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Board: /ck/

"/ck/ - Food & Cooking" is 4chan's imageboard for food pictures and cooking recipes.

Fried Egg Oil
So... someone please give me a qrd about the oil you should use to fry an egg or make an "omlette". I did some research and it's split between putting it on top of butter, olive oil and canola/vegetable oil.

What is the best and why? Butter has more saturated fat and is expensive and also imparts a flavor. Olive oil is also kinda expensive and adds a weird flavor to eggs as well but is marginally better for you. Canola is cheap and neutral tasting and the healthiest for you.

I am not sure about the non stick properties of each but I know I should probably cook the egg at a low temperature and cover so the top also cooks and is not burned.

What oil/fat for cooking eggs is best /ck/
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Let me guess, you need more?
4 media | 51 replies
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What are the best burger toppings /ck/?
0 media | 13 replies
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$12 for a cartoon of eggs. Are you kidding me?
7 media | 98 replies
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Do you weigh your food when eating out or getting delivery, to make sure you’re getting full value?
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>European imports
>Craft breweries
Naw, I think I'm good.
Either this or Michelob.
1 media | 3 replies
Hot dogs and their many variations
For me it's the humble Seattle dog.
>toasted bun slathered with cream cheese
>grilled hotdog
>grilled onions
Also acceptable additions include
>grilled peppers
>bbq sauce
>sometimes ketchup
6 media | 24 replies
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What's the best way to cook a steak?
1 media | 4 replies
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A traditional American breakfast. There is nothing better.
8 media | 55 replies
what foodtubers do you like?
I'm partial to chef john.
he has pretty consistently good recipes. Chinese cooking demystified is good too, lots of good info from them. curious who you guys like.
>inb4 Kay's cooking, futurecanoe
21 media | 85 replies
Food Hacks
>MP4 thread
>(formally webm)
35 media | 208 replies
microwaving as a concept
Why would ANYONE ever use the microwave to unfreeze/warm up their food when ovens exist? Every microwave i've ever had fucked up my food by somehow either making food feel rubbery and dry or some parts being hot while others are cold. Everything a microwave does an oven does 10x better. How did people get memed into buying these things?
0 media | 17 replies
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Empty belly, just smoked/drank, they just put out fresh trays, anon, how many plates can you bang out? What are you getting?
1 media | 7 replies
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Obviously this isn't a calzone. So what is it?
1 media | 17 replies
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images - 2025-03-06T140517.598
I think I just tasted how a woman's kiss tastes.

this stuff? I have been trying find it in my country and finally my local grocery store sells them in the imported snack aile.

Good God, the sourness, the slight burn in my throat, the freshness, the feeling of not feeling bloated.

I love it and it tastes exactly how I imagined it
1 media | 10 replies
/ctg/ - Coffee Time General
Thread for discussing coffee and coffee related topics.

Training edition

If you're new and confused, start here:

If you're old and confused, align your burrs

Previous thread: >>21197529
54 media | 306 replies
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steak n
>switches to beef tallow for their fries
>starts posting Nietzsche quotes on twitter/X
When did Steak and Shake become a masonic brand?
6 media | 61 replies
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The #1 rated restaurant in the US on Yelp. Anyone been there?
1 media | 22 replies
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British food
6 media | 90 replies
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I swear to God this is one of the best and most underrated cuts of beef ever and if you only stick to ribeyes and t-bones then you’re a pleb.
9 media | 30 replies
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I'm addicted to this shit. What are the pros and cons of eating this everyday.
2 media | 32 replies
Beans are the perfect food. Filling, cheap, pairs with anything, nutritionally complete, and delicious.
What are your favorite beenz dishes?
2 media | 4 replies
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I tried my hand at mead, using dark cherries and local honey. While I wait, what’s next for my homemade alcohol journey?
1 media | 2 replies
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Now that’s a proper meal.
4 media | 33 replies
What the fuck is their problem?
chick fil a
Why won't they offer a fish option during the religious season when that is their trademark practice? I can get fish from McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Popeyes, Arby's, Bojangles and more right now. Why not from the religious company?
4 media | 18 replies
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What's the coolest-sounding order at a bar?
14 media | 77 replies
I Hate Salami
Sorry, but it sucks.
It smells and tastes like rancid sulfurous vomit.
It's easily the worst type of cured Italian meat.
Capocollo and prosciutto are delicious and 1 billion times better.
1 media | 27 replies
/wg/ - Whisky General
Ice, water or neat?
Glencairn or tumbler?
Scotch, bourbon or rye?
Peated, unpeated bourbon barrel or unpeated sherry cask Scotch?
ITT: we discuss all things poison wood water.
33 media | 214 replies
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How many egg rolls could you eat in one sitting?
3 media | 30 replies
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What's the cheapest way to get as drunk as possible?
21 media | 130 replies
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Sea salt or rock salt?
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What is the deal with avocadoes? Why are people crazy over them?
It's like a dry cucumber mush. Doesn't have a taste at all.
0 media | 19 replies
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American cuisine map just dropped
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forget about Italian or NYC pizza. Greek pizza (i.e. pan-baked) is the best
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I have always been annoyed by people cracking jokes about how Indian and Mexican food gives them digestive problems. However, today I had a delectable Tom Kha soup that I ordered “Thai Hot” for lunch, and, while delicious, it has rendered me shivering and weak sitting on the toilet hours later. Perhaps I should’ve been kinder towards those with weaker spice tolerances. I am humbled.
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What should I get at KFC? No biscuits here
2 media | 6 replies
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Chocolate Fudge and Custard.
BOSH. Choccy Fudge Cake with a lake of Bird's custard. This is lush, this is four times lush.
It's sweet, it's creamy, its delicious, it is luscious.Vanilla and chocolate is a timeless combination.
Why haven't you taken the British Puddin' Pill?
4 media | 34 replies
Best butter money can buy
>Good price
>Tastes delicious
>Butter from grass fed cows instead of that store brand crap

