Board: /v/
"/v/ - Video Games" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of PC and console video games.
Would you name your kid after a video game? >devs launch $75k Kickstarter for a Sonic clone
>it flops
>devs are now trying again, but for $20k
Why isn't this character design moving copies, /v/?? Isn't he RAD? Why were the 2000's obsessed with making everything edgy? we need these niggas back >Sorry Hunter, the guild does NOT authorize you to hunt that monster.
How do you respond without sounding mad? HAHAHAHA
I LOVE FUNNY GAMER COMICS >muh chinese spyware
>muh kernel level anti cheat
>muh rootkit
>muh privacy
EVEN IF, whats so fucking important about you and your info that you think deserves to be looked at, WHAT COULD EVEN BE DONE with YOUR info?
take your fucking meds and play the game, you dont even play games, you spend all your day shitposting and complaining about games you havent even played Why did Elden Ring upset so many AAA devs? >game has a section which is literally impossible
Why do devs keep doing this? What was Falcom thinking when they decided to remake Trails in the Sky instead of continuing Daybreak? What will it take for you to get a WoW subscription Hello,
I'd like to discuss a somewhat important topic, the legality of backing up mods.
An example would be the following:
>Author releases mod to the public
>Author removes the mod
>A backup is made on a website or stored without the author's consent
Many good mods are often taken down or made private on Nexus, which then are lost forever because some mod creators are very picky with the websites they use to upload their work to.
What are the consequences of this other than spreading the mod beyond their consent? >HENRY WHY HAVEN'T YOU FUCKED MY WIFE YET!?!!?
Software Sales (physical only)
01./00. [PS5] Monster Hunter Wilds # <ACT> (Capcom) {2025.02.28} (¥9.082) - 601.179 / NEW
02./00. [NSW] Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection <Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters \ Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark Duel Stories \ Yu-Gi-Oh! Monster Capture \ Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters III: Dark Duel Stories \ Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4: Battle of Great Duelist \ Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeon Dice Monsters \ Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul \ Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul 2 \ Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards \ Yu-Gi-Oh! Reshef of Destruction \ Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel \ Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Tournament 2004 \ Yu-Gi-Oh! Destiny Board Traveler \ Yu-Gi-Oh! 7 Trials to Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005> <TBL> (Konami) {2025.02.27} (¥5.500) - 49.862 / NEW
03./00. [NSW] Wizardry: The Five Ordeals # <RPG> (Game Spark Publishing) {2025.02.27} (¥4.527) - 11.299 / NEW
04./05. [NSW] Super Mario Party: Jamboree <ETC> (Nintendo) {2024.10.17} (¥6.480) - 10.746 / 1.209.807 (+8%)
05./03. [NSW] Donkey Kong Country Returns HD <ACT> (Nintendo) {2025.01.16} (¥5.980) - 10.418 / 216.581 (-3%)
06./04. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe <RCE> (Nintendo) {2017.04.28} (¥5.980) - 10.062 / 6.269.164 (-3%)
07./01. [PS5] Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii # <ADV> (Sega) {2025.02.21} (¥6.300) - 9.389 / 77.608 (-86%)
08./02. [PS4] Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii # <ADV> (Sega) {2025.02.21} (¥6.300) - 7.545 / 44.487 (-80%)
09./00. [NSW] Okayu Nyumu! Full Production Limited Edition <ADV> (Entergram) {2025.02.27} (¥9.000) - 5.932 / NEW
10./07. [NSW] Minecraft # <ADV> (Microsoft Game Studios) {2018.06.21} (¥3.600) - 5.047 / 3.820.765 (+14%)
Hardware Sales
PlayStation 5 – 108.978 (6.666.457)
Switch – 45.189 (35.368.583)
Xbox Series X|S – 721 (671.313)
PlayStation 4 – 20 (9.504.998) >finally a good and properly priced GPU bros gaming is saved
The cheapest one in my country is 760 european poverty credits. The Sapphire Nitro is almost 1200. >purposefully hides crucial information from you
>looks like your brother
What's his endgame? Why can't we get big tits in western games anymore? Here's Ellen Joe from Zenless Zone Zero.
