60 mph in 2.7 seconds

Fuel type: Nitro methane
Raises maximum speed threshold by 30%
Temperature at vent: 1100 °C

Thoughts on the Batmobile /o/?
4 media | 21 replies
No title
>1950s utopias
>tons highways and freeways going through cities
>2020s utopias
>cars non-existent
What happened?
11 media | 74 replies
No title
it's never too late
Not my problem.
25 media | 173 replies
No title
Check my new drift edits, got 6 up so far, more otw!
8 media | 119 replies
No title
>you win NOT rev bomb
>you will NOT do burnouts or donuts
>you will NOT 2-step
>you will NOT do an intersection takeover
>this is a heckin wholesome chungus cars and coffee club, CHUD, we don’t tolerate your toxic behaviour that gives the car community a bad name!
3 media | 7 replies
No title
As an european carguy buying anything but a BMW is a huge mistake

American and Japanese cars are extremely expensive to repair here, especially the obscure sportscars.
And out of the european carmakers BMW is the only one still producing driver focused machines at all

You know I am right, but you are too insecure to admit it
5 media | 28 replies
No title
Holy moly how the heck does it know all that?
3 media | 15 replies
mk 7 golf r br/o/s, what's the latest and greatest in tunes?
my mk7.5 golf r's warranty is up this summer so i figured i'd finally put a tune on it. i used to think apr stage 1 + their dsg tune was the default go-to but from poking around it seems like there are better options now. out of the 7 people on this board who actually own a car, does anyone happen to have a late model golf and know which tune has the best reputation in current year? main focus is reliability, not insane power
0 media | 1 replies
No title
What's the quintessential 80s sports car?
PS no round edges allowed
14 media | 65 replies
/O/ldest car to DD?
What is the oldest car you would comfortably take on a freeway?
15 media | 63 replies
what can we do about the economic reports?
Screenshot from 2025-01-16 15-23-02
Seems like the market keeps going up, but sometimes we get a bad CPI report or a bad FOMC meeting. Is there anything we can do to avoid big dumps when we get bad macro data?
What about putting a limit sell order just below the price when the datapoint comes out?
I guess it wouldn't have worked for last week's labour data, but it would've worked really well at 104k at the last FOMC meeting?
Could something like this work?
Seems like the economic reports are really unpredictable now with both low unemployment and low inflation, either trend could reverse any minute
1 media | 2 replies
No title
>he doesn't a fire immune Kruppstahl Aryan chariot
0 media | 1 replies
No title
>Imagine buying a Stingray C7 knowing the superior C6 exists.

Feel bad for the cucks that buy a base C7
5 media | 25 replies
No title
I have mixed feeling /o/.

Just shy of a two months ago my car was drug off by a shadetree mechanic I sold it to because it was beyond saving. For the time being until I can procure enough cash to buy another car I have borrowed my fathers unused work truck that barely gets 5 mpg on the 390 because it has a cylinder down on pressure. I can count the six on startup, hear the seventh soon after and eventually, eight.

I just need it to get to work in town. Really. Strangest thing is the smiles, the waves, the peace signs and nods from random folks I just smile and nod back to in good faith. Trust me folks, It's not intentional, but OK. I'll roll with it.

It's expensive in fuel and little other than wipers, lights and the oil pressure/water temp working, it's worth waiting for another car...for now.
20 media | 81 replies
help wrenchlet changing wheels
I am putting winter tires on for the first time, previous owner never used them, but the wheel nuts seem too short to me for these different wheels. I don't know shit though, what do you think?
here's a vid where I keep the wheel adherent
2 media | 6 replies
/dbt/ - daily 'ku thread
maxx lean edition (NO CRUISERS)

>Motorcycle tips & tricks
>Motorcycle pics, webms, and streamables
>Motorcycle adventure greentexts
>Motorcycle anime girls
>don't buy chinese motorcycles
>Motorcycle ice riding techniques
>don't buy EV motorcycles
>milkcrate mounting solutions
>put the stickers on your bike
>class, (ear) plug(s)


STICKY: >>23526953


>Tiwst Of The Wrist II (TOTWII)

>How to Save A Speed Wobble


Previous Thread: >>28207213
124 media | 337 replies
Post pictures of ugly niggers driving your least favorite car brand to shame supporters of that brand.
7 media | 20 replies
No title
>I’m not like other car guys, I don’t care about speed or luxury, I just want to reliably get from A to B
4 media | 29 replies
No title
Considering that supercars are slower on straight line than drag cars, slower on tracks than race cars and less practical than normal cars, are they mostly about aesthetics?
10 media | 35 replies
/osg/ #581 All New 2025 Edtion
Last thread:>>28146945

>Vendors list with visualization, courtesy of TAIYO

>List of Vendors and Social Media


>/osg/ FAQ

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to automotive decals and stickers, as well as other general aesthetic modifications (wraps, license plate frames, etc).

Is there an art to sticker application? How big of a role does the placement, arrangement, style and number of stickers affect the aesthetics of the vehicle they're placed on? Post examples, good or bad, if you have them.
37 media | 97 replies
New engines in large cars are too small
Due to regulations manufacturers are putting engines in new larger cars that are too small for the vehicle size.
I've figured that you need about 1L of engine for every tonne being moved.
The new 70 series land cruiser being sold with a 2.8L inline 4. For a Gross combined kerb weight of 5.8t (2.3t vehicle kerb weight with 3.5t towing capacity) the engine is less than half the size to comfortably move the whole shabang.
A 1999 Hyundai Excel has a 1.5L inline 4, weighs about 1t with driver so it is able to tow 500kg comfortably although When I have towed stuff it does get hot.
>somethingsomething despite having a smaller engine a vehicle the same weight with with a smaller engine will get the same if not worse fuel economy *cough* Japanese vans *cough*
3 media | 34 replies