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Board: /his/

"/his/ - History & Humanities" is 4chan's board for discussing and debating history.

Welcome to /his/ - History & Humanities
This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.
0 media | 0 replies
Why were the Polish so ungrateful?
They had 90% of their people within their borders, and ample German investment.
Why did they have to do an imperialism, and hold German, Lithuanian, Ukrainian and Belarussian lands?
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I have a question regarding Abrahamic religions that do not consider Satan as a rival of God, whether it be Judaism or some Christian denominations.
Why does God need someone to make him doubt his decisions, if it is obvious that God, being omniscient, knows that he will always be right? I sincerely do not understand why God made Job suffer from a perspective where Satan is not the bad guy, but a kind of lawyer who has to convince an omissive being of the opposite.
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Why was this Roman looking at Nordic as a disgusting subhuman?
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italy races
Would Northern Italy, particularly Veneto and Lombardia, be happy with staying under Austrian rule provided they got equal treatment? I get the impression Italian reunification was very forced and mostly happened thanks to the interest of powerful parties like the house of Savoy, not because the people actually wanted it. To this day you'll hear north Italians wanting to distance themselves from terronis, talking about how they're borderline Germanic (even though they're not), if they believe that it would've made more sense for them to either be independent or belong to a German country.
2 media | 6 replies
The Weather Underground and other "radical" campus leftist groups in America
I've been reading about the Weather Underground and it's astonishing how utterly retarded they were, they spent nearly a decade bombing government bathrooms, the police and FBI largely ignored their antics. When they finally attempted a large-scale serious bombing, they ended up accidentally blowing themselves up, killing their own members in the process.
What’s even more baffling is that when they were arrested, numerous lawyers and academics came rushing to their defense. Perhaps the strangest part is that they genuinely seemed to believe they were waging some grand war against the United States, a level of delusion that’s hard to fathom.
But there were other "radical" groups from Universities who were even more pathetic then WU(anti-colonialists, queer activists, and feminists) whose daring actions amounted to little more than protests and minor acts of vandalism. Yet, they often framed themselves and genuinely believed if they were fighting a War, many members of these groups later ended up in academic positions, where they propagated easily debunked fantasies as though they were truths.
43 media | 183 replies
LDS Growth Rate
What's going on with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its evangelization?
Mormonism was on a steep progression right to the top. Especially outside of the American(God's chosen) continent.

Why has world wide growth rate dropped so much? Genuinely struggling to figure this one out. Is it lack of beauty outside of America?
11 media | 24 replies
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So what differentiates Turks from other Muslims is that Turks are whites?
1 media | 12 replies
/UNI/ Uniforms of the Napoleonic wars. Russia
Welcome back to another /uni/ thread as we are one step closer to wrapping up with the Napoleonic wars. ITT thread we will talk about the uniforms of the Russian Imperial army. Feel free to post your favourite regiment

Banners, medals and weapons can also be posted here.

Question to the Russian anons:
>Have you ever participated in Reconstruction events such as Borodino. If yes, tell us about it.

