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Board: /his/

"/his/ - History & Humanities" is 4chan's board for discussing and debating history.

Welcome to /his/ - History & Humanities
This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.
0 media | 0 replies
No title
>the bible is the word of god
>half of paul's epistles are forgeries
24 media | 75 replies
Evangelical Christianity Is the Wal-Mart Religion
I’ve said this before, but the reason Evangelicalism is so popular is because it’s the easiest religion ever created. It demands nothing of you.
>Baptism is optional
>Tithing is optional
>Eating bacon is fine
>Even showing up to church is optional
Literally zero actual requirements to get to heaven. Just say, “I believe,” and collect your train ticket to heaven. Simple, quick, convenient. The McDonald’s of religions. Consumerism America needed to created a religion, and this is what they came up with. Maybe some prosperity gospel to sprinkle on top.

In fact, the only thing Evangelicals seem to care about is Evangelizing, which means it’s literally just a Pyramid Scheme. Evangelicals will even go on “mission trips” to Catholic countries like Italy to convert them to “real Christianity.”

Personally, I don’t care, because any religion with less stupid laws sounds good to me. But it’s just kinda funny how Evangelicals act all “holier than thou,” when their religion literally entails nothing.

Christianity went corporate, and this is what remains.
3 media | 50 replies
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>Hear O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.
>In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
>There is no god but God, and Muhammad is his messenger.

Which Abrahamic religion has the best motto?
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China is done
Their economy is already on the brink of a deflationary death spiral and economical collapse, and Trump is coming in a handful of days to fuck their fake economy even more with tariffs and sanctions. It's so so over. China might collapse literally any day now, once Trump takes office. They are so finished. Their real estate market is dead and now their export market is killed. Add sanctions and bans on top of that. Complete failed state status coming soon. It's so completely over. They will be eating other like they always end up doing in a matter of months over there.
0 media | 5 replies
holy roman empire hate thread
>not roman
>founded by barbarians
>artistically and scientifically bankrupt
>pathetically emulates rome because otherwise nobody would know about it
>massive genocide wars within its own borders
>destroyed by based napolean
anything else? i really hate the holy roman empire
0 media | 5 replies
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If you were East Asian or brown (Mexican, Indian, Arab, etc.) what fountain were you supposed to use?
2 media | 13 replies
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the one who rides the clouds
I think I will honor Ba'al, the original God king from the near east, instead.
0 media | 12 replies
No title
>Unmarried women can't have sex
>Men can't have sex with other men
>Humans can't have sex with animals
>Sons can't have sex with their own mothers
>Sex between adult men and underaged girls? I have absolutely nothing to say on that subject
0 media | 10 replies
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Why did they do it?
1 media | 7 replies
Should Neopagans primarily embrace Roman or Hellenistic values?
The obvious superiority of Pagan value systems over Judaic Christian morality lies in its exaltation of boldness and pride. To quote Nietzsche, “Egoism is the very essence of a noble soul.”
>Christianity teaches us to beg and plead, asking and hoping for our wishes to be granted by a cruel and miserly Jewish God whom we must submissively thank with gratitude like pathetic cuckolds even if he punishes us in return for our prayer by killing our entire family in a fire
>Paganism instead emphasises concepts like magic, sorcery and divination, placing the power in the hands of the Pagan, allowing him to manifest his individual Will, allowing him agency. Whether by magic or by kinetic force, he manifests what he wants and takes it without asking or apologising
A Hellenistic focus may emphasise values like achievement in the arts and intellectual fields as a pursuit of ideal human excellence. A Roman Neopagan cultural revival on the other hand may consist of a more militaristic, warlike, competitive and aggressively ambitious culture. What do you think? (Asking for the opinions of real people only, not christcucks)
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A hardened knight, having fought battles a hundred times over on horse in on horse lance and trusted knightly sword, and having taken a pilgrimage to attend mass in Rome, has found cause to challenge a local nobleman to a duel. In response, the nobleman requests a duel with blades only and no armor, to first blood. He also calls upon an ally to fight in his stead. The man is said to be a fighter from Florence, and wields a thin and long blade he has never seen before, and is he holding his cloak in his other hand?

Who is likely to win such a fight
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hq720 (4)
>saves the christian world
>was the peak of civilization and culture for 1000 years
>westerners today shit on it
Literally why
3 media | 25 replies
What does /his/ think about it? Is it a reliable take on the Iranian revolution?
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Why do they make Slavshits and Nordcucks so butthurt?
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Why did the Austrians insist on ceding Lombardy and Veneto to France so they could immediately cede it to Italy, rather than just ceding the land directly to Italy? Kind of a sore loser move no?
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He did nothing wrong.