There is nothing better than the Kirkland brand grass fed butter. It is perfect.
2 media | 25 replies
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I have now cooked every single recipe from the culinary half of this book. Ask me anything!
1 media | 14 replies
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are shake shake fries good? they don't have them where i live.
8 media | 23 replies
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Do you go the extra mile for your hot dogs?
4 media | 20 replies
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for me, it's the weber kettle. an american classic
7 media | 45 replies
your pick?
9 media | 84 replies
Why would you drink soda
when you can pour a lil fruit juice of any flavor into a cup of 90% seltzer.
>less sugar
>no syrup and poison
>actually tastes fresh
0 media | 0 replies
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o (27)
Meatballs on pizza--are they good or are they whack?
2 media | 15 replies
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this was the most kino soda until loblaws discontinued selling them
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We did things a little differently in the olden days.
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@Kura Sushi x @DC now for a limited time — be sure to visit a Kura Revolving Sushi Bar near you to experience this collaboration! 🍣🥢 #revolvingsushi #dccomics #giftede
Why don't you go to Kura Sushi? It offers a beautifully designed spin on the experience of eating conveyor belt Sushi.
9 media | 39 replies
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what is your favorite French dish?
6 media | 37 replies
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What are your favorite ways to cook this
6 media | 56 replies
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Chicago just has the best pizza. Hands fuckin down.
6 media | 39 replies
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Me Din Dins

Chicken tikka masala, mango chutney, air fried green beans and mangetout
1 media | 2 replies
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Do you ever but ingredients to cook something then decide wait I want to cook this other thing instead?
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Veggie Nutrition
How many nutrients and vitamins etc. Do you really loose by cooking your vegetables?
0 media | 2 replies
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no more brother wars
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little treat today
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Made a Sandwich
Sourdough Bread, lightly toasted
Spicy Mayo on both sides
Honey ham, 4 slices either side
Smoked provolone cheese, 1 slice
Handful of washed spring mix
Dash of red wine vinegar
Sprinkle of salt + garlic powder
Olives, 2 skewered to garnish

Sides: Salt & Pepper chips and a Diet Coke
4 media | 7 replies
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for me, it's Indian MRE, 1/8 the price of gay American ones but 500% more flavour due to spices overload.
4 media | 39 replies
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What flavor kefir do you recommend? I like 'nilla.
4 media | 30 replies
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how do you open your packets /ck/?
3 media | 21 replies
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Does this count as a grilled cheese?
1 media | 9 replies
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I would kill myself from depression if my food was labelled like in canada.
34 media | 143 replies
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eating and cooking delicious food is the most important thing and I'm tired of pretending it isn't
here's some stuff I cooked in 2024
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Do you guys remember the popeyes spicy chicken sandwich hype madness in the news?

I never actually tried it(canada shithole province), was it good? is it still good?
4 media | 46 replies
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I really feel bad for people who cut out entire food groups from their diet or are really picky.