Thoughts? Do you ever draw videogame fanart? >Beloved, established character from previous games becomes evil in the next installment
What games besides Prototype 2 and Tales of Symphonia 2 do this? We used to have it real good. Why can't she be real bros... how do u bring up vidya in irl convos we need to discuss visual novels, anon How did a pathetic coward like Khalid pull someone like Jaheira? why was he racist against ghouls? So this is why file size of modern games are HUGE (100 GB++)
Pirating them is a huge hassle.
When the file size is so huge, DDL isn't viable and Torrenting comes with many issues like seeders connectivity and slow & unstable download speed. I've spent the last 24 hours trying to download FF16 and it's not even halfway done yet!
it's also annoying to update and we all know modern games are broken mess with tons of future updates to fix the neverending problems.
Now I don't even want to download this game anymore
unoptimized games solved piracy
amazing. >*makes orgasm sound when dying* >Which games?
Genealogy of the Holy War, Conquest, Binding Blade, Blazing Blade Honest Dishonest and Randomized Mode, Tact hack, Thracia Randomizer, Lunatic Awakening, SOHAE(FE7 ROMhack), Birthright
>But thats (a lot) of games!
Yes, who cares.
lurk fagit
>Completed runs
FE6, POR, FE Girls, Thracia 776, Thracia randomized, FE7, FE1, FE8, TRS, The Last Promise, Fe3 What are your honest thoughts on Resident Evil (1996)? Can love bloom in the 41st millennium?
enjoy your malware Translate your favorite vidya quotes into snacklish and post em. It's darker than Skyrim. It's scarier than Skyrim. Hell, it's funnier than Skyrim. Someday it will finally be regarded as the better game. I want to get a ROG Ally X but the ROG Ally 2 is coming out in June/July with the Z2 chip. I hate constantly waiting but don't want to buy something obsolete either ugh The whole purpose of the class is to avoid getting caught. If you get caught you're supposed to die. You can't complain that the class is weak when it is entirely working within its intended role, you're just bad at playing the class. Ubisoft will never make another Splinter Cell game, let alone one as good as Chaos Theory this is game from 2008 running on Unreal Engine 3 (three). What is the verdict on the classic Tomb Raider remasters? Wilds confirmed having better story than 4 and world /v/ is back!!! post essex No one can tell me the bottom row actually looks better Bazaar bros... it's a crazy place.... who's better Aloy or Quiet? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?! This is Rover, the protagonist of the action hack-and-slash adventure gacha RPG Wuthering Waves! Gaming needs more cute tomboys Come to Dragonreach to discuss the outgoing hoshtilities? The best arcade game of all time is.... This is the most hilarious and pathetic subplot in any Yakuza game. What would you do in a situation like this? WELL WELL WELL LOOK WHO CAME CRAWLING RIGHT BACK TO DADDY
SO MUCH FOR BEING THE "OVERWATCH KILLER" Have you ever caught a shiny pokemon, /v/? What's the best starting point if I want to play the Fire Emblem series? I call them Aeris and Kuraudo Were players unfair to Ben? All my moral values immediately leave my body when a female villiain in a videogame is sexy. We're so back SKATEbros
Hawkfags can get FUCKED The game is out in 14 days.
Will it save the Mecha genre? Anyone else having problems with this game not making autosaves when it should?
I'm playing the first Duel Monsters and when I select "quit game" to the collection menu and enter the game again, it does not have me up to date where I left off. I know that there are manual saves, but that does not help with the specific circumstance where you beat Pegasus for the fifth time, which triggers the credits that REQUIRE YOU TO "RESTART" THE GAME TO CONTINUE.
