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Board: /his/

"/his/ - History & Humanities" is 4chan's board for discussing and debating history.

Welcome to /his/ - History & Humanities
This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.
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Genesis can be used liberally and allegorically with the geological timescale without contradiction. You may not think this is true, but it is.
5 media | 143 replies
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Could it have succeeded? If so, how?
10 media | 111 replies
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When did political culture decline to the point where nobody can even explain what their associated labels mean?
Was it an intentional effort from those in power?
4 media | 9 replies
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Why is it that certain people can't cope, and even get aggressive, when their preconceived notions of history turn out to be false or, at the very least, warped?
See picrel
2 media | 7 replies
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How do we define “whiteness”?
36 media | 278 replies
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We will define "winning the Cold War" as either the US or USSR collapsing and a new, smaller and weaker country forming in its place, or 70% of the "developed" world (changing as more places become developed) joining your side. Obviously, the US won the Cold War. But could the USSR have played its cards differently, and won?
0 media | 4 replies
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>Human sacrifice and cannibalism
Why do we feel sorry for them, again?
2 media | 45 replies
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>well in Mordor they have a different moral standard than in Rivendell so morality can’t be objective

Moral relativists really do be like don’t it?
1 media | 44 replies
Why is there no internal debate among progressives on the issue of abortion?
Liberal egalitarian philosophy could accept pro life as a part of its moral system but doesnt. Why does it not?

With liberal progressivism it is concerned with egalitarianism and for the less fortunate and helpless. Human who are still in the womb would seem to be a protected class that people would seek to support with this ideology but they do not. Why is being pro choice so important and has basically no infighting among those progressives? It seems like an issue that could have debate among those progressives but it is a key belief that you don’t see any it seem disagree with.
1 media | 14 replies
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Why do people not understand that the Middle East in Christ's time was nothing like it is today? I constantly see /pol/ morons parrot "sandnigger" religion, when the areas in the new testament are virtually all Greek settlements that were in turn taken over by the Romans (they would at least know the latter if they even bothered reading the bible). The only non-europeons in the book are the Semitic tribes, Arabic and Asian traders, and Egyptians, which again was pre islamic rape and have about as much in common with modern-day Egyptians as the native Americans do with modern.

Why are normies incapable of understanding how cultures and people themselves inhabiting a land can change over the course of thousands of years?
4 media | 17 replies
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Why was it normal for people to arrange marriages for young adults with children in the past? Didn’t they have any morals?
2 media | 24 replies
Did they really?
>93. ... the Getae are the bravest of the Thracians and the most just. 94. They believe they are immortal forever living in the following sense: they think they do not die and that the one who dies joins Zalmoxis, a divine being; some call this same divine being Gebeleizis. Every four years, they send a messenger to Zalmoxis, who is chosen by chance. They ask him to tell Zalmoxis what they want on that occasion. The mission is performed in the following way: men standing there for that purpose hold three spears; other people take the one who is sent to Zalmoxis by his hands and feet and fling him in the air on the spears. If he dies pierced, they think that the divinity is going to help them; if he does not die, it is he who is accused and they declare that he is a bad person. And, after he has been charged, they send another one. The messenger is told the requests while he is still alive. The same Thracians, on other occasions, when he thunders and lightens, shoot with arrows up in the air against the sky and menace the divinity because they think there is no god other than their own.
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james russell mugshot
James "Sugarman" Russell met his fate in Texas's "Old Sparky" in 1991 for the brutal murder of a Houston store clerk 17 years earlier. Russell was born in Shreveport, Louisiana on March 5, 1949. Although not much is known about his upbringing, he was raised by his grandmother as we shall see below, was an amateur musician, and attended school to the 10th grade. Russell had begun committing thefts as a teenager by breaking into vending and amusement machines to steal quarters and he was also accused of rape a few times; his grandmother bailed him out of jail in one or more of these incidents. He first did actual jail time for an armed robbery in Houston in 1967 which got him 12 years in prison. He served three and was paroled in December 1971. On April 3, 1972, Russell and three accomplices drove to a Houston Radio Shack and began shoplifting items. His accomplices got outside unnoticed but Russell set off an alarm and fled.