Question to non-Russian anons:
>Are there any monuments in your country that are built in honor of the Russian campaigns (From Italian to 1813)
51 media | 70 replies
The fact that the physical laws of the universe are finely tuned rather than coarsely tuned for the existence of life is not evidence for the existence of God because the God hypothesis does not predict a finely tuned world - i.e., it is completely consistent with the God hypothesis that God desired a coarsely tuned world rather than a finely tuned one. In order for fine-tuning to be confirmatory of the God hypothesis, one has to pack additional ad-hoc assumptions into the God hypothesis - e.g., that God has certain traits such that He would always prefer a finely tuned world to a coarsely tuned one. But one may just as easily do this with non-theistic explanations for fine-tuning - e.g., the universe has certain traits such that it is disposed to be finely tuned rather than coarsely tuned.
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Qrd on why arguments against Christianity have only gotten dumber as time goes on? I feel like a peasant from almost any other time period made better arguments than the modern western gaytheist.
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Alaska-united-states-locator-map (1)
How would history change if Russia never sold Alaska to USA?
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>Steals Napoleons fiancé
>becomes king of Sweden
>Immediately turns on little Nappy
>Wins the battle of Leipzig
>descendants still rule Sweden
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Screenshot 2025-02-20 214624
Woah... The Chinese are even more advanced than we previously thought.
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Were the first English settlers in North America Zionists?
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Screenshot 2025-02-22 at 00-22-36
>have dictatorship
>control what people can say
>have dreams of global domination
>put people into concentration camps
>kill millions of people
>be antagonistic towards the USA
>be communism
>pic unrelated
3 media | 28 replies
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Why did west african hunter-gatherers have enlarged anuses
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Johnny Golden Mouth
Was Saint John Chrysostom a communist?
2 media | 20 replies
Napoleon height
The internet has relentlessly gaslighted me about this midget. Turns out he actually was short for his time. It's a myth that it's a myth that he was short.
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Not really much of a "sacrifice" if he resurrected three days later anyway. Literally every human who has ever died for any cause has given up more than Jesus in that regard. His resurrection really ruins the narrative in that regard.
5 media | 46 replies
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What would a post-USA north america look like historically speaking?
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>one reason Hitler was bad was because he considered Russians non-White
>meanwhile Franklin D. Roosevelt also considered Russians non-White
'Roosevelt also viewed the inclusion of what he saw as the "part-Asian" Soviets as important for the same reason'.
12 media | 33 replies
Were Germans justified in attacking USSR
I thought they weren't, but then I saw this meme and it mentions a BBC fetishizing movie made by the slav-es in which a character is portrayed to resemble Hitler and is ridiculed. Doesn't this go against the idea that USSR wanted friendly relations with Nazi Germany?
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Jadwiga Dzido, a Polish survivor of the Ravensbruck extermination camp, shows off scars on her leg during the Nuremberg trials, December 20, 1946. Her legs were injected with highly potent bacteria as part of a medical experiment by defendants Herta Oberheuser and Fritz Ernst Fischer
1 media | 18 replies
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>have panic attack
>fling open bible
>back cover falls open
>LSD trip log in a hotel bible.jpg
>instantly feel better

You're missing out, atheists. You really are.
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Where do I go to find a religion with no magic lava pit in it?
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I don’t get it why don’t they rebuild the temple already? They control the land and have the resources.
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hitting child
Is hitting your child ever acceptable under any circumstances? Do you think this method of parenting has worked for thousands of years, but we're now seeing a moral degeneration of society since we started campaigning against this? Or is there no excuse for hitting a defenseless child and it will just break them?

I'm Asian, and if you ask me, I think it's acceptable as a last resort, but I also think it should be acceptable the other way around. For example, if a parent is wasting their money on gambling or lottery tickets and is constantly neglecting to provide for them, the child also has a right to use the belt on them.
3 media | 44 replies
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I believe in God.
By that I mean I believe there is a conscious, eternal(i.e. uncreated, beginningless, self-existing), spiritual being that is the ultimate source of existence. These are the only qualities of this being that I am 100% convinced of.
starting from this point, why should I believe that this god is the same one described by your religion in particular?
0 media | 3 replies
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polenta flag
>not Italian
>not Roman
>effeminate pseudo-Frenchoids
>history consisting of raiding and pillaging everything like the barbarian niggers they are
>destroyed the Eastern Roman Empire
>they even did that in South Italy
>cities inundated by Mudslimes and Africans, yet still think being racist against "terroni" is more important due to their inferiority complex from being barbarians
Why are they so cringe? How do we solve the polentoni problem?
7 media | 9 replies
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Is this true?
Children only worship jesus because their parents force them to?
4 media | 32 replies
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vgh...the sacred cleansing waters of Benares, what covld have been...
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Why did Spajeet barbarians pervert the ancient Minoan bull fighting tradition? Minoans didn't kill them, they just leaped over them.
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Why is Christianity so often the target of mockery? It's the most wholesome religion. We should all mock Islam instead, that religion is literally cancer.
5 media | 23 replies
Looking back on WW2, Germany wasn't that impressive
>Couldn't take 1 major Russian city
>Stopped dead at Moscow year 1 of Barbarossa
>Couldn't even take Karelia with Finland in the North, cutting off Murmansk
>Couldn't take an island right next to it
>couldn't get Spain to join the war
>couldn't take Gibraltar
>couldn't take the Suez
>'won' Narwik only because the British withdrew
>Iraq, Iran, Lebanese, Syrian allies
IMMEDIATELY got capitulated
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Yo late Rome was bussin
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East Turkestan
vgh... the country of the oasis Iranians and the eastern Celts... fascinating history...
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vgh... the country of the grassland Iranians...
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What this board has turned into
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vgh... the country of the rocky dryland Iranians... deep history...
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How come all the atheists that Ray Comfort comes across are unable to defend their beliefs and become nervous? Are they unable to admit that they're bad people?
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vgh... the country of the riverside Iranians...
deep history...
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Saint Augustine
The Ray Comfort of 1500+ years ago.
6 media | 39 replies
Christian Theology
Hey guys, I have grown increasingly interested in Christian theology in my late twenties. I currently have a half-finished literature degree, but I will shortly be transferring to historical theology (the goal is to eventually become something of a medievalist). I’d be interested to hear from others anons who have tread a similar path, as well as those that can provide some great wellsprings of knowledge.
2 media | 12 replies
New Atheists are conceptually limited
>scientists can't fully observe small particles that they're studying but reach solid conclusions anyway
>athletes make split-second decisions to win that are physically faster than what a human can think about and process on-the-fly
>societies for most of human history faced such scarcity and hardship that any victory was considered to be from spiritual faith, as it was realistically impossible to survive without faith
>every early scientific discovery motivated BY religion, not in spite of it

