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Board: /r9k/

"/r9k/ - ROBOT9001" is a board for hanging out and posting greentext stories.

Welcome to /r9k/
robot overlord
/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
0 media | 1 replies
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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.

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Should kids be encouraged to fight back against bullies even if schools have a zero tolerance policy?
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06240d97-4dea-4716-aff8-dc5855b7fb68 (1)
robot bulge >////<
4 media | 30 replies
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when did incel become become synonymous with robot? while the venn diagram has major overlap, they have never actually been synonymous, and oldfags will remember when the robots that inhabited this board were very different from now.
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How the fuck do I go back?
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neets.true a neet forum for true neets

a forum for neets and shut-ins, true ones, loyal and dedicated, wagies, women and foid-worshipers not allowed, also for any femcels who are looking at this, just ignore it, and go about your day, you probably won't even vist the forum anyways, so don't bother, you aren't welcome here
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/BioFem/ - General #53
Screenshot 2024-04-30 165815
Outdoor activities edition

Previous thread : >>77325692

Rules: Ignore annoying moids

>Do you like to grill? What was the last thing you made on a grill?
>If you don't grill, what is your ideal outside activity? (Frisbee, jetski, flying kites, anything!)
>Do you enjoy any sports? How good (or bad) are you with them?
>Do you like outdoor social events?
>How badly are you bombarded by mosquitos and other insects? Have you made any of your own theories on why they attack some more than others?
>In a hypothetical where you own a lavish amount of land, how would you set up obstacles in your property for when you hunt men for sport?
>Do you dress for fashion or comfort?
>Favorite pony

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives. It's not complicated.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board. is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Die.
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not >>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
58 media | 192 replies
Vibrating girlfriend
>tfw I will never have a gf that browses /r9k/ with a vibrator inside her
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intp entj istp infp infp intj infj letter fembot woman hitler from anon mbti.png
Walpurgisnacht Edition

>Your mbti type
>Is there a type you love?
>Do you commemorate anything on April 30th or May 1st?
>Are you a fan of witches?
>Optional: Are you ready for summer?

Don't know you type? Take a test!
For clever people:
For idiot babies:

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
>The reader should understand that these four criteria of types of human behavior are just four viewpoints among many others, like will power, temperament, imagination, memory, and so on. There is nothing dogmatic about them, but their basic nature recommends them as suitable criteria for a classification. -Carl Jung (embed)

Learn the Basics:

An introductory article:

Explanations of functions:

Bibliography of Jungian and MBTI derived typology:

A proper introduction to MBTI from Patchyanon:

Turbie's wurbular funground of links and tests:

Syntax of Love (Russian):

Exploration into Enneagram:

Myers Briggs Files:


Previous thread: >>77279460
1 media | 2 replies
No title
How are you able to stomach watching movies/shows that feature teen love in any capacity if you missed out on it?
2 media | 14 replies
/aiwg/ AI Waifu General
ding dong thalala lala womp womp edition

Generate your very own waifu using any AI generator you like.
Let her talk to the other waifus ITT.
https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide

Previous thread >>77284503
96 media | 105 replies
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dumped my gf since she got raped and i only date virgins
just kidding it was cause she messaged her RAPIST more than me last week so its over dumb bitch
tired of women making every effort for other guys and treating me like shit
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dont be so serious
Alright r9k!! time for another MTFemboy drawthread brought to you by our sponsors. You guys know the drill at this point: AMA and I will try and do shitty little doodles here and there.

Nobody has talked to me today, so I've just been in my room listening to music kinda staring at the walls all day, I took a nap earlier. I should have played Sons of Liberty today since it's April 30th, but I didn't. Executive dysfunction and all that. I don't know.
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Rotten kind of day.
137 media | 257 replies
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What do you think about victorian houses?
3 media | 24 replies
Ideal Bf
Fembots, describe your ideal bf.