The store manager, a 24 year old man named Thomas Stearns, would later finger Russell in the heist at the Radio Shack. It took two years for the case to go in front of a judge and Stearns never made it to the courtroom to testify. On March 19, 1974, he set off to begin his shift at work. Stearns never arrived at the Radio Shack or home that evening. Two days later his car was found abandoned by the roadside, stripped of its cassette player. No trace of Stearns could be found until April 10 when his partially decomposed remains were found on a rural area near Arcola. His personal effects were scattered around, his pants and underwear pulled down to his knees. Two shell casings and a spent slug were found as well. An autopsy of Stearns found that he'd been shot twice in the head. James Russell had been arrested for the robbery four months after it happened and sat in jail for 17 months until finally making bond in January 1974.
1 media | 7 replies
How do we know that the 10 commandments were meant to be intepreted literally?
mt sinai
Not trying to be a fedora here, but since most Christians tend to have a pretty liberal approach to interpreting the bible and most of the things associated with it.

How do they know that the 10 commandments part is supposed to be interpreted literally?

Why is intepreting commandments like:
>Thou shalt not kill.
>Well, unless the guy is a nonbeliever and an asshole, duh
>Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
>Well, unless it's in a good cause
etc. considered as blasphemous, while a lot of other liberal approaches towards the bible are alright?
2 media | 20 replies
Historically speaking why is this considered bad?
All I see from a hundred or so years ago are Americans entertaining themselves and having a sense of humor. You try to produce these type of "coon" songs today, people will throw a fit over an innocent little song that just pokes fun at black people. No harm done here. So why is this considered an offense historically speaking? 100 years ago I would be laughing at this songs and whistling them with my friends and neighbors.
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What do I think of this guy?
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i hate this faggot
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Why do LatAm gangs seem to be so religious yet openly violate many tenants? Do they constantly go to a priest for confession
7 media | 43 replies
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Are all humans Africans?
5 media | 38 replies
>was a backwater shithole for most of its existence
>somehow the only non-western country to industrialize, develop and become on par with the west
How did China, India and the Middle East failed where Japan succeeded?
77 media | 281 replies
Ethics of hitting children
discipline or abuse
Is it ever acceptable to hit your child? What are some good reasons? Is it allowed for something small like getting a B in an exam, or should it be reserved for severe cases like commiting dangerous or criminal activity? Should it be a last resort, or could it be done at the first sign mistake? At what age could a parent hit a child, 4 or after puberty? How hard could a parent hit a child? Is a single slap in the face the max, or can a parent use an object like a belt or a slipper and hit them repeatedly? Or is it all just a form of abuse? Is there any proof that physical punishment is helpful or harmful to children? Are children allowed to hit their parents as well whatsoever? Why is it acceptable to hit children, who are mostly at their weakest physical state throughout their lives, but not acceptable to hit other adults like spouses? Are white parents allowed to hit their children, or is it something reserved for POCs?
18 media | 252 replies
Why do gay people genuinely seem more happy in life? I have 2 younger brothers who are twins and my straight brother seems miserable while the gay one is happy with life. They both live with my parents (I've moved out) and they're both treated fairly as far as I can tell
3 media | 28 replies
Happy Shitler suicide day
On this day 79 years ago Adolf Shicklgruber aka Adolf Shitler killed xerself.
How will you be celebrating? Personally I'm gonna crack open a couple cold beers later on.
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Why did Europeans betray their gods? these gods helped Europeans for centuries, and then the Europeans treacherously abandoned them. It's not fair and just
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>Not being able to legally diddle 12yo boys is literal violence and coercion
Why are Fr*nchmen like this?
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I have a message for people arguing with Christians here.
Stop taking them seriously. They do not follow in Jesus’s footsteps, they are mostly just conservative Americans who are literally too stupid to read the New Testament and follow his instructions, or they’re flat out LARPing to give their ideology more apparent weight.
Every “debate” with a Christian should begin with asking them how much of their take home income they’re spending on the poor, sick and weak. And how much of their free time they spend helping the poor, sick and weak.
Not to mention they don’t even do the bare minimum of being a very pleasant, nice, considerate and caring person.
They do not believe it, they don’t get to bother you about converting.
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Um why is pearl harbour bad again?
25 media | 220 replies
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What are some examples in history of great men who fucked it all up by falling in love?
25 media | 69 replies
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>enjoys career as a beloved presenter and a cultural icon of Britain
>dies without facing any repercussions for (possibly 100's of) child rape

So his existence basically refutes the concept of Karma and "what goes around comes around."
2 media | 9 replies
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People here actually brag about China "winning" The Korean War?
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Alma Mater
Is the Western European University system the best system for education in history?
4 media | 58 replies
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Has any non-biased researcher ever gone through the entire list of Jewish expulsions to see whether they were justified or not?
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Do Muslims not believe in the omnipresence of God? From some online sources, I get the impression that (Sunnis at least) don't believe that God is present in creation and needs to use agents like angels to interact with it. They seem to reject God's immanence, e.g. the Christian belief that you can be indwelt by the Holy Spirit is called shirk (association with God).