>b-but he-

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>“I know the resurrection is a fact, and Watergate proved it to me. How? Because 12 men testified they had seen Jesus raised from the dead, then they proclaimed that truth for 40 years, never once denying it. Every one was beaten, tortured, stoned and put in prison. They would not have endured that if it weren't true. Watergate embroiled 12 of the most powerful men in the world-and they couldn't keep a lie for three weeks. You're telling me 12 apostles could keep a lie for 40 years? Absolutely impossible.”
What say you, /his/?
0 media | 14 replies
How did African religions have so much success in the Americas?
How exactly did Yoruba religions gain adherents and relative influence in virtually every new world? It seems strange to me how absolutist Catholic nations somehow prevented or ignored the spread of religions that emerged with the African diaspora in very different places, from Louisiana to Brazil. Clearly, this paganism is syncretized with Christianity for obvious reasons.
Did the Iberians just say fuck it? I was told that the conversion was very important, how could one commit such a mistake?
here in Portugal we have problems with some zucas who bring these things and pollute the streets.
0 media | 29 replies
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What's the relationship between libertarians and the Confederacy?
9 media | 59 replies
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Why did the war of 1812 occur despite the American Revolutionary War coming to an end in 1783?
2 media | 22 replies
What are the ethnic differences between all these groups of people?
Obviously it's a long list but there are a lot of experts in this stuff on /his/. Can someone just briefly explain which of these people are related to each other or are they all distinct and hate each other?

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sky jew
The decline of religion is inevitable as our knowledge of how the universe works progresses beyond that of a bronze-age peasant.

I mean, the people who wrote the bible literally say god lives in the sky.
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Asha Logos' hypothesis on the Scythians?
Has anyone watched this guy's latest video?

He makes the case that the people referred to as "Scythians" in ancient sources weren't just haphazardly confused with one another, but were called that way because they formed part of an Indo-European continuity and were recognised as such (by themselves and by outsiders). Jordanes, for example, didn't identify the Goths with the Scythians out of confusion or an attempt at chasing prestige, but because there was an ancestral bond the Goths were conscious of.

Can any autists with more knowledge on the subject comment?
63 media | 273 replies
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Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Mexicorum
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You give your child a bowl of vegetables and say this to them.
>If you don't eat your vegetables, you won't get any dessert.
Your child eats their vegetables and then asks for dessert. You refuse to give them dessert. Your child then throws a tantrum and accuses you of lying. Which logical fallacy is the child committing?

This is an example of how a sentence can have a meaning colloquially which is actually logically incorrect. Post more examples of this.
0 media | 8 replies
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*rejected german peace overtures*
*allied with the bolsheviks, did their best to save the bolshies' totalitarian hellhole*
*firebombed german cities, killed hundreds of thousands of german kids; tortured german pow's*
*the brittish public cheered for every german city that was razed and every kid they managed to burn alive*
33 media | 287 replies
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Why did Hitler build holiday camps for Jews so they could frolic around the swimming pool while sending millions of German men to freeze to death on the Eastern Front?
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on christ and retarded athiesm
you have no way of measuring or perceiving all of the work it took to make it possible for you to be where you are right now. you have no way of being self-determined while simultaneously being influenced consistently enough to make the determinism of god self-evident.

christ teaches is that considerateness for others is noble. he teaches us is that the things anyone is willing to do are not really moral and if you think christ was directing us to act selflessly to the degree Christianity espouses, you have fallen into the trap of the wide road. Christ was demonstrating your utter insufficiency to prove necessity of grace.

christianity does not offer the promise of eternal peace. it promises reconciliation to make up for the suffering we must endure in this world. it speaks nothing of things to come in the next, only the glory of god and the sweetness of an interregnum unbound by the rules of this life, and freedom from the ultimate consequences of those rules. Darwinism is a weak way to say that this life sucks and this world sucks and everything here is cruelty and piss. This existence is inherently cursed.

christianity offers the premise that power we cannot fathom, if we become subject to it and trusting in it, will guide us and enable us. transparently, without any apparent motive force, miraculous force, not like a genie, but in order to glorify god and enable the manifestation of the will of god, which is for the fulfilment of his creation.

That we are created, not evolved, is proven in two ways- firstly that the conditions needed for protein creation and liposome assembly are chemically incompatible without enzymic systems, which are sophisticated enough they must in turn be produced by ribosome synthesis, making abiogenesis a juggling act only a time traveler could accomplish. secondly that the singularity espoused by the big bang theory entails a singularity which requires an observer to collapse its wave state. What observer?
2 media | 16 replies
How badly has the Kennis brothers' reconstruction aged?
Cheddar Man WHG
Since 2018, we have other types of evidence about the appearance of European hunter-gatherers such as Cheddar Man.
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Jesus act of cleansing the temple of money changers feels weirdly undermentioned considering it’s the primary reason historians believe he was arrested and condemned to death less than a week later
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sick fuck
If God created Hell and is ready to send his children there for eternity for disobeying him, then God is evil. It's really that simple. No matter who you are or what your transgression is, no one deserves infinite torture until the end of time. But here's God ready and willing to dish out this fate to MOST PEOPLE
3 media | 12 replies
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Why are matrilineal populations never found in Europe? Is it because of male supremacy ideology found innately in the Caucasian race?
2 media | 12 replies
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>one of the first African countries to be Christian
>didn't get colonized
Based department?
2 media | 6 replies
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Indo-European vs Semitic 001 1 of 1
Now the dust has settled.