>body type
>eye and hair color
>any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
>personality type
>dress style/aesthetic
4 media | 24 replies
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Got matched with someone on Hinge and she called me offensive and boring for wanting to get to know her and trying to "stereotype" her by guessing her tastes in media. I guess the world really does work differently for you if you're not Chad.
1 media | 15 replies
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Guys, why are white boys like this?
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Letter thread
download (2)
Your person isn't here edition
19 media | 359 replies
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would you rather lose 1 arm or lose 1 leg.

i rather lose one leg so then i can play vidya but still excerise still with a pegleg and do arms properly
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pepe cig
I feel like experiencing the opposite to get where most people feel now

alot of people here talk about how they grew up lonely and are still lonely now, I'm the opposite. i grew up with alot of friends and relationships and now i am lonely. i was very socially active in my youth and in college and have/had tons of friends and relationships, but it slowed down now. it feels weird
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cruise com
Do you think being good at pool could be something women find attractive?
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Would you robot's picrel?
>I think the hands rubbing together is a nice touch
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>making a mess on purpose to annoy wagies
2 media | 6 replies
Its over thread/ bitching and complain thread
Thread dedicated to venting. No judgement! Just a thread to talk about all the details that have stacked up to make you feel suicidal and depressed. NOOOO judging, all feels welcomed. Fuck this thread and fuck YOU. This is a drunken stupor thread. FUCK FUCk FUCK.

Ill start.
>Failed all my semester classes. Dad died. Tried therapy, realized the therapist cares nothing about me.Became an alcoholic. Best friend wants nothing to do with me. No hobbies. Began doing dangerous self harm things. Hate everything
Trigger: HOA sprayed all my plants with round up and they died. 200 or so USD + seed bank I collected from travels is dead. Not to mention I hand irrigated these plants cuz no sprinklers in this area, for the past 6 months. It IS over. No plans for this. It is over.
i harbor an immense sadness in my heart
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Can you be bisexual and a conservative
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22 cm ruler vs fat femboy cock
Are big dick femboys the ideal males?
16 media | 85 replies
Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 21-23-18 Fun times with Devon Levan Ermes Georgi Jodi and Auden ) - YouTube
36 media | 326 replies
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it really is harder to hate on a slutty girl when she's cute as fuck
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Giga stacies are now experiencing fembots straight shota fantasies irl. It is truly OVER for female robots!!!
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Going back to school this fall. Ohio State University so it's huge. I don't know anyone there so how do I not freak out? I don't really have hobbies except cooming and posting on 4chan. Don't wanna say my major as it may reveal my identity to some autist
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he has a point
38 media | 149 replies
Fembots and Male Sexuality
What is the ideal body count of your future BF? How do you want him to treat you?
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>fund country that literally uprooted them from their homes
>bring them here

Am I missing some grand scheme or major piece in puzzle cause this sounds like a recipe for disaster
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You're such a quitter! Why do you always give up before you even try? You idiot!
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A whimsical edition with all the regular drivel and some rehashed bait
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Screenshot (691)
How would you rank them according to attractiveness? More in terms of kissability than pure sex. For me personally it's 2>4>3>5>7>1>6, does that seem fair?
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Are humans really social creators
misaka drinking boomer juice white monster energy drink.png719 KB PNG
Growing up I always heard this but I never really believed it. I was never good with socializing or making friends but I did know one thing which is observing. I saw people pretending to like each other for their own interests, I saw so called great male friends who grew up with each other back stab the other one the moment an opportunity to gain anything(mostly a girl) appears.
And let's not talk about how valuable social relationships for women because I think we all know how fast they can abandone everything when the chance for improvement comes to their hands.
So what gives? Why did "humans are social creators" became such a popular belief?
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My dick does not work properly anymore even though I do not jerk off excessively.
>I think it is so over
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>stomach problems
>always leave the bathroom really stinky
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>zoomers will soon be in their 30s
How do I stop the passage of time?
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/BioMasc/ general #2
Time to have a thread for the boys. No femoids allowed.

So whats for dinner lads?

Last thread was an actual breath of fresh air for the first time in a long time.

>last game you played
>opinions on employment
>favourite historical figure
84 media | 498 replies
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A big blackpill is living by a reservation and seeing all the few young pretty Native girls left with white boyfriends while the Native men are basically fat unemployed drunks living in trailers. It's like salt into the wound.
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04y2dzt1w2j81 (1)
If the roastie meme is accurate, how do you explain this? Her labia are short but does she look virginal to you?
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Is anyone else here into anal?