This seems like a really weird limitation on God, do they really teach this?
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Sanskrit and Slovenian share some weird similarities

>Slovenian and Sanskrit are the only languages know, which have the grammatical number dual. What appear to be remnants of dual that are still notable in Ukrainian, and some other Slavic languages, in fact have nothing to do with the grammatical dual, the similarities are coincidental.

>The Slovenian language has six cases, three grammatical numbers (singular, dual, plural) and three grammatical genders (masculine, feminine, neuter). Sanskrit is identical with the exception that features one more case, ‘ablativ’.

The following is English| /Slovene/Sanskrit

>to give| dati dadhate
>heaven| nebesa nabhas
>night| noč niš
>to hold| prijeti parjeti
>to drink| piti pitje
>fog| megla megha
>to live| živeti živati
>to walk| hoditi hudati
>to drive| peljati palati

>3rd| tretji tritija
>4th| četrti čaturthi

What do we make of this bros?
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Let’s face it, Rome would have converted anyway. If it not Christianity, what religion would replaced Rome’s Greek philosophy and Emperor worship?
2 media | 25 replies
Imperialism reappearance
Why nobody spoke of retaking imperialism after 1945? It seems the idea, that was global, just vanished.

Reclaiming territories should've happened eventually.
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why did japan bashing stop when the country collapsed?
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How would've you preserved it?
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In all practical sense, Trotskyism has been dead for generations now - there are no influential Trotskyist movements, and it has been completely sidelined by other movements in the ”mainstream” commiesphere.

Yet somehow, fringe Trotskyist movements still survive, even though they haven’t got anything done, won’t get anything done, and nobody knows them but the members themselves and people with interest in following fringe politics for laughs. So, how the fuck to they sustain themselves to survive even on the fringe? What pulls new members in?
2 media | 4 replies
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Screenshot 2024-04-30 at 13-01-17 Catholic Org 'Defrocks' AI Priest 'Fr. Justin' After It Ok's Baptizing a Baby in Gatorade
historically speaking, was holy water always used for baptizing?
1 media | 2 replies
Why does God use the plural to refer to himself in Genesis 1:26?
download (1)
"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."
0 media | 9 replies
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Aliens don’t exist.

Life started exactly once in 4.5 billion years on Earth. That heavily implies it’s a one off event.
5 media | 25 replies
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tranny or german woman
Why Germanic women have such massive jaws/chins? Were ancient Germoids repressed homos or something? Why would you sexually select for your women to look like men?
4 media | 18 replies
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download (4)
Russians defeated the nazis by themselves.

90% of the nazi forces were defeated by the Red Army.

Lend lease never represented more than 5% of the russian supplies
3 media | 47 replies
christianity killed itself
Screenshot 2024-04-30 at 23-35-40 morality - Google Search
i think nietzsche was a shizo who contradicted himself constantly but he really was onto something with the whole slave morality thing

Here's how I see it:
>back in the day the popular concept of morality was more or less "might makes right"
>then christianity came along and popularised the idea that actually, the poor guys toiling in the fields are the good guys and the cunts lording over them are the bad guys
>over the next 2000 years this gets widely adopted
>at some point it reaches a breaking point, where it is so widely adopted that it becomes the norm and no longer something unique to christianity (and i suppose islam) but rather the general cultural zeitgeist (it got imported to china via communism and to japan via americanising their culture, colonialism everywhere else basically)
>christianity now eats itself because this kind of framework is fundamentally incpmpatible with most of the rest of it

How am I doing so far? Does this idea have any legs?

Think about it, if you accept the idea that the oppressed are the victims and the oppressors are the villains fundamentally, but you don't view it through a christian lense and thus aren't willing to grant 100% unjustified exceptions like "except it's okay when god does it" or "except the souls in hell, fuck them", christians seem like the most hypocritical and tyrranical ones of them all. It's like pretending to be some paragon of democracy talking about universal sufferage but then finishing it with "except kim jong un he should be unelected dictator for life and make all the rules on a whim".

0 media | 4 replies
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There is something sinister in those anti christian threads. They are not just made for laughs.
It's like someone had an interest in making people hate christianity.
5 media | 23 replies
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>On this day, April 30, 1945, Soviet soldiers hoisted the Victory Banner over the Reichstag.
>In the course of bloody battles by the evening of April 30, 1945 after repeated attacks, the Soviet troops, overcoming stubborn enemy resistance, broke into the Reichstag building, a fierce struggle broke out inside, battles were fought for every floor, hand-to-hand fighting took place on the stairs and in the corridors.
>Gradually the resistance of the Nazis came to naught, and the Soviet fighters managed to break through to the roof. On the dome of the defeated Reichstag rose the red flag, which was hoisted by the scouts of the 756th Rifle Regiment, sergeant Mikhail Egorov and junior sergeant Meliton Kantaria, led by the deputy commander of the battalion on political part, lieutenant Alexei Berest under the cover of machine gunners from Ilya Sayanov's company. It became the Victory Banner.
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>We have drunk the soma; we have become immortal; we have gone to the light; we have found the gods. What can hostility do to us now, and what the malice of a mortal, o immortal one?