How do Nazies and Jews feel?,
that it has been proven that Slavs are the most closely related to the ancient Aryans, especially the Lithuanians,
and that Arabs are the most closely related to the ancient Semites, particularly the Hejazi Arabs.
5 media | 10 replies
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Is this true?
4 media | 15 replies
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Is it fair to consider Communism a dead ideology post 1991?
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Why does Galicia have more “North African” admixture than southern Spain even though the former was occupied the least, and the latter was occupied the most by Al Andalus?
So Al Andalus is not responsible for the “North African” component in Spaniards?
Ive heard about it being from the Neolithic and Roman Era, so how much is it from each era?
Is it true that they are 11% North African, and 5% of that is Iberomaurusian from the Neolithic?
8 media | 30 replies
BPM (black power movement)
You guys ever have any experience with them? I empathize with the fact that the African American is in fact the current Israelites as they are undergoing their own exodus story but they seem to take it crazy with the Yakub shit and I’m wondering if their is any sane denominations of PBM? We had a local bpm fight club in the region I fight mma and we almost started a full on brawl after one of my fights because they kept calling me a “yaruga” or white devil and I spoke about it. They have pretty much died out after that event but I see the benefit the Nation of Islam can have on the black community so I’m wondering if there is a viable line of thought from their ideology or is it all just paganistic monotheism? And if so how do you think we replace the NOI with Christianity as the rehabilitative faith for African Americans within the prison system?
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Why did some countries evolve decentralized police and others centralized?
America seems to have police for everything. Park rangers. Dea. Fbi. Marshall's. Sheriffs. City police. State police. Then there are countries like Finland where there is 1 police. The national police of Finland. Then there are weirdos like Spain. They have 3 but there are 2 big ones that do most of the policing. The polocia national whcih policies the cities. And there militarized police that police the rural areas. Why did cops evovle so differently eve though they perform the same function. To catch criminals. To keep the current government in charge.
2 media | 3 replies
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Raped by Turks
Raped Turks

I think we know who wins.
0 media | 6 replies
The Historical Impact of Indo-European (Yamnaya) and Semitic Migrations
The migrations of the Indo-European (Yamnaya) and Semitic peoples are among the most significant movements in human history. These ancient migrations shaped civilizations, cultures, and languages across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Let’s dive into their fascinating history.

>Who Were the Yamnaya?
The Yamnaya were a nomadic culture (~3500–2500 BCE) originating in the Pontic-Caspian steppe (modern Ukraine/Russia). Known for their horse-drawn wagons and pastoral economy, they spread across vast territories, bringing the Proto-Indo-European language.

>Indo-European Spread:
The Yamnaya migrations occurred in waves:

* Europe: They reached central and western Europe, mixing with Neolithic farmers to form the Corded Ware and Bell Beaker cultures.

* Asia: The Indo-Europeans moved into Central Asia, South Asia, and even Anatolia, giving rise to the Hittites, Aryans, and others.

Their legacy is seen in modern languages like English, Greek, Sanskrit, and Persian.

>Semitic Peoples:
The Semitic peoples emerged from the Arabian Peninsula and the Levant (~3000 BCE). Early Semitic-speaking cultures include the Akkadians, who founded one of the first empires in Mesopotamia, followed by the Babylonians, Assyrians, and Phoenicians.

>Semitic Migration and Influence:

* Mesopotamia: The Akkadians blended with Sumerians to form a cultural and linguistic powerhouse.

* The Levant: Phoenicians spread Semitic languages and culture via maritime trade, influencing the Mediterranean.

* Arab Expansion: Later migrations brought Arabs out of the peninsula, spreading Islam and the Arabic language from Spain to Indonesia.
6 media | 12 replies
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He sounds real bad bros...
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5.5 - Copy
To this day the Eastern Orthodox can't present a definitive answer to the issue of contraception, they simply don't know what to do.
They also allow divorce and remarriage, something Jesus himself condemned in the Bible. They came up with the wonderful idea of allowing divorce "only three times"... what is even that?
They can't agree on whether former Catholics need to be baptized again if they convert to Eastern Orthodoxy. Or even fellow eastern orthodox (with the ROCOR, Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia being most strict about this).

Also, I do not like that the EO act like they're a solid block. Hard from it, they are a collection of national churches always disagreeing with one another, which is more accentuated now with the recent separation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. There are many things they have no idea how to handle because they lack a definitive authority that has the capacity to decide for all of them.
Jesus said "I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. " not "You are Peter the pebble, you are just a figurehead with no real power. But sometimes you can attempt to call a meeting that always fails because your flock is full of bickering nationalists."
0 media | 2 replies
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>uh hey Hitler, I know it's the end of the war but can you please try to genocide the jooz in Palestine please
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What would the smart play for Bulgaria have been in the immediate aftermath of the First Balkan War?
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Russian tomboy makeup
>The Russian Famine Relief Act of 1921 was formed by the United States Congress on February 24, 1919, with a budget of 100 million dollars ($1,757,000,000 in 2025). Its budget was boosted by private donations, which resulted in another 100 million dollars. In the immediate aftermath of the war, the program delivered more than four million tons of relief supplies to 23 war-torn European countries. Between 1919 and 1921, Arthur Cuming Ringland was chief of mission in Europe.[1] ARA ended its operations outside Russia in 1922; it operated in Russia until 1923.