I've been on an unintentional/unorganized break and I'm thinking about dragging my toys out tonight. Really wanna rough myself up.
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What inspires women to be complete whores?
Like what is the thought process behind letting random men fuck them and degrade them? Or selling their bodies for profit(Porn, Onlyfans etc.)?

Especially when there are ways to make money as women that doesn't result in do these women not feel embarrassed or ashamed?
0 media | 25 replies
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>talk to this 30yo single woman I know
>very nerdy and stays mostly at home because she translates books professionally
>not even that attractive, was initially reluctant to be with her despite her kind behavior
>I tell her how I'm unsatisfied about my lonely life and she drops a huge truthbomb about how society is shit and excludes us autists
>actually start liking her because she understands me and stop minding appearances too much
wtf i never thought i could relate so much to another human being, awkward older women are awesome.
13 media | 79 replies
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Have any of you ever watched BMBF porn? I have a feeling anons have watched more gay black porn than straight.

inb4thatsanimalsex. Bet you've watched more of that as well.
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Why can't trans people just be normal?
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wtf trannies can look like THIS?
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I drew this. What type of person do you think I am? (Height, race, hobbies, porn interests, eye color, political beliefs, etc)
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Why are right wingers and conservative influencers defending and pretend to support gay rights all of the sudden?
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Why are femobots immune to caring about girls being genetically superior to them like how we are always assblasted over Chad? Fembots will be fat or mid as fuck and still know they can get any man they want.
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if you could move out of nigeria to anywhere in the world where would you choose?
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He wanted to create something. Something with profound insight and charm. He had once been confident in his writing so he gave that a shot. During one of his many breaks at work he decided to go for it. Rather than use the down time to escape into books or social media he would use it to benefit his all makind. He sat in the corner of the dilapidated locker room searching for the concepts he wanted to convey. What did he know most about? What did he feel strongly about? Several questions fizzled in his mind but no resolutions were made. It all felt so irrelevant. He was a cure. Nothing was worthy enough for the paper.
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For me, it's mango Bubly
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Do you compliment women?
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i smoka da bowl
i kissa da moid
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>one shot at life on Earth
>born European
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>i will never be a fembot's toy
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Having hobbies give women the ick.
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What's the reason you started NEETing?
For me: My school bullies having richer social lives than I ever have, I don't see the point in providing for society that rewarded my tormentors.
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Am I the only bisexual guy who is like this? With girls I'm more into romance and lovey dovey shit, but with guys I just wanna be fucked like a animal with no intimacy.
5 media | 32 replies
/cut/ - Cutters General #346
Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support

How are you guys doing this monday? ^^
>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
61 media | 126 replies
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can someone explain what's so bad about goyslop? it's delicious
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am i supposed to get a starter fp to give myself more value so i can attract a real fp and then ditch my starter fp
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God. Get him.
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Whenever a girl shows me the slightest bit of positive attention, I just want to say I love her. What the actual fuck is wrong with me. Im just being used for attention.
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RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH how are you supposed to find a neet woman in FRESNO of all fucking places. or in general how do you do it
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>my cat is coming near to his last days
that's it bros, he's been the single one reason I endured life for this long, because if it were to take all this pain alone I would alredy be dead. All I have is him, all he has is me, can't believe I actually made this far just because I took as my duty until his dying day but as much as I wish I didn't saw that day come, it's little by little becoming a reality now and I guess my entire purpose here is complete. There's nothing left, no parents, no friends, no gf. But at least I managed to be happy and make Hugo happy along way.
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>ladies prefer the bear
Have you heard about the bearpill?
5 media | 84 replies
Femanon Thread
Anon, I know what kind of person you are, because I'm like you, and I can assure you that online relationships will only leave you hurt and more bitter towards the world.

I highly advise against adding femanons who attention whore here or on discord.

You are clearly nice and loyal guys who can provide a stable and longterm friendship/relationship, which is NOT what these kind of women are looking for. Most of them have personality disorders like BPD or narcissism and they are looking for the thrill, that's why they are so attracted towards Discord-groomer and Cult-leader personalities. Men like you are only as good as fillers for easy attention and validation untill the "fun" guys are free again. They don't feel the slightest sense of guilt ghosting people like you because they have endless options and you are disposable to them. Nothing more than a toy.