>scientific evidence supports a great flood
>historical record supports the life of Jesus
>have more record of Jesus than we do documentation of the existence of Julius Caesar
>"Um, Christcuck, he never existed. You're just going to have to accept that. Faith is for the weak. I am extremely intelligent."

>moral teachings of religion keep society functioning for thousands of years
>all the most successful human societies since Rome had a core religion, creed or faith
>the church is the center of the entire history of charity events
>"Um, morality is relative. That thing doesn't effect you so you should ignore it. You also shouldn't force your ideas on others, since it's the reason that gay people are dying and stuff. I am a more moral and good person than you are. *blows raspberries*"

The "skeptic atheist" movement has resulted in a bunch of people who think they're super smart for not believing in "that storybook".

They truly believe they are novel trailblazers of idea for rejecting the idea of God when they're deliberately being as ignorant as possible.
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How could a man be so based?
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It amazes me how similar they are to the Hallstatt and modern French people. I didn't expect much steppe to be honest. why do we still have the myth that they were basically wiped out? however, the Celts of the islands are different. which makes me think;
The concept of Celtic is one of the broadest ever used.
The genetic grouping, cultural affinities, religions and traditions of the people you mentioned vary tremendously.
3 media | 14 replies
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I've put his videos on the background whilst watching porn so many times his voice is just burnt into my brain and on my dreams women have his voice
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>civilization was already 10 thousand years old by the time the Sumerians started recording history
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90s China
What was China like back during the Deng era? Was it kino?
2 media | 13 replies
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>be me
>think religion is simple, one God, one faith, no problem
>stumble upon ancient mythology
>mfw every god is just a reskin of an older god

>Babylonians had Shamash, Greeks had Helios, Romans had Sol
>turns out all of them are basically the same sun bro, just with different names
>tfw even gods get recycled like bad movie franchises

>Venus = morning star
>Lucifer = morning star
>realize "Lucifer" is just another name for an old-ass planet worshiped as a god
>mfw Satan is just a fancy way of saying "bright and shiny"

>find out Yahweh used to be a storm god
>find out Yahweh might have had a wife, Asherah
>mfw early Israelite religion was basically polytheism on hard mode

>Zeus, Jupiter, Thor—literally the same dude with different beards
>mfw I’ve been playing god Pokémon without even knowing it

>every major civilization just kept copy-pasting divine entities with slight reworks
>at this point, I’m pretty sure all gods are just regional variants of the same cosmic shitpost

>mfw religion is just history’s longest-running crossover event
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Indian Engineering was lightyears ahead of whites
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>sets the world back by 300 years
>contributes nothing to religion and culture
>dies and his empire collapses
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Daily reminder he would beat (you) in a debate
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Is there any truth of the NSDAP coming to power with the help of big business?
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State backed Rudimentation
I remember seeing this thread about something called "Optimized Primitivization" in Yugoslavia and Fascist Italy, where factory style coups existed alongside wind catchers, aqueducts e.t.c, both trying to pursue a form of collectivization without forced industrialization that would damage the environment. There were even some Soviet officials pursuing this in their own ethnic republics as well, are there any good books on this subject?
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What were some anti-pikemen tactics?
6 media | 43 replies
Pilwudski was Poland's Hitler
He wanted Lebensraum in the East, taking with him all of the Polish settlements and more.
He wanted to subjugate 'lesser' races
He wanted a totalitarian state
He wanted war with all of its neigbhours (which he got)
He started WW2
1 media | 36 replies
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China was historically peaceful. In qing china, local governors had to record every murder so we have detailed records spanning centuries. Surprisingly, china's homicide rate was lower than contemporary societies of the time. It's even lower than modern day US and many western european nations. Even with the introduction of firearms, crime did not rise significantly. There are many theories why, but no one knows why exactly it was so peaceful.