>Under Herbert Hoover, very large scale food relief was distributed to Europe after the war through the American Relief Administration. In 1921, to ease the devastating famine in the Russian SFSR the ARA's director in Europe, Walter Lyman Brown, began negotiating with the Russian People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Maxim Litvinov, in Riga, Latvia (at that time not yet annexed by the USSR). An agreement was reached on August 21, 1921, and an additional implementation agreement was signed by Brown and People's Commissar for Foreign Trade Leonid Krasin on December 30, 1921. The U.S. Congress appropriated $20,000,000 for relief under the Russian Famine Relief Act of late 1921. Hoover strongly detested Bolshevism, and felt the American aid would demonstrate the superiority of Western capitalism and thus help contain the spread of communism.[2][3]

>The ARA's operations in Russia were shut down on June 15, 1923, after it was discovered that Russia under Lenin had renewed the export of grain.[6] The act is estimated to have saved the lives of as many as 10 million Russians from certain death.
3 media | 19 replies
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/his/, talk to me about elves. What is the oldest mythological version of them on record? What did they originally signify? What scholars talk about them? What did Jung think about them? Was Tolkien's elves accurate to pagan lore?
37 media | 202 replies
Hitler's Favourite Song
Is there any proof that Hitler and maybe Eva Braun had this as their favourite song?
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Let's be real, Jesus didn't cheat death otherwise he'd still be here.
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What parts of Asia did the Japanese Empire plan to colonize and make core Japan, and which parts did they merely want as puppet states?
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>the west started the cold war. The ussr imposing its form of government onto eastern europe was a response to western actions
Do retards really believe this crap?
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The issue with discussing contradictions in the Bible is that apologists will set the bar at "possible" interpretations rather than "probable" ones.

For example with Judas Iscariot's death, it's not logically impossible that Judas could have hung himself on a tree, then a gust of wind came and broke the branch and threw him headlong, then he hit his stomach on a sharp rock which made his intensities spill, AND that the author of Acts decided to not mention he hung himself for some reason, AND that the author of Acts decided to say Judas bought the field instead of specifying it was the Pharisees who bought it with his money, AND that the two authors give different reasons for why it's called "the Field of Blood", OR... they contradict.

Have any Christians addressed this?
0 media | 20 replies
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What the FUCK was his problem???
1 media | 9 replies
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Better a Wolf of Odin than a lamb of "god".
4 media | 13 replies
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>Muslims conquers Iberia on an exceptionally fast timeframe, they just kicked on the door and the whole rotten structure fell down
>Christians spend over 700 years reconquering everything, long after their conquerors had been extinguished and even then they wanted to extend that "reconquering" towards Morocco but kept failing
Is the latter supposed to be more impressive than the former?
5 media | 50 replies
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jew zombies
Did Jesus cause a bunch of jew zombies to rise up from the ground then walk around Jerusalem shooting the shit with people?
0 media | 2 replies
Do neanderthals and denisovans disprove religion?
I've been recently fascinated reading about our 200,000 year history as homo sapiens, I don't know if it's me but wouldn't it be nice to have known that 40k years ago we met literal aliens who we could interbreed with, we bred with them for about 6000 years before they went extinct, no religion anywhere on the planet ever brings up anything in a past of how our species mated with other beings different but similar to us.
2 media | 5 replies
No title
Of the Great Powers of the early 1900s, Austria-Hungary had
>The lowest population
>The weakest economy
>The second smallest size
>The smallest military
By what metric was this actually a power comparable to any of the others, besides maybe Italy?
0 media | 12 replies
No title
Why were the greeks obsessed with black people?

In the oldest greek text the iliad, ethiopia is implicitly shown as a blissful foreign land where the gods go on vacation often. The now-lost sequel of the iliad focuses on an army of superhuman african warriors coming to help the trojans and almost destroying the entire greek army. Centuries later herodotus describes ethiopians as the tallest, healthiest and strongest people on the earth, while trashing the babylonians in the same book.

Why were ancient europeans fascinated with africans?
1 media | 4 replies
No title
>Saves Europe from Globo-Romo
>Saves Europe from Papist tyranny
>Saves Europe from Polish tyranny
>Saves Europe from bourgeoise tyranny
>Saves Europe from Polish tyranny (again)
Glad to be of service.
0 media | 1 replies
No title
Christ is born in 6 BC.
Christ resurrects in 27 AD.
A thousand years pass.
Christ begins his thousand-year reign in 1027 AD.
His reign will end in late 2026 and the tribulation will start.
The second half of the tribulation will start in 2030. The Great Reset.
Christ will return to us in 2033 AD.
0 media | 1 replies
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Question for Christian anons. How should tithes and alms be paid? What percentage of income should they be?
1 media | 11 replies
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Honestly, if I had to pick one dude to blame for the Russian Revolution, it’s gotta be Lenin. If the tsar’s goons had just offed him when they had the chance, none of this garbage would have gone down. Just saying.
1 media | 2 replies
No title
Was feminism the best thing that ever happened for men? Earlier the situation was
>be forced to fight in wars or be warrior in most cultures
>have to take care of whole family yourself
>be raped, no legal recourse as man
>boat sinks, women saved first

Feminism solved issues like these. I can't think of any ways how feminism harmed men
0 media | 22 replies
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Was there a single contemporary Englisher general who could have bested Pál Kinizsi either in a battle or a duel? This nigga dual wielded great swords and never lost a battle. I’m personally of the opinion that he could have easily slaughtered any Englisher who was foolish enough to get in his way.
1 media | 3 replies
Objective philosophy tier list
>de Maistre
4 media | 24 replies
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Wait... What?
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Daily reminder that Germany had no chance of winning WW2. All fantasies about a world run by the Axis are just that, fantasies. The Axis struggle was a last ditch attempt to save the world from the tyranny of international finance. Yet sadly they did not triumph.
2 media | 26 replies
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>language isolate
Give me a fucking break. What's the real story here?
1 media | 14 replies
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>BTFOs Japanese
>BTFOs landlords
>BTFOs Americans
>BTFOs revisionists
>BTFOs Indians
>BTFOs Russians
>BTFOs bureaucrats
>BTFOs imperialism
0 media | 6 replies
No title
>genetic engineering and gene splicing
>universally considered "le bad" and outlawed everywhere, easily
>existentially dangerous AI and putting chips in people brains
>considered "le good" universally, unregulated everywhere.

