Board: /diy/
"/diy/ - Do It Yourself" is 4chan's imageboard for DIY/do it yourself projects, home improvement, and makers.
Welcome to /diy/, a place to:
Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.
Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.
Helpful links: (archived) I don't consider you a real man if you leave the guard on the grinder. Does anyone do flint-knapping here? How expensive is it to get into things? I'd like to make some Acheulean or early, Oldowan-type tools for use in a photoshoot. I have a cast iron boiler from 1975 which still produces heat but has had multiple problems in the last few years (mostly with components other than the boiler itself). I was quoted 3k to change the pump, valves, expansion tank, and a few other components, and 9k to change the whole boiler plus everything else that goes with it. Should I just bite the bullet and replace the whole thing? So I am building a battery pack for an electric scooter using a bunch of rectangle lithium batteries, and I'm to the stage I need to sort out the cell separators.
I planned to use g10 fr4 epoxy board but I designed one of the larger separators and the single piece would cost 38usd to have cut out and sent. I intended on having it all cut out and designed so that it slides all together but nope lol, it would cost like 300usd++ for that.
So now I must use smaller pieces and somehow cut them myself and figure out how to join them together.
Has anyone here done something like this? What's the least painful way to cut g10 with some level of accuracy? Previous thread: >>2862970
>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.
Read the datasheet.
>OP source:
bake at page 10, post in old thread
>Comprehensive list of electronics resources:
>Project ideas:
>Principles (by increasing skill level):
Mims III, Getting Started in Electronics
Geier, How to Diagnose & Fix Everything Electronic
Kybett & Boysen, All New Electronics Self-Teaching Guide
Scherz & Monk, Practical Electronics for Inventors
Horowitz and Hill, The Art of Electronics
>Recommended software tools:
KiCAD 6+
Logisim Evolution
>Recommended Components/equipment:
eBay/AliExpress sellers, for component assortments/sample kits (caveat emptor)
Local independent electronics distributors
>Most relevant YouTube channels:
Moritz Klein
>microcontroller specific problems?
>I have junk, what do?
Shitcan it
>consumer product support or PC building?
>household/premises wiring?
More rules-driven than engineering, try /qtddtot/ or sparky general first
>antigravity and/or overunity?
Go away How the fuck am I supposed to unplug this shit? I want to replace my dishwasher Previous thread:>>2842021
Here we discuss microcontrollers (MCUs), single board computers (SBCs), and their accessories, such as Atmel mega and tiny AVRs (Arduinos), PICs, ARM boards such as blue/black pill STM32, ESP8266/32s, RP2040, Raspberry Pi, and others.
For general electronics questions (power supplies, level shifting, motor driving, etc.) please ask /ohm/.
>where can I find verified quality microcontrollers and other electronic sensors or parts
>but that's too expensive (many parts here are fake, particularly specific parts out of stock in the above sites)
>I need a part that does X and Y, with Z specifications. How can I find it?
use DigiKey's or Octopart's parametric part search. Then purchase from one of the sellers listed above.
>how do I get started with microcontrollers, where should I start?
There is no defined starting point, grab a book and start reading or buy an arduino off ebay/amazon and start messing around. There are a plethora of examples online to get started.
>RISC-V microcontroller list: Got a job as a superintendent at a senior's apt. building.
>repairs are basic af
>most jobs can be done with a screwdriver, channel locks or some glue
>boilers and MUAs need retard easy maintenance
>can't do something then I hire a contractor and watch over their shoulder. Learn how to do it and never hire them again
>little old ladies bring me baked goods
>old guys tell me cool stories and S tier racist jokes
>learn tons of cool /diy/ related stuff everyday
>half my day is sitting around in the office, on the roof or in the boiler room shitposting or playing vidya.
I can't believe I spent years working construction and other backbreaking jobs when I could have been comfymaxxing like this. Take the super pill. will house 4 full-grown rabbits in 4 seperate enclosures. each unit is 70cm×96cm
Total project cost: 0Au
all materials were repurposed, reclaimed, rejects or scrap. this includes all fasteners, mesh & hinges. total time invested: 6 hours. Got me a Victorinox Zip-around wallet for two years that is getting dirtier and dirtier and I need advice for cleaning it up. Made of nylon.
Wallet cleanup and restoration thread. previous thread: >>2841958
did my first brew ever today (night, kek), a Klosterbier. All-grains BIAB and no-chill using a plastic fermenter. Added yeast the following day.
Post your current recipes/brews frens >me: capable american, living in America
>wife and her parents: Slavs
Our electric kettle gets used every day for coffee, tea, and occasionally preheating water for a pot on the stove. Figured one of these under sink water boilers would be worth the cost and effort for always ready near boiling water and it would be one of those perfect Christmas presents to that family that no one knew they needed. Seems gimmicky but I'd rather see these in more kitchens rather than garbage disposals.
Any idea why the faucets are so expensive while the boilers themselves seem reasonably priced? Sure it's the brands treating it as an artisanal appliance and not that you need special materials to stand the 200F-ish water.
Energy costs shouldn't be too bad and it will be justified the more use use it gets. I might share the extra in-line water filter used for the refrigerator icemaker because why not. Any opinions why these aren't more common in America before I spend the money and drill a hole in my countertop? Post a picture of your work bench, dedicated work area, or most commonly used tools for DIY. What was the last thing you worked on there, simple or big? What stones do you use?
Back when I lived in the city i could take my knives for a quick sharpening, $2.50 a blade. Now its like $6 each and im not were near the shop.
I'm looking to buy a nice set of diamond stones.
How many do I need, and what grit?
I have Zwilling knives, and a bunch of other blades that need to be sharpened. Aging While Posting Edition
Previous lost to fading: >>2842087
Eternal thread theme:
>New to /ham/? Read this shit!
>Your search engine of choice works well too!
>The FAQ is now back:
>OP, the cybsec domain is gone.
>NEW FAQ is updated to preview 15
>The wiki is down but is archived:
>Idiot's Guide to Coax Cable
>Looking for frequencies to monitor near you?
