Board: /tv/
"/tv/ - Television & Film" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of television and film.
This is peak writing.
This is peak California. >The Thing is supposed to have a gravelly voice
>Proceed to not do that
What the fuck Who had the best tomboy depiction in movies? What are your favorite films for the 'yt ppl b crazy' genre? Anyone seen it yet?
And have a torrent magnet link? >It's called gentrification. It's when white people make us smoke crack and get drunk and rob stores and shoot eachother over different colors and neighborhoods while high and drunk, and then have the gall to come in and try to improve the area Post a pic with more talent >I can fix her
How would a character in her movie fix her?
For those who don't know this kino:
Why does /tv/ keep calling her a Zoomer actress? The trailer for the cancelled live action Powerpuff Girls show leaked. It's bad
https://files Why did the zombie genre die out? Why'd it even resurge? American cinema peaked here, nothing has come close to it >if it bleeds: we can kill it >Middle age character working a dead end job in a rich area sees kids half his age driving nicer cars and living life to the fullest trek thread
set phasers to fun ITT: Celebrities who have paid for sex Is this how the make Oscar winners now? >when he loads up "plex" instead of a regular streaming service >*gasps* YES YES YES YES!
How the fuck did Zoe Saldana win an Oscar for this horseshit? The low caste brought that to themselves who is the greatest female filmmaker of all time? Did "nerds" ever actually exist? when is this fucking HACK making another kino, its been a decade... Was this really necessary to convey his point? did this deserve to be the most successful DC filck Why didn't they continue the Descent storyline? The first was absolutely kino! Why did either of them care about what she had to say, tennis-wise? She's a girl, she couldn't beat either of them if it took her 100 years >think gun kata is stupid
>movie tells me that through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
>now I understand gun kata and it makes perfect sense to me >even normalfags are realizing he was an insufferable cunt
Jimbros... our response? Arthouse and classics
Moonface edition
>Question of the Day
What film has your favorite portrayal of space travel?
Prev: >>209172646 The best horror performance of 2024 was Naomi Scott not Demi Moore >*destroys shelley duvall's life for shits and giggles* >DaFoe got bullied and his wife flirted with by Pedro "Literal Commie Faggot" Pascal of all people
I'm gonna tell you one thing, and I'm not ashamed to say it. My estimation of Wilhelm Dafoe as a man just fucking plummeted. Are there any movies/shows that follow this plotline? give me your top 30 best movies of all time >extremely high trust society, they dont even close their doors at night
>clean everywhere
>impressive architecture
>very technologically advanced
uhhhh... bros? who the fuck am i supposed to cheer for here? Did you ever watch a terrible show just to catch a glimpse of nudity on TV?
Millenial chads will know watching Nip/Tuck because it was rated MA-S The biggest plothole in Revenge of the Sith is how Obiwan could defeat full-strength Anakin, when it was obvious Anakin was more powerful after he defeated Dooku by himself.
My take? Glad you asked. Anakin let Obiwan win. There was still a part of Anakin that was true Jedi, that felt guilty for what he did to Mace and the Jedi younglings, and did not want to do that to Obiwan.
Bam. Did Hollywood finally give up on trying to make this guy a thing?
>Doctor Doom wants to stop the incursions and save the Multiverse. He is angry at He Who Remains for “silencing” his universe as well as every other universe/timeline that didn’t correspond to the Sacred Timeline, and wants freedom above all. Many heroes will join Doom’s side and see him as their savior, and compromise their morals in order to save their worlds, including variants of Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff.
>Doom will be the protagonist of DOOMSDAY, with major roles for Spider-Man, Captain America, Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel, Hulk, Wong, the Fantastic Four and “a handful of mutants”. Other characters set to appear include the Thunderbolts, Ms. Marvel, Falcon, Monica Rambeau, America Chavez and Franklin Richards.
>Loki will be the MacGuffin of DOOMSDAY, with different factions racing to reach him first.
>The Avengers are split into several smaller groups and won’t fully assemble until AVENGERS: SECRET WARS.
>DOOMSDAY sees Captain Marvel studying Ms. Marvel’s Quantum Bands in order to open a portal to the X-Men’s universe and rescue Monica, unaware that this could destroy both universes. Monica will have a key role similar to the Vision in AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR.
