Board: /fit/
"/fit/ - Fitness" is 4chan's imageboard for weightlifting, health, and fitness.
What would drive a man to strive for this physique? What's all this mean
5'11 210lbs 34yr
Dont drink or smoke or fap Is this achievable natty? How do you work out with a missing arm?
I've gotten my mood over losing mine after an accident a few weeks ago (ends at the elbow) and now i dont know what ill be able to even do once im fully recovered, i dont think i can squat or bench press unless i get a prosthethic (and that shit is expensive as hell so i gotta take care of it)
Any ideas anons? It's the start of the week again, take a deep breath in, hold it and exhale
Were you thinking of giving up today? No you weren't. You made it through last week, you'll make it through this one as well
What are your goals for this week? What do you plan to achieve? List it all down.
Take a deep breath, hold it and exhale, move at your own pace
We're ALL gonna make it
The motivation thread is open How do college frat bros stay so fit despite their lifestyles? Are they proof that the freshman 15 is avoidable? Do you guys lift weights using water bags or sand bags? After my PCP rejected my request for TRT because I was "technically" within normal range my urologist just said nah fuck that and gave me the green light. Shit thing is that he put me on HCG instead of straight T. He was aggressively insistent that I just take HCG, no Test C, injected intramuscularly 3 times a week, 1500iu each injection. Is this a weird dosing regimen? Been on it for 3 weeks now. Not noticing any striking differences in the gym but sex life has taken a full 360. Rock fucking hard erections in the morning, the old lady has been taking daily poundings ever since I've been on it and my loads went from pitiful drips to copious high-speed ropes. Dick is bigger when flaccid as well and my testicles have turned into full sized pouches. Umm meatsisters, our response? What defines weakness in a man for you?
I'm not just talking about strength or lifting, but weakness in the sense of its traditional meaning. >Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage at most 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)
>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides
>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon
>I want to stretch
>Performance calculators
>>75706778 You're honestly retarded if you think someone who benched 650 is natural. He wasn't that tall at 5'11, and he was extremely muscular with enormous veins. Most men can't even bench 405 without steroids. I do believe a handful of men are capable of benching 500 naturally, as the first 500-pound bench press was done in 1953 by Doug Hepburn, who was 5'8, but he was an elite Olympic weightlifter. People talk about how steroids allow you to lift 10 to 15% more for a given weight class, but you could potentially get as much as a 25% increase overall if they allow you to add a ton of muscle.
Statistically speaking, given how short and muscular CT Fletcher was, along with his enormous veins, it's a virtual impossibility that he was natural. Olympic weightlifters get away with steroids usage all the time. It's not that hard to imagine powerlifters getting away with it, and CT might be lying about how much he was drug tested. He really loves emphasizing how much of a natural he is like a classic narcissist.
I decided to start this thread after watching some of this video. Does it look like you lift when you're wearing your everyday clothes? >programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height
>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)
>High Scores
Previous Thread: >>75721131 Sell me on quitting cannabis. OMG I LOVE CUTTING
I LOVE BEING COLD 24/7 EXCEPT WHEN I WEAR A WINTER JACKET INDOORS tl;dr im autistic help me. what is a basic but solid cost efficient grocery list
im relatively poor (USA but blue high minwage city) ive got a 12" fry pan, a hotplate, and a pressure cooker)
i dont know that m Is it bad that I get really upset when people get on the treadmill right beside me when others are open? I like to go balls to wall with sweat flying everywhere and having anyone close to me makes me feel more restrained cause I don't want to get my juices on them. Tried to find the pasta but can't in the archive unfortunately. I'm at 40.5 hrs and feeling great. I have a trip in March that gave me 10 solid weeks (as of last week) to lose about 35-40 pounds. My initial plan was
>Sunday night to Wednesday night (72 hours)
>Wednesday night to Friday night (48 hours)
>Free eating on Saturday and Sunday
>800+ calorie burn through cardio on weekdays
>Possibly more on Saturday and Sunday, can't gauge for various reasons
Had a wrench thrown in the plan with a mandatory work outing on Thursday so I'm doing an 84 fast from Sunday night to Thursday afternoon, then Thursday night to Saturday afternoon. Probably do one meal on Saturday afternoon then free eat on Sunday. Down 7 pounds as of Friday last week and only 5.5 as of this afternoon.
Wondering if a very small wheat wrap burrito with turkey, cheddar, egg, and pesto will be a good break on Thursday for lunch or if I'll feel like shit.