So what is the Soma mentioned in the Vedas? Do the "experts" really not know?

It's gotta be some dank kush, no?
2 media | 8 replies
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>anon, I am putting togeder a team. ve vill make ze vorld safe for democracy
4 media | 11 replies
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In your fear of creating something normal and unimpressive you stare at the blank canvas of life long enough and you wait until all the paint dries up, and your heart stops loving life, the fire in your soul turns into ash, your flesh turns into bones and your dreams and thoughts fade into oblivion
1 media | 8 replies
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church fathers icons
Protty iconoclasts BTFO
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So a lot of them must have ended up back in China and Japan right? What do you think happened to those ones?
2 media | 15 replies
Would the Jap population actually fight fanatically?
i see a lot of people saying that the entire Japanese population would fight to the death if Op. Downfall was given the green light, but am I wrong in saying that all previous encounters of Japanese civilians meeting Allied forces during the war don't back up that claim?

Jap civilians really didn't do much fighting whenever they were caught up in combat prior to the surrender. On Saipan all the jap civilians jumped off cliffs right in front of the Marines but they didn't fight. in Manchuria in '45 all the Jap civilians either fled, ACKed themselves or were passively herded into captivity by the Russians. All of that famed neva-surrenda Jap martial spirit was more or less confined solely to the Jap army and navy. Jap civilians seemed to be entirely as unwilling concerning their willingness to actually fight as French or British civilians.

I would actually argue that the only major combatant nation of WWII whose civilians had any stomach for fighting were the Soviets. There was a huge Soviet guerilla movement that made life miserable for the Wehrmacht's rear areas and untrained Soviet factory workers formed makeshift militias and charged at/got mulched by advancing Germans by the tens of thousands in the first year of the war.
2 media | 24 replies
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What do you guys think about the holocaust?
22 media | 81 replies
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>reading about Spartan society
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Was Rome a globohomo?
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When you die you won't wake up in heaven and be happy forever. You will stop existing. Everyone knows it and pretending otherwise is an obvious cope with harsh reality.
4 media | 15 replies
Jews don't have the same weird moral quandaries towards their God as Christians do because Jews have already accepted long ago that God is egotistical and idiosyncratic and is capable of either making mistakes or simply making decisions that humans will never understand. Christians kind of shot themselves in the foot by trying to pretend that God is some flawless infallable being because their God up to the same exact bait atheists use like the Epicurean Paradox. The Jewish God is much closer to the Greco-Roman Gods in this regard
0 media | 13 replies
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how did christianity end up here
13 media | 71 replies
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Why did the Soviets choose to retain such conservative uniforms, with details like shiny buttons, brightly coloured insignia and breeches with tall leather boots basically until the end of the cold war?
0 media | 1 replies
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Explain to me why the Allies consistently portrayed their countries as hot women, but the Central Powers consistently used little boys?
6 media | 15 replies
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Why is Islam so much easier and more logical to follow?

>There is Only one god and Muhammad was his last prophet
>you can find what rules to follow and what is a sin in Quran and Hadiths
>Only two denominations, Shia and Sunni where 90% is Sunni

Meanwhile Christianity

> lmao God is three persons in one
>Jesus died for your sins. Why? He just did.
>Cherrypicks what is a sin or not from OT and NT. Christian still nevet have a good answer what is sinful or not
>30billion denominations
12 media | 111 replies
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>Jews and Arabs have the same skin color as Romans - Therefore to ape their appearance you have to circumcise yourself or pierce your ears. But Gauls and Ethiopians have such different skin color that the only way to look like them is to paint your face white or black.
1 media | 7 replies
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america created european cuisine
5 media | 31 replies
What stopped this?
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>be jews
>gother an coalition of jewish arabs and pagan arabs to besiege the muslims in their city of medina
>you have over 10.000 man fully armed and ready
>muslims are at most 3.000 (with the families and some source claim 300 solder about the end of the sige)
>one last jewish tribe actually signed a treaty with the muslims to side with them and not to stab them in the back
>you go and seduce them to break the treaty and join your jewish-pagan coalition "we totally gonna win bro"
>muslims dig a trench
>you stand on the other side and cant do shit
>sige drag
>you fucked (hahaha typical silly jew) because unlike the pagan arabs you broke a treaty and became a backstabbing cunt to be genocided
>"bro do something attack them"
>nothing work
>"mah we will sige them until the starve"
>god send the great wind which blow all the tents and take out all the fire out for days and destroy much of the jewish-pagan base
>pagans who still believe in the god of abraham and ishmael some elements of their extinct religion understand the message and get the fuck out at night without telling you
>you get genocided and extinct from arabia

why do likes?! i mean isn't ironic that they are just doing the same thing again and again?