>Basic Rx loop fundamentals
>DIY SWL Mag. Loop
>Small Tx Loop
>In Depth Loop articles
>Homebrew RF Circuits
>NEW Library
>Online Practice Tests:
> Real-Time Propagation Data
>Space Weather
>WSJT-X 2.1 User Guide
>Homosexual (ft8) guide
>Weather Fax resources
>point to point predictions, its free and will give you an idea of how much power/ what frequencies to use to reliably talk to your friend
>how do I into Morse code in a good way? She's a literal millionaire & didn't feel like fucking with it. bought a new one instead.
20 HP. it had 4 flat tires. steering tires would not even hold air to load it. mower blade deck hanging off, had to be secured with rope.
got it home, inspected & repaired:
mower deck was one missing cotter pin and cable connection.
removed both front wheels, removed multiple spines & sand/buff inside of tires, install tubes, inflated, and reinstalled. rear tires good enough with slime.
charge battery (junk, but it will work until I buy a new one). blades need sharpening, but are 1000x better condition than the dynamark.
moved to the country onto acreage in 2023. most of it does not need mowing, native grass and all. we do have to keep the Russian thistle in check.
been getting by with an old 11HP '74 Dynamark. the Toro will be much more useful, since it's more reliable and easy to use. wife won't have to jack with the quirks of 50 year old carburetor and engine. now she can mow and use it with a trailer for farm chores. In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything remote controlled - multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.
>How do I get started with racing drones?
> How to build a racing drone (16 part video series from Joshua Bardwell)
>What about planes?
>What about aerial photography, is DIY viable?
Buy a DJI if what you actually want is to take good photos/videos, go DIY if what you actually want is a fun project.
>I want a cheap RC training plane that is turnkey.
XK Beaver
Eachine Wing Dragon
OMPHobby T720
Hobbyzone Champ (used only)
>I want a good FPV fixed wing platform.
ZOHD Drift
Sonicmodell AR Wing
Finwing Albabird
>I want a basher fixed wing model for doing crazy shit that is easily repairable.
RCFactory, Hacker and other similar profile models
>I want a dirt cheap drone to fly around my yard/garden
Syma X5C
>I want a dirt cheap drone to fly inside my house
Eachine E010/Hubsan X4
>What are some good YouTube channels for learning or fun?
Joshua Bardwell -
Painless360 -
Flite Test -
Peter Sripol -
RCModelReviews -
Andrew Newton -
RCGutt -
RC Test Flight -
Think Flight -
Tail Heavy Productions -
Previous: >>2841917 >Drunk OP Edition
Last Thread: >>2865900
>Your print failed? Go to:
>Calibrate your printer.
If that doesn't help you solve your problems, post:
>A picture of the failed part
>Printer make & model
>Filament type/brand
>Slicer & slicer settings
>What printer should I buy? [32/03/90 :detadpU tsaL]
Do your own research, these are just popular and available options.
All controversial printers and brands have been removed from the list for your safety.
SLA: >>>/tg/3dpg
>Where can I get things to print?
>What CAD software should I use?
Free to anyone: Fusion360, Onshape, TinkerCAD, FreeCAD
Free to me: Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD, Solidworks, Rhino, Solid Edge
Autistic /g/oobers: OpenSCAD, OpenJSCAD, CadQuery
Participation medal entries: PTC Creo, Solvespace
Mesh free-forming and modeling: Blender
Architects: Sketchup
>What slicer should I use?
For everyone: Cura, PrusaSlicer, BambuStudio for Bambu owners.
For enthusiasts: SuperSlicer, OrcaSlicer
For autists: Pleccer/SuperPleccer, Kiri:Moto, FullControl
Legacy Pastebin (Last updated 1734 days ago):
#359 Going to be DIY a mini split in my home to replace my old central air unit. Has anyone here done it themselves with those lines that come per-activated with gas? What brands do you guys recommend that are reliable and easy to repair by techs? Are the ones in Home Depot and Lowes any good or should I order online? Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.
The old thread no longer bumps and is on page 5 now: >>2863207
If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here. Was looking into getting a camper to live in. I see some pretty spacious ones available on marketplace for dirt cheap. I'm talking like 36ft for sometimes 6 or 7k with them saying no leaks and working ac and everything. What I'm wondering is why are they so cheap and what should I look for when looking to buy one, don't want to just buy one and find out it has a major mold problem. I can't get any planks cut/planed to size at reasonable cost (around $150 for transport alone) so the next best thing I can think of is joining glulam boards like pic related. I'm thinking of putting together two boards face to face each sized 18x200x2000mm (0.71" x 7.87" x 78.7") to make 36mm (1.42") thick plank. It should be able to handle at least 50kg (110 lb) load spread fairly evenly without splitting apart. Is this a retarded idea? I understand normal planks and chipboards, but glulam is new to me.
If it's not too stupid then what would be best way to join the boards? Gluing this size could be difficult so I'm thinking of using screws. what's your favorite thing ya did yourself?
literally any project A place for anything to do with Welding.
Post your welds, ask questions and discuss sticking metals together.
IDK I just want a place to talk about welding. Who gives a shit about Makita vs Milwaukee? I wanna hear about Bosch vs Miele or some shit.
>sneed queen
>fisher & paykek Well, you niggers have ruined me again. Brought in some cherry tomatoes and basil to keep indoors for the winter. Relatively good setup inna basement. Grow laps installed on the rafters, everything is in a rolling cart and im using a little spray bottle every other day to ensure theyre watered.
Suddenly flies. Hundreds of them. They're apparently called phorid flies and they breed anywhere theres moisture including the u-bend in your sink and the cat box you change every day. I have tried everything. Spray treatments, fly paper removing any and all food sources and pouring drano down all the pipes.
They just keep coming. What the fuck, dude? Why is modern interior design such dogshit nowadays?