I'm pulling my hair out. Anyone have any insight on this? ITT: autistic things you do while playing games >137 gigs for "bug fixes" 0 impact and already forgotten now that the movie hype has faded. We were so fucking robbed of a kino king like JC. >Goddess of Victory: Nikke hits $1bn on mobile during Romantic Valentine event
Mast bros, ww@? mecha break thread
get in here boys and girls
>the game runs like shit and looks like shit
mhmmmmmm thank you crapcom it looks amazing and runs fine on my machine
>we will be bringing back paid cosmetics and character edit vouchers
mhmmmmmm thank you crapcom it's really not that big of a deal people should stop being so toxic about it
>you will only get 29 large monsters at launch
mhmmmmmm thank you crapcom quality over quantity, this is perfect thank you
>the story elements that everyone hates will be more prominent than ever before
mhmmmmmm thank you crapcom this is just what I wanted, toxic fans need to have an open mind
>the game will be the easiest it has ever been, you will finish tempered fights in <5 minutes
mhmmmmmm thank you crapcom I love it, only toxic fans want it to be challenging, plus MH games have always been this easy
>you played defense for our company for years by saying that not having directional attacks is a deliberate design choice that made MH unique because it requires positioning
mhmmmmmm thank you crapcom this is just what I wanted, it feels soooo modern those toxic oldgen fanboys just hate having fun
>you will play defense for me again next release when we add souls-style targeting and you will pretend that you never defended it not being in the series
mhmmmmmm thank you crapcom I will do as you command master I thought the Japanese didn't care about the shrine destruction in AC: Shadows? It's Cyberpunk all over again.
Poorfags who can't play the game, make fake disingenuous claims and webms to make the game look bad, and bait people. While they can only play shit competitive games or garbage gacha shit.
Reality? The game runs flawless and is fun.
Poorfags should not be allowed to review games on steam, period. So far this game is GOTY. does /v/ like twilight princess? Is stalker 2 playable yet? this monster is fucking garbage Are shmups too short and too hard? Why do so many Games refuse to have Monster Girl Companions? > No Punch-Out content since 2018
Fine, I'll do it myself. Occupants of walled-off community are bigoted towards the ghoul outsiders who they believe are violent and can never be civilized.
If you convince them to open their borders and let ghouls in, you later find that everyone in the tower was brutally murdered and their corpses were thrown in the basement. Also ghouls aren’t even grateful to you and threaten to kill you as well.
What was the moral here? >Can I beat x using only y?
>Can I beat x but y happens?
>I became y in x!
>Playing x as a y Why aren't old call of duties on gamepass yet GET FUCKED ADVENTUREFAGS
ARCADE SUPREMACY REIGNS ON EARTH AGAIN Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
STYX CHADS WE'RE BACK Just finished morrowind. I was looking to tackle the sequel, but i kept reading complaints about the level up system, a solution i see people bring up is to never level?
So how do i deal with this. wizardry variants daphne thread
steam version dropped today. have you been enjoying it so far? What's next for Dragon's Dogma? >kcd 2: success
>avowed: success
>monster hunter: success
>split fiction:success
>ac shadows: goty
Why have chuds been on a losing streak this year? Got a few days left before they nuke your progress AGAIN From the Final Fantasy series More games should let you do this how would you make OOT into a better game? >Final boss
>bro just go to the corners and charge a UT using lunar staff
>just to fill up the fucking ninpo bar
>do the same shit for 10 minutes
What a retarded, chore of a boss fight. Literally the anti-thesis of fun. This game quickly went from 100 to 0. Anyone recommending this over fucking NG1 or NG2 is fucking lying. It's a shame, the combat system is pretty decent. Hayashi should kill himself. >realizes all e-girls playing overwatch were paid shills This is the most boring fucking story I have ever experienced in any piece of media ever. I don't like playing as a girl I am not gay or trans
how many of you play as girls
I just don't understand the point of playing as a girl and why do you do it? I think there should be an option to play as girl or boy how does nintendo keep winning? when will people learn not to mess with nintendo? Hows ma nigga Desmond doin? Is he tearing up the real world killing shit? Honing them assassinating skills? Does she have Pac Man fever? What made Rosalina so popular? I managed to get a pulse for msrp at 680 euro Metaphor was so kino that the director is going to receive a government award. TTT roles should just be Innocent, Traitor and Detective. Simple as. >main character is constantly quipping Be honest /v/: which one should I buy if I want the best JRPG experience?