>They were stricken with disgrace and misery, and incurred wrath from Allah. That was because they rejected Allah’s revelations and wrongfully killed the prophets. That was because they disobeyed and committed aggression. Surah al-Baqarah/61.
3 media | 10 replies
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Will England, and her outposts (Canada, Straya, New Zealand) ever be white again?
0 media | 4 replies
Why the fuck did the French never conquer Brittany?
Seriously, why fight literally everyone else in Europe for over a thousand years except for this one tiny kingdom next door could have easily been smashed? Did the Bretons have a secret weapon or something?
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Americans did not strap their helmets on in WW2 because they believed their neck would snap if they got shot in the helmet or were near an explosion while it was strapped on

>In World War II, the United States wasn't fielding a professional, all-volunteer army. The soldiers who fought in North Africa, Europe and the Far East were largely drafted. Since the U.S. was also not the well-developed and well-connected country we know it as today, these conscripts were experiencing a lot for the very first time.

>Since operational security was also paramount during the war, they weren't told a lot about what they were doing or why: They knew what they needed to know. Because they were all deployed American troops, the gaps in their knowledge were filled with -- you guessed it -- rumors.

>The rumor mill was hard at work in World War II, because information was hard to get, enemy disinformation was rampant and sometimes they didn't know better. Rumors spread about women in Army service being property of Army officers and those officers could have their way with them, that no ships survived Pearl Harbor or that Japanese troops were mailing the eyes of the dead back to American homes. None of that was true.

>Your grandpa wasn't unstrapping his helmet to look cool. He and other GIs heard that strapping their chins to their manganese-steel M1 helmet would make their head pop back and their neck snap amid artillery bursts or close, upward explosions. They thought the force combined with the weight of the helmet was enough to pop them right off.
1 media | 7 replies
Qing Empire be like
>Conquer China and become Emperor
>Millions of Han Chinese starts flooding the Manchurian homeland
>Manchus are now a minority in their own country and their language is almost extinct.
1 media | 10 replies
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Has there ever been a leader who rose on power from zero while not taking advantage of unpopular public opinion but because people thought his ideas were appealing in a positive way?

Hitler is not an example of this because he took on the civil unrest of wwi sanctions to rise, neither is lenin who did the same with the ruso-japanese war, nor napoleon who did a military coup.
0 media | 3 replies
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Were medieval knights actually particularly good at fighting or were they just glorified weekend warriors with the money to buy fancy kit?
13 media | 125 replies
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optimus primal
Why does science agree that selective breeding works on literally every single plant and animal on planet Earth except humans? If you want to argue that it's a potential slippery slope that's one thing. But to say it "doesn't work" is just foolish.
1 media | 23 replies
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Is modern Japan the best evidence that societies need religion to survive?
4 media | 66 replies
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What do "King James Only" adherents think about translations of the bible into languages other than english? is there KJV equivalents for those others tongues?
0 media | 6 replies
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Can you have capitalism without any usury?
0 media | 2 replies
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>USA says you can have it
>Take it
>USA then sounds the alarm and forms the largest international coalition since WW2 to invade
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Those who invoke Munich rarely understand what really took place back in 1938. Contrary to the subsequent mythology, Chamberlain was neither naive about Hitler nor unaware of the dangers posed by Nazi Germany. Among other things, he backed Britain’s efforts to rearm during the latter half of the 1930s. He did not think Britain was ready for war, however, and saw an agreement at Munich as a way to buy time for British rearmament to proceed. He hoped that the deal reached at Munich would satisfy Hitler and ensure peace in Europe, but if it didn’t work, Britain (and France) would be in a better position to fight when war eventually came.

He was correct: Britain and France had larger forces in the field than Germany did by the spring of 1940, and their rapid and unexpected defeat in the Battle of the Low Countries was due to failures of strategy and intelligence, not a lack of tanks, troops, or aircraft.