>Faux arches
>Kitchen/living room/dining room all open floorplan
>Recessed ceiling
Seems impossible to avoid buying or building a house like this built in the last 5 years. Do you absolutely have to drill into your roof and shingles into your rafters or cut off a square and mount to rafters to install solar panel mounts or is there a no-drill solution for sloped roofs? I have a massive roof, built like a pyramid and I want to install some mounts to get it solar panel ready, what kind of mounts should I be looking into? Most of the videos I've seen on social media are the type that cut a small rectangle to expose the rafter to mount to it and patch. Anyone here have solar mounted on their shingle roof or have mounted racks before? This is DIY related because it involves the building of humane animal enclosures:
I want a pet that I can love and play with. I don’t want a dog because I can’t give it the love it requires. I don’t a cat because of brain parasites.
What are my options frens? And how do I build the finest habitat the human mind can conceive of for my new freiend? No smelly pets and no toxic dust from poop/pee please He's gotten so clickbaity in the last few months :( im going to make magnetic gears. i can fit 8 2 mm magnets in a cm diameter gear(cylinder). ill just do it via trial and error until it works and you cant stop me. tiling noob here
I just borrowed my uncle's wet saw and I put a new diamond blade on it and this is the results I got.
Is this normal or should it look like a factory cut?
If this is too shitty, what else can I use to cut the tiles? Has anyone here ever bought a shipping container and DIY'd it into living quarters or a mini workshop with electrical/ac/plmbing? Or bought a pre-made one and done modifications? I know I've seen a couple of people in here who have their own shipping container shops, but what about a studio living quarters? Are they worth it if you're handy enough to do the work yourself with welding and a acetalyne torch and know electrical? Or is it better to buy pre-fabbed? How do they work in regards to code/inspection? Is it a hassle to get it passed for inspection if you diy as a home in certain states? Is it less strict if it's just a workshop? I've been wiring some connectors and they kinda work some are shit.
This is when I try to put 2 wires into 1 connecter.
There is no way to join 2 wires into 1 for connecters. I use pliers.
Do crimpers really do such a different job on the finish?
Next I'll have to buy a wire stripper too.. Ask machining questions, post machining failures.
CAD CAM talk
Speeds and feeds guessing
G-Code, M-Code, Bro-Code
Fanuc vs Haas
Bitch about pay
Ignore Sieg
Whine about spline shafts
Button pushers who think they're machinists
Previous: >>2849288 How do I turn the top lights on?
Please help it looks retarded without the top lights on. It looks like jizz.
Also, I guess, general "how to remove stains from work" thread Is there a better way? I am digging a pond, more like a grave next to my patio into a step hill. I'm already down 4ft and the hill is coming in, I want to build an open cassion so I can safely dig, but this seems like overkill. Is there better way?
After a soil settling test I estimate sandy clay loam. I have a copper 1/2 pipe with a temporary sharkbite fitting. I don't have the tool to remove it nor can I get my wrench on the pipe or behiind it on the plastic part to pinch and pull it by force. Do I absolutely need to pinch the plastic part of the sharkbite fitting to be able to pull it off, or can I just put a wrench or pliers around by the cap? I'm trying to avoid destroying a metal cover or cutting into drywall just to pinch the plastic to pull it off. Is it possible to remove these without having to pinch the tiny plastic part circled in the image?
Plumbing is about the only DIY category that doesn't have its own general here for some reason. Figured I could maybe get the ball rolling with a question and a provide a thread where people to ask their own since I feel bad for killing a thread for just one question. If your house is already wired with phone lines, is it an easy process to replace that outlet with ethernet? Has anyone wired their own house for ethernet without any cable installer experience? I am trying to plug a leak in an aluminum pipe in my ice cream maker. I tried soldering it(see pic), but I suspect my skills/tools are not good enough to properly solder it.
I am considering using an epoxy to fill the hole. Do you have a good suggestion for an epoxy?(needs to be available in Europe). Or maybe some other way to plug the hole?
Right now I am considering using Loctite Power Epoxy Metal. I'm forming a plan to deploy a network of mesh radios across my area, to facilitate a closed communication network for me and the boys. I'm going with the LoRaWAN / Meshtastic protocol for it's low cost and ease of use for those without a radio license. I can reference the Meshtastic wiki for a lot of the technical stuff, but wanted to get some opinions on the real life hurdles.
What is the best way to discreetly deploy a solar powered device in a tree? How do I safely climb and hang something like that, so that it will stay for some time? Or, is there maybe a way to stick something up high using a long pole and some strong adhesive? Whip it up there with a fishing pole?
What are some inconspicuous places that you can think of, where a solar device would go unnoticed? Urban area. I'm thinking trees, parking ramps, maybe near existing utilities like a substation, so that it would blend in. Where else would make sense?
Please drop any suggestions you see fit. Thanks DIY Optics, lasers, propagation, optical turbulence and characterization.
This thread might be a bit of a stretch but I thought I'd open up one to see if any fellow anons are working on optics and photonics related DIY projects.
I'm working on an optical pitch polishing machine to hopefully make small precision optics and telescopes, and eventually will probably do some DIY laser / turbulence stuff. I do not want to use my home system very much this winter, so I want suggestions for good oil radiators. Is there a good alternative to just getting one from home depot? What are the benefits of getting one in a higher price point? If I purchase one from a box store is it gonna be like other appliances- shittier than if I just bought it direct from the manufacturer? Willing to buy 200-300 dollar Jap shit if the difference is huge and it will last longer/be safer/ more efficient My HD work truck destroyed my driveway. How would a DIY pro fix this? Hey can someone tell me how to open the back of this multiple socket outlet. The supposed screws dont even have profile to engage with. Most of the tools we buy today are all manufactured in China, and just imported, assembled, local logo slapped, and marked up for 3 x's the price. What are some tools or gadgets you've bought from Chinese websites that turned out better than expected for your DIY projects and hobbies?
Post pics or screenshots of the item you bought and the price and whether it was good or a ripoff.