I don't get modern agnostishit morality.
1 media | 32 replies
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why is stoicism so popular nowadays?
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What is the philosophical term for a person who makes controversial claims solely to provoke debate, rather than out of genuine belief? This behavior is often observed in individuals who make racist comments merely to appear edgy, rather than from a deep commitment to racist ideology. Have such individuals existed in the past? What psychological mechanisms drive this behavior, and are such people needed in society?
0 media | 2 replies
Is this historically accurate?
>And what of the classic image of a witch wearing a pointy hat, brewing in a cauldron, with a black cat, and a flying broomstick? Historians believe this image actually emerged in the 15th and 16th centuries as a smear campaign against women who had, until then, dominated the beer-brewing industry:

>Since ancient times, it was women who made and sold beer. During the Protestant Reformation in Europe, this was discouraged and women were expected to stay home, while men should engage in business and go out to the marketplace. Women who brewed beer were depicted as witches, their cauldrons holding poisons and potions instead of beer. In those days, beer-brewing women did indeed have cats with them, to keep rats and mice from eating their grains, and they did wear long, pointy hats to be more visible in the marketplace. The broomstick, too, probably came out of a need to always sweep the dust and grain chaff in their breweries. Thus, its only in recent centuries that the image of a typical female beer-brewer—with cauldron, broomstick, cat, and pointy hat—turned into the image of a typical witch!
7 media | 13 replies
*executes the most learned classes of society*
What the FUCK was their problem? Was the French aristocracy really that rotten as a whole or was this just peasants jealously chimping out?
Not even baiting, I don't know enough about the Revolution to bait like that.
4 media | 30 replies
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From a historical point of view as a European NeoPagan I feel far closer to my Aryan brothers in Indian than the Abrahamist mystery meat mutts in America.
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True communism has never been tried.
3 media | 21 replies
French be like
>We are a 17.000.000 inhabitants nation fighting a 2.5 million inhabitants island, and yet we REALLY need foreign aid
they still lost the battle
7 media | 80 replies
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>Destroys your 500-year-old empire for gibs
Nothing personal bro
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>Then, forming a league with Antony and Lepidus, he finished the war of Philippi also in two battles, although weakened by illness, being driven from his camp in the first battle and barely making his escape by fleeing to Antony's division. He did not use his victory with moderation, but after sending Brutus's head to Rome, to be cast at the feet of Caesar's statue, he vented his spleen upon the most distinguished of his captives, not even sparing them insulting language. 2 For instance, to one man who begged humbly for burial, he is said to have replied: "The birds will soon settle that question." When two others, father and son, begged for their lives, he is said to have bidden them cast lots or play mora,12 to decide which should be spared, and then to have looked on while both died, since the father was executed because he offered to die for his son, and the latter thereupon took his own life. Because of this the rest, including Marcus Favonius, the well-known imitator of Cato, saluted Antony respectfully as Imperator,13 when they were led out in chains, but lashed Augustus to his face with the foulest abuse.*.html
0 media | 1 replies
I never knew volcanos were known to Europeans.
What I mean by that is, I always thought volcanos in Europe were always just ash and gas’s and never lava.

I always associated lava with shield volcanos like in Hawaii and shit.

Anyone else?
1 media | 2 replies
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>there is a tree
>nobody exists to call it a tree
>is it a tree?
0 media | 10 replies
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what are some of the weirdest overlaps/intersection in interests between seemingly two opposing figures that have happened throughout history in your opinion? don't write meme answers like Marxists and muslims please.
3 media | 7 replies
Noble Tastes
Were the nobility of medieval times elitist/preoccupied with their tastes in consumer goods like wine, cheese, cuisine in general, or did that sort of thing only come about after the arrival of the bourgeoise class?

Obviously at some point they either did or retroactively incorporated such status symbols into their own class after merchants//capitalists etc showed up, kings in the 1800s has such tastes, but I mean prior to their arrival, was this sort of thing - a thing?
0 media | 1 replies
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>Napoleon? Yep that guy was evil incarnate
>Melvyn: I never understood why people like him
>British Guest: Same here
Lmao why are Anglos like this?
0 media | 8 replies
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Did the Victorians invent waifufagging?
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The cross is an idol. Jesus is an idol. Muhammad is an idol. The Kaaba is an idol. The Jewish Moshiach is an idol. The third temple is an idol.
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In North Carolina v. Alford (1970) the Supreme Court ruled that there are no constitutional barriers to bar a judge from accepting a guilty plea from a defendant who wants to plead guilty, while still protesting his innocence, under duress, as a detainee status. The plaintiff was a 53 year old African-American man named Henry Alford, who resided in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and had been convicted of murder and armed robbery. On November 22, 1963, while the nation's attention was drawn to a different, more high profile homicide case, Alford and a white female rented a room together at a "party house" in town and got into a fight with Nathaniel Young, its black proprietor. Young was killed that evening with a shotgun blast. Although Alford had not actually been seen shooting him, he was charged with 1st degree murder and the state argued that there was ample circumstantial evidence to prove his guilt. Further, Alford had a lengthy criminal history including a prior murder conviction. His public defender believed he didn't stand much chance of acquittal, so he urged him to plead guilty to 2nd degree murder.