Can this partly be attributable to genetics?
1 media | 9 replies
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>new underage fedora thread every hour
>new thread to discuss which ethnic group is white every hour
>any real thread about ancient history becomes haploposting
>any real thread about modern history becomes discussion about politics
>new users think this is what this board is for

Is it right to assume that the mods have just given up?
1 media | 61 replies
What made him do it?
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>they don’t realize the mind-body problem is a false dichotomy meant to prime you into spiritual mumbo-jumbo
3 media | 59 replies
we need
to go back
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Historically speaking, which of the old races and ethnicity produced the hottest woman ever? Natufians or ANE?
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Why does God make me suffer so hard?
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How come you almost never see white do this with any african or african derrived group, ive never seen any white south african woman claim she’s xhosa or white American she’s black because she has some trace ancestry yet you see this a lot with Indians, Abos, and various polynesian groups like the Maori
7 media | 24 replies
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iron age macedonia
Slavshits out of Macedonia! It is Greco-Tuscan land!
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I don't think atheists are confident enough to have a meaning argument.
It's always some distant vague handwaving or shit-flinging right from the get go.
This place has essentially become reddit with seething fedora jannies deleting anything they don't like as if it's their personal make believe ground
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khmer rouge
has there ever been a government more extreme and grimdark?
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What's the anthropological reason as to why Women are sexually attracted to bad boys / evil men / dark triads?
1 media | 29 replies
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"Amidst the tens of thousands of names of monarchs that crowd the columns of history…the name of Ashoka shines, and shines almost alone, a star" - H.G. Wells
How do we know Ashoka actually followed Dhamma and didn't just use it as a buzzword like "democracy" and USA today?
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1896 election map
The depression-riddled 1890s was a time of great social unrest. Overwhelmed by the 1893 panic, Grover Cleveland lacked answers and he was constrained by the laisse-faire ideologies of the time which limited the Federal government's ability to relieve mass unemployment. The 1892 election slogan "Grover, Grover, with him we'll be in clover" changed to "We're coming, Grover Cleveland, five hundred thousand strong, to Washington D.C. to right the nation's wrong" as an army of unemployed were led by Jacob Coxey, an Ohio quarry owner, with the demand that the government create a public works program to relieve unemployment. But Coxey was 40 years too early for the New Deal and the WPA and the march ended in comic fashion on the D.C. Mall as he and some assistants were arrested for walking on the grass.

In May 1894, on the eighth anniversary of the Haymarket Riots, a mass strike of Pullman workers, 150,000 strong, erupted in Chicago and turned violent, with strikers overturning railroad cars and hurling rocks at police. Illinois governor John Altgeld, a progressive who sympathized with the strikers and had pardoned the Haymarket rioters, believed there was no need to take action. However, US Attorney General Richard Olney, a former railroad lawyer and arch-reactionary, called for the use of Federal troops as the strike made it impossible for the Postal Service to deliver the mail. Cleveland growled "If it takes the entire army and navy of the United States to deliver a postcard, then that postcard will be delivered." US Army troops attacked the striking Pullman workers and broke them up. Labor activist Eugene Debs spent six months in prison for defying a Federal judge's injunction to cease striking. While behind bars, Debs read radical literature and became converted to a full-blown socialist.
2 media | 10 replies
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Buddhism is the truth
16 media | 210 replies
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Watching christianity lore videos on youtube rn this shit is so fucking dumb
0 media | 1 replies
What made africans so religious?
> Ethiopia is the most religious country in the world, with 93% practicing religious. Three other countries have greater than 85%; Qatar, Nigeria and Morocco. Of the 35 countries with a prevalence of practicing religious greater than 80%, 31 are in sub-Saharan Africa, two are in the Islamic east, Malta is in the Old West, and the Philippines is in the Indic East.

Is it a genetic superior spirituality or something else entirely?
1 media | 11 replies
Do non-canon books prove race-mixing is a sin?
images (2)
This guy uses the books of ezdra and nehemiah to argue that god is that race mixing is a sin
" I DON'T hate anyone because of their kindred (race), I actually have very close friends who are Middle Eastern and East Asian, and they also oppose interracial "marriage." I believe that anyone of any kindred can get saved (Gal. 3:28, Rom. 1:16, Rom. 10:12, 1 Cor. 12:13, Col. 3:11), and God doesn't care what kindred you are when it comes to salvation. However, that doesn't eliminate the fact that interracial marriage is a sin (the scriptures mentioned above are about salvation, NOT marriage). Interracial marriage is forbidden in scripture (Ezra 9:1-2, Ezra 9:10-14, Ezra 10:1-3, Ezra 10:10-14, Neh. 9:1-2, Neh. 10:28-30, Neh. 13:1-3, Neh. 13:23-24, Neh. 13:27-30), and racial separatism is scriptural (Acts 17:26, Deut. 32:7-8, Gen. 10, Gen. 11:6-9)."
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Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs in the kingdom of heaven
1 media | 4 replies
>All those albanians (green) in the Greece heartlands before WW1

How much albanian are the modern "greeks", genetic-wise? I know almost all of these were forced to speak greek and adopt greek surnames from the 20s onwards
5 media | 35 replies
No title
Would a society based around peacefully ending citizens lives once they reach a certain age be a much better society? Or much worse?