How's your fast going anon? Is cellulite a particularly unhealthy type of fat to have? Is it a sign or some kind of metabolic disorder? Why don’t you care about all the people victimized by alcohol induced crime? All the children and women beaten by drunken husbands, or worse. All the innocent kids killed by drunkdrivers. All the innocent fathers beaten to death by drunken yobs on a night out.
Where’s the care for them, you alcoholic faggot? They should just keep suffering so you can have your pisswater at the end of the week because you’re too weak to get through life without it?
Kill all alcohol drinkers. >
>The 24-hour molecular landscape after exercise in humans reveals MYC is sufficient for muscle growth
>Our findings indicate: (1) the DNA methylome response at 30min corresponds to upregulated genes at 3h, (2) a burst of translation- and transcription-initiation factor-coding transcripts occurs between 3 and 8h, (3) changes to global protein-coding gene expression peaks at 8h, (4) ribosome-related genes dominate the mRNA landscape between 8 and 24h, (5) methylation-regulated MYC is a highly influential transcription factor throughout recovery.
So if I'm getting this right, 24 hours is actually the optimal rest time, MYC is a potentially drugable mass-gaining target, and even lifting natty chronically could present some cancer growth risk because this shit is fundamentally tied to upregulating proto-onocogene cellular growth signaling pathways? I'm getting stronger and outgrowing planet fitness :) Is this achievable natty? So my gym just got one of these things...
what is it What exactly happened here? >mogs +95% of /fit/
Heh… nothing personnel boy Who is /fat/ for?
For diligent dieters who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest:
>What do I do first?
1. Read
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage:
3. Calculate your TDEE:
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss:
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).
>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and lose fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body eating away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky:
Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.
>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks:
Reddit Wiki:
Previous thread: >>75730723 What are /fit/‘s thoughts on climbing? >go outside
>set up everything for weighted pull up
>starts raining
>go back inside because I dont want my electornics to get wet
Nature is trying to keep me dyel My whole body is super sore. Anyway I can recover super fast? I've never been in a fight. Can I outlift this feeling? >The DIY toilet paper squat plug got stuck are these things worth it? sure, I could go outside or go to a gym, but being able to walk in the middle of my room is infinitely more convenient, plus with a standing desk I can play shit while walking, sounds fun. These things aren't expensive either, like $100-$200 Where can I watch this fight uncensored and not narratored by some fucking wise guy. Ffs is this what shitalians do now?? WHAT IS MET?
> minimal equipment
> maximal independence
> 0 faggotry
How to MET?
> Weighted calisthenics
> Home gym
> Rings + sandbags
How not to MET?
> meme exercises
> circus act tier calisthenics
> isometrics
> routine
> recent PRs
> recent additions to your program
> home gym
Been a while boyz Oats, honey, blueberries, cinnamon, 3 sunny up eggs, 4 cups black coffee
2oz peanuts
Pb on a slice of homemade soda bread
Work out, water
Half lb bf or chk, 1 can black beans or green beans, sometimes sub rice if I need a carb load(seasoned, nothing else) 1% milk
Protein shake w 4 cup 1% milk
Banana > am NEET hardstuck at rural dead town
> trying to get greenhouse worker job, needs to be able to lift 50-80lb daily
> lived as a shut-in for past 2 years, so no fitness cant lift shit
> not obese tho, just skinnny fat
Wut are some routines I should do to get back in shape ASAP? am running out of money from gambling addiction... For the last few weeks my diet while cutting has been
Honey flavored Greek yogurt
Protein shake
Chicken nuggets with a glass of milk
I am also taking a daily multivitamin. Does this diet sound good? Or do I need to add more for it to be healthier/get all the protein and shit I need? Why are vegans so hated here? You can be as healthy if not healthier as a vegan /plant based as much as a omnivore.
You can also build muscles with a plant based diet. Onions and hemp is a complete protein. You can also get complete protein if you combine othrr uncomplete proteins.
Deficienses is a meme and i would day vegand are even better to get right nutrition then omnivores are. Most omni food is fortified anyway and where do you think aninals get their minerals and vitamins from? From plant based food. B12 is derived from bacteria or something like that so even animals dont make that stuff themsrlves. I have fucked up and you know what? I bet tomorrow will be the same plight. Fighting against the instant gratification yoke. Time flying past me. I'm a fuck-up. Nothing short of lowest of the low.