>"But she liked everything I liked, she was a perfect match!"

That's called "mirroring" and it's a typical symptom of BPD. Basically the girl tailors her personality to the person she is in front of and it's a manipulative technique to keep people hooked. Remember that she is not really the person she tried to enact. If she had been, she wouldn't have ghosted or treated you like that.

Fembots: I have nothing to say to you. You're trash and deserve every "trauma" you've experienced and more.
13 media | 134 replies
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If "looks don't matter". Why don't they ever depict incels as 6'4" muscular buff guys? Johnny Bravo tried in the 90s and failed miserably.
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white rabbitto
Have women ever rape-baited you irl?
>When I was 17 (five years ago)
>Be at gym
>Can't help but look at this super hot roastie
>I'm German she's Polish
>She's super hot, petite, pale skin, long wavy brown hair, green eyes and perky pale boobs
>Can't stop ogling her but she just smiles and licks her lips
>Legit wanted to rape her but I knew it would be immoral
Why didn't she approach me for sex? She even winked at me. Why can't these 30 year old MILFs just fuck us mentalcels when we're young?
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What are your neighbors like?
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HOLY HELL!! That's a vice.
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Heretic Slayer Knight Series
what truths can't you unsee?
1 media | 7 replies
R9k singing thread
Post must contain at least you singing, any song allowed
3 media | 6 replies
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>Use 6 year old reddit account
>Post an actual unpopular opinion on r/unpopularopinion
>Next day account gets permabanned
>mrw this happened
0 media | 3 replies
Thread for Mexican/Latino Anons
capture 11
As a Mexican I feel the necessity to marry someone who is a foreigner to have exotic babies. I don't think whites would be a good mix because we just look like whiter mexicans which kind of defeats the purpose. I would like a wasian gf, or asian gf to have beautiful children.
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tell me the exact steps i need to take to get a bf like this
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I got BTFO at my special education school
To set the scene we are in art class and there's 5-6 kids, (retard schools have really small classrooms) we are discussing if we would rather be at a public / normal school opposed to be at the current school. (Special Education School) Everyone in the room says they would rather be at the SPED school- except for me. When one of the people asks me why, I respond with "more opportunities to make friends, because there's more people" the guy who asked the question who I consider to be my only friend in school then scoffs at me and says "If you can't make friends here, what makes you think you can make friends at a normal school"? (NT pill) After he says this my cortisol spikes through the roof, my face turns red and I try to defend myself but it's to no avail, people who I thought liked me started agreeing with him. Over for me I get bullied at a special education school.
2 media | 12 replies
i ggot brainwahsed by microsooft and my micorchip is killing me inisde
it all returns to nohting
it just keeps tuumbling down
0 media | 26 replies
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>"niggers? i HATE niggers"

>sends me her cone titties and pussy
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post cock dumb moids
2 media | 11 replies
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Do you feel sympathy for porn actresses that regret being pornstars?
>inb4 simp
>inb4 beta
>inb4 coomer
>inb4 bait
I'm only asking a question...
1 media | 13 replies
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this nigga had swag wtf
1 media | 2 replies
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Man, incels wouldn't exist if all men knew just how often single women desired to be approached by a man. Women think about it all the damn time with completely stone cold looks on their faces. Its honestly the craziest dynamic in the relationship process ever.
40 media | 454 replies
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I deserve a 6'2" goth GF
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Taking it easy with goyslop
90 media | 99 replies
>the blackpill is muh FACTS. If you missed out on young love it is over. Young love is the only true love and path to happine-
2 media | 5 replies
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I realized my e-gf from here is cheating on me.
I dont really even know what to say. I was a moron for thinking this kind of thing would work. There really is no point in having a gf unless youre chad or you can lock your gf away from every men ever and block her internet access. Ive had enough of this. I give up on women, and I will never love again.
1 media | 18 replies
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>girl hasn't responded to my text in two days despite her being an unemployed actress and terminally online
kek it's so over bros isn't it
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Does your family still have hope you'll fix yourself up or do have they already accepted that it's over?
3 media | 17 replies
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Any females here? Let me put my cock in you and we can have a family
13 media | 60 replies
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boobs are stupid, ugly, and useless