So many people won't try stuff like shellfish, or offal, and some people are jsut straight up vegetarians. I also feel like you can't claim to be an authority on taste if you don't/can't eats basic stuff like pork or beef, or you've tried alcohol and don't/can't cook with it.

So if possible we should love all types of food
18 media | 98 replies
Odd things about your palate
What is something weird about your palate?

For example
>Hate the taste of raw onion
>Hate the taste of peppers
>Hate the taste of raw tomato
>Don't like lime
>Love Pico De Gallo
0 media | 4 replies
Anti-Hoarder Operations
I'm now living with elderly mom and husband (99% nice guy) and straightening things out. Several hoarder pockets and weird old people shit.
Anyway, I need factual links about food safety and can storage and anything that applies especially if there is a link or some shit to show the hoarder his disgusting food dump in the basement, which spans half a Ranch Style house long ways, is filthy subhuman gblin nonsense and cannot be eaten in any case. Stuff about expirations and just anything.
HELP! He opens cans of veggies and stores them with a saran wrap "lid" even.
I'm fucking bleaching everything and I have a full on clean suit.
0 media | 32 replies
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Does /ck/ like Fish and Chips?
55 media | 207 replies
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photo_2021-07-08 22.58.37
You ever have a hankering to go absolutely buck wild at a Chinese buffet?
3 media | 53 replies
Food Spoilage Anomaly
A house in Virginia I stay in, food spoils quickly - homemade bread lasts a week or two at best in a bag.
A house up in the mountains in West Virginia my friend owns, he's had cookies my wife baked him from Christmas, they're still good. Sweet potato bread from a month ago is still good, no signs of decay aside from muted flavor.
Is it because of humidity? Ambient bacteria/fungal levels? Temperature (he keeps it 62°F in the house)? I'm at a loss as to why this guy's house is a fucking food cellar.
How do I recreate this elsewhere?
0 media | 8 replies
Lent thread
It's Ash Wednesday! Post foods and ideas for this year's lent. You will be fasting like a good Christian, won't you anon?

>What can't I eat?
-Any kind of meat
-Any kind of animal fat
-It's a good moment to kick off any other bad habits like smoking