Alford did just that, but insisted it was only to avoid the death penalty and he was innocent of the crime he was being accused of. He was sentenced to up to 30 years in prison and immediately appealed on the grounds that his 5th Amendment rights had been violated. The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the plea was involuntary and obtained under duress, and the court should have rejected the guilty plea.
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atheist theocracy
USSR wasnt just atheist, it was literally an atheist theocracy

they had their own state-sponsored religion: MARXISM
marxism = communism = worship of the proletariat
lenin/stalin = high priests, enforcing dogma and purging heretics
gulags = inquisitorial torture chambers for thoughtcrime
marxist ideology = holy scripture, unquestionable and infallible
soviets = church of marx, collecting tithes (taxes) and spreading the gospel (propaganda)

This is what americans actually believed in 50s.
4 media | 14 replies
[ UNI ] Napoleonic Wars: France and her allies
New Year's hangover finally over, back to posting.

This is a thread for uniformology,heraldics,vexillology and phaleristics of the French Army and their allies during Napoleonic Wars. You can post weapons of those armies here as well.

Post your favourite regiments,their banners and etc.
As again, if you need any uniformology magazines found, the people in this thread are here to help.
94 media | 132 replies
Hitler's inspiration from America?
Was Hitler really inspired by America's westward expansion, manifest destiny and Indian removal? He even supposedly said:
>"The Volga must be our Mississippi."
But this doesn't make any sense?
America practiced settler colonialism and drove the native inhabitants to almost extinction, when Hitler wanted liberation and independence for people under the Judeo-Bolshevik yoke?
These seem contradictory.
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Who was the authentic King Arthur? How would his lifetime have been?
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>Nicolas Oudinot (WIA)
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Did my guy here really give up being king just so he could marry her? Or was there really some deeper reason? I could maybe understand if she was young and hot, but she was used goods, and also just look at her. Was there any other reason that the powers that be in England at the time would have wanted his brother on the throne instead? I assume 1936 was too early for the nazi stuff to be a concern.
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Aren't Marxist-Leninist societies basically just giant prisons? Sure, everyone might have the same food and shelter, but it's all low quality. And it's provided by a authoritarian force that has supreme control over you and beats you up.
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whyte jesus
So according to the historians here, the original Jews were really white Israelites. Jesus, who was white with blonde hair, said he came only for the lost sheep of Israel (the white Greeks). Paul said salvation came first to the Jews (whites) and then to the Greeks (lost whites) and mentions no other races. And this is why whites are called Saxons, because they are the sons of Isaac, Saac's sons. And Christianity is really about hating brown people (curse of Ham), which go to Hell, and saving whites so they can go to paradise.

Is this true?
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Why was the Soviet Union unable to conquer Finland?
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In 612 Visigothic king Sisebut mandated that every Jew who would refuse for over a year to have himself or his children and servants baptized would be banished from the country and deprived of his possessions.

The Khazars didn't convert to Judaism until he 8th century so who exactly where these Jews according to the far right?
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Who was worse? The Gestapo or The Stasi?
3 media | 48 replies
Christians believe in magic jews.
flying jew
That's no more rational than believing in Santa Claus. Instead of an old man that flies around in the sky on a magic sleigh they believe in a jew that flies around in the sky on a magic cloud.
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>is not me that sends you to hell it is you that by refusing to hear my message and loving sin, loves hell by your own will
I hate this look of Christianity because it makes God look like a manipulator and destroys his mercy.

Is our will and ignorance greater than his mercy and understanding? What a weak god then.
I thought the whole deal about sin is that it's destructive by nature and we humans CAN'T see it on our own, and even if we follow Christ we will still sin because we can't help it. We aren't God so we aren't perfect and we need his guidance.

I hate Christmas that says if you keep sinning, it's because you didn't believe in Christ in the first place. (whatever the fuck sin is because each christian has its own headcanon about God's law)

Yes, we humans are stupid and we don't see a lot of things, we aren't deciding shit, we are ignorant. How does me believing Jesus paid the debt (even my future sins) stop me from sinning, when sin comes from our own limits in this life?
1 media | 12 replies
Hitler Diaries Pt. 2?

>In a world publishing coup, decades after being lost, the discovery of the intimate and horrifying leather-bound journal by the Mail is set to cause a global sensation.
>The handwritten diaries will give never-before-seen insights into Hitler's life as the most evil man in history launched the Second World War.
>Later today MailOnline will begin to showcase these diaries for the first time after more than 80 years, offering a treasure trove to historians.