>The big reveal is that He Who Remains deliberately removed the Fantastic Four and the mutants from the Sacred Timeline. By the end of SECRET WARS, the “real” Earth-616 is restored, leading to a soft reboot that integrates the FF and the X-Men into the MCU continuity, as well as recasting some characters and retconning away some unpopular storylines. Any of y'all ever met a famous actor? Reminder that jimmy shit in a moonroof on top of kids, and would have faced many years in jail if chuck didn't intervene. jesus christ, why are they forcing him to do this press tour for 3 shitty films he clearly doesnt care about
he didnt even remember half of the cast or plot of them when Joe played the trailers and they all look like slop and now he's looking worse I’d like to see Mikey Madison do THIS Fucking Reacher giving me a hag fetish all of a sudden I need you to step out of the car sir What the fuck did men SEE in Peggy Olson? What kinos filtered them the most? Rome got cancelled for this piece of shit i watched pandorum, sunshine and event horizon back to back
tomorrow i'm gonna watch escape from new york, escape from la and ghosts of mars Yup, the new adaptation will definitely have a tough time in terms of casting. In everything else they can do better. Want to whale out so bad right now.
How do people stick to a diet.
All I want to do is eat an entire frozen pizza, some ramen noodles, a bag of chips, some cashews, a sleeve of graham crackers, and wash it down with a 2 liter of cola. Then order some chinese food. >Is the best star wars film by a wide margin
>Had the least Lucas involvement
Funny how that works. Lucas is sterile and boring, everything in his films are shot like documentaries. Kirshner's personal touch elevated Star Wars above the trash it would've otherwise been if Lucas directed it. ESB is so good compared to Lucas slop that even vehement critics had to admit the quality of Kirshner's star wars film. Harlan Ellison famously hated star wars but still found Empire Strikes Back to be an excellent film.
In short, fuck Lucas. Plinkett was right. Luckiest man in Hollywood. Are you a social movie watcher or an anti-social movie watcher? Is he officially done with cinema at this point? Recommend me movies/shows like Shogun Assassin. Specifically, I mean Asian movies that were re-story-boarded, edited, and dubbed for an American audience. The only other things I can think of like this are Kung Pow and the show MXC.
Is there a name/search tag for this genre? Oh, yeah. Bloody hell. I'm sweating in here. Roasting. Boiling. Baking. Sweltering. It's like a sauna. Furnace. You can fry an egg on my stomach. Ohh, who wouldn't lap this up? It's ridiculous. Tremendous. Fantastic. Fan-dabby-dozy-tastic kdrama general dimples edition
Previous thread >>209138331
Newfriends chart: This is literally you LMAO. There are multiple scenes where I was like, "Wow, that goes so fucking hard." Hopefully it hits VOD in a few weeks. Who the fuck was in charge of coming up with the title? Why didn't marketing say something?
In Kang Dynasty, Kang was killed by Doom in the finale. Doctor Doom was always in Avengers 5 and Secret Wars, but no actor was cast. Marvel decided to give the movie to Doom in 2023. What he was supposed to do in Avengers 5, he will now do at the start.
When two Dooms meet, they always fight until one kills the other. All Dooms consider their variants "imposters" because to them, Doom has no equal. Doom will meet a variant of himself and quickly kill him in front of another Avenger to prove a point.
Doom's name is literally Victor Von Doom. In the Latvarian language, Doom doesn't mean what it means in English.
Doom arrives and tells the Avengers that they are leaderless and weak. They will only survive incursions if they follow his commands.
Doom wears his mask until it is clawed off in a battle with the Avengers. When they see Doom's face, some outright refuse to fight him.
Some fights in the movie: Doom vs. Strange, the Avengers vs. the Fantastic Four, Doom vs. the Avengers and the Fantastic Four.
Doom is not Thanos. He won't kill randomly. He'll spare anyone who pledges themselves to him or people he doesn't consider a threat.
Characters not in the film: She-Hulk, Deadpool, Moon Knight. Hi guys, my names Sal and i'm just trying to make it here in the big city. Any help is appreciated.
Love, Sal You know it's an old movie when Meryl Streep actually looks kind of fuckable I made this image 16 years ago and its amazing how much worse color has gotten since then what the FUCK was his problem? The ultimate waifu edition Why aren't there more tv shows that explore the very real epidemic of female teachers having sex with their male students? > Kennedy: Shawn Levy’s movie is a standalone Star Wars story that’ll take place post 9, maybe 5 or 6 years out. We may bring some of the characters back from the sequel trilogy, but pretty much new characters. Posted this a few months ago so figured I would ask again. Looking for recommendations of tv shows from the 90s and early 00s that have dvd releases. This is what I have so far This was a fun movie.
Brendan is soulful. Name a better horror released in the last 12 months. Reddit 17 some might say.
