Board: /biz/
"/biz/ - Business & Finance" is 4chan's imageboard for the discussion of business and finance, and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Dogecoin.
This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.
Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on >>>/pol/. Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect.
Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed. Begging/asking (including tipping) for cryptocurrencies or asking for money/capital is also strictly forbidden. Reminder: this is the daily chart over the past year and a half. If you’re panicking over this then you deserve to be poor. >feel like shit cuz MSTR and PLTR (literally my entire portfolio) both dumped HARD today
>went to the grocery store to cheer myself up by shoplifting some sushi, a drink and protein bars
>as im leaving the employee says "excuse me sir, are you gonna pay for those"
>idk why i wasnt even thinking and wasnt paying attention plus I had my headphones in so I just mindlessly said "oh hell yeah dude, up top for sure" (idk what that even means or why I said it)
>realized what a fucking retard I am
>run out the door with my food
It just sucks because ive been stealing from that store 1-2x a week for like a year and never had any issues till today, now im scared to go back
Obv I was wearing a baseball cap and covid mask at least
Previous: >>59935549
>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, Bitrue, Uphold, Robinhood, Kraken, Kucoin, etc
>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:
>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:
>The Myth of Market Cap:
>Lore: [Mr. Pool archives]
>Schizo Ramblings: (updated)
>Past /XSG/ Threads:
>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - Xaman, Gem Wallet, Crossmark or Bifrost
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - Btc completely captured by the very forces it was supposed to liberate us from. Government reserves combined with hedgefund reserves (all of whom are in bed together) combined with etfs will simply give tptb total price control. Absolutely GRIM. Mongoloids cheering for this shit. Lmao. Btc will not save you. Not only that, but the crypto tech they do choose to actually use for their new gay financial system will be weaponised to actively enslave you even more. Thank you very much for playing. How's that black swan working for ya, Bobo?
Temporary Exemptions Edition
>Risk management:
>Live Streams:
>Educational sites:
>Free charts:
>Pre-Market Data and Live data:
>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar:
>Boomer Investing 101:
>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator:
Previous thread - >>59941371 Did you say thank you today? Your long crypto journey ends now...everything you've waited for has come true, and it still dumped...HAHAHAHAHA! Crypto died 7th March 2025. Day 1321 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 1M >Invites the who's who of crypto CEO's like Michael Saylor
>Tells them he's not buying any of their shit and will just use confiscated coins
Why even bring these people together for a crypto summit if he's already told them to fuck off. You realize this is just getting started, right?
The more the demand for your bags drops
the average pph on this board is 5 for the past 3 years
you spam up to 20 threads an hour - suddenly, since your USAID faucet run out
leave, nobody here wants your bags
I know ct is loaded with bags, they don't want more, they want buyers
All your BoomerX frontrun 2 years ago and are quietly leaving, because they neither find buyers and get that they were tricked and trapped
30M+ tokens, all one carbon copy of the next, non used
Congrats, you bought a death market, that died 3 years ago and has no chance to ever get revived. No halving, no reserves, no stolen stock image macros you call "memes", nor "AI" slop is going to change that - its boring and has no use case, and every product can be copy pasted, literally perfect substitutes of themselves, at 0 extra costs for each copy.
Tell, me on a scale from 1 - 10, with 10 extreme fear, how afraid are you right now, finding ANY demand, ever again.
GET THE FUCK OFF this board baggies
btw: yes, its because LINK failed, nit the token, not the "pump" the product simply failed and showed crypto in its entirty has no future outside of dead to be deflated credit bubbles, non-covered every rally gets sold off The American Bitcoin on steroids. It will be in the reserve 0 doubt. >US Gov locks up 1% of global BTC supply in cold wallet and stops selling
People think this is somehow bad news… What the fuck is orange nigger's problem?
Bars, bars, bars and more bars edition.
>Why Gold & Silver?
>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable
>Bullion dealers rare metals)
more at:
>Numismatic search
>News and graphs
>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test
Previous Thread: >>59933142 When is AMP going to pump? somebody please explain to me this conspiracy against me and tell me how I've lost my power
We were supposed to "do things with crypto that had never been done before" instead we got fucking rug'dd hatin stinks is what i do. yeah hatin stinks. hatin stinks is what i do. and link will dump tomorrow back to $12.50 I wish i never entered crypto >no one cared who I was until I put on the mask
>Basic Information (up to 2021)
>Daily reminder
[Kek Melvies]bzilp4
>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver
>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site
>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance
>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions
>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:
DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:
>Temporary alliance with reddit and Jaws to take down other sharks, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled
Last time on /GME/: >>59934798
As always:
>sneed hedgies They will BUY more BTC
They WON'T buy shitcoins. Just keep the seized ones. If I am not in japan by 2030 I will kill myself.
This is my resolution.
Welcome to the /XMR/ Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's most widely adopted privacy coin.
Monero payments are anonymous, low-fee by design and fully fungible, meaning users can send XMR globally without issue and receive XMR without having to worry about tainted coins. Battle-tested privacy tech (Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses and RingCT) ensures that critical TX data cannot be gleaned from the Monero blockchain. Thus by default, the TX history of all Monero users is kept hidden from the prying eyes of adversaries, with TXs being optionally transparent via the aid of a view key.
Monero algorithmically ensures low TX fees by employing a dynamic (elastic) block size that can "stretch" to easily accommodate sudden TX spikes.
Monero's bespoke mining algorithm, RandomX, is optimized for devices using general-purpose CPUs e.g. desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets, keeping the barrier to entry low and ASICs out of the equation.
Monero's tail emission - 0.6 XMR every block forever - financially incentives for-profit miners to keep mining, helping boost long-term network security. This constant linear inflation asymptotically trends to zero and is offset somewhat by a steady rate of coin loss.
Monero has thus far proven to be the only altcoin capable of overcoming BTC's network effect by driving it out of the darknet economy BTC dominated for over 10 years. Monero is now also starting to overtake BTC in clearnet commerce as well. See below.
If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.
XMR Redpill:
XMR Resources:
XMR Stats:
Crypto ATMs: see
Official GUI/CLI
IOS: Cakewallet
Android: Monerujo Tomorrow, during the Trump Crypto Summit, Sergey Nazarov, CEO of Chainlink, will be meeting with Donald Trump in the Oval Office, in front of all the global news cameras, the only guest with a direct token. The token ticker is $LINK. >> $1700
>bitcoin reserve
>forces other nations to establish their own or be left in the dust
>acquire more bitcoin anyways cause US is the largest economy in the world
>trade btc against debt
>reduce US debt
>more money for Americans
>dump useless btc bags after 4 years and trillions of debt gone
>other economies haemorrhage against the USD
>saylor moon worlds first trillionaire So Donald Trump just lied to all of the bitcoin supporters who voted for him. He said that he would create a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve but it looks like he is just going to not sell the already seized bitcoin that the US government already had in their procession. How can he just lie like that and betray the entire community of Bitcoiners who worked so hard to get him into office? Tens of millions of Bitcoiners gave their vote to him last year in November to put him in office and he simply just spat in our faces. Now shitcoins are going to have even more of a dominant force over Bitcoin it was supposed to be only Bitcoin and we were supposed to go to millions of dollars with the promise of Donald Trump buying BTC for the strategic reserve. How can he just get away with this? I will never forget what he did to this country and to our community. 213k btc will now never ever be sold. Bearish as fuck. Defi is dead. Lot of businesses around me are closing down and going out of business. Are we in a recession >people are bearish
>people are selling
You guys do realise that not only will the US stop selling off BTC (which has caused significant dumps in the past)
They are actively buying more, the EO only states taxpayer funded. What do you think they’re going to use everything they saved with DOGE cuts?
>buy btc
>put in stockpile
>price ramps up
>dump the price in time for election 2028
>look we reduced the debt by 15 trillion
>republicans get voted in again
You guys actually think the government would go through all this red tape and bullshit to sit on 18 billion? That was a fun hike we had today anon! See you next week. What are you doing in this situation? and the market dumps on this news. honestly this kike market is done for. Is 2025 going to be green or red year?!! How tf do you predict?! WTF IS GOING ONNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA >you prayed for a crypto commander-in-chief
>got a bobo bresident instead
I'm going to be a millionaire with all these shorts at this rate. Hey there sport. I got pigs in a blanket piping hot and ready, coffee's brewin' on your favorite #1 trader cup and of course smoked applewood bacon all served with a buttery cinnamon toast - and that's real butter complimented by raw honey. Hurry before it gets cold so you can go look at the chart. Is e-commerce still a good business model or is it too saturated now?
I'd be working directly with a supplier and buying everything in bulk, not drop shipping >2025
>not making a killing during roooish markets The fabled crypto bullrun unironically begins tomorrow. He's going to jail this time.
This time it's not different. He's still the same scammer as during the last stock bubble. But the fraud was much bigger this time. Why do rich people keep telling me I'd be happy if I owned nothing?
What's the play here? Burger government will no longer dump. Any btc they hold is effectively burnt. Bullish as fuck. WHAT THE FUCK DID THE ORANGE RETARD DO NOW?? It was a crab the news event. Tokenized stocks trading on CCIP.. They REALLY want to slide this information. >The president is going to buy our bags
>Let's dump before he can buy them MAKE BITCOIN (BCH) GREAT AGAIN. >Promises made
>Promises ignored
>The Secretaries of Treasury and Commerce are authorized to develop budget-neutral strategies for acquiring additional bitcoin, provided that those strategies have no incremental costs on American taxpayers.
>The government will not acquire additional assets for the Stockpile beyond those obtained through forfeiture proceedings. >the US government is gonna buy a million new bitcoi-ACK! If only multiple bobos had warned you over and over this exact scenario would happen... >announces creating a crypto reserve
>prices pump
>actually signing the executive order to create it
>prices dump
Explain please How is that supposed to work >Crypto summit at the white house
Show me a biggest SELL SIGNAL. You can't Alright that's it Bitfuck is done. The Strategic Bitcoin reserve was a big huge nothingburger it looks like it has failed its original purpose of being a store of value and means of payment because the government doesn't even want to touch it now. The big boys over at Bitfinex have decided to offload our Bitcoin for Rooster Eggs. Have you guys seen the price of rooster eggs lately? They are at an all time high and vastly out performing bitshit. If you want to make it big time dump your garbage bitcorns and go all in long on Rooster Eggs with the big boys. Due to the tarrifs Rooster Eggs are going to 5x or even more in price. Rooster Eggs have been out performing bitcoin and will continue to do so. /BIZ/ Always complains that there is no alpha shared on this hellhole of a board well here it is Roosters are the future buy the dip and go long before it's too late. >The government will not acquire additional assets for the Stockpile beyond those obtained through forfeiture proceedings.
Come laugh at BTC maxis. In this thread we share the meme gems crafted by the link community over the years. Each honored linkmarine must have a collection of these. I'll start with the best waifu - Linkchan. The reason Chainlink wasn't included in the recent US strategic reserve TruthSocial announcement is because Chainlink is going to have it's own reserve. At what point do you give up trusting anything this liar has to say anon? Despite everything, Harris would have been worse for crypto and the economy. So I will be voting for Trump in 2028. Sorry shills. Why the fuck would anyone choose to use Cash App as their stockbroker? Wtf is wrong with zoomers? i just sold every btc i had from 2019 at 84775 >lost another 10 billion today
He must be getting the fattest government contract in history for the shit he pulled to pay off IF IT HADN'T BEEN FOR ORANGE CHEETO
WHERE DID HE COME FROM ORANGE CHEETO this is powerful patern
All the best, Ramesh.
David Sacks
Just a few minutes ago, President Trump signed an Executive Order to establish a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve.
The Reserve will be capitalized with Bitcoin owned by the federal government that was forfeited as part of criminal or civil asset forfeiture proceedings. This means it will not cost taxpayers a dime.
It is estimated that the U.S. government owns about 200,000 bitcoin; however, there has never been a complete audit. The E.O. directs a full accounting of the federal government’s digital asset holdings.
The U.S. will not sell any bitcoin deposited into the Reserve. It will be kept as a store of value. The Reserve is like a digital Fort Knox for the cryptocurrency often called “digital gold.”
Premature sales of bitcoin have already cost U.S. taxpayers over $17 billion in lost value. Now the federal government will have a strategy to maximize the value of its holdings.
The Secretaries of Treasury and Commerce are authorized to develop budget-neutral strategies for acquiring additional bitcoin, provided that those strategies have no incremental costs on American taxpayers.
IN ADDITION, the Executive Order establishes a U.S. Digital Asset Stockpile, consisting of digital assets other than bitcoin forfeited in criminal or civil proceedings.
The government will not acquire additional assets for the Stockpile beyond those obtained through forfeiture proceedings.
The purpose of the Stockpile is responsible stewardship of the government’s digital assets under the Treasury Department.
PROMISES MADE, PROMISES KEPT Yeah, it's over. We're going to 0. Been a nice run, bros. And just like that, the markets are crashing again. Has there ever been a worse admin for crypto? What are your thoughts on Tron?
been aware of crypto since silkroad.
full time since ~2016 (dao hack).
Made some nice bags here from biz during the years, (thanks for: gns, milliontoken, statera, cheese, rubiq, link)
and damn what a ride it's been. I try to pay back to the karma gods. I'm almost out, will never leave fully ofc but with a larger stack that is now in "safe" investments.
I have successfully escaped the trenches.
But I got one more pick to pay tribute to you biz and the trench karmagods.
Not a memecoin, but a first mover revenue making platform.
A competitor to polymarket in a way. At $1.5m marketcap. Yeah..
Yes won't gatekeep the fking ticker like other oldfags.
So what is it?
It's a parlay platform on arbitrum. Combine sportsbetting with trump word betting and the fking weather in newyork.
It's a dream for degens as you can see from my screenshot somebody did a quick 9x $2.8k to $25k.
Proof of concept there, bets steadily rolling in.
So that's the main shilling point, just a working crypto parlay platform.
Other plus:
+ doxxed dev, seems ok
+ recently got an arb grant
+ rumour of some exchange listings
+ good partnerships lately
+ free gas for transactions
+ you can be the bank and earn
Every parlay creates an NFT and the arb grant is going into some kind of NFT rebate (where you sell your expired NFT and get money back).
This project is currently undervalued, at least $10marketcap easy.
And if it really gets going with lots of betting volume, I'm aiming for $100-500m mc marketcap from speculation at least.
That should be enough to please the karmagods, I've done my part.
DYOR etc blah blah,
I can answers some questions I'm pretty plugged into the development, I am a top 5 holder with a few % of the supply but the bag is small compared to my overall portfolio.
This is gonna be one of my last trench plays, riding to $100-500m mc or zero.
God speed anons, thank you for all years of shilling, fud and shitposting. David Sacks has confirmed most of the people coming,
> They work hard for you.
30% is the LEAST you could do. You can afford it, that's why you're going out to eat in the first place. Don't be an asshole. Are you prepared for the crypto summit? He's getting out of jail isn't he. "i've only seen one piece of diddy" MY GOODNESS...MY CARDANO!! SssSssSssssssssssSSssssss...... Wallah, my frens. Never below 86k again! The singularity begins tomorrow fueled by Mac special sauce Just spent all my savings copying Nancy Pelosi's portfolio. AMA Drumpf
my anus let my anus stop bleeding before you fuck me again tomorrow >the government will hold and seek to acquire more btc
>the government will hold but not seek to acquire more crypto
>btc dumps, and btc.d goes down
>people believe this dip
The news is actually bad for alts, it's positive/expected for BTC. If it was a real dump btc.d would be going up since money would be fleeing alts.
be sure to slurp wait, 1 btc is 86,000 dollars? some people here really put down 86,000 dollars or more on this, per coin? you deserve to lose your money ngl Literally told you so. And you guys called me a fat retard So, how much are we pumping tomorrow before the inevitable crash? And who's gonna pump the most? My bet is on XRP® He's gonna collapse the economy. >Crypto summit tomorrow
Why did he sign the EO today? What happens tomorrow? This is why BTC is crashing.
Because the USG is now obligated to buy it. In terms of finances, I suspect this means I've saved at least $10,000 over the past decade or so. For those that have a job (lmao) hypothetically speaking if you Accked at work would anyone notice? What causes a man to raise another man’s child, financially speaking? chainlink's dumping!!! upward trend broken. and it's not even Friday. LOOOL. oh stinkies, you will never win Yo where the fuck is the apu general and where the fuck is my sticky? Have you had any luck with book automation as a business strategy?
My roommate uses DeepSeek to write three books per day (Amazon's publishing limit). They're all finance and self-help books, but he's experimenting with children's lit and YA.
Most of the books don't sell any copies, but occasionally he gets a viral hit.
The money he's making from doing hardly any work makes my eyes water. Should I get in on this before it becomes more widespread? When are you supposed to make money in crapto? I buy, I lose money. I sell, i lose money. I hodl, I lose money. This shit keeps dumping and dumping. Years of "hodling" totally obliterated. You never get any good news, only bearish news over and over. Pumps are sudden and can't last a fucking day before barting. Meanwhile alts are obliterated beyod recognition- I'm tired of this shit, honestly. I just watched a jeet and a Haitian try to communicate in English at work. How are diverse workplaces supposed to function when you can't even talk to each other. How the fuck am i supposed to save money. Half of his money will go to his 2nd wife when he dies. Man fuck these boomers. His house is paid off but his new wife's house isnt. did the us just inadvertently admit that the dollar is losing its global reserve status by signing this order? DRRURUUMMOOPPPPPFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!1 The tech bubble is about to burst, but can you believe how crazy it was? Why was Tesla ever a trillion-dollar company when BYD exists? How the fuck does Zuck's gay VR company have such a high valuation? It's just retarded.
/pmg/ - Precious Metals General
FRENS Edition
>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable
>Bullion dealers (US) (EU/UK) (Ancient) (Other rare metals)
more at:
>Numismatic search
>News and graphs
>Compare (US) (EU) (DE/EU)
>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test
Previous Thread: >>59919684 >Mark Cuban didn't become a billionaire by splurging on daily lattes or upgrading his phone every year. In fact, his first piece of advice for anyone trying to get rich is brutally simple: sacrifice.
>In a 2011 Blog Maverick post titled "How to Get Rich," Cuban laid out his personal roadmap to wealth from the perspective of a self-made billionaire.
>Before Cuban was a billionaire, he was living with five roommates, eating mustard and ketchup sandwiches, and sleeping on the floor of a cramped apartment. While he doesn't miss those days, he credits that level of discipline as the foundation of his success.
>"It doesn't suck to be rich," Cuban wrote in the post. But getting there? That's where most people struggle—because it requires giving things up before you see any reward.
Did you know that the only reason you're not a billionaire is because you're splurging on daily latter and upgrading your phone every year? If you take out tens of thousands in loans does that increase your networth? OOOOOOOAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAHHHHAAAHHH WHAT IS GOING ON How can I run a side hustle after work when I am shleepy after work >Small ecommerce business takes off last year, after 8 years of doing it part time.
>Back from uni, and only running the business as my sole source of income.
>Living pretty well off of it.
>Supply dries up, and economy takes a shit mid 2024.
>Have to start a 2nd job.
>Still running ecommerce business.
>2nd job works me illegally hard, and get hospitalized.
>Lose 2nd job.
>Back to sole income being ecommerce business.
>Now income is down 55% from last year before starting 2nd job.
>Can't find another 2nd job.
>Crypto make it stack is down $500k from peak, cashing out now would be suicide.
Previous: >>59927583
>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, Bitrue, Uphold, Robinhood, Kraken, Kucoin, etc
>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:
>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:
>The Myth of Market Cap:
>Lore: [Mr. Pool archives]
>Schizo Ramblings: (updated)
>Past /XSG/ Threads:
>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - Xaman, Gem Wallet, Crossmark or Bifrost
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - What's stopping the government from taking some HPCs and mining buttloads of crypto? Literally no reason not to. Having coinbase app notifications on right now is a sick humiliation ritual FINALLY
See you at an spx of between 1800 and 3200
Buy Russel, in 3 years >retards fell for "tarrifs bad" fud
DOESN'T REALLY MATTER HOW MUCH I BUY Pay less than $100 for options every day.
Sometimes lose $100, sometimes it turns into $1000.
Never lose if you don't go all in.
Is this the secret to infinite money?
Been doing it for a week just following this calculator and it seems to win more than 50% of the time. There are dozens of them out there telling you how to not be completely retarded. looks like the bobos shot first in the war to come this weekend Can anyone actually name one single useful thing a smart contract can actually do in the real world?
Everything fails at the step where you need someone/something in the real world to trustlessly feed it relevant data or act on the outcome of a smart contract.
The ONLY remotely useful thing I heard so far may be borrowing stables against the base token of the chain, but surely there must be one more thing, right? >Not a single person, not even me who is making this thread to point it out, believes that tomorrow will be anything but another in a series of sell the news dumps
Are we about to go up for real now Give it to me straight, Which is better? Renting or paying a mortgage? I currently make 108K a year. I don't have a girlfriend, wife, or family, just heard that it's cheaper to pay mortgage rather than rent sometimes. What the fuck is even habbening tomorrow? Half the threads are how XRP is cucking LINK, the other half is how LINK is cucking XRP, so which is it?? Is nothing actually confirmed and anons are just memeing as usual? Someone release me from my cage of retardation, I can't understand this. >waiting for that $70k bottom Thank you Mario, but the princess is in another castle.
>if this pattern completed, bitcoin would never be taken seriously again. Coincidentally, this is the first time that XRP isn't tracking btc exactly and has no independent news.
Better tether the fuck up, just to be safe. Are they fucking going to get rid of capital gains tax? Can you fucking imagine? Bros, is it time to win? Billions will ever never be able to own 1 QNT Our guy looks very relaxed during his segment. and have cashflow, buy UST 10y NOW!
The way Trump is consolidating the debt is fuck easy - Pop the risk asset bubble incentivizing buying UST at LOWER rates than over the past 3 years.
If you had done that for the past 3 years, all you would have needed to dump into UST were about 500K to have a really cushy cashflow, now, you better have 3.2M ready, if you wait longer, 10M minimum xrp isn't even being used yet and it's about to flip ethereum lmao MY PORTFOLIO IS 100% CARDANO AND ITS IN FREEFALL WE WERE AT $1.14 JUST A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO Ready for the Trump recession? just got offered a job as a b2b sales representative selling energy. advice on sealing deals and making fat commissions?
also how soul sucking and terrible will this be? ive never worked sales before FUCK YOU TRUMP PIECE OF SHIT BLOODY BENCHOD BASTERD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I still hold LILY, niggers. How the hell did /biz/ called out this happening to a T? Anyways how do we profit off of it, feels like there was a major shift this year. My future existence depends on $100 LINK F-F-F-FREESTYLER
>ROCK THE MICROPHONE The market will dump after the crypto summit implodes given the rivalry amongst all of the invitees.
Sell. Why didn't Trump invite the CEO of Bitcoin to the White House? >europoors are poor because they're socialists who hate free trade and free markets
>we should implement more tariffs for products entering the United States, just look at Europe they have them
How can people hold these two beliefs at once? Is this undervalued or a shitcoin? Why haven't we started mining asteroids? It's possible, who remembers when they redirected that asteroid? Send a few guys up there and maybe a Jersey Mikes', and they'll come down and completely crash the precious metals market on Earth. Has nobody talked to the right billionaire, yet? I hate Elon, but put me in a room with him, and we'll be mining asteroids by late May baby. day 175 of posting my charizard collection till it hits $1mil
Prismatic Eeveelutions is STILL hot perhaps the best performing set in modern times, did you grab any? When is my TSLA going to stop dumping? FRFS has decided to reschedule the Fedwire Funds Service ISO 20022 implementation from March 10 to July 14, 2025. I just keep farting, I had a really big dinner with beans and chicken. (Heinz beans)
And now im farting rly bad, i think its because i decided to move around and get some water, so now it's rly settling in oooof decided to check the twitter knockoff bluesky to see if they have any crypto news for the Trump thing, this is the top result for chainlink ahahahahahaha fucking kek ive lost 60% of my initial investment and i havent sold Day 3: Brad still isnt confirmed to be going to the whitehouse... Tomorrow marks the start of the 2025-2029 bear market. Have fun playing with your crypto. i'll just leave this here Going down faster then Ethereum What is the actual plan here? KNS is in freefall and the telegram shills are nowhere to be found. You all said "muh unchained," "muh mainnet," like that was supposed to mean something. Meanwhile, nobody could even unstake their tokens because Pooya couldn't code his way out of a wet paper bag.
Now this dude thinks he's Sergey without the funding, without the company, and without the brain cells. Just raw cope and hopium while sitting in his one-bedroom shack, watching KNS circle the drain. This was an obvious rug back when it was still on BNB chain. What, did you think a new mainnet would change the fact that this project has the structural integrity of a Jenga tower during an earthquake?
The gnomes were right. You got gnomed. You got negative-value vaporware rugpulled by a guy with a 2011 Macbook. Hope it was worth it, frens. uuhhh you guys are joking, right?
none of you expects to net money playing the stock market, right?
unless you work a hedge fund or something you're cooked I guess it makes sense why the market is pumping, especially with the big news about the creation of the US crypto reserve. Could this be a sign of a bullrun? crypto summit "sell the news" is being frontrun
bobos are getting a little greedy