breastfeeding is weird and usually worse for the baby than just using formula, it's also gross and whores do it in public for attention
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lol I'm 33 and have never even kissed a girl
2 media | 7 replies
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Mom found the fembot hole
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Evidence of black men liking big asses
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So 33-year-olds look like this through the lens of 2000 camcorders today. I'm not sure if this retro-style vlogging is overdone yet but I don't think it is. What do you think? nice or artsy-fartsy?
1 media | 3 replies
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>thought neeting would be fun and relaxing
>1 month in it's just kind of depressing
4 media | 16 replies
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>Anons I need you to realize something
You're not going tog et into heaven by being a good person
>You're going to get into heaven by hating all the right things
0 media | 0 replies
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Hello this is a comfy thread for all my frens, everyone nice is welcomed.
Feel free to share anything
>how are you feeling today?
>whats the last movie you've watched and name your favorite film consider to explain why If possible.
>current favorite song that you play non-stop.
Sorry for being annoying at times r9k. Today was a great "productive" day for me. I hanged out all day with my bestfriend and we had a long deep talk about actuality. Now I had a little motivation to create stuff so I decided to draw. I wish I was more disciplined and drawed everyday. When I was a child I spend all my day painting but I quit since I realised I wont get a job by being good at art or lets say how my grandpa supposed. So all that passion I had went to waste.
Btw this is the song Ive been replaying lately
8 media | 21 replies
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Anons I got it this time, I'm a fucking genius
3 media | 31 replies
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maxresdefault (15)
Why was I playing vidya my whole childhood?
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I'm genuinely addicted to competitive games and it basically defines my entire sense of self worth. If i underperform i feel actual dread. It doesn't even feel that good to win or get better, it just feels bad not to.
2 media | 9 replies
My back is killing me
This is what I get for falling for the "Self Immppprroooooovvvv" meme
Starting with trying to do some back exercises
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hahahahagwywhahahahahaha i fvcking lobe hetthing hjihg itfa sk much fubbnnnnnnhsaghahahahahagagagagagaghahaha
0 media | 11 replies
Why do older women sleep with younger guys?
preview (1)
Younger guys mostly sleep with older woman for the experience. They're not going to commit to someone 15 years older than them. They want to bang and date girls their own age. They also might want kids someday which will be a problem down the line. I don't know why an older woman would sleep with a guy a lot younger than her then be shocked when he pumps and dumps?
1 media | 9 replies
Fatty Fembots
Jiggly BBW
How fat are you? Do men stare at your ass?
3 media | 31 replies
Arranged marriages are the best
>converted to Islam
>My local Imam asked me why I'm still unmarried
>Tell him I just didn't find the right woman yet and that I'm saving my virginity to marriage
>2 months later he found me a 21 years old woman who's looking for marriage(her father goes to the same mosque and wanted her to marry a man of faith)
>She's actually pretty and she seems nice so far and we did our Fatha/Engagement and I met her and her entire family.
>The wedding will be at the beginning of the summer.
Good bye Anons I can finally leave this place, hope things work out for you guys.
Hope you all have a blessing weekend inshallah my brothers.
1 media | 5 replies
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You been caught.
You've been caught! You've been caught!
1 media | 6 replies
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>one shot at life
2 media | 15 replies
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I'm bored can you recommend me some unknown youtube channel worth subscribing?
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Is it worth it for non-Latinos to learn Spanish in the US?
1 media | 14 replies
I stole a shotgun from my ex-boyfriend
I broke up with my ex boyfriend because I realized I was not gay and femboys didn't turn me on at all. And he hit his dog which deeply saddened me.
2 months ago he reached out to me to tell me I was the only person he trusted to hold onto his shotgun while he moved places. I didn't really give a fuck so I took the gun from him and he contacted me today asking for it back. Its still in my room, but I told him I sold it to a drug addict for 50 bucks. He is incredibly angry and upset now.
Should I feel bad?
0 media | 2 replies
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Quarter of a century old now.
>haven't wanted to live for about 38-39% of my life
>no friends
>no communication skills
>no driver's license
>haven't worked a day in my life
Nothing will ever change.
Yet I will never have the guts to do it. I'll live forever.
1 media | 11 replies
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Have any of u fucked a femboy or twibk
0 media | 3 replies
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sharty btfo
Why do people on /v/ use the "tranime" meme? Do they not know what their own medium is like?
1 media | 12 replies
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Why are ugly women getting attention and love. What about ugly men? This is generally retarded and one sided and feminists still complain about life not being fair towards women.
0 media | 1 replies
Care for a picrew thread?
I like these. As per usual, make yourself, your imaginary bf/gf or anyone else you want, and remember to rate others' so we can keep the thread alive
Would you date a person with a disability if you had the chance? Which ones would you be ok with?