Everything Everywhere All At Mickey (Reddit)
How did it go so wrong for everyone's favorite nip director? Why hasn't Star Wars been able to come up with a single new character as iconic as Yoda since inventing him in Empire Strikes Back? Why didn't the Alice clones play a bigger role in the later RE films? There was such a big build up of the Alice Abernathy army in Extinction and yet it they were desimated in the first minutes of Afterlife. Why? >Captain Marvel can't be fix- Favorite episode? Future guests you want to see on the show? Arthouse and classics
The Chess Players (1977) edition
>Question of the Day
What is your favourite /film/ centred around a game or games?
Previous: >>209158504 proto-boomers thought it was funny to threaten to beat their wives every 5 mins guys, what movies can i watch that has ridoclously pretty women in them that i can fall in love with? Nothing makes my nuts retract harder than the phrase "straight to DVD".
When you express to your audience that a motion picture will not have a theatrical cinema release, but instead will be published on VHS or DVD. Which Piston Cup racer looks the coolest? Actually someone make a roll pic of it kek >We need a character who's problems are always relationships Hold on, THIS was the horror part in the substance? An intraosseous needle? I honestly thought they were taking medular samples for dna sci-fi wackery, but really, you're telling me this was added to scare people? And all the half-eaten food is supposed to be scary as well? Holy shit. And the red slime hosing a la Kids Choice Awards was not comedy? Man, what a half assed movie, who had ever thought of this mess as Oscars material? Just marathoned this, what did we think of it spider-bros? kinda weird they were doing nothing with the mickey mouse ip desu It's kino and I'm tired of pretending it's not Before you say another word, Janny
Before you ban me like a slave again
Listen to me
There is something I must post >"They say a bird in the hand is as good as two in the bush..."
>"Its all fowl to me." Why is this show so underrated? Michael Myers mercilessly beat his middle school bully with a stick. Was this justified? Your 4chan pass is revoked, /tv/ >...Not to mention that cartoon that completely whitewashed us.
They may have canceled but but I'm truly baffled that it went beyond the planning phase. What the fuck happened? Is Mikey Madison actually a good actor, in your view? when was the *EXACT* moment tv and movies went downhill? Who was in the wrong here? >NOOOOOOOOOOOO DON'T FUCK MY ASSHOLE NOOOOOOOOOOOO That anti Conan poster has been reeeeeal quiet since the Oscars This would never happen in real life. >the Sharknado guy is sixty years old
How the FUCK?! Past a certain altitude, being a big guy can be a bad thing. It was all down hill from here Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth shattering kaboom! Parental negligence edition.
True crime film and television:
Cold case: >>209155681 >The sailing plan I filed with Ithaka lists Mē, Maimanēs, Doktopabelos, Byttonlē Ouanoviou! Why did Homer mention all these characters we'd never heard of before? I don't get it. >O vanity of Sleep, Hope, Dream, endless Desire,
>The Horses of Disaster plunge in the heavy clay:
>Beloved, let your eyes half close, and your >heart beat
>Over my heart, and your hair fall over my breast,
>Drowning love's lonely hour in deep twilight of rest,
>And hiding their tossing manes and their tumultous feet.
What did Patty mean by this? I don't get it Need some more vegan kinos I love listening to Grace's kino takes but I think she's either getting dumber or trolling for hate-views. They really don't make kino like this anymore It's the event of the season. Post your best AIs here
Bonus question: How long until we have AI generated movies? Movies with this aesthetic?
I'm in the mood for operators tactically operating in tactical operations. Was it, dare I say, kinography? >it's another "Mark chokes before he kills someone who totally deserves it" episode
Jesus Christ I'm getting sick of this nigga say hello to the future of Hollywood Heavy as hell. But that’s a good thing.
(Fans club)
(Radio series)
(Television episodes)
(A salute to Jack Benny hosted by Kelsey Grammar) the
(Jack Benny: Comedy In Bloom documentary)
(The Jack Benny story audio documentary/interview)
(Jack Benny FBI FoiA package... hard to read)
(Book: Sunday nights at seven. Unfinished autobiography by Jack Benny finished my his daughter Joan Benny. Need archive account)
(Artist and models)
(Artist and models abroad)
(Man about town)
(Buck Benny rides again)[Embed]
(charley's aunt)
(George Washington slept here )
(Love thy neighbor)
(The meanest man in the world)
(The Hollywood Revue of 1929)
(To be or not to be)
(Movies) Why do models always get Buccal Fat Removal? How do I get into K-drama; what is the essential show to start with? You guys rewatching to get ready for the new season of Andor?
severance is no longer solely loved by /tv/
npcs r coming FIFTY THOUSAND FUCKING DEUTSCHMARKS BOB He's already fucking the Asian girl in every way but he still tries to drug her.
I don't get it, just why? What's the point?