>Poll: What I wouldn't give to be the brain parasite of a cute tan tomboy... What Pikmin game should I play on my Switch?
Im gonna play one and one >game has non-human romance options
>best girl is a normal human
What are some examples of this? God fucking damn is this game boring. I'm literally forcing myself to play it at this point. I just got the long haired bitch. How much longer until I'm done with this shit. Friendly reminder or upgrade your PC before it's too late.Things will get worse before they get better.
Even techlets can get a decent deal on a prebuilt while they're still available.
Or are you waiting it out? This is the biggest hurdle when starting a new game Previous Thread >>704485614
>If you drew it and it's vidya, you can post it.
>When requesting, post references and names in one post.
>Don't be greedy. Don't post multiple requests in a row.
>Keep it VIDEO GAMES related and Vidya Origin.
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. Thread's about art, keep it that way
>Have fun!
>Booru Collection
>Drawing Books and drawing programs:
>/ic/ sticky:
>NSFW Deliveries
>Offsite options: *click* *bing bing bing bing bing*
*click* *bing bing bing bing bing*
*click* *bing bing bing bing bing*
*click* *bing bing bing bing bing*
*click* *bing bing bing bing bing*
Last October I took part In Half-Life 3 playtest and it was awesome! Each of us got up to 2 hours to fuck around with different mechanics.
There wasn't any actual story level, but rather a sandbox for different features.
First thing I noticed: body damage system is insane—you can literally carve holes into enemies by shooting the same spot over and over
gore is fully dynamic, limbs come off depending on caliber, Combine soldiers don’t just ragdoll, they react—grabbing wounds, crawling away, even calling for help
environment damage is legit too, shoot pipes, walls, debris, it all reacts, and enemies react to. Reminds me heavily of Euphoria engine from GTA4/RDR2
weapon system is an expanded version of Alyx's upgrade system
shotgun could be modified into pump-action (slow, high damage) or semi-auto (faster, lower damage), other weapons had similar tuning options
enemy AI is completely different, feels next-gen
Combine soldiers take cover, throw grenades, kick them back—one even jumped on a grenade to save his squad
enemies have states: healthy, damaged, unconscious, dead
if a soldier goes unconscious, others provide suppressing fire while one tries to drag him to safety
wounded enemies either get aggressive or defensive based on their numbers—if they’re alone, they panic and retreat, if they’ve got backup, they push harder
we got to test a dev-only weapon that manipulated temperature of objects
cold metal floors become slippery, and if you have jump boots, you'll slide on it. Low level enemies will stumble there, while elite Combine will walk slowly, but will shoot you without issues.
heated metal floors made Antlions avoid stepping on them
you can see Gordon’s legs—he’s got some tech boots that we could modify
only two options in the test: high jump mode or anti-slip mode for ice
After the playtest we've talked to some people and they told us, that they don't have a set deadline, but depending on how it goes, we can see the game very soon Did you know that you're carrying a high power gaming device in your pocket? why are most gaymers on /v/ so tech illiterate? What are your favorite Game Boy games? Let's have an ME thread. Post your favourite
>Shepard (gender, background, service record)
>Anything else you love about the games After reading over 200 VNs, I've come to the realization that Steins;Gate is the only good one. Wtf..why didn't you guys tell me? Who lets someone waste their time like that? What are the best dungeon crawler games on steam?
I've already beaten Grimrock 1 and 2
Is wizardry variants daphne at all good? I remember there used to be threads about it all the time Is based Bam going to be in the new Tony Hawk remaster? Who's the best Fate servant? >Gamers: We want MATURE Nintendo games!