Optional: What else were you able to afford for your DIY because of the money you saved by buying from China? Can be more Chinese tools or something western made.
Previous: >>2860719 I want to get a 3d printer.
I will use it to print small parts, adapters, spacers, and washers.
I'm white trash but super handy.
what do I need to know?
my understanding is I create or download a blueprint, it goes into a program to slice it into layers, I then take that sliced layer instructions to the printer.
I hear they are finicky and require maintenance. I'm fine doing maintenance but I just want a reliable parts printer.
I'm clever enough to trouble shoot but old enough to not want to and bitch about technology.
I'm your open minded dad and I'm asking you for help on what I should know. recommendations and of course the bad parts of it all.
I'm married and my wife would probably print little figurines of Pokemon and stuff too. do these work and if so who makes the cheapest ain't paying rbrt mac money. To begin: the project goal: I am working to make a series of humanoid robots. I am using a Biblical theme of naming the first 3 robots I make Adam, Eve, and Abel. The goal is for these robots to have human body inspired musculoskeletal systems, advanced AI, and that they look human and pass for human to a casual observer at least at a distance. They must be able to walk, talk, run, dance, do sports, do chores, manufacture products, and make more robots just like themselves if not even better. My aim is to build a single robot arm and head and then add sufficiently advanced AI to that arm and head to enable it to build the rest of its own body for me. This way I am delegating the work of building the majority of my first humanoid robot to that robot rather than doing that work myself - and this is to save me time.
In a like manner, my goal with the AI is to code just enough AI that the AI can begin coding itself and this way I don't have to code most of the AI myself because it will self create itself. I liken this to building a seed and that seed growing into a tree because for me to code that tree would take too long for me and just creating the seed would then save me time. >Seemingly simple tools / accessories that ended up being a game changer for you
Pic related. Absolutely incredible purchase and wish I had it sooner. It's fantastic when mixing up small bits of filler to repair whatever it is I need to repair.
When I'm finished I can just let it cure in the pot. Once cured simply bend the cup and it breaks away for easy clean up. hey bros, anyone got some experience with these mini electric chainsaws?
i found one online for $40, which is a suspiciously good price. it has a 4.4 score out of 1600 ratings.
i would mainly be using it for light yard work, tree trimming and such. do these things work? are they cheap chinese crap that will fall apart after a month?
any recs? Post pics of your deck and future ideas
I'll go first -
Lil goober deck for my plasma cutter, just has some pi zero in it and a generic display Looking for brand recommendations, primarily 2 classes of coveralls, one for hard use and one for everyday wear (warmth, comfort and simple) >incredibly strong, can survive every kind of natural disaster
>readily available I came across this instructional video of proper debate technique, but the parts I want are spliced in with the news interview. How can I edit out the interview part and end up with the just the instructional debate part in one vid?
Is this the correct how to board for this? Hello chad mx anons. My suspension guy retired and he refused to tell me the ins and outs of suspension thinking it would hurt his business. I tried another suspension shop but the forks on my mx bike were like a jackhammer 3rd gear plus on breaking or acceleration bumps. There were fine 2nd gear or slower, so I know it was the higher speed compression that caused the harshness. I have the Racetech suspension book, but it does not explain well the relationship between float in the midvalve and the pressure spring at the top. I was so pissed at the harshness of the forks I just increased the float by removing the thick shim (there were three, two thin and one thick), which greatly increased the float. I also changed the pressure spring from 1.8 to 1.4. Overall its much much better, but I have to be a bit careful with hard front brake AND turning in as it drives a bit. I can deal with it by breaking harder earlier and letting off just before I turn in, but I wanted to know if I can keep the pleasent feeling of riding over the breaking bumps at speed and reduce somewhat the dive of the forks. I am still not clear on the value of the increased float vs a softer compression stack of the midvalve. Can I have zero float and a two stage midvalve where the first stage is really soft to handle the square edge bumps? I have 47mm upside down twin cartridge forks, and the correct fork and shock springs for my weight Who all went 72+ hours with one or more failed utilities in sub freezing weather? I mean like the entire city is out, not just the neighborhood or small section. Cause of failure is irrelevant; if it's out it's out.
What were some gadgets you found most useful?
What things did you buy in advance as an attempt to prep for an extended utility (especially power) outage, but proved to be a gimmick or otherwise failed/useless?
What things did you wish you had bought in advance, or bought more quantity and/or higher quality/capacity?
>recently moved to area that routinely gets -10F for weeks at a time (-20F is not unheard of)
>tornadoes in summer
so far my biggest concern is power being knocked out for a week straight or some shit, especially during our brutal winters. I am asking here for people who actually lived extended utility outages and not some sponsored influencer guessing at shit or trying to sell gimmick trash. I’m new to DIY and finally had my first injury today (smashed my thumb with a hammer, nothing bad, but it’s gonna be black for a couple months). What’s the worst you’ve ever experienced? >>2830320 last thread
Sup homies, general rule of thumb with this thread:
1. we try not to be assholes.
2. Please use google first.
3. If you find something useful, post it.
4. ???
5. Profit ITT: Why you chose your tool ecosystem. not which you think is best. What kind of substance could you spray on a tin roof to get snow to slide off more easily. Would be best if it could be bought in bulk and sprayed on with a backpack sprayer or pump up sprayer. Also obviously would be best if it dried cleanly and didn't attract dust.
Silicone spray? Some kind of hydrophobic coating? Rain-X? Pam cooking spray? Liquid Teflon of some sort? I did a quick google search and most everything I saw was talking about putting baffles on the roof to keep the snow from coming off, which is the exact opposite of what I want. Are there any commercial coatings made for this sort of thing?