Furthermore, taking a harder line in 1938 would not have stopped Hitler from starting the war. We now know that Hitler himself was deeply disappointed by the outcome at Munich, as he had been hoping for a casus belli, and Chamberlain’s diplomacy denied him the opportunity that he craved to crush Czechoslovakia militarily. German officers opposed to the invasion might have ousted Hitler had he ordered an attack, but there is no guarantee that such a plot would have succeeded even if it had been tried. The uncomfortable truth is that Hitler was bent on going to war sooner or later, and a different outcome in 1938 would not have prevented World War II.
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>according to Hitler, Neo Nazis and White Nationalists this is a subhuman

Why are they like this? Why do they want to genocide white europeans?
1 media | 14 replies
>j'ai un lapin chez moi
0 media | 1 replies
ITT: Historical fun facts
Werewolves originate from Baltic pagan beliefs and they were originally heroic figure who protected their villages from raiders who wanted to steal their crops.

Vampires are originally Polish and they weren't bloodsuckers or evil. They were people who didn't get a Christian burial and weren't allowed in Heaven or Hell. As a result, their spirits would roam the village and largely be nuance and do thinks like start bar fights and take out large loans it couldn't to the town since they didn't bury them appropriately.
2 media | 10 replies
Easter Island
The Moai statues each weigh 13 to 14 tons. Much heavier than the 2.9 ton blocks of Giza pyramids. Yet we're supposed to believe that a primitive people who didn't even reach any advancement in metal, built these stones. I don't by it - who really built them?
1 media | 13 replies
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will monkeys reach their iron age soon?
9 media | 25 replies
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Why does this make incels rage?
31 media | 119 replies
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It was about state rights
9 media | 97 replies
>The Ottoman wintering in Toulon occurred during the winter of 1543–44, following the Franco-Ottoman Siege of Nice, as part of the combined operations under the Franco-Ottoman alliance.
>Toulon Cathedral was transformed into a mosque with the call to prayer occurring five times a day.
>Ottoman coinage was the currency of choice.
> Christian slaves were being sold in Toulon throughout the period.
>They raided and bombarded Barcelona in Spain, and Sanremo, Borghetto Santo Spirito, Ceriale in the Republic of Genoa.
>Barbarossa found the Toulon base very pleasant and convenient, since it meant he could maintain an effective blockade against the Empire whilst having Francis pay to refit his ships.
>The Lord Lieutenant of Provence complained about Barbarossa that "he takes his ease while emptying the coffers of France".
Why do Frenchers always betray their Christian European brothers?
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>"Rabbi Yeshua! You're God the Son, the second person of the Trinity spoken about in our Hebrew Tanakh! Yahweh in the form of a man as our Messiah, as prophesied! The one who would perform miracles in order to prove himself as foretold! The royal biological descendant of David through Joseph! I will drink your blood, King."

Why didn't the Pharisees respond this way?
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how much evidence will it take for subsaharans to be declared a different species?
13 media | 48 replies
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Aliens would think that fascism is designed to purposefully turn previously stable, traditional societies, into enriched gay basedholes via reverse psychology.
Because that's what fascism always lead to, after it collaoses, loses, gives up.
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The current religious debate meta has reverted to the mean after a brief aberration during the "new atheist" movement. Theists are once again easily defeating god deniers in public, but when will the divinity affirming comparative mythologists gain traction and start cracking Abrahamic skulls?
8 media | 57 replies
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Plebs like the 3rd Reich.

Patricians realize the 2nd Reich is best Germany.
12 media | 53 replies
the mixture of races in Iberian colonization
images (11) (1)
We know that the cause of this was possibly the lack of Iberian women who were brought in for various reasons, but my question is something that is always credited to the Catholic church by trad "Latin" Catholics: "the church was in favor of supporting the mixing of races, unlike the evil, racist Anglos" is this really true? I generally hear this a lot from pro-miscegenation people, and especially when they are trad.
Did the Catholic Church really encourage race mixing?

Ps: any anti-Spain spam or "Iberians are Moors dude" will be ignored. go to /int/
2 media | 11 replies
Are sex crimes the most inexcusable type of crimes?
burn him
You can excuse robbery that they are desperate to live and need food or money. You can excuse drug users that they use it as a mental cope and are usually not directly harming anyone else but themselves. Arsonry, well, consider it a form of renovation. Even murder is more understandable as a means to self-defense or just eliminating the vermin of society.

But what even is an excuse to commit sexual assault or rape? Like, go jerk off to hentai or something. Or go purchase some services. Or just ask someone out who's a legal adult. Or go no fap or stay a virgin in your mother's basement for the rest of your life. Sex crimes are all about satisfying the user in the expence of traumatizing the target. There are many ways to desire yourself without harming someone else, yet it still remains as the most excused or doubted crime; we don't nearly worry about false accusations of other crimes as much.
14 media | 50 replies
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Lowering the flag on the sinking IJN Zuikaku
Historical photos that go hard
87 media | 146 replies
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What's your favorite El Greco painting, /his/?