>Nintendo: Ok here's a lovecraftian horror game by the Legacy of Kain devs with themes and writing aimed at adults
>Gamers: No we meant edgy Zelda and childrens games with gore where they say fuck a lot
Will we ever see Nintendo attempt something like this ever again? What the fuck!? How can there not be a part 3?? Part 2 won the most GOTY awards for any videogame EVER and the TV show has been a resounding success, introducing more people to the series. How could they NOT do a part 3? Good thing devs didn't become overly opinionated asshats who attacked their customer base regularly and tried pushing politics and messages in everything they did.
And it's really good that publishers always focused on quality of their products first and foremost rather than maximizing profits in ways that were insulting to the consumer.
Man if they hadn't been doing that Gamers would be rooting for you faggots to go bankrupt and your companies to collapse.
Can you imagine how bad as an industry you have to fuck up to have something crazy like that happen? >decide to upgrade your fightstick after 9 years
>been using the Hori RAP4 Kai since SF5 dropped
>decide to get the Qanba Obsidian 2 since it's on sale and a good deal
>feels nice in hand and buttons feel good
>but have to unscrew the side to get to the wire
What is the point of this design? Why not have the wire easily accessible? Why does this retard get launched back 5 feet every time he gets hit? >shitty translation filled with typos
>cropped 16:9 CGs
>lazy AI upscaling
>based on the 360 fan fiction script which rewrites the whole game and spoils all the twists
>actual unironic streaming ban issued on this 20 year retro game
>all of the steam reviews say to not buy it and just pirate the fan translation
holy fucking shit, this is a disaster Mario if he go to Ravenholm What are some games where I can feel like a true Wagnerian hero? Why are kids still playing these things today? Game with an interracial lesbian couple that constantly makes jokes about chuds is topping the charts and leaving all the anti-woke games in the dust. So far it's been a very bad start of the year for anti-wokers, and with AC shaping up to be goty, it's getting even worse. ITT: Laugh at Mega Man tards, the worst Capcom franchise ever
I've been listening to music from old racing games and most of them have very upbeat positive catchy music. >whole game is just 2 dudes fucking with each other
nice game, i guess. Trannies did not kill SS13.
What did are these:
>combat changes
>content bubble the size of manhattan
>excessive and unnecessary innovation, otherwise known as fixing what isn’t broken
>default game mode no longer “secret” but “dynamic”
>admin curation of spectacular events, making the spark of SS13 into a dopamine rush button
liggers and miggers don’t belong on my station, but they didn’t kill the game. Has he ever THRILLED an innocent person? Our lil' squirt, he don't make it... >Take the blue pill, the story ends. You play these games and believe whatever you want to believe.
>Take the red pill, you play the true versions and experience the games as originally intended.
Well, /v/? Do you think AI could help to improve the quality of video games? can we get a screenshot thread going? Where do people like this even get all this money? Why do zoomers hate Chrono Trigger? If Mona is Mondstadt's bicycle, who are the others for the remaining regions? Why do women love tortured and edgy men so much? I'm 5 hours in, when does it get fun? So far this shit is complete ass, and I hate anyone who shilled or praised it. >want to discuss game
>game has a dedicated schizo who will derail discussion at any hour of the day
What game? will they make another numbered monster hunter game ever again? I consider how much I like the series, how visually pleasing it is, and how fun it is to play. Hazards are on in this instance. Does anyone have the skin file for Alyx's xray internals during the healing scene? I want to jerk off to her canonical breast fat in the best quality possible. i click on quit game instead of alt-f4'ing I been playing both NOLF games and it's been decent besides some outdated controls and gameplay. Seeing the end of NOLF2 there are some room for a next sequel if it were to be made. Was wondering how a NOLF 3 gameplay be. I was thinking more in the lines of Hitman and Splinter Cell for idea. Have the ability to go into first or third person in the game. so is picrel really the best vidya experience closer to exploring the abyss like the anime? isn't there some autistically contrived mod for minecraft or terraria or someshit that recreates it better? Every jrpg should be designed like this going forward