We had a major snow storm here recently and the snow was super wet and heavy. It took down a bunch of local haysheds, a few shops, and quite a few of those little car-ports. Luckily I didn't lose any of my own buildings, but I would like to hedge my bets against future snow storms. I will definitely be pulling gutters off of the haysheds I do have mainly because I noticed they would catch the snow trying to come off the roof and then more snow would pile up behind that. Obviously it is less of an issue for steeper roofs as they naturally shed the snow more efficiently. Most of the sheds that collapsed had around a 1:12 or 2:12 pitch and were engineered for the usual snow load of our area. Has anyone diy'd their own sauna? HomeDepot wants $2k for a kit, barrel sauna wants $8k, the markup on these little cuck sheds is insane. It can't be too hard to build your own can it? What kind of wood do you have to use that can withstand the heat and steam? I hate these fucking things so much. I'm generally pretty animal friendly but holy shit do I not feel any sort of remorse when I have to kill a live one caught by its feet in a trap. I hate them. I fucking hate them.
Are glue traps /diy/able? We have some animal protection laws preventing them to be sold here but I figure they would be pretty effective. I've been seriously contemplating on some kind of a solenoid contraption with a ir sensor or something that would slap the shit out of them when they run under it. >Is there a way to electronically jam an electronic lock? As in essentially overpower its circuit and fry the electrical component?
The landlord of my small apartment complex has an airbnb in here and has the main entrance lock electric and it fucking sucks dick and they refuse to make it mechanical because the airbnb fags would complain. Roomate moved out, dude had long hair and exclusively peed in the sink instead of using the toilet. Water goes down but not quickly and I don't want to take it apart to pull the stopper out to deep clean it. Is there anything that can be poured down there that can clean out hard water+piss and probably hair? Why do these tards never learn and always use a full sized tired immediately? These pop up on my feed and like every third one either the chain breaks or the culvert gets pulled out of the ground entirely. Just use an ATV tire or a wheel barrow tire or something. Anything to get the water flowing. It's been a good while since we've had a good tractor thread. should I build a desk or buy one?
situation: I am traveling to a remote jobsite and staying in employee housing. the houses are set up for miners so just bed nightstand dresser, that's it. I want to bring my workstation, so I will need a desk to put it on.
hard mode: I already left and didnt think about bringing any tools.
I have two options:
buy a desk for $50 from walmart
build a desk for $50 from wood from the wood store
I have: + and -, adjustable wrench, hammer. I want to make something like this and have helped my family with basic carpentry and operated a circular saw, but my biggest roadblock is just finding the materials, as in the planks.
The sofa is 7’9” wide and 2’4.75” high at the back
I do think walnut looks nice, but real walnut is hundreds of dollars, and I have no idea if chipboard based panels are a good idea, considering I need to saw through them.
I was actually considering buying an IKEA Pax door(7’6.2” x 1’7.7”) and cut it in half along the broad side using the other half for the legs, but aren’t these actually mostly hollow on the inside?
Any suggestions on this? How do I fix my stupid fucking toilet
I rented a room recently and the toilet is fucking retarded. It was like this from day 1. No it's not clogged, it doesn't even look broken, but it WON'T flush shit. The water will just swirl them around. I have a 5 minute video of me trying to flush my shit (for evidence in case the landlord refuses to fix this then I'll have to contact the right authorities, this might even count as a health hazard under the law and could be serious). I know I cant post a 5 minute video on 4chan so where should I post it? Disclaimer: I'm trying to flush my actual, real life shit for 5 minutes in this video and I eventually succeed.
How am I even supposed to tell this to my landlord? "Uhh yeah the toilet doesn't look broken or clogged but it won't flush my shit?" Flat roof, I have $300; how do I fix this? I've been holding onto my incandescent string lights because the 60hz flicker of LEDs are annoying. Is the tech better now? My bulb strings are slowly burning out and without knowing which bulb is dead, it would take me all day to go through each one In memory of the destruction of the Huns by the Longoboardians or the Longoboardians by the Huns, I made this today. What are some must have DIY books that are a must have if you are to have no Internet, access to the web, etc. basically DIY bibles. What books are a must have to learn, perfect, or master a new craft for those who are good with our hands? For example, I don't know anything about electronics, but I am getting my start by having and reading "Getting Started in Electronics". What other books are good for DIY? What is the worst tape and why is it electrical tape? It doesn't hold, it doesn't last, it leaves sticky schmoo, what's the use case? Spelled correctly this time
You guys know the drill, as long as it's terrible, post it Everybody has at least one tool they thought would be a lifesaver, yet it sits on the shelf mocking you year after year... Board got wiped, burnt crucible edition What is the best way to make money from working out of my house? All the online job postings in my areas are insanely fake and only are seeking to gather data of out people. Likewise, I am not sure what side hustle, such as Etsy or whatever bullshit, is best to pursue since I am a normalfag with no real skills besides some graphic design and video editing skills.
>inb4 use ai to do hecking everythingino!!! that shit is a headache and nuisance to deal with How do I get rid of these fuckers from my apartment?
My landlord is paying an exterminator but all they do is put poison traps and come back to check on them, but I've been having this issue for months. The exterminator doesn't look for holes or fill any with wool. All they do is monitor the bait stations.
If I want to tackle this myself, what's the best way to do it? Should I buy a blacklight and try to find where they're coming from?
I have a electric stove top and I've seen these fuckers scurry inside the burners, but I don't know how to get them out. I made this fridge magnet :) Are double glazed windows a game changer for sound reduction compared to single pane or will I be disappointed for spending 5 grand and barely noticing any improvement? What do you guys use for shop vacs in your diy projects? Is there any brand that is very powerful when using a longer tube, like powering it on the 1st floor and running it up the attic? Is it better to go big and cry once (price)? What does wet dry mean?
Are there any that don't blow massive air from the other end of the hole creating even more dust particulates where ever the vac is placed?
What about cordless vacs to go with your corded one. Are the Makita vacumns any good? Anything powerful enough to pick up screws? Or any of those chinese vacs that can use dewalt, makita, or milwakee batteries?