What ending age would be ideal?

I’m thinking 45. Enough time to have kids and raise them old enough to be self sufficient in a group home
1 media | 20 replies
>While the Dutch were fighting in Europe in order to have a homeland, and in India in order to rule over it, England had accumulated wealth in a less conspicuous and perilous fashion. Its manufacture of woolens provided it, like the Dutch, with a lucrative commerce. This rapidly brought its navy to a height of power against which all the forces of Spain could not prevail, and England became the arbiter of Europe.
-François Véron de Forbonnais

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Now that the dust has settled, did those priests earn those boys? Let's be honest, the eternal salvation of thousands is worth the occasional zesty tween getting fucked in the ass
1 media | 8 replies
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Japanese Martyrs
Why didn't the Catholic church call for a crusade against Japan for this?
1 media | 12 replies
The Anglo-British wanted to destroy Germany!!!!
>Allowed to remilitarize
>Doubled your land within 2 years
>Allowed to destroy their large democratic ally on your borderlands, effectively undoing the Entente's WW1 gains
>Allowed to culturally and economically dominate all neighbours
>not allowed to invade Poland
>not allowed the return of colonies
wow sure the Allies were evil bros
1 media | 5 replies
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Do you believe that before the fall, predator animals just ate plants? Do you really think that?
0 media | 2 replies
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Who was the greatest artist of the 20th century?
6 media | 35 replies
Cyncial dictators vs ideological dictators
Cynical dictators are in it just for power and don't really believe in anything, even though they might adopt ideological aesthetics and lingo. Think Idi Amin.
Ideological dictators sincerely believe in what they are doing is for the best according to their ideology, even though they are willing to cut lots of corners. Think Hitler, Mussolini or Lenin.

But some dictators aren't so clear cut.
Was Pinochet really driven by any ideology? Or the various other Latin American juntas.
Did Stalin sincerely believe in communism?
1 media | 3 replies
Jesuits philosophers
Funnily prior to XIX century Jesuit scholastics, mainly Iberians, had the consideration that today XIX century Germans have. You find citations of them in Descartes, Leibniz, Grotius, Wolff, Heerbord, Scheibler and basically all continental thinkers of the period.

From Claude Yvon Encyclopédie (1752)
>Suarez justly merited his reputation as the greatest scholastic who has ever written. [44] In his works one finds great penetration, great precision, profound knowledge: what a shame that this genius was a captive of the system adopted by the society. He wanted to make one of his own, because his mind asked only to create; but as he could not distance himself from Molinism, all he did, so to speak, was to give an ingenious turn to the old system.
1 media | 10 replies
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How did US democracy survive this?
10 media | 105 replies
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olympic class ships
Did you know that Titanic had sisters?
5 media | 18 replies
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Why did he hate India so much?
4 media | 16 replies
Why wasn’t there Nazi resistance post-ww2
Why wasn’t there major neo-nazi movements/ terrorism in Germany like there was in Italy ofter ww2 and into the late 20th century?

In Italy after the war most of the fascists reorganized either into the Italian Social Movement (MSI) or fascist paramilitaries and terror groups such as Ordine Nuovo, despite bans on any organization that attempts to re-establish the National Fascist Party. This phenomenon carried on through the Years of Lead to debatably today.

Why didn't the same sort of organization and resistance occur in German, a state which had a much deeper cultural and political mark left by the Nazi Party?
2 media | 42 replies
No title
is it possible that David Dule and Richard Spencer are "nazi" fabrications from CIA?
Remember that CIA spent more money and time on psychological warfare than anything else
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Mussolini: Son of the Century
This Mussolini biopic TV miniseries was way better than it had any right to be

Maybe it’s just because Mussolini isn’t nearly as well known as Hitler and thus isn’t as vilified. But they did a great job of of showing his ups and downs rather than some caricature villain like Hitler series like Hitler the Rise of Evil. Likewise, Fascism is actually shown as to how it arose, rather than being some mystic evil. It simply filled the cracks where mainstream politics failed. Very interesting watching the early years of fascism developing, especially since it’s before Nazis are even a concept

Mainly follows Mussolini’s early career in politics and finishes around 1924 when he was almost deposed over the controversy of the murder of socialist politician Giacomo Matteoti, who was murdered by fascists allegedly under Mussolini’s orders (this is never proven in the show, and in real life there’s no evidence Mussolini ordered it, most likely they did it on their own in the belief he’d like this and then he protected his loyal men in the aftermath). Ultimately this is the start of his true fascist dictatorial leadership as he succeeds in passing legislation that gives him ultimate power.