>What can I eat?
-All plant products
-Eggs and dairy

>How much can I eat?
One normal meal and two smaller meals that together are less than a normal meal
18 media | 61 replies
/tea/ - liu bao edition
This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>21188043
42 media | 152 replies
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1633511243397 hmm
almost all "flavour" in nearly every cuisine around the world is just the spices that have been poured onto the dish
17 media | 89 replies
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Screenshot 2025-03-02 233122
McDonalds... Has Fallen...
12 media | 75 replies
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After i shuck my oyster, i try to clean out all of the grit inside but when i do that i end up losing most of the liquor. How do i remove all the grit while maintaining the liquor?
0 media | 8 replies
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Thoughts on novelty cook books? Was thinking about making some stuff from this book, might make me enjoy cooking again
24 media | 122 replies
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Thoughts on rum?
6 media | 52 replies
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焼きトウモロコシ🌽 Grilled corn🌽 #アレンジ料理 #アレンジレシピ #recipe #レシピ #asmr #foodtok #fyp #food #トウモロコシ
Would you like to taste Japanese grilled corn?
0 media | 14 replies
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What does /ck/ think of Neapolitan styled pizza?
3 media | 32 replies
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QUICK, Post your favorite fruit NOW!
10 media | 40 replies
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What those /ck/ think of my dinner?
0 media | 13 replies
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Why yes, I do tend to indulge in the finer sips life has to offer...
0 media | 6 replies
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Do Americans really eat eggs or are they just pretending cause they need something to be mad at? I've basically never heard of an American eating eggs asides with 1kg of bacon sometimes
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Can vegan burgers be good?
0 media | 13 replies
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>and just a touch of olive oil
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Here's a list of food items we (americans) can expect to get more expensive in the near future. What's the best way to minimize the impact of this on my diet
4 media | 49 replies
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>Popeyes hits it big with Chicken Sandwich
>Everybody rips it off and the "chicken sandwich wars" ensue
>Now every single chicken sandwich everywhere is just that same thing with the shitty pickles and mayo
>Raising Cane's gets popular
>Everybody has to now make their own ripoff Cane's Sauce, no more variety in tendies
>Hot Honey Chicken becomes popular
>KFC introduces Hot Honey Chicken
>Chipotle introduces Hot Chipotle Chicken
Would it kill these fucking restaurants not to hop on the same trends as each other every single time?
0 media | 1 replies
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Did they do something to the jumbo eggs? Almost every egg in this carton I got had two yolks. What the fuck?
0 media | 3 replies
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Sausage gravy with the damn sausage still in it. Why do northerners not do this? Why we got people acting like you take out the sausage and serve it somewhere else. What the fuck? I mean what’s the point?
2 media | 17 replies
Fish Tacos
Looking for some fish taco topping advice, this is my first time making them. I've got tilapia filets that I can air fry. Aside from tortillas and shredded lettuce,, what else should I get?
1 media | 13 replies
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>look at carbon steel chef knives online
>all the reviews are boomers crying about rusting
I thought it was public knowledge that carbon steel knives react to stuff like cast iron does?
2 media | 18 replies
Serious question here.
Fellow Americans, the first time you bit into a calzone expecting a pizza pocket experience but instead getting a nasty ricotta cheese experience, how long was it before you could trust eating Italian food again?
2 media | 8 replies
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What the fuck do I do? Kms? I can’t eat this shit or it ruins my gut, but it’s in everything good. Anybody find any decent gluten free recipes or products without sneed oils?
0 media | 6 replies
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totino pizza
Totinos started to suck when they moved away from the boxes and into those plastic sleeves
0 media | 1 replies
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Is prime good? Has anyone here tried it?
2 media | 22 replies
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Im trying to get free food from a local place by presenting him with a slogan for his place. It is going to be there's no substitute for Al's Subs. Is this good? if not any suggestions so I can get some free food or money?
0 media | 20 replies
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Bland boiled chicken drumsticks. Good or bad? I never realized people hated it because I grew up on it and don't have a problem with it. When I've seen people describing bland chicken, they act like it's the most disgusting food ever. I don't understand it.
1 media | 63 replies
How to not fuck up fried rice
Whenever I make fried rice, no matter what I do, it doesn't come out with the distinctive "fried" flavor, it just tastes like rice with stuff mixed in. What am I doing wrong?
3 media | 47 replies
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I miss it bros
1 media | 25 replies
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Chili on burgers - y/n?
10 media | 61 replies
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When will you drink the nutritious cock milk?
9 media | 44 replies
Another day, another failure
8 media | 47 replies
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I'm getting jaw surgery soon like the one in webm related and will only be able to eat liquid calories. Give me your best recipes
4 media | 16 replies
Air fryer
Just got gifted this
Gimme some good recipes that this unlocks
1 media | 16 replies
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Are they discontinuing my reason to live? It's out of stock everywhere...
1 media | 34 replies
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I just made risotto dashi oats. It's gross. I hate it. I don't even like oats. You normally cook it with milk; but wheat flour with milk is way better. Rice is also way better. I hate oats; it's livestock feed. If you like oats, you're livestock, and I hate you.
0 media | 8 replies
I want to know every kind of sausage
I love sausage very much. I want a way to learn and study every type of sausage that exists, is there any kind of index where i can get this info? This also applies to wanting know every type of cured meat
1 media | 28 replies
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>not liking deenz on 'za
2 media | 4 replies
Me and my friend came up with a crazy idea. Egg challenge. Hide eggs in areas in America such as major airports, state capitols, town halls, warehouses, etcetera. If enough people hide eggs, it might end up on the news. People will wonder where all the eggs are coming from. Let's see how many eggs we can hide.
0 media | 7 replies
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How do I get into Canadian cuisine?
I've got some Canadian Maple Syrup but are there any unique Canadian dishes I should try cooking?
What are some other Canadian products I can buy in Australia?
8 media | 47 replies
Which one do you choose, /ck/?
9 media | 37 replies
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thoughts on Australian cuisine?
32 media | 199 replies
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Do you make breakfast every morning? Or do you not have time due to work?