What are you guys running? Or what do you wish you had bought instead had price not been an issue? There's this hole in my wall near eye hit sitting in the toilet next to it. Given asbestos period, is this dangerous re loose fill and my safety? hey hoes , so I'm wondering if there's an app anywhere where I can mockup and build like a chicken coop and I can take 2x4s and cut them to angle etc so I can write down a step by step guide for my gf to make a coop or something while I'm at work ??? something that would be able to calculate how much wood nails etc I need The property I just bought has a very nice sized workshop/outbuilding and I'd like to build a workbench for it. I've done a few small DIY things but nothing quite this large before.
What I was thinking was taking two 8x4 boards and cutting them in half so that way I could have a 16 foot workbench with 16 feet of shelving underneath. I'd like a pegboard backing (im assuming I can just put some cross 2x4s onto the beams that hold up the structure and secure the pegboard to that?)
I've seen several designs online but a good portion of them you need to pay for and im kinda trying to avoid that. I have access to a miter saw and a table saw along with other basic power/hand tools. Is there a particular design that would be best for something of this size? also is there something obvious that im missing here because it seems straightforward but Im kinda retarded Has anyone painted a car? Any tips/tricks to do it on the cheap while still turning out good? When I watched TV series The Boys, there was a scene after Billy Butcher captured invisible guy and locked him in a cage. What I'm curious about is the fact that main characters used duck tape on ceiling to block GPS signal emitted from satellites. Does this happen irl ? I've got a gas water heater. I had my power and water out for a while, but I got it back on in time to prevent any pipes from freezing.
Anyway, when the gas company came by to relight things (they wouldn't restart service unless I allowed this) they relit the furnace, but refused to relight the water heater, citing "CO spillage & rollout" and didn't really tell me anything about how to fix it.
I looked into it myself. CO spillage is obvious, it means the water heater isn't venting correctly and instead is dumping carbon monoxide into the basement. Rollout, from what I found, means that there's evidence of excess flame/heat on the exterior of the water heater.
From what I can tell, both of these things are likely symptoms of a clogged exhaust pipe, probably on the roof somewhere. I'm gonna climb up there and look for any obvious blockage, like maybe a dumbass bird made its nest up there. Someone also recommended that I run a plumbing snake down the pipe, to feel for any blockage and pull it out, rather than buying specialized tools.
Is there anything I'm missing? Anything else I can do to fix this rather than just buying a new water heater? I don't mind cold showers, but boiling water to wash dishes is a pain in the ass. How much do you think it will cost to get custom machined thin stainless steel 10lb olympic plates for my pair of loadable olympic dumbbells? They would be 1/2" thick, the hole is 2" wide like every other olympic plate, the outer diameter is 9-7/8", and they would be basic flat discs like the picture shown above. is this 80% bullshit or is this a legit nice fan?
im looking for a modern, lightless ceiling fan.
i like a wooden 3 blade propeller design.
is pic related legit or shit?
my budget is $250, 52-60" Hey faggots,
Planning on getting my first whirlpool. Will opt for an outside one. thinking of an inflatable intex tub that has app control. Not sure yet if I want to go with the salt system. Has anyone experience with those? Also, circular or rectangular?
Now to the main point. I need to insulate it for winter use. It does not get crazy cold around here (coldest prolly around -5 degree Celsius for a couple of days at most). I’ve seen a couple of dudes go ballistic with rockwool etc. but am wondering if the good ole thick Styrofoam board on top as a lid and bottom is sufficient? Asking out of laziness as skill is not an issue. But if insulating the sides does wonders to the electric bill then I’ll do it (cuz jewish). Looking to remodel a house I just bought soon, teaching myself as I go. I am looking to purchase a laser leveler or multiple (not sure if I need more than one), Going to be doing drywall and tiling for the most part. I don't mind spending more than $100 on each. Cheap or expensive, what do you guys recommend? The idea of living in a little shed sounds so comfy. If you think about it what does someone really need besides a bed, clothes, a small kitchenette, a shower and a computer desk? For poop a little outhouse outside with a composting toilet to avoid any potential smells inside. You can warm yourself with an electric blanket and cool yourself with a fan.
Why shouldn't I just buy a cute shed and live in the backyard while renting out my house? hello /diy/, this is the crown moulding right next to a bathtub. improper shower curtain usage let water soak into it and damaged the fuck out of it.
how would you guys remedy this situation given that I have no experience doing this kind of work? >childhood home
>door to garage that was used frequenty loudly squeaks since as long as I can remember
>at age 25 (been squeaking for 20 years at least), I decide to fix it
>just spray some WD-40 on hinges
>doesn't squeak anymore
>get excited about fixing old problem and share it with others
>people dismiss it and say it's not the proper way to fix the hinges and I need to use some sort of grease
>ff 10 years later
>door is still silent
What's up with people having a stick up their ass about WD-40? It clearly works. I've been in my house for over 2 years and just now noticed this dungeon under my sunroom, which was an old addition to the house
its only accessible via a 70cm x 40cm hole that was covered up with loose brick. Ceiling is steel, floor is dirt. I originally wanted to put a hot tub in the sun room but idk if the floor or this dungeon's ceiling can support it.
Idk how tall the space is, maybe 5 feet (based on rough calculation based on brick height and cinderblock height)? I havent stepped inside yet. The wet corner is a bit concerning. Let me know your thoughts, I'll post more pics >$1500 for this
How does /diy/ store their tools? I am too cheap to justify dropping the majority of my paycheck for a shelf with wheels. I need to get a proper legit one for protection because my workshop location is a shit, I can't just get a plastic box:
>In direct sunlight, so heat and UV
>Floods during rain
>Must be animal and insect proof (Australia, btw) >scalding hot when moved a μm to the left
>ice cold when moved a μm to the right
Shit's actually so retarded. Whoever designed these should be drawn and quartered. i need to be a able to bend and corrugte metal to the size and shape of a handlheld clothing washer. or to be able to buy it at a reasonable price somewhere?? any ideas? i will paythose who point me in the right direction. In Death Note Light has a this little compartment in his watch
How do I make this myself?