Imagining my day-to-day in the third person feels like a joke.
>He wakes up, smokes half a pack of cigarettes
>after that, he lifts on his workout days, has breakfast and cleans everything
>He then proceeds to squander 10h on degenerate behavior
>He notices before going to bed:
>"man, all that mindless activity sure has taken its toll on my cognitive abilities and my mental ecosystem"
>"golly fucking gosh, what a mess I am"
And instead of waking up and screaming from the bottom of his lungs: "NOOOOOOOO!"
He perpetuates his fuck-upedness even further. Every. Single. Day. Without fail.
A combined 2000h have been spent on pointless shit.
2 0 0 0 f u c k i n g _ h o u r s
I'm a fuck-up Jake, I'M A FUCK-UP!
FUCK Would Will Tennyson look good if he cut?
I see people saying the difference between the top and bottom is bodyfat, but his body still looks "off". Does anybody know why?
>by the way, bottom mogs top I like how he showed the world that you have to eat inhuman amounts of garbage to be fat. Previous >>75705408
This IS QTDDTOT, stick to questions on everything. Post height, weight, age, lifting stats, diet, address, social security number,... What the fuck is wrong with this board? It's all jsut coombait and pepe memes. Nobody even posts any programming advice. >programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height
>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)
>High Scores
Previous Thread:>>75717821 >tall friendly long leg blonde white women at the gym >u cant digest the protein of legumes
your welcome
enjoy your beans It's january, so you better start your summer cut soon
you are going to be beach body ready, right? The best test for natty status is if your head looks like it fits your body. Pic related is one you can test for yourself. Does it look like his head fits his body? Or does it look like someone took two actions figures and switched their heads? I can't wait for TND (the next day) to lift more. >get in shape
>teenage girls now start eyeing me at the gym
I'm 28 do I risk it? is cycling the best long-term cardio? >that guy who's way too into the music he's listening to, bobbing his head excessively as if the music is the greatest thing ever and he isn't just looking for attention for how "pumped and motivated" he looks My doctor sent me for an X-Ray due to persistent lower back pain. I'll take the results to him next week but they say:
>incipient lumbar spondylosis
>lumbar osteochondrosis at the l4-l5 level
>marked physiological lumbar lordosis
Can any medfags decipher this for me. >going to christmas party with family
>it's at my wife's cousin's house
>wife's cousin is a younger sister
>married at a beta in her early 30s
>older sister has transformed from boston girlboss to spinstress as i've known her
>get sat at the kids table
>old sister sits across from me
>i'm making conversation with everyone, asking the normal stuff
>she starts to talk and I look her in the eyes like I've done with everyone else
>she doesn't stop looking at me
>as we laugh and talk I look to other people but when I look back at her she's still staring
>every glance I take of her, she's still staring
>she has a glass of wine and then another
>later I'm on a couch with a big table
>she sits next to me and starts rubbing her leg against mind
>then starts playing footsies
>there's no blood relation
what do I can easily do a dozen sets of any upper body exercise, but I always feel like im about to pass out after a few sets of the leg press. After I finish my set, it feels like my body panics, my heart rate rises suddenly and I breathe very heavily for the remaining session. The fatigue is also immense. I guess this is normal, but still, is there anything I can do to combat it, other than just pure extreme will power, which I clearly lack?
Since my muscles aren't the issue, I thought about incorporating some basic cardio, will that make a difference? Is there anyone here who's really good at cardio and can confirm that leg exercises get easier? I've always heard dental health is closely correlated with overall health. Is this ture? Can you be healthy and have fucked up teeth? >starting strength doesnt wo- Where does /fit/ get their gym drip? If you had celebrity money what would your ideal day of eating look like? lobster for breakfast? Orca Jerky for a pre workout snack? endangered birds eggs in your shake?
I just want to be able to afford all the fucking Jack Links I can stomach, I fucking love beef jerky so much A seat at the table edition
Your friendly hangout to discuss all kinds of things that shred your natty card. Steroids, peptides, dick pills, you name it.
The previous thread is in the archive I have faith you can find it. Are chins and dips enough for bis and tris? Curls and tricep pushdowns/extensions feel awkward back in late 2017/early 2018 /fit/ said that onĩons increase T levels, and literally started the basedboy and gigachad memes because of said happening You started orange juicing with salt bro? I still jerk off but I no longer want to sleep around? Is this a low test symptom or just growing up? I'm lifting and eating clean, in best shape of my life.