Is breakfast even necessary?
2 media | 24 replies
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Oooooh, waffle runoff.
1 media | 6 replies
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I can make really good French fries now and I constantly want to make them. This concerns me.
4 media | 28 replies
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Did people generations ago legitimately hold the belief that eating white/light colored foods made your skin white/lighter colored? Do some still think that today? You see the preference for 'whiter' foods through a variety of cultures, even though it really doesn't make sense.
>Bread: Many old styles are very dark, modern styles are always white. It's generally accepted that the darker varieties like Rye/Pumpernickel are more nutritious than typical white bread, and yet the later remains the most popular.
>Rice: Originally brown, now 90% or more is white. Again, the brown variety is more nutritious, the white variety is far more popular.
>Beans: Black and Red beans, while not necessarily more nutritious than others, are generally tastier. Still, white/navy beans were far more popular only a few decades ago, and were so for hundreds of years.
>Corn: Older varieties, where they are still cultivated, are dark, sometimes brown, sometimes burgundy. Modern varieties are all much lighter colored. In the American South, 'Silver Queen' corn is still in demand, a variety that is 'white', despite the actual seeds for 'Silver Queen' being replaced with other 'white' corn varieties decades ago.
>Onion: Red onion is generally considered the most nutritious, but white/yellow onion continue to be more popular.
>Eggs: Chickens, descended from junglefowl, originally laid brownish eggs for camouflage. Industrialization bred birds with white eggs for sanitary reasons. Even the 'white' portion of the egg was theorized to be the only worthwhile part of the egg for many years, despite that being proven erroneous.
>Chocolate: White chocolate discards virtually all of the nutritious portion of the cocoa bean. It does not taste better or even much different than normally colored chocolate. There is no reason for it to exist. But still, it does. It's white.
2 media | 5 replies
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Kong coco
For me? It's the Kong Strong coco blueberry
0 media | 0 replies
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a lenny sandwich with red oniees and jalamatos on rye
0 media | 13 replies
Is grocery store meat shit?
I’ve always been under the impression that the butcher shop is more expensive for quality that I probably won’t notice unless I cook it perfectly but I keep hearing people say how bad grocery store meat is

I’m curious what the intelligent folks here think
1 media | 18 replies
Sage is weird
Most herbs are common in some regions except for sage. We all know which areas love using basil and oregano, eastern euro cuisine favors herbs like dill, savory and marjoram. Arabic food uses many different herbs but mint is used quite prominently. Tarragon is basically only used in france. Who uses sage? Its very delicious yet not really all that important in any type of cuisine. Its used in breakfast sausage, is often paired with butternut squash and pasta, or alternitavely its paired with blackberries. What else? Why does no one give a shit about sage?
4 media | 44 replies
Sneaking people food they claim they "don't eat"
Does anyone else give people food that they claim they don't eat? Like for example, my parents say they "don't eat" pork (along with beef, and some other red meat because Hindu) so I gave them spring rolls with pork in them and said it was chicken. They ate it happily and said it was delicious. They can't tell the different between pork and chicken in some preparations.
13 media | 101 replies
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i found the cure to depression
>artificial food bad
>natural food good
you cannot refute this
6 media | 58 replies
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omelette 3-3-25
Got a new pan, made an omelette. Please rate my omelette making skills and give any tips.
6 media | 46 replies
molecular gastronomy
The fact that tastemakers in the culinary world fully embraced "OH MY HEGGIN SCIENCE" as the spirit of the age is incredibly discouraging as a chef in pursuit of greatness.

No other artform had serious critics lowbrow enough to fall for it.

Literally, smug journos who can make or break peoples career were sitting there going "wowwieee" over oobleck.
2 media | 15 replies
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You cant beat this for a buck fifty at the Dollar Store.
6 media | 29 replies
Cellulose is my favorite ingredient.
I have a big big 5 gallon bucket of it and I add it to everything, really cuts down on the cost of ingredients. You can stretch things a lot with cellulose.
1 media | 14 replies
Order4me: Okonomiyaki edition
Hey /ck/ it's your least favorite poster on this board and once again I'm asking you picky ass eater weebs of /ck/ to decide what I should order.

This episode I'm visiting a Hiroshima Okonomiyaki place and want to see what you pick eaters pick out for me. If you have any sauce preferences tell me. I want to experience your tastes and preferences.

As usual I will be using a random number generator and a tournament bracket to decide the winner. Once there I will order the winning order, take pictures of it that I'll share here, and give you my opinion of the dish.

7 media | 27 replies
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>cook something for the first time
>don't really know what you're doing
>comes out perfectly
>every other time you try it after that it never comes out right

What recipe is that for you and why does this happen?

For me, it's biscuits.
2 media | 13 replies
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Tuna Mayo Onigiri
Tuna Mayo Onigiri $1
0 media | 23 replies
I think fish is overrated
I don't dislike and I do like sushi (soy sauce and wasabi make anything taste good), but I'll almost always choose terrestrial meat over fish. I'm never going to buy a fish from the grocery store and go home and cook it.
1 media | 13 replies
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What are your thoughts on the keto diet? Do you think it's an effective way to stay fit? Are there any good keto dishes worth checking out?
13 media | 136 replies