I wanna have a spare piece of paper with me I'm curious: What apps do you have on your tracking device? Anything useful for work? What are some cheap alternatives for privacy fences? Seems like everything that comes up on Google are expensive manufactured products. Looking to get some ideas for some cheap alternatives, doesn't need to be pretty, just block view or be paintable (I have a lot of excess paint from an old project) to reduce welding sparks from blinding my neighbors or neighbors pets. Any ideas for some cheap diy privacy blocking view ideas? How come it was never popular before ?
Or maybe i just didn't see it cuz it's more expensive. Anyone ever fix one of these? My first one quit working after a short period of light use. Bought another one and this thing gave out after hardly using it at all. The amount of flame it put out slowly got smaller and smaller even though the tank is full, and now it won't light at all even switched all the way on. Wanna put a (heavily urinated but I bought a cover) recliner in my tool shed.
3 years and no rat droppings and the doors are closed unless I'm in it. No bug problems either. Will a recliner become an infestation magnet?
Warm California weather, never any condensation on anything inside. We cyborgs now?
>Simply put, the EXO 18 HPC 4,0 I-Plus boosts and prolongs your arm strength during extended overhead jobs. We’re talking about tasks like wallpapering, painting, drywall installation and sanding, and the list goes on.
>The Festool ExoActive Exoskeleton sells for $3,495 and comes with a 3-year wear-and-tear warranty. Has anyone built one of these things to clean up the air in their workspace a little bit? Do these actually work or is it a gimmick? I used to have one of those $100 tower air purifiers, but I opened one up after 6 months of use and saw the amount of dust that still made it through and got stuck on the inside of the unit. Some dust making it past the filters wasn't the issue, it was more so the pain in the ass it was to disassemble the entire unit to wipe off the grime with a wet towel and soap since the dust was really caked up on the housing and components. I'm pretty handy so it wasn't much of a problem, more so an annoyance, but I can imagine how many people who aren't DIY savy have been running these units for years without realizing how dirty it is on the inside.
Do these DIY square fan air purifiers actually work or is there a hepa air purifier that is easy to disassemble and clean from the inside like those $350 round old school honeywell air purifiers that don't cost $350? Okay, so I want to change the side marker lights (small yellow lights in picture) to side marker and indicator - see the link
New unit has 3 wires. I'm guessing ground, marker and indicator.
Question - can I just tap in to an indicator and marker feeds to feed these new units or do I need relays and other stuff?
Link to new marker/indicator how can i make a 3d printer turn itself off after it finishes a print after like 5 minutes? Has anyone here diy'd tiles on their home with a cement foundation before? What tools ended up helping you the most? Anything that went wrong or wished you use a different compound or stain? Anything that is not mentioned in those diy videos on youtube? Assuming losing livable area is not a problem, is there any way to soundproof an apartment both from street and neighbor noise? Mine has brick and cement plastered walls but it's pretty much that for insulation.
How good are triple glazed windows? saw this pic on /g/ can anybody guide on how do you build a room like this? What exactly would I need to buy and if it's going to be a lot of building or it's way easier than I'm thinking. Slotted is the white man's screwhead. I aquired this old transformer many years ago with intentions to turn it into a trashcan. Never got around to it and now its starting to show sign of leaking. Unlike the pic this thing has 1950's pcb oil in it. How do I get rid of this thing without A) allow it to leak cancer oil into the ground or B) take it somewhere I need to answer questions on how I aquired it? Built an Ikea couch (Kivik 3 seater). The arm rests do not mate cleanly with the main frame; when I screwed in the nuts too far it looked like it was bowing the wood. The instructions don’t give any indication of how much to screw it in. Is it fine as is? How do you make this? It sounds simple enough yet it's seemingly complex. what's the /diy/ opinion on electric chainsaws? I got an 18V one for clearing thicker brush and doing heavy carpentry
>much quieter than an ICE one
>don't reek of 2 stroke oil after using it
>cheap, less stuff to break
>if you already have wireless drills of the same brand you can use the same batteries
>no clutch so the chain has to rev up
>battery life is only around 30 minutes
>batteries weigh more than guzzoline
the expensive ones like Husqvarna seems better than picrel that I have, but they cost 10-20x as much. corded ones can be had relatively cheaply and seem good for cutting logs etc There's no HVAC general thread so I figured I would get one started with a couple questions and so other people can ask their own.
I'm looking to get the terms/names of parts of an hvac system if anyone can help me what what these things are called and what they do.
What's the proper name of this thing? It's part of a central air cooling system where the coil of copper pipes meet and get cold right after the air filter. Hey guys first time posting on this board I have a question, I have a split AC, the outdoor cooper lines a large section was un-insulated and exposed, I wrapped a towel around it and covered it in duct tape like in the pic, right now I'm using it for heating so the pipes are heated and warm to the touch, will this help in keeping heat in so it uses a bit less energy, is this shit a fire hazard? (I doubt that but)
Went with the towel + duct tape because I cba to go to home improvement stores for the foam insulation thingies, it was already running for years with them exposed but thought why not Hey boyos, I’m gonna try my hand at limewash painting. Last time I painted any wall was about a decade ago using rollers so I’m definitely not experienced. What can I do to avoid making it shit? > /wwg/ youtube channels
Furniture-making: (he's fine but he's almost exclusively on the epoxy table shit)
General purpose:
Miscellaneous: (no longer active, but very good stuff)
AVOID (filled with bullshit, false information, or general faggotry):
> /wwg/ books
Tage Frid Teaches Woodworking, gives you everything you need and shows you how to do it multiple ways from hand tools to power tools and gives you the knowledge to determine which is best, and then he teaches you how to apply what you learned. The PDF of the second book can be found in the usual places, but the other two are MIA.
Christopher Schwarz tells you everything you need to know about planes and saws and their use
Handplane Essentials
Handsaw Essentials
Best to find this one in PDF from the usual sources, out of print and pricey!
Chris Pye wrote the book on carving and keeps on writing them.