They're not claiming these are Hitler's diaries, but they do seem to claim that they're by some historically significant figure. So what's going on? Did they really discover the diaries of one of the members of Hitler's inner circle? Someone who apparently spoke English, given that the diary is titled 'Year by Year'? Or is this another case of a British newspaper falling for a forgery, like the Sunday Times did with the 'Hitler Diaries' back in the 1980s?
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Why didn’t Joseph Stalin appoint Georgy Zhukov as his successor? What would the USSR look like under Georgy Zukhov?
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Massachusetts v. Laird (1970) saw the Supreme Court turn down a challenge from the state of Massachusetts that the Vietnam War was being waged unlawfully and unconstitutionally. The defendant in the case was Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird. Massachusetts passed a law stating that none of its residents could be conscripted into the Vietnam conflict on the grounds that Congress had never issued a formal declaration of war.

The Court declined to hear the case in a 6-3 vote for lack of jurisdiction. Justice William O. Douglas dissented. He quoted Massachusetts v. Mellon from 47 years earlier in which the Court had ruled that a state lacked standing to constitutionally challenge a Federal aid program it charged with usurping a power belonging to the states. Douglas went on to say that although a state may act to defend its rights against unconstitutional acts by the Federal government, no such situation arose here. The Mellon case involved an act of Congress whereas here Massachusetts protested the absence of Congressional action. Mellon's companion case, Massachusetts v. Frothingham, had seen the Court rule that a taxpayer could not file suit against a Federal spending bill. The two cases had been decided by the Taft Court which was a strong advocate of substantiative due process, a doctrine the Court had since moved away from. The Court had partially overturned Frothingham in the recent Flast v. Cohen case.
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Why aren't people fascinated by the fact our subspecies had sex with 2 other human species?
I'm an almost 29 year old history major and I like ancient history and a lot of the stuff they had and ideas, but secretly my favorite period in history is when our cognitive modern human subspecies ancestors, sapiens, went out of Africa 50k years ago and met with two other sapient humans, neanderthals and denisovans (there were also Floriensis but they were literal hobbits) of which we coexisted and interbred with for about 6000 years, thats the same amount of time that 6000 years ago today was when writing and recorded history happened in ancient Sumeria, before they were eventually fucked to death and absorbed into our DNA to this day 40 thousand years ago.

It feels like this is the closest that our subspecies has to meeting aliens and that's what fascinates me in a way as we had sex with them.
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marathon runner
so this guy runs 26 miles after the battle of marathon to deliver an important message and dies of exhaustion at the end, just for a bunch of people thousands of years later to do the same thing? seems kind of rude, like everyone's saying "hey I can run as far as you WITHOUT dying", imagine dying while performing a task and a bunch of people mimic you
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images (42)
was she a good wife pre-murder spree?
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>but God-
Let me stop you right there, pal. No such thing exists.
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>In 1947, Stalin was aghast to learn that his daughter had fallen in love with a middle aged Jewish man named Tober. He quickly had the man arrested and jailed as a British spy. Vyacheslav Molotov also had a Jewish wife who attracted Stalin's ire and was imprisoned under similar trumped-up charges (she was quickly freed and reunited with her husband after Stalin's death in 1953). He was said to have exclaimed in exasperation "Why is it that so many of my inner circle marry Jews!?"[3]
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sada suhagin sufi order
What was the life of a Galli "eunuch priest" actually like? I know some accounts say they were gay prostitutes; others say this is slander. I know they didn't work\labor (based), but were itinerant, wandering mendicants ie; beggars (mooching off wagies is based). They flagellated themselves into frenzies in public orgies of bloodshed (this is good; very Metal), and they violated almost all norms of roman manliness social conduct (Punk rockers of ancient world)
what was the daily-life of a Galli of Attis and Cybele, actually like?
>pic semi-related
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This shit is so inaccurate and self-contradictory, why did anyone actually convert to this crap?
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Do ashkenazi have turkic blood according to genetic studies* or not?

* Genetic studies not done by jews
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Which mosque type/style do you prefer? Which would be considered more “western/European”?
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Who killed Jesus? Jews or the Romans? The Pharisees kvetched and demanded his crucifixion and got the ball rolling, but it was the romans who made the call. Maybe it was both? Like the mafia, both the boss and the hitman are guilty.
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Good morning, /his/.
>Be Jews
>Invent the Old Testament, staple of Western literature
>Invent the Ten Commandments, staple of Western law
>The most revered mad in the western world was a priest with Semitic origins
>Contribute to the arts, science, and governance in Europe and white civilization for upwards of two millennia
>Survive being a persecuted group throughout two millennia of persecution
>Survive genocidal conditions under angry Austrian painter
>Super successful despite history of persecution
>Still causes chuds to seethe worldwide
How do Jews do it?
3 media | 16 replies
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>Protestant republican from Nice
>Unites Italy but as a Catholic monarchy that’s forced to cede Nice to France
He won… but at what cost…
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why did breastplates disappear from late antiquity until late medieval times?
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>bombs angolan farmers with nerve gas
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Why hasn't any religion historically accepted homosexuality?