I'm in constant awe of this one, it feels so modern and dynamic, and it was painted in 1609 or so.

It has, excuse the cringe, a JoJo feel to it.
4 media | 5 replies
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>specimens like this are the reason why your local church has next to no people under 60
2 media | 7 replies
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The industrial revolution began in earnest around 1800 or so, but how much did productivity advance before then? How much more work could a man from 1700 do than a man from 1400, 1100, 800, for example?
1 media | 2 replies
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How were Muslims okay with this shit
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fairy tale
There are grown adults on this board right now that think this is really going to happen.

Pfffffffffffffffftttttt Hahahahahahaha
3 media | 36 replies
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Janny, you killed this board
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>The 16th Street Baptist Church bombing was a terrorist bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama on September 15, 1963. The bombing was committed by a white supremacist terrorist group.[1][2][3] Four members of a local Ku Klux Klan (KKK) chapter planted 19 sticks of dynamite attached to a timing device beneath the steps located on the east side of the church.[4]
>Described by Martin Luther King Jr. as "one of the most vicious and tragic crimes ever perpetrated against humanity,"[5] the explosion at the church killed four girls and injured between 14 and 22 other people.
0 media | 1 replies
De Gaulle and Churchill
>In January Churchill told a colleague that he believed that de Gaulle was "a great danger to peace and for Great Britain. After five years of experience, I am convinced that he is the worst enemy of France in her troubles ... he is one of the greatest dangers to European peace. ... I am sure that in the long run no understanding will be reached with General de Gaulle".
Who was in the wrong?
0 media | 0 replies
Did Jesus exist? There's room for doubt.
>wrote nothing down
>nobody who met him wrote anything down
>nobody in his lifetime wrote anything down
>nobody from the place he allegedly lived wrote anything down
>nobody wrote anything down in his language
>nobody who wrote anything down named their source
>not a single verifiable source traces back to this alleged person
3 media | 25 replies
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Just got my new book. Thanks for the rec!
0 media | 0 replies
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Bashkirs = Scythians
>A full genome study by Triska et al. 2017 found that the Bashkir genepool is best described as a multi-layered amalgamation of Turkic, Uralic, and Indo-European contributions. They further argue that "this disparity between cultural and genetic affinities of Tatar and Bashkir can be attributed to a phenomenon of cultural dominance: the population ancestral to Bashkir adopted the Turkic language during Turkic expansion from the east (language replacement event)".
>A genetic analysis on genetic data of Hun, Avar and Magyar conqueror samples by Maroti et al. 2022, revealed high genetic affinity between Magyar conquerors and modern day Bashkirs. They can be modeled as ~50% Mansi-like, ~35% Sarmatian-like, and ~15% Hun/Xiongnu-like. The admixture event is suggested to have taken place in the Southern Ural region at 643–431 BC
1 media | 7 replies
>aesthetically pleasing and historically coherent architecture that matches the rest of the city? That's LE FASCISM
>Instead, we need to build fugly buildings that look like cheap industrial factory complexes because that matches the times we're living in CHUD
Why is this allowed?
9 media | 58 replies
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So until the advent of Christianity no one criticized slavery, let alone undermine it??? Why were pagans so evil?
2 media | 24 replies
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I’m going to post this every day until you remember it
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red man
Thank God these shitty people and their weak genes got BTFO by smallpox.
0 media | 2 replies
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>Go from a few thousand to 20 million in less than 100 years

>Most widely distributed magazine in the world

>Website is the most translated in the world

>Won so much court cases that they forced the US government to change their constitution

>Spread in muslim countries despite being persecuted

How did they do it
0 media | 6 replies
Only if you know how based things really are
0 media | 0 replies
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images (7)
Historical brothers?
2 media | 9 replies
Metatron sold out
Metatron promotes BetterHelp scam
Why do so many history youtubers promote a blatant and proven scam? Why can't they perform a single google search? Are they just blatantly immoral? HistoryMarche promotes this shit too.
Metatron was one of my favorites. This is so fucking disappointing.
3 media | 54 replies
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Is it a sin to practice martial arts and join the military according to the new testament?
1 media | 8 replies
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>Be human in the year 5000 BC
>Have absolutely no concept of microrganisms, literally impossible to imagine or describe the concept because you never discovered it through your five senses
>One day someone introduces the concept of microrganisms to you
>You call bullshit because there is...le no evidence
>Person describes that absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence
>You still say "nO EvIDenCE" like an NPC
>Person says if you believe that then prove that it doesn't exist
>You say it's impossible to prove that something doesn't exist because...IT JUST IS OKAY??
>Person then says "Okay, can you prove that three arms don't exist on you?"
>npc brain malfunctions
Scenario 2
>Be human
>Believe in unicorns
>One day non-unicorn believer says you believe in a lie
>You say "Prove that unicorns don't exist"
>Proceed to show the history of the unicorn belief and how if you look everywhere in the universe you will never find a unicorn
>Unicorn believer seethes