This speech in the show is a real speech from just after this murder and the major controversy from it in which fascist blackshirts are now hated as thugs. In which he challenges the Italian parliament to formally accuse him of this murder, as he will expect all responsibility for any violence in his organisation, as he is the “true leader of fascism” an act which would destroy his career if they persued it. And an act which solidified him as THE fascist Italian leader over all his rivals. Very powerful politician
7 media | 59 replies
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Once I wanted to listen to a song by xxxtentacion and post Malone, on YouTube. I knew the song, and I wanted to listen to it. But when I clicked on the song and it started.. something terrifying came on. Like, it sounded like someone who was in hell. I can't describe in words how it sounded like. But, it sounded like there was truly no god there. No light from god's presence or existence. It wasn't a loud shout. It was a low "aahh. Aaah. Aaah." Like as if the person.. accepted it somehow. I felt a deep feeling of uneasiness and terror when I heard that recording. I mean you can't imagine what it felt like hearing that. If you want to know what it sounded like listen to the song beautiful girl by the two artists mentioned above on youtube. It sounded similar to the song. What do you think about this? What was that?
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If a “superman” undoubtedly constitutes a central idea of the whole of Nietzschean thought, it is in terms of a “positive superman”, it is not that grotesqueness in the style of d’Annunzio, nor the “blond beast of prey” (this is one of Nietzsche’s poorest expressions) and not even the exceptional individual who incarnates a maximum of the “will to power”, “beyond good and evil”, however without any light and without a higher sanction.

The positive superman, which suits the “better Nietzsche”, is instead to be identified with the human type who even in a nihilistic, devastated, absurd, godless world knows how to stand on his feet, because he is capable of giving himself a law from himself, in accordance with a new higher freedom.

Here we must note the clean line of demarcation that exists between Nietzsche as “destroyer”, the smasher of idols, and “immoralist” (this latter designation which he often claimed, but only to cause a sensation: because his disdain only concerned “petty morality” and “herd morality”), and that “revolution of nothing” [i.e., 1968], that anarchism from below which the profound crisis of the modern world is bringing about. It is as significant, as it is natural, that Nietzsche is absolutely unknown by the so-called “protest” movements of today, while he was the first and the greatest of rebels.
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>proletarianizes the English rural peasant class
>drives them to migrate to filthy, crowded cities to survive
>your cities become hives of degeneracy and crime
>sets the stage for communism and liberal globalism to develop and ruin your society forever
>all because English landlords changed the law so they could take common grazing lands and turn them into plantations.

Enclosure and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
2 media | 6 replies
Anaximander and other Milesians came to the conclusion that:

a) The universe has an origin (the one proposed by Anaximander sounds a lot like the big bang)
b) Earth floats in space
c) Life originated in the seas
d) Many worlds are born and die and are born anew (sounds a lot like a multiverse)
e) Natural forces shaped the world
f) Stars are great balls of fire and not gods
g) The universe consists of atoms and void

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What happens after death?
Ideally, I'd like to be isekaid into a world of swords and magic. I'd rather not burn in hell.
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No title
Why is the Anglo-Iraqi war relatively so unknown? In high school I learnt of Vichy French in the Middle East but Iraq was never once mentioned