christian: negative
judaism: negative
islam: negative
zoroastarianism: negative
hinduism: no comment
buddhism: negative
tengrism: no comment
other pagan religions: negative or no comment

do cultures just inherently tend towards homophobia, just like patriarchy?
6 media | 28 replies
Ship-of-the-lineChads... our response?
>"These cumbersome vehicles were as convenient as if dinosaurs had survived to be used by cowboys for driving cattle." - Barbara Tuchman
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>Gained the ability trough meditation to do the same thing anti deppresant di without taking them
>Can now do it in instinct
>Removed bad feeling after someone died because feeling bad is disgusting
is this healthy?
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Two weeks more: the ideology
14 media | 73 replies
Egyptian Revivalism
Egypt used to be a huge empire and Pharaohs were deemed Gods with divine rights over everybody. What would be needed for Egypt to become relevant again and to return to its old might? Does Egypt stand a chance for glory in this upcoming century?
11 media | 67 replies
Human Rights are the best invention ever
Despite the issues with the world today, there exists no third world shithole where any ruler can act like the emperors of old with naked slaves building monuments. Even if there may be some forms of slavery, rulers can no longer be overt or overextend themselves for fear of the human rights organizations.
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what did he mean by this?
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lust provoking image, irrelevant time wasting ques
6 KB

>Someone somewhere was killed by a statue dropping in their head
>Could have been intentional or not idk
>Normals started saying that whoever did should come out and apologize despite that resulting in problems
>It has been Months since than so they arent going to find him
Why do normals expect someone should make the illogical decision because its le good one to make?
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How is civilization and history even real? This is the most baffling thing ever for me. We were monkeys in the jungle and then just somehow some of us organized ourselves and a invented nuclear weapons and a means to blow up the world? I mean the few groups of us that managed it have categorized and ordered the world in ways never done before, where does that come from? There was just a magic light switch and we got consciousness? "We started using fire/eating bone marrow/tripping on lsd and our brain size exploded" all of these simple answers are clearly bullshit for such a profound question.
3 media | 23 replies
Would neanderthal and denisovan women had sex with an incel today?
denisovan-woman-hunting-jose-antonio-penasscience-photo-library (1)
Imagine you take a skinny young looking white male incel and put in in paleolithic Europe and Eurasia to encounter neanderthals and denisovans, don't you think their women who would find him cute and kidnapping him and rape him to produce offspring due to homosapiens being more neonatous looking?
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Wait so most africans are not natives, but actually colonizers? And they came to South Africa after Whites?
Seems like this important piece of information is being left out when pointing fingers at Europeans and calling them colonizers and demanding reparations.
3 media | 17 replies
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How did they get away with massacring thousands of Azeris in the aftermath of the Soviet collapse back in 1992 and occupying territory internationally recognized as Azeri?
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Are there any ancient remains that show signs of suicide?
Why is suicide such a modern phenomenon. I’m not talking about rulers like cleopatra or famous people who ended it to avoid being murdered but every day people, say Neolithic or Palaeolithic. I know it’s impossible to say but do you think these people experienced depression? Surely some poor fucker lost his wife and kids and thought fuck it and hung himself but is there any evidence of that?
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How can one person be so vile?
>considers himself a "scholar" and "philosopher" and a learnt man
>follows Cicero and Cato around and acts like a copycat
>loans out a ton of money and asks friends to pay it back for him
>out of pity Caesar invites this pathetic loser to go to Gaul and conquer land with him
>pussies out and doesn't go
>Caesar just completes the entire campaign without him
>Caesar sponsors his election anyway
>he sides with his father's killer over Caesar in the civil war
>pussies out again when he is losing terribyl and runs away and hides
>Caesar STILL sees him as a friend and spares him completely
>divorces his wife to marry a blood relative
>Caesar starts consolidating power and he gets jealous
>easily is pressured by Cassuis and others into the assassination plan
>makes a massive conspiracy and different plans to kill the dude who only showed him mercy
>stabs the fuck out of him at the senate in the name of "justice" and "against tyranny"
>cheers out in the streets of Rome but the plebeians hate him and burn the Senate
>immediately tries to grab power and fails due to Mark Antony
>plots an entire second civil war to rip the continent apart
>fails miserably and gets BTFO by Octavian and Mark Antony
>runs away after too many of his men die
>kills himself in his own sword
>historians and storytellers perpetually shit on him for being a massive backstabbing coward while at the same time revering Caesar, rightfully so
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Suharto was right
In the mass killings, they were necessary to stop Indonesia from becoming a communist shithole like Khmer Rouge or USSR. Communists complain about the killings, because they wanted to do the killings themselves. Are communists human? Suharto proved the answer was no, and he flexed his might and washed Indonesia, so it could march forward into the 21st century rather than fall back into 1,000,000BC, the last time communism was successful. Praise Suharto, and punish those who denounce him. We need a leader like him here in America.
1 media | 12 replies
What if Britain had defeated the rebels in the North American colonies?
Map from Code Geass - why not?

But I really wonder, would the probable success of the British in suppressing the rebellion be a blessing or a curse? How would the history of the British Empire be affected by the presence of large and not very loyal territories with huge economic and business potential within it?

Would the North American possessions of the crown become a constant source of problems or a potential core of renewal, where the capital would be moved over time? A reliable rear of the Empire or a bottomless pit of instability where Britain's valuable resources will go?

What do you think?
0 media | 4 replies
Were the Witch Trials caused by Water Poisoning?
They all happened down river, around newly urbanized population centres.
>Peak of the trials: 1560–1630
>Decline of the trials: 1630–1750
History of Plumbing
>1596: First urban flushing toilet (aka ‘The John’)
>1664: First water main
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Why arent you Catholic yet?
10 media | 51 replies