TLDR; You can prove something exists or doesn't exist, but sometimes humanity is too retarded to do either, take the agnostic pill.
3 media | 25 replies
Why didn't the nazis use the "vacation camps" defence?
jewish hilday camp
Neonazis insist that the extermination camps were actually just holiday resorts the nazis built for Jews. If that's the case why did no nazi after the war try to defend himself by saying they were holiday camps? Why didn't the nazis on trial at Neuremburg just say "Oh, that? Just holiday resorts bro. With swimming pools and shit." Why did no former nazi including the many nazis who were set free, or imprisoned then freed, say they were just vacation resorts?
0 media | 2 replies
Thinking about stopping going to work.
I've been working there for years now but I think it might be time to stop soon. It just doesn't do it for me anymore, it's not really helping me in any way. I don't get any benefits, hasn't helped me with women, or with meeting new people and it's barely enough money at the end of the month. I'm not getting any joy out of it anymore like I used to. It also eats up too much of my time.

So yeah after waging for many years, on and off I admit, it might be time to finally call it quits and move on with my life, so my new years resolution was to quit work and just fuck everything. I won't be paying any more bills, taxes, utilities, fines, groceries or any other financial obligations. Just not going to participate anymore that's all.
1 media | 7 replies
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So why is making money bad, according to leftist tenets?
2 media | 35 replies
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>arabic national song:

>shiite jihadi song:

>sunni jihadi song:

this is a small sample why religion is what matter and nationalis is but a cope
2 media | 9 replies
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A guy called @useless.sissy just tried to convert me to salafism on instagram
0 media | 6 replies
Religiosity inversely correlates with IQ.
Religiosity inversely correlates with IQ, and the earlier a child begins to disbelieve in god the higher their IQ.

I find that hilarious because it means if there was a god designing people then he purposely designed his own followers to be less intelligent.
2 media | 23 replies
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Matthew 5:48
Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

Evangelical preachers: Nooo!!! It's impossible to be perfect and no one will ever be perfect other than Christ!

I think I'll believe the word of God over the words of men.
1 media | 1 replies
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I've got some audible credits. Is there anything /his/ approved on there?
2 media | 23 replies
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Was he really just a metaphor for humanity?
Or was he historical in some way?
Based on something?
It can't be just fake right?
The text writes him and her as persons implying they existed.
What's the 2024/present consensus?
0 media | 4 replies
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I think Jehovah's Witnesses are the true religion
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The only meaningful difference between national socialism and soviet communism, is that it emphasizes racial identity instead of class identity. It resulted in the exact same police state and the same cult of personality.
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Why are the Shia supported by westerners when they do all the things westerners hate about Islam?
The Shia are the ones pumping out legions of babies in Europe. Their mut'ah marriages produce a much higher birth-rate than Sunnis do. Check out any of the Shia marches going through London and look how many babies in strollers there are per woman.

All of a sudden your complaints about them "taking over and outbreeding the natives" are non-existent. A march of Sunni Hamas supporters barreling through London or Paris will soon see you resurrecting the "Great Replacement" rhetoric though.

The Shia permit taqiyya which you always go on and on and on about. "You're just lying mate to conceal the truth about Islam, it's taqiyya yeah". And yet Shia have taqiyya as an article of faith. It has nothing to do with Sunni's.

We also know the Shia introduced bombings into Islam. Your complaints about "Muhammadans blowing up trains and planes" all stem from the fact the Shia introduced suicide bombing. The Shia permit child marriage and relationships with children. They allow beastiality and on and on, we could go on all day here.

But you go quiet about this and try to pin it on Sunnis. Not only that you actively support the Shia in implementing such practices in European countries.

If pic related had been said by a Sunni figure you'd be spamming it across every board and every social media platform and using it against all Sunnis, just like you use grooming gangs (many of whom are Paki Shia as well) against Sunnis.
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Truth about pearl harbor
The truth about pearl harbor has been hidden for a long time.
There's not many who knew it was the Zionist Jews of America who blinded the americans of pearl harbor to destroy the japanese people who attacked it.
the Same Jews who falseflagged October 7 by allowing the arabs to attack scott free.
2 media | 25 replies