It, together with the invasion of Iran messes with the narrative of the allies as "good guys" and ww2 being a war with clear moral lines when the western allies go around invading neutral countries. So people keep quiet about because its inconvinient for the historical narrative that anglo society pushes
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Why did a god have to tell lies?
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Remember that scientific study that claimed some Swedish scientist was the most influential person in history?
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>In ancient history, debt was periodically wiped out to prevent economic disasters
>People didn’t bit everything on “credit” or fiat “money”
Economics is no more real than religious fictions that purportedly smooth out society’s kinks.
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charlemagne (1)
Hello, I am a middle school history teacher and I am seeking advice. I am close to my unit on the
Carolingian and Holy Roman Empire, but I find that this sort of topic difficult for children to understand. I need a way to market these concepts to them, preferably in a memetic format. One idea I've had is to create a memorable TikTok style dance called the "Charlem Shake," a parody of the "Harlem Shake" about Emperor Charlemagne. I personally believe in the power of current trends to influence and help youths understand complicated topics, but I would be open to hear any of your suggestions.
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asking earnestly, is there any genuine reason to covert to islam over other religions? does the quran have anything of value compared to other texts?
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We know that warrior societies were transfixed with boylove from the Samurai to the Romans, but was the reverse ever 'in vogue'?
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Why were Americans so afraid of communism in the 20th century? Something that could have never been a thing in America anyway due to cultural incompatibilities. It was like mass psychosis or something.
8 media | 45 replies
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europeethnic (1) (3)
Ethnic map of Europe c.1918
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>achtually, war is le good
how did this mindset work out for Germany?
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How are you supposed to enjoy Heaven if you have a child in Hell?
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maybe its theme dead idk lol
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>The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it
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What's the difference between losing a lot of young women vs losing a lot of young men in war? I heard that losing women would be way worse, this true? If so how?
0 media | 11 replies
The Roman afterlife is literally better than the christian one?
In Christianity you get transmuted into some freak sexless emotionless automaton that has no need of anything else than to praise god for eternity. In the Roman afterlife...
>They would remain at the Elysian Fields after death, to live a blessed and happy afterlife, and indulge in whatever they had enjoyed in life.
You just get to keep enjoying whatever made you happy in life. You choose. It's so much more human.
7 media | 37 replies
Statues in the Orthodox Tradition
images - 2025-02-20T102159.801
There is not a lot of info on this topic but it's very fascinating. I think the biggest difference between the Western/Latin tradition of statuary is that Orthodox statues seem to be a 3d-nized version of the original painted archetype. Almost like a bas-relief and seem to be intended to view from the front, not walk around. I also noticed that they follow traditional painted symbolisms, not Western ones. E.g. Western statuary sometimes has a ring on top of the head instead of the traditional halo, which indicate radiating energies.
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What the fuck happened?
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>year 132 ad, somewhere in roman empire
>tired of paying taxes, and pissed genital mutilation gets banned
>a REAL messiah Bar Kokhba has an idea
>use the slaves that they have been using to illegally dig tunnels for years to fight romans
>kill half a million romans and barricade yourself in over 50miles (85km) of tunnels
>Hadrian assfucks you
picrel turns up 1900 years later showing that the jews didn't pay taxes on the slaves they had digging and fighting against the romans
(the irony of the tunneling chabad mattress jews kvetching about gaza muslims digging tunnels should NOT be missed)
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sick fuck
Why did God make it possible for you to be raped as a child? Why is free will so important to him that he had to allow for that possibility?
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Newton Knight
/his/ What is your thoughts on this guy?
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>society needs religion to be good.
>the most religious societies are the biggest. shitholes
4 media | 18 replies
No title
Was there any chance of a German-Russian alliance in WW2?
0 media | 6 replies
Am I autistic or do I just have traditional values?
>been walked on my whole life, want to be taken seriously
>start emulating my older friends (45+ older Gen X and before)
>work on speaking more proficiently and holding eye contact
>pay interest in conversation
>identify more with historical figures and my philosophical/spiritual values than consumer culture
>research things to the point where, when a topic comes up, i can offer a well-researched thought about it
>think my actions through and don't just ride trends
>do my best to be humble and polite while carrying myself with confidence
>start doing things more efficiently

People now act scared of me and the people that I attract are either autists (the good kind) or normies who just act confused by me. Sometimes a normie will be blown away by what I have to say and have tons of questions and think I'm some sort of prophet even though I just see myself as a regular anon with an opinion.

What is this? Did I advance or regress my social credit and "weird kid" perception? Can anyone explain?

Thanks and yes I have read Peterson.
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images (4)
Which is better?
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does zoroastrianism have the best theistic solution to the problem of evil?
a god that's entirely good seems preferable to one that's all-powerful but creates/allows evil.
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Who was the greatest warrior in history?
Not general or strategist, but WARRIOR/FIGHTER Good video, but I think he missed a few.