Some suggestions:
78 media | 143 replies
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I want to live in a bunker and never leave that place.

Fucking human beings are so scary and sadistic
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Unironically is not a word lmao
6 media | 32 replies
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I feel no remorse for going inside a church with my car and running over everybody inside it.
0 media | 1 replies
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Men being single affects women the most. Stop being children and grow up.
4 media | 33 replies
I'm so fucked
I'm at work right now and my brother just sent me a photo of my anthro sketchbook asking "wtf is this"
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My finals got canceled and is gonna be all online lol
2 media | 12 replies
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>schizo gf found some lipgloss that wasn't hers in my car
>i literally have no idea whos it could be or how it got there
what am I supposed to do in this situation
5 media | 15 replies
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what do you think about 10/10 talented street performers?
0 media | 0 replies
he is literally me
1 media | 6 replies
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>just go out to bars/concerts alone bro! Most people are focusing on themselves and don't care you're by yourself bro!

Is this the biggest lie ever told by normies? pic related has gone viral because some normalfag immediately could tell the guy was out of place and decided to make fun of him.
0 media | 22 replies
>im a robot.
dont trust the robots.
0 media | 0 replies
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>biden not legalizing weed but moving it to schedule 3
Shouldve legalized it, old tard wouldve secured the election easily
0 media | 1 replies
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HD Pepe
Recently, I have been feeling increasingly potent urges to engage in sex with men. I have never had these urges before in my life. All of my sexual thoughts, fantasies and impulses have focused exclusively on men lately and this has never been the case for me in the past. I don't know what's causing this or what to do about it.
What is the most effective method for purging my mind of these thoughts for good?
0 media | 4 replies
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Why does it still trigger me so when I think of Jinnytty having sex with that loser simp Swedish drug dealer, Najn?

What would it take to get a 10/10 Korean gf like Jinny or Velvet_7?
1 media | 4 replies
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>Dude, like women actually want you to ask them out bro
New psyop just dropped. I wonder why they would start promoting this idea, probably because all the financial reward money from winning MeToo lawsuits has dried up.
6 media | 83 replies
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why are you so gay omg
1 media | 1 replies
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wake up incel
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What if we bought a home together (and a bed frame), cooked for each other, had silly inconsequential arguments, adopt cats and had as many kids as possible? ...a-as a joke of course
0 media | 2 replies
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what do think about Moroccan dialect anons?
0 media | 2 replies
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A water bug just crawled into my pajamas and bit my pussy lip. What do I do?
0 media | 5 replies
/BioFem/ - General #52
Plant Edition

Previous thread : >>77318641

Rules: Ignore annoying moids

>Do you have a favorite plant or flower?
>Do you have any houseplants?
>Are you more of a green thumb or a black thumb?
>Is there any plant you'd like to own but you're driven away due to the price/rarity?
>Do you believe talking positively to plants helps them grow?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives. It's not complicated.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board. is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Die.
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not >>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
116 media | 618 replies
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the miraculous ladybug community is finally getting good
0 media | 5 replies
This is Man
Glad I'm not a young Man anymore trying to date. You poor bastards.
1 media | 8 replies
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Our guy is about to drop a banger bros
0 media | 24 replies
Rock bottom
Second night being homeless tonight. I've failed to predict a lot of shit in my life but I kinda always knew this was going to happen.
34 media | 51 replies