>previously fat
>got a high bodycount
>around 30 now and do not give a fuck about sex and just want to make money Is a 6 days a week PPL routine a retarded idea for a beginner? Btw I don't care about functional strength or whatever, I just care about aesthetics (of that matters). Let's go.
No defeatist shit or incels allowed. How do I get 80% of the results with 20% the effort?
Look bros, I am busy guy, I can't go to the gym 4 times a week or whatever and I can't stay there for long.
I was thinking: 2 times a week, where I do 4 sets of bench, ohp and leg press (I have gerd, I can't squat) >been lifting just under 3 years since 2022
>still look like someone who hasn’t stepped foot in a gym
Please convince me why I shouldn’t just get on the juice at this point.
3. Fucking. Years I have a base of pull-ups and I have experience running.
Tell me what routine I should do in order to apply or give me more information about the tests
(I'm serious, I'm about to start French classes and I'm raising money to go to Paris, im peruvian btw) Who is /fat/ for?
For diligent dieters who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest:
>What do I do first?
1. Read
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage:
3. Calculate your TDEE:
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss:
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).
>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and lose fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body eating away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky:
Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.
>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks:
Reddit Wiki:
Previous thread: >>75724089 >Be me an hour ago in gym
>Setting up for last exercise - KB Swings
>Notice downy watching me set up intently
>Start first set
>She starts cheering me on shouting things like "wow!" And "very good!" and clapping
>Manage an extra 12 reps
>As I leave she waves and says bye bye
Thank you based gym downy What would happen if I just didn’t had rest days and worked out every day? Just repeating my routine as soon as it was done. do hardish sparring at muay thai
>probably hit my instep at some point
>no bruising, mildly sore but nothing out of the ordinary
>wake up at 1am
>convinced my foot is broken, can't walk on it at all
>can't sleep again until like 4 due to pain
>wake up
>a bit sore but it's not too bad, can walk now
>later in the day
>zero pain
Wtf did my foot mean by this? Do Hollywood elites really drink Adrenochrome? What’s the secret? Looking ahead i dont care anymore about looking amazing, what i want the most is to keep my body fit and functional and without pain until a very old age.
If i had known the reality of the body wearing out i would have started taking better care of my joints much younger.
You dont want to end up like him. my life hasnt been the same after realizing that i can just slice fruits such as banana, strawberry etc into a milk bowl + boil couple of eggs then eat those two times a day instead of cooking/prepping meal. See-So?
Also if CICO works why did Kike Israel not get his IFBB pro card for being too fat? Do you train hard like Dr. Mike Israetel? why does food make my flu symptoms stronger? I'm eating healthy Is not peeing for long periods of time bad for you? I was drowning in work today and by the end of shift realised that I never went for a piss, which is about 11 hours since morning. I'm definitely not dehydrated cause I've been chugging large bottle of zero coke the whole day, but I fell no urge to pee and when I went to the bathroom it was just a regular amount of normal-colored urine. Where the fuck did the coke go? Am I dying or something? Okay, so does anyone actually know what this stuff is, where it comes from, or what effects it has on the body? It seems like they're putting this in all kinds of tea and food products everywhere I look. Even some of the stuff I used to buy that was sweetened with stevia now has switched to monk fruit. Do we actually have any research on this? Has anyone tried it? >his entire personality revolves around working out What are the best glute builders you can do without heavy weight? How the FUCK do you avoid working traps with this exercise? It feels almost inevitable do we have one? should we make one? Can you truly outlift growing up the unpopular fat kid? What inch arms do you consider to be past DYEL tier? Lifting with a full time job is not as easy as this board makes it seem.
Most of you here are NEETs or bums who work night shifts in some dead end security job How do you know how much weight to lift? I did hammer curls with 25 lb dumbbells for 3x8. It honestly didn't feel like that much but for the next few days the tendons in my inner elbows were throbbing and burning which I don't think is normal. What is your longevity routine in 2025? We built this physique..