The Eastern tradition, Japanese Woodworking Tools: Their Tradition, Spirit and Use by Toshio Odate
Leonard Lee The Complete Guide to Sharpening, how to sharpen most everything.
Bob Flexner - Finishing 101, covers the common stuff, his other books cover the uncommon and go into more depth
Illustrated Cabinet Making by Bill Hylton, learn to design furniture that won't fall apart
Previous thread: dead and gone Looking to repaint a house I just bought. Drywall is all scraped back to bare bones. How big of a compressor do I need. Are the paint sprayers from Harbor Freight any good? Do I need specific paint for the sprayer or will any house paint from lowes or home depot do? Not doing the entire house at once, doing room by room. Anyone ever spray painted their homes? What do you guys suggest? ITT useful hacks, secret methods, forbidden knowledge, etc. How do you cure or remove tonsil stones yourself at home? >buy a used tecumseh 8hp chipper from the late 80s
>go to change spark plug
>unknowingly overtighten it
>spark plug blows out of hole while chipper is running
>machine starts flowing in reverse and gas starts spraying out the carb.
>turn it off
>go and buy one of those "fix a thread" kits
>dont tap the hole right and insert wont stay in
>buy a new head assembly on ebay
>go to tighten down head bolts
>misread 120 inch lbs as ft lbs and snap a head bolt What’s your favorite anchors?
Are you an allrounder guy, or do you have a specific one for every task?
What’s the brand you trust?
Me, I’m just going for the default German brands Fischer or Tox and mostly their universal ones, but I’d be interested to learn if I’m missing something by not going specialized.
Pic related. Some of my anchors that I just randomly poured on my workbench. I hate every designer in the planet. Guys I have lived a hair shirt existance for maybe 20 years where I had no control nor property to my name. I still kind of dont but now I have this job trailer. It's a pale white and made mostly of wooden interior and is just one giant L desk with angled drafting section on the lip of the L. I feel a powerful need to completely renovate and customize it. I probably shouldn't, but I want to, I've never owned something I could just paint and add stuff I wanted. I'm looking at wooden slats, but because its a trailer I dont want to add a lot of weight. I'm also not sure if I should go light or dark. I've heard that if you dont have lots of windows, (it doesnt). you should just go dark. I have so many ideas
ANYway TL:DR how do you guys deal with it? how do you choose what to do? I'm leaning japanese themed. it's so stressful to choose. What’s better for a general /diy/ *nailing* hammer? Engineered metal anti-vibration or a classic wood handle? 16 or 20oz?
I have ball peins, sledges, prybars but no regular hammer. water company emailed me today saying I used 5800 gallons of water in the past day. I call them up and they say yeah you must have a leak somewhere. check every toilet, sink, water line in the house. no leaks. check outside, everything is try. hose bibs are off, no water around them. ground is dry all over. no signs of water anywhere on my property (0.6 acres). how can 5800 gallons of water leak with no trace at all? if there is a leak it must be underground, but at that rate, it seems like it would break ground. so... is the meter fucked, or am I really fucked? what do? I use this to heat a 160 sq shed at night >Buying tools you don't use nor have a need for
Is this retarded? The way I see it pliers will always be pliers and steel will always be steel so it makes sense to buy it because in 5 years the same tool will be twice as expensive. Anyone here does or has done this? Quit my job recently and considering applying to this but have no experience. What really are the downsides to PEX?
The only argument against PEX seems to be some queer hippie shit about microplastics in your water. Is there any workwear for trades that offers some protection like firefighters suits does?
I'm tired of scraping my shins and arms, shit's painful. Loggers pants is the closest I've found so far.
>Inb4 just don't bump against things, bro I have some poetry for you fellas
If I'm not drillin' and I'm not millin'
And I'm not even turnin'
I'll be where I'm unseen,
hidden behind my machine
Where my days aint a slog,
and I'm crankin' muh hog Has anybody here ever bought a dilapidated house, LIVED IN IT, and /diy/'d it? I want to hear your story.
The obvious stuff I've heard is:
1. Make sure the roof is good
2. Make sure there wasn't a fire
3. Make sure there's no water damage
I think if the house has had none of the above, it's a good purchase. right?
I've also heard that you'll likely go on to spending 100k+ getting it to look good again, but vinyl flooring and a few buckets of paint can't be that much, can it? >"Guys did you know that for only 13k you can build an electric car at 16?????"
>"anyways heres my 300+ project portfolio that got me into MIT"
anons why didn't you just spend more money to bring your dream projects to fruition?????
why arent you at your dream school??? My new place has really high ceilings but the floor space leaves more to be desired
I am into the idea of a king sized loft bed but not paying 3k for one online, any resources for a DIY frame I can build that is pretty nice? I'm potentially going to buy a home that has cedar wood siding.
Does anyone know how much it would cost to maintain cedar siding if:
1- DIY
2- alternatively paying for a professional to do it for me?
We are talking about a 2000 sq ft house.
I might pass on it if the maintenance is too expensive or difficult.
Thank you. Are these diy split a/c systems really that easy to install as the ads claim? Is repairing your own central a/c or installing your own heat pump really that hard? Has anyone without any hvac training installed one of these systems before? Why are 7-1/4 circular saws the standard outside of framing? I know they’re the smallest that can make miter cuts in 2x, but it seems like the times non-framers are going to need to do that you’d use an actual miter saw instead? Meanwhile as small as a 4-1/2” makes a 0/90 degree cut through 2x no problem and is way more portable. What’s the use case everyone has that demands 6.5/7.25” saws? It’s a lot of extra size, especially for the kind of average home gainer use all the cheapo saws out there are for.
Wondering this acutely because I want to kit a small saw out with a nail embedded wood blade and… it seems like those don’t come smaller than 6.5”. Welder here, i just wear trainers and do tactical dodges when i drop metal on the floor along with safety squints when grinding? am i the only one? Also COPD is a meme disease Does anyone know how i could make something like this? Idk where to start cuz i don't sew much so any pointers?