One of my candidates is Tlahuicole. He used a club so massive and heavy, that a normal soldier couldn't lift it. He was admired by the Aztec Emperor so much that he begged him to be a general, but Tlahuicole refused and preferred to be put to death:
>Every spring the Aztecs used to organize "gladiatorial" combats between their highest military ranks and the enemy elite warriors and commanders who were captured in battle. As part of the festival, nobles from all Mesoamerica were invited to witness these combats.
>Nevertheless, only the Aztec warrior fought with an edged weapon and his movement wasn't limited by being attached to the sacrificial stone. The combat was over when the Aztec warrior was unconcious or when he managed to make his foe bleed enough to keep him from moving. Usually the first combatant for the captured warrior would be his captor and if the captured warrior was victorious he would face several other contenders. According to Bernardino de Sahagún, the number of Aztec warriors increased with each victory and there was up to four at the same time.
>A famous Tlaxcaltec warrior, Tlahuicole, prefered to die in gladiatorial combat than return to his country as a spared man. He finally met the sacrificial stone after killing 8 warriors and defeating 20 more.
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Canon Law
Do Vitagummies count as food or medicine and how many can you take?
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No title
What happened to Christian intellectualism, from a historical perspective? It seems like there's been a massive shift among scientists and philosophers toward agnosticism since the 1940s There's no more great Christian theologians who are capable of defending the faith eloquently any longer. Biblical scholarship, which historically was just a thing Christians did when they didn't want to be a theologian or a pastor, seems increasingly dominated by agonistics. Even Christian media seems like it's had a sharp decline since the 1950s-60s. Has there been a truly great Christian movie in the last twenty years? A great Christian novel?

It just feels like there's been a massive brain drain. I don't understand. Historically speaking, how would you explain this?
6 media | 37 replies
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Who was in the wrong here?
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Which of these three most had it coming?
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what is so special about abrahamic religions that they are so dominant?
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Repentance is impossible for me because I don't feel any remorse for most of my "sins". Why would God create someone like me?
1 media | 17 replies
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was it really that bad
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goldwater (1)
>Vote for Goldwater! You'll have cold water!
1 media | 7 replies
Roman-Persian Wars
Could Caesar’s military genius have defeated the Parthians and avenged Crassus?
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henry viii, by hans holbein the younger
During the summer of 1535 Cromwell sent out a fact-finding team to examine England's monasteries, nunneries, universities, and episcopal sees and report on their physical, moral, and financial condition. These fact-finders were mostly young men liable to execute their jobs thoroughly rather than delicately, they were not immune to bribes, and their mission was to assemble a case for the Crown, and they probably did all they could to get monks and nuns to self-incriminate. In more than 600 English monasteries it was not hard to find sexual misconduct, including homosexuality, lack of discipline, exploitation of false relics, sale of sacred vessels and jewelry for profit, neglect of ritual, hospitality, or charity. But the reports usually never mentioned the many good monks and to distinguish between hearsay and facts.

When Parliament met on February 4, 1536, Cromwell submitted his report, no longer extant, detailing the faults of the monasteries and recommending with strategic moderation to close those monasteries and convents earning £200 or less a year. Parliament, largely consisting of Cromwell's lackeys, approved. A Court of Augementations was appointed by the king to receive for the state treasury the property and income of these 376 "lesser" monasteries. Two thousand monks were released to other houses or to the world, in the latter case they received a small pension until they found work. Of the 130 nunneries only 18 of them had an income greater than £200 but only half were closed.
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Growing up is realizing Lucifer is the hero of the Judeo Christian mythos
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God Is Nothing
Quantum fluctuations suggest existence emerges from "nothing" (vacuum state), mirroring creatio ex nihilo. If God were a being, evidence would abound; absence confirms God as Nothing. Contemplatives across traditions (e.g., Buddhist sunyata, Christian negative theology) describe unity with void. All ontological arguments for God reduce to the necessity of Nothingness as first cause.

Conclusion: The ultimate reality is Nothingness, the groundless ground from which all existence emerges and to which it returns. The universe arises spontaneously from Nothing, the only "act" of the divine. God is not a being but the negation of all beings—a void that transcends anthropomorphism. Meaning is a human construct; the cosmos is inherently purposeless, mirroring the divine void.

Nothing is holy; therefore, everything is.
3 media | 13 replies
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If the concept of eternal hell isn't real, the person who made that up would have been a severely demented or evil person. Do you agree?
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Why have theists been unable to come up with a single actual argument for the existence of God after thousands of years?
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>"You see, Helen actually didnt have a choice. If she was seduced, its because Paris used words in such way she couldnt resist his charm and HAD to go with him..."
>tfw you realize rethoric, oratory and sophism came from the greekcels coping that trojan chad seduced their 13 y old virgin princess

Its over.
1 media | 4 replies
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Are Seventh Day Adventists the logical conclusion to Protestantism?
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almoravid kangz
Why do some people cope that some Moors weren't black? The Almoravids definitely were. There wouldn't be SSA y-dna in Iberia otherwise.
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My ancestor
Now that the dust has settled
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