We built this physique on squats & oats If you do lifts that work the shoulder girdle multiple days in a row, you're inviting shoulder injury into your life, you know Is anyone else interested in historical fitness? Stuff like Professor Attila's Light Dumbbell System, or Ling's Method of Callisthenics. gallon of milk is like $4 you get 2 of those per week 1 hot and ready pizza every day for $5.50 and one bag of oats for like $5 every once in a while and it averages out to like under $50 per week and a shit ton of calories to bulk with decent nutrients and enough fiber to stay healthy got off a 2 year relationship and lowkey felt like she lost attraction cus i got soft around her. how do I be Zoro like still tough n throw down dont be backing down for shit while still having morals like no going full demonic shit? i already workout i had the body n evrything idk she just wasnt digging it still someone wanted badder. does the meditation sht work i mean i dont rly know too much about that. Is he natty? 5'10 185lbish Do you ever find creative ways to workout while working? >he uses 2 gym equipment at once
>puts towel on other while working on other one
Why people do this? Is it possible to get abs in 4 months from home without supplements, protein or gym membership ? Supports heart, gut, brain, and immune health with 20g of fiber to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and enhance nutrient absorption.
Packed with polyphenols, catechins, and flavonoids from olive oil, matcha, and cocoa to boost cardiovascular and cognitive function. Is it true that ancient pre-civ humans had much more testosterone than modern humans? If so, shouldn't we increase ours? Check these out!
Super Fucking Strong! Any abs exercises you can recommended? I've ever only done inclined sit ups but I want to try out more exercises preferably with higher loads. I feel like a really weak point in my workouts is warming up. I never really know what to do for legs and lower body warmup. I almost never feel my quads getting pumped up either. Even when doing squats which is odd. I think its because I am a hip dominant squatter. I tried the platz variant squat which is supposed to be quad dominant and all that caused was intense right knee pain. Right above my knee actually. So I don't know what I am doing wrong. All my lower body workouts are always ass and I leave the gym feeling unaccomplished when I have to do lower body. I still do it but everything just feels so tight and bad. How do I even begin to work on this? I just saw myself in the gym today. How long does it generally take y’all to get ready to work out? When i started using fit there was an understanding that everyone that trains should do starting strength or SL and should finish the program with about a 405x5/5 squat. What happened? Give me pictures of disgusting fat people that will remind me just how disgusting being fat actually is. *makes you shit yourself* >push
Man, I love this split. Just go to the gym for an hour on Wednesday and the weekend and you still hit everything important twice a week.
It's the working man's split.
BTW push includes squats and pull included diddlies Can anyone afford a rich person bulk? I make 102k and even if csnt afford to do whole foods unless I'm just buying basic shit.. over >"you should leave 3 reps in reserve"
>"we are le experts"
>teenager with 5% body fat hires Jared Feathers to train him
>Jared Feathers gives him a diet 500cals below maintenance and is shocked to see him lose weight
>Increases his calorie intake by 200
>Meanwhile Mike Israetel fails to get a pro card because hes fat on competition day
>Mike Israetel says he is "bigger and stronger" than IFBB pro Mike Mentzer who scored a perfect 300 in both the Mr Universe (which he won) and Mr Olympia
>Eats cereal on a cut
Are Renaissance Periodization retarded? What if I just don't lockout my squat? What's your current routine/split looking like /fit/? What exercises have you been feeling lately?
I'm thinking of doing a, P / P / L / R / U / L / R, 7 day split and incorporating cardio around leg days. Also going to play around with when I do Pull and Legs, I've found I like Pull, Push, Legs a lot. Zero drop, minimum sole, wide toe box.
For deadlifting and running. Hopefully still good enough to wear to business casual, professional events.
Thinking about these whitin ones in the picture attached.
Or should I just get toe shoes as I had a decade ago THIS SHIT STILL HASN'T HEALED LET ME LIFT ALREADY DAMN IT About how many girls assholes have basically touched picrel at your gym?
Absolutely insane. Which one mogs, objectively speaking? Anyone else a solo lifter? How do you manage heavy bench without a spotter? It's brutal that I spent 4 years going to the gym yet the underweight twinks in my courses get more female attention than me I literally just do this for my everyday routine
>Smoke weed and pop shrooms
>Drink only water
>Go without eating for a day sometimes
>Walk outside everyday for an hour or 2 a couple times a day even night, doing it even when high is more fun
>Coptic orthodox Christian which means I go vegan everyday Wednesday and Friday and 2/3rds of the year
>Don't lift weights
>Likes to swim but haven't recently
My eyes are covered but I feel like as I get skinnier my eyes become more expressive and bigger sort of, I also feel alot better and more attractive about myself as I get skinnier Best method for tracking calories? Any good apps? *Helps heal all joint & tendon issues and has an overall